Genshin Impact: The Liyuemen of Tivat

Chapter 226 Doggerel and Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 226 Doggerel and Unexpected Encounter

"You are really my good brother..."

Shi Lan looked at Xingqiu with a bruised nose and a swollen face, as countless camels galloped by in his heart.

Chang Sheng, who caught up with him, beat Shi Lan brutally, even strangling and biting, without showing any mercy.

Of course, this is nothing to the rough-skinned and thick-skinned Shi Lan. One thing that worries him is whether Changsheng is poisonous or not?

Xingqiu's expression was too wonderful to describe.

There was a bit of shame in an expression of holding back a smile and being unable to hold it back, and at the same time there were a few strands of doubt in his eyes.

"To be honest, I never thought that you would appear in this way..." Xing Qiu finally couldn't help laughing: "You are the first one who can make Changsheng like this! Hahahaha..."

"Fuck! Did you help that side!"

Shi Lan rolled her eyes, twisted off the water from her sleeves, pulled out a fat fish from the cloak hat, frowned and wanted to throw it into the water, but then she thought it was a bit of a loss, so she stuffed the fish into the hollow belt.

This is not a loss, and even a little profit.

This is a condensed fish.

"I'm going home and changing clothes..."

"Oh? I'm leaving now." Xingqiu wanted to chat more, but Shi Lan really should go home now, so he could only say, "Since you're back, I'll call some friends over tonight, and we'll be in the teahouse on the rock How about some tea and a chat?"

"No problem, just look at the arrangement."

Shi Lan waved her hand, put on her hat, not wanting to be seen in distress, and went straight to Chihuyan Street after leaving Yujing Terrace.

Feiyunpo, Drum Tower, and antique shops that don't recognize ancient characters.

These street scenes, which have not changed since he was a child, seem to be the same as this port city since ancient times.

The streets of Liyue are still so noisy. After staying in the depressed Mond for a while, I feel a little bit emotional about the streets of Liyue where people come and go.

"Long love misses hometown and longs for hometown, and now I also return to hometown to recall today..."

A voice full of vitality sounded beside her ears. A tall girl walked through the streets, reciting poems that sounded interesting at first glance but couldn't be tasted carefully.

Shi Lan's expression changed, he lowered the brim of his hat, and quickened his pace.

"There are tens of thousands of shops on the street, after visiting this one, go to that one~"

The girl seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, so she sneaked up on catwalks.

Shi Lan secretly had a bad way, and walked faster.

"It's sunny when it's not windy~ It's sunny when it's not raining~"

The girl caught up with Shi Lan, as if she was talking to herself, but she kept glancing at Shi Lan, and at the same time she was singing her strange poem.

The passers-by on the side were shocked when they heard this poem, and were shocked by the philosophy contained in this poem.

"Cough cough."

Shi Lan only felt weak all over, but dared not say a word.

The girl did not show any weakness, and followed him closely with her round and slender legs, and then recited her philosophical masterpiece: "Youth returns home without showing your face, and old friends follow you to meet each other. I don't know if you still remember. VIP?"

Shi Lan: "..."

This girl is naturally a walnut.

Shi Lan didn't expect to bump into Hutao in broad daylight, which is no different from bumping into a ghost during the day, especially when he looks so embarrassed, he will definitely be laughed at, right?
The walnut head wears a hat with a strange wooden sign on the brim, decorated with several plum blossoms, and the long double ponytails feel like they can be dragged to the heels.

Out of the water lotus, the girl's delicate face in bud is eye-catching, but Shi Lan dare not even take a look at it now.

Hu Tao put her hands behind her back, and her pupils looked like red plum blossoms.

She approached Shi Lan, and kept looking at him: "Hey, Shi Lan?"

Shi Lan: "..."

She didn't recognize me, but that's about it!
Hu Tao changed another position and ran to Shi Lan's left, trying to see the face of the person inside through the hood.

"Is it Shi Lan? Really? Really?"

She seemed to be talking to herself, but also seemed to be asking intentionally.

Shi Lan pretended not to hear, and walked up the wooden bridge all the way.

If Hutao recognized this appearance, he would definitely make up countless limericks to make fun of him...

He only prayed that this girl would stay away from him.

"Hurry up, pass the square in front of you and you will be eating Huyan..."

But Hu Tao still followed him closely, and even ran in front of him, walking backwards, with light and lovely steps, like a butterfly.

"Stop!" Hu Tao suddenly trembled, and blocked the way with her hips on her hips: "Hey! Defeat ten years old..."

"Ah, ah, I lost to you, little aunt!"

