Genshin Impact: The Liyuemen of Tivat

Chapter 222 Returning to Liyuan, the Great Sage is in Difficulty

Chapter 222 Returning to Liyuan, the Great Sage is in Difficulty
Wangshu Inn, the key hub connecting Guiliyuan and Dihuazhou, is the only inhabited place within a hundred miles.

In the uninhabited wilderness, the Wangshu Inn attached to a towering tree is a lighthouse, guiding the way and providing shelter for those on the road.

It is said that behind the Wangshu Inn is a certain Seven Star of Liyue. As for why the inn was established in such a place, there are different opinions.

But Shi Lan knew that apart from its role as a strategic buffer front, the Wangshu Inn had another, lesser-known reason.

"Great Saint!!"

Shi Lan tries to meet her idol outside the top attic.

The veins on Philgodette's forehead tensed up, "Huai'an! Come and get him out!"

Huaian looked at his hands. Although he had the strength to bring down the Qiuqiu thugs, it didn't mean he could bring down a monster that kicked the Qiuqiu thugs like a ball.

He chose silence.

It was getting late, and it was around six o'clock in the evening. Shi Lan guessed that the Great Sage was on his way to inspect.

Although he could call the Great Sage's name "Drill" directly to let him come out, it was a special agreement, and he couldn't just call it out if it wasn't important.

So Shi Lan had no choice but to lie down in front of the counter and pet the cat.

The kitten lay there quietly, not daring to move.

"How is the inn?" Shi Lan asked.

Phil Godet shook her head: "Nothing unusual."

"Have you noticed the movements of the Fools?"

"Yes." Philgodette looked around, and then whispered: "A group of fools came from Mond, and the leader is "Madam". "

Shi Lan remained calm, his expression still pretending to be calm, as if he didn't care, he said, "Did you notice the other executive officers?"

Phil Godet shook her head, "A few people, rested below for a while and left in a hurry, as if they were going to Liyue."

Shi Lan kept rubbing Mao Mao's head with one hand, frowned for a while and thought for a while, and said: "If you have any news about the fools, please report it in time. Whether it's the person behind you or the staring light, don't delay."

Phil Godet didn't understand why, but she nodded anyway.

Shi Lan took out an envelope and handed it to Phil Godette: "Also, I have a letter here, and I will send it to Liyue quickly through your intelligence network."

Phil Godet briefly glanced at the cover:
【Heavenly Prosperity】.

Then he put it away silently and asked, "Is there anything else?"

Shi Lan looked solemn: "Yes!"

"What's the matter?"

"I am hungry."


Phil Godet rolled her eyes at Shi Lan and said, "Old rules."

With a clatter, Shi Lan shook out a bunch of Qiuqiu mask and slime gel from the virtual belt.

Only then did Philgodette's expression become a little happier.

Recently, I have been able to feel at ease again for a while.

"There is still a place downstairs, so you can order whatever you want."

Shi Lan suddenly smiled.

"Good good."

It is Shi Lan and Phil Godette's deal to offset the meal money by cleaning up the monsters around the inn.

As long as Shi Lan comes to eat, Huai'an will not have to worry about finding someone to help clean up the monsters for a long time, which can save a lot of Mora and rough stones.

The only pity is that this guy can't come here a few times a year after being away for many years.

Take the elevator downstairs and find an empty seat to sit down.

"Mr. Shi Lan, what would you like?" The waiter was very polite.

Shi Lan tapped the table with her fingertips, and said in a deep thought: "Kou Sansi, almond tofu... pickled fresh, and then a big bowl of rice."

"OK, wait."

Shi Lan felt bored while waiting for the meal, so she thought about tidying up her pockets.

First look at how much money you have left.

"Fifty moras."

Shi Lan frowned, feeling a little poor.

In fact, he had almost been wiped out after returning from Xumi's trip. It was not that he was stingy when he bargained with Dixia's mercenary group, but that he couldn't afford it without bargaining.

Fortunately, the knights gave a lot of rewards, and they also did some tasks entrusted by the Adventurer's Association, so the deposit can be regarded as breaking through five figures.

Of course, his savings over the years are far more than this, including the monthly money of Qunyu Pavilion, which is all saved in Shishan.

"There are only more than 60 rough stones..."

Shi Lan tried to use the rough stone for himself according to Amber's guidance, but for some reason, he couldn't convert the rough stone into elemental force to absorb.

Who let his fate seat be lit only by the power of God...

At this time, not far behind Shi Lan, a person was attracted by the money on his body...

"Ore... herbs... and these... Tewarin's teeth?" Shi Lan frowned, "Tsk, what's the use of these things..."

"If the traveler comes to Liyue, I should give him some gifts..." Shi Lan stared blankly at the dragon tooth in his hand, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Wait, speaking of it, the traveler doesn't seem to have any weapons...or? Forge him a...?"

Shi Lan can forge.

Kun Jun's unreserved teaching, coupled with Shi Lan's unique talent - natural supernatural power

Sure enough, if you have great strength, you should use it to strike iron...

The Kun family is the best forging family in Liyue, and with the guidance of Su Ling, the chief blacksmith on the Death Star, his skills have reached an extremely powerful position.

After that, he met Fengyuan Manyo who was hunted down by the shogunate army during Inazuma's journey.

Similarly, after gaining Fengyuan Wanye's friendship, the other party was also amazed at Shi Lan's talent, and taught him all the sword forging skills passed down in Fengyuan's family.

With this opportunity coming and going, Shi Lan is now considered a top blacksmith without hesitation.

Shi Lan pinched her chin and said to herself: "Twarin's dragon teeth, Orobus' bone marrow, what else is there..."

