After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 11 "The Culprit" Someone Gu

Chapter 11 "The Culprit" Someone Gu
Ten steps!

Jiang Wanying finally moved, she didn't choose to sit and wait for death, but stomped heavily with her left foot, walking towards the tide of beasts, to counteract!
On one side is an endless horde of beasts, covering the sky and the sun, and on the other side is a single, helpless female quasi knight. The strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all, and the final result is already doomed.

In this kind of high-density animal swarm, it is useless to dodge and move. If you avoid the collision of a fierce beast, there will be another team coming one after another!

Just like this, Jiang Wanying met a wild boar with long hair and tusks straightly. She turned slightly to get past the fangs of the wild boar, and knocked precisely on the waist of the wild boar with her shield, successfully destroying its center of gravity. At the moment of exposure, he slashed with the one-handed sword.

Long-tusked boar, pawn!

This series of movements is clean and concise, but the requirements for eyesight, timing, and strength control are extremely high. Before this, Jiang Wanying had never reached this level.

Sure enough, between life and death, there is good luck hidden in it.

"Unfortunately, I can only enjoy this moment of good fortune..."

Between the lightning and the flint, three wild boars charged side by side. Jiang Wanying had no time to retract her one-handed sword, so she could only adjust the direction and angle of the shield, trying to relieve the force.

There was a dull crashing sound, which was finally covered by the galloping sound of the beast tide.

Jiang Wanying's slender and graceful body was thrown high like a rag bag.

A mouthful of bright red blood spewed out of her mouth. At this moment, the blood in her chest was surging, and she let her body roll slightly in the air with some powerlessness. Obviously, when she landed, it was her time of death.

"Are you going to die? Sister~"

The long chant that seemed to be able to cleanse the soul sounded in her ears, which instantly woke her up from some vague consciousness, and she looked in the direction of the sound.

From far to near, a figure with a pale golden light flowing all over his body flew across the sky like a shooting star and came quickly.

"The Grip of Light."

There was a little light around Jiang Wanying, and then it was suddenly retracted, the whole body was wrapped in white light, and it flashed in front of the figure, and was caught by it.

She tried to see the figure's face clearly, but was blocked by the blazing light.

"How could such an arrogant person appear in the Dragon's Secret Realm? Could it be that he came here based on intuition, just like the senior Gu Zhao I met before?"

Thinking of this, she couldn't help being a little amused, and shook her head.

According to the energy intensity, it can be inferred that this person's level is not too high, but the light wings behind him can't be inferred from the appearance or the flying speed, at least it is higher than the blue excellence, it is the type of innate god .

There is also the powerful control skill "Grasp of Light" that can block even the thoughts of resistance after activation...

"The heir cultivated by the big family with all the painstaking efforts, the guardianship profession, has great potential, and is suitable for making friends."

Jiang Wanying quickly came to the conclusion that ordinary people may have talents, but it is foolish to want to obtain an innate fetish at a low level like the light wing that can be recognized at a glance.

At the same time, a voice that seemed to contain reassuring power came from the mouth of the figure.

"Sylvia, disperse them."

Jiang Wanying stared dumbfounded at the fact that only one-thousandth of the force was dispatched—a few ferocious beasts, and she was driven to a dead end. Driven by a small golden young dragon that suddenly appeared, the beast horde seemed to meet her. Like a natural enemy, it suddenly became chaotic.

The ferocious beasts at the forefront of the beast horde stopped their joint movement abruptly while running wildly, plowing deep grooves on the ground.

The ferocious beasts at the back didn't have time to brake, and collided with the stagnant beasts in front. For a while, the air was filled with the sound of collisions and roars of the ferocious beasts' bodies, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Call ~
Gu Zhao watched the beast tide gradually end, and then he let out a long breath and felt relieved.

In fact, he was very responsible for the occurrence of this beast tide.

Sylvia had invited herself to fly with her before.

Gu Zhao himself also wanted to try the feeling of flying in the sky. The painful experience of hitting the wall for the first time took off did not diminish his yearning for flying.

So, after leaving the cave with the bright young dragon, he finally agreed to Silvia's request.

Gu Zhao, who experienced this "free flying" feeling for the first time, felt comfortable all over his body, his adrenaline soared, and he couldn't help shouting loudly.

The newly born Sylvia was still in a state of being curious about everything, so she imitated Gu Zhao and chanted, but this dragon chant was subconsciously attached to the initiative of "Hehe Longwei". technology!

This dragon chant with special effects added fear to the low-level ferocious beasts was simply epic, and all the beasts in the depths of the secret realm fled in terror, which formed this small-scale beast swarm.

Gu Zhao, who realized that there were still juniors and juniors who were undergoing trials outside, felt that something was wrong, so he rushed along the direction of the beast tide, trying to prevent the tragedy from happening.Fortunately in the misfortune, no one was injured except the little girl in front of me.

Looking at the pale face of the girl in his arms, Gu Zhao landed from the sky, lightly closed his wings, supported the girl to lean on the tree, and quickly took out from the inventory that he set out to prevent himself from accidents. Specially bought emergency medicine.

The potion cost him a total of 20 yuan, and emptied half of the small coffers he had earned from selling beast materials, but at this moment, human life is at stake, and he doesn't care about so much.

As the light wings converged, the blazing light surrounding Gu Zhao dissipated, and a somewhat familiar face appeared in front of Jiang Wanying.

"Senior Gu Zhao??!"

A sudden and loud exclamation almost caused Gu Zhao to throw the potion in his hand directly. He lowered his head and saw expressions of shock, puzzlement, bewilderment, gratitude, etc. flashing across that pretty face, as if he was Perform face-changing magic.

Gu Zhao was a little confused about this, but she was frightened by the beast horde, and she was not in a good state of mind. While handing out the medicine, she made a serious promise to Jiang Wanying:
"The formation of the beast horde is related to my negligence. Don't worry, I will bear the cost of the treatment. I can handle any request you have, as long as it is within a reasonable range."

"No need, senior~"

Perhaps it was because of the injury that the heroic girl spoke softly at the moment.

"This time, if I didn't attack the beast horde head-on, but ran quickly, I would definitely be able to wait for the support of my seniors without getting hurt. This is also my responsibility."

As she spoke, she took out a delicately packaged vial of potion from the inventory, and drank it all in one gulp.

Although Jiang Wanying didn't deliberately show the vial, Gu Zhao's eyesight far surpassed that of ordinary people still recognized the origin of the medicine at a glance.

It is of the same series as Gu Zhao's bottle of first aid potion, "only" it is ten times more expensive...

Little rich woman...

Gu Zhao put away the first aid medicine in his hand.

Looking fixedly at Jiang Wanying's delicate pretty face, Gu Zhao was a little puzzled, is his promise so unattractive?
It's not that he thinks highly of himself. Although his current level is still very low, shouldn't the promise of a full body dragon knight and a guardian profession with blue potential be used at the most important and critical time?You don't play by the rules.

Gu Zhao asked again, and got an affirmative answer again.

After drinking the potion, Jiang Wanying's pale face turned rosy again in just a moment. She stood up, walked to Gu Zhao's side, and said with a soft smile, "Can you please take a photo with me, senior? I can commemorate this in the future." The days that almost turned into muddy flesh."

"By the way, my mobile phone was damaged in the battle just now. Use yours to take a picture and send it to me. My contact number is 1******29."

With her hands behind her back, Jiang Wanying looked up at the sky and added as if nothing had happened.


(End of this chapter)

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