Shi Lan couldn't bear it anymore, and directly lifted the hood, and immediately revealed her bruised nose and swollen face to the public.

Hu Tao's expression froze for a moment, and then slowly became shocked.

"It's... so ugly..."

The passers-by around took two steps back in shock.

"Hey! Good guy, who's kid, has he been raped by a wild boar?!"

Shi Lan was furious: "Are you kidding me! I can defeat wild boars at the age of ten!!"

The passer-by was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter: "It's Shi Lan, I haven't seen you for a long time... I haven't heard the story of you defeating a wild boar for a year, I'm sorry..."

"You'd better never hear this story." Shi Lan was full of aggrieved and could not speak out.

"Ah! It's really Shi Lan!" Hu Tao, who had a quick nerve reflex, exclaimed.

Then she scratched her head again and said, "I'm really sorry, just now when I saw your wet body, bruised nose and swollen face, I thought I had misidentified you, and thought you were the unlucky one who was beaten by a snake at Yujing Terrace just now. As a result As soon as I heard you say you defeated the wild boar, I recognized it right away... I'm so sorry!"

Shi Lan was dumbfounded.

What? !

Liyue's people spread gossip too quickly, has the story of Yujingtai reached here? !
Hu Tao crossed her hips, wrinkled her small nose, and complained unhappyly: "Skushi Lan, I know it's me, and I've been with you for so long before I show up!"

"Sorry, I've been away from home for too long, admitting to life..." Shi Lan waved his hand feebly, pushing away Hu Tao, "I'm going home..."

Hu Tao was not happy, and ran over in three steps and two steps, and followed Shi Lan, chattering: "How can you do this, why don't you come in and have a sit when you pass by my house? Has our friendship stopped here? Go into the hall and have a sip of tea, check out our latest activities, find out about our new services, and reserve a suitable for yourself... um, a place where you can sleep after death... Hey, don't go!"

Shi Lan was going crazy.

The front is quite normal, but what the hell is going on behind it?A place to sleep after death?Is it a coffin or a cemetery! ?

Shi Lan suddenly stopped, and the chattering Hu Tao bumped into Shi Lan's back, screamed in pain, and rubbed his nose unceasingly.

"Why did you stop so suddenly?"

"First of all!" Shi Lan suddenly became serious, and said in a trembling voice, "I just slipped and fell into the lake, not fighting a snake!"

Walnut was confused.

"I didn't say you two are the same person?"

Shi Lan's breathing was stagnant, she opened her mouth silently, and there was smoke on the top of her head, organizing her words frantically.

After a long time, he held back a sentence: "I should go, go home and change clothes, thank you."

"Is it you?" Walnut asked.


"That's it!"

Shi Lan couldn't take it anymore, and ran straight away, leaving Hu Tao behind.

Hu Tao giggled and bent over, leaning on her thigh, then took a deep breath, and waved towards Shi Lan: "Shi Lan! Just kidding, come back joking, you haven't been back for a long time, remember to come and play with us after changing your clothes!"


"Unlucky, unlucky, unlucky..." Shi Lan angrily walked towards home.

Being bumped into such embarrassing scenes by his friends one after another made him wish he could immediately move to Absolute Clouds and live in seclusion in the mountains.

But fortunately, Xingqiu and Hutao are just two, if there is another one, it will be enough...

Just thinking about it, the door of the house is already close at hand.

Shi Lan finally laughed, feeling that the journey home from Yujingtai was even more difficult than walking through Wuxiangren.

Just as he was about to open the door and enter the house, he suddenly heard someone calling his name.

"Shi Lan?"

The voice was so familiar that Shi Lan's movement of pushing the door froze.

He turned his head mechanically, but what he saw was not the person he imagined.

But it is indeed that person, but it is a bit out of the stereotype of her.

The man looked ashamed, with a turban covering his head, covering his beautiful hair.The originally fair and delicate face was also smeared into a dirty look, only those shining and clear pupils were looking at Shi Lan in surprise.

Shi Lan looked again, and found that she was wearing rags and linen clothes, with a dirty cloth covering her shoulders, and she was carrying a large wooden box, looking very struggling.

She stood on the street where people come and go, out of place,

But in front of Shi Lan, all this was a shocking scene comparable to a bolt from the blue, comparable to facing Wuxiang with a knife.

Shi Lan's body trembled violently, and she was so shocked that she almost tore down the house with a punch.

"You, you," Shi Lan had a sad expression on his face, "You still have today!"

The latter still had a surprised expression just now, and his face turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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