(A fat dragon who was in a daze suddenly shuddered, feeling like he was being watched by something unclean.)
Shi Lan was thinking about things silently, and when she came back to her senses, she found that the dishes had already been served.

Looking at the steaming food on the table, he rubbed his hands excitedly, ready to start.

From morning to now, he only drank a bowl of tea, and the magic stick ate all the peanuts and melon seeds, so he didn't eat any food.

He knocked his chopsticks and was about to make a move when suddenly his vision dimmed and a strange person sat in front of him.

The man was wearing ordinary Liyue clothes, with an ordinary hairstyle and an ordinary physique.

The only unusual thing is that he wears a hideous and terrifying mask on his face.

The blue-faced fangs, if it was in the middle of the night, would definitely scare people into fainting.

Shi Lan thought it was funny.

Because he could tell at a glance that this guy's mask was modified from the facial makeup in Yun Jin's "The Great Sage Conquering the Devil"...just adding two fangs... At first glance, it was similar to the mask of the Great Sage Kind of similar.

(Speaking of which, why hasn't the Great Sage come back yet?)
Shi Lan shook her legs irritably.

Suddenly, he was attracted by a strange fluctuation on the person in front of him.

"A hundred taboos? How could he have this thing?"

Shi Lan inspected it carefully, then laughed again.

The fairy talisman is true, but it is not difficult to detect from the fluctuation of power, it should be an expired product or a defective product...

I don't know what age the talisman should be about the same size as me...

Shi Lan had vaguely guessed who this guy was, so he chose to stand still and see what this guy had to say.

The man was sitting upright, and he said something extraordinary:

"Little friend, your seal is black..."

Shi Lan touched his forehead subconsciously, and sure enough, he wiped off a handful of black ash.

He smiled: "Thank you, I was blown up by the explosive barrel of the Qiuqiu people, thank you for reminding me."

The man suddenly coughed violently.

"That, you're welcome." The man raised his voice and said seriously: "What I want to say is, have you had any difficulties recently?"

"Difficulties?" Shi Lan was taken aback.

Seeing Shi Lan's reaction, the man felt even more proud: "Very good... I got hooked, next, all of your Mora is mine... Jie Jie Jie..."

So he cleared his throat and began to report himself:
"This Immortal is the Heavenly Monarch of Duo Xingzhuochen. He has been in the mountains for many years. He has been down the mountain to help the world in the past few days. Seeing that the little friend looks bad, maybe there is somewhere that this Immortal can help you."

"Immortal?" Shi Lan was still surprised, dumbfounded.

"Let me tell you." Duo Xing Chenchen nodded, and said, "Little friend, have you been tossing and turning in the past few days, unable to sleep peacefully?"

Shi Lan nodded quickly: "That's right! Let me tell you, Xianjun, I had a fight with Mond's Wind Demon Dragon a few days ago, and then I was awarded an award by the Knights yesterday, which caused me to not sleep well in the past two days ..."

Duo Xingzhuochen: "Then it's... eh??"

What?Fight with the wind dragon?Then you are a real bully.

"Cough cough cough... let's not talk about this..." Duo Xingyuchen continued: "In the past few days, do you feel that you can't eat, and you don't have a good appetite?"

Shi Lan looked at the food on the table: "Why don't you organize your thoughts before talking?"

Of course he didn't say it directly.

Then he continued to nod and said, "After fighting with Feng Molong, I ate some noodles... I just drank a bowl of tea today..."

The corners of the mouth under the mask of Duo Xing Chenchen twitched.

(Can you stop mentioning your broken dragon... Who are you, you can pretend better than me!)
"Cough cough cough..." Duo Xingzhuchen felt that his throat was aching from coughing, but because of the money that Shi Lan had just revealed, he said again: "Is there any abnormal mood, the feeling of panic all day long?"

"That's right!" Shi Lan nodded, "When I flew over from Benlangling in the morning..."

Duo Xing Chenchen nodded in satisfaction.

(Finally, I will not mention your broken dragon...)
Shi Lan continued: "I was worried that the Fengmolong would sneak up on me from behind, well... no wonder, who told me to knock out its teeth... huh?"

Shi Lan's expression suddenly became strange, as if something had attracted his attention.

Duo Xing Chenchen almost choked to death with a mouthful of old blood stuck in his throat.

(Okay, okay, I know you fought with the Wind Demon Dragon...)
He suppressed his stomach full of complaints, gritted his teeth and said, "Since this is the case, it seems that you need help from this immortal in some difficulties... If you need anything, just ask this immortal..."

"Speaking of...there really is such a..."

Shi Lan suddenly stood up.

Duo Xing Chenchen only felt that his eyes seemed to be a little brighter.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

Shi Lan didn't say a word, a starry sky was projected behind him, slowly unfolding like a fan, the shining life seat appeared, and the gorgeous and gorgeous light was reflected in the terrified eyes of Duo Xingzhuchen...

Wind and rock intertwined, and terrible fluctuations came.

Duo Xingzhuchen ran away, "Help! I've hit a ghost!!"

But Shi Lan didn't care about Duo Xing Zhuo Chen's escape.

The rich elemental fluctuations rolled out from him, and the diners around were startled to exclaim.

The next moment, Shi Lan's figure disappeared along with the brilliant light.

On his seat, the table shattered into powder, and the strong wind blew the surrounding people upside down.

Shi Lan turned into a ray of light and walked across the field, clenching his teeth.

"No wonder the Great Sage has not returned..."

Something happened to Gui Liyuan.

The pitch-black sky connects to the ground, covering the whole place as dark as ink.

(End of this chapter)

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