Chapter 13 The Updated Life Script

Drop drop!
In less than half a minute, Yan Xue sent a response.

Beauty Ruxue: Forget it in front of me, don't make fun of the bright dragon in front of other bright elves!

Gu Zhao was a little confused at first, but after thinking about it, he suddenly realized.

The bright dragon, before the bright elves came to this world, has always been their holy dragon.

She has sheltered the light elves for countless times.

Even if the bright dragon is extinct at this moment, they still believe that one day, the world will shine the glory of the golden dragon again!

Therefore, it is not allowed to be profaned by others.

This means that the relationship between him and Yan Xue is good enough, otherwise, it is not impossible for the two to turn against each other on the spot.

Gu Zhaozhao: (a picture of Sylvia).

(typing in progress).

Beauty Ruxue: Huh?Can't find the source of this picture?Not a web map?
Gu Zhaozhao: Of course, if I lie to you, I'm a goblin.

Seeing Yan Xue sending a "half-belief" emoji, Gu Zhao returned the "rabbit patting the chest" stolen from Yan Xue, and ended the conversation.

People usually only trust their own eyes, so as long as Yan Xue sees Sylvia with her own eyes tomorrow, all misunderstandings will naturally disappear.

Before the last rays of the setting sun dissipated, Gu Zhao finally returned home.

Aunt Chen Weirui is standing on the balcony at the moment, trying to further master the essence of Moon Words through practice.

Ever since Gu Zhao showed his emphasis on this hypnotic skill.

She took time out every day to study and strive to improve the mastery of this skill.

After greeting Chen Weirui, Gu Zhao quickly walked into his room and took out the magic scroll of "sleeping" that he had used in the cave before.

Using the mantra to activate the drowsiness technique, a sense of drowsiness came to mind, Gu Zhao relaxed his spirit and tried to cooperate with this spell.

After half a minute, the sound of breathing in the room gradually became even.Suddenly, the strong feeling of stepping on the air caused Gu Zhao's body to shake violently, waking him up from his light sleep!
"Sleeping spell doesn't work anymore."

Gu Zhao made a conclusion.

The contract between him and the bright dragon has greatly improved his various attributes, including spirit.

There are many benefits of improving mental attributes. In addition to becoming more energetic, there is also an increase in resistance to various mental attacks.

The mage's sleeping technique seems to have the same effect as Chen Weirui's dark priest professional skill Moon Words, but the sleeping technique is more "aggressive".

That is to say, it is easier to be resisted by the spiritual instinct of the subject.

The strong sense of stepping on the void that Gu Zhao felt just now is a typical manifestation of spiritual instinctive resistance.

"The sleeping technique is still too low-level. Even if I relax completely and don't resist, it won't work for me. I still need to find my aunt."

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao felt a little headache, he actually didn't want to bother Chen Weirui.

To be honest, it was hard to explain why he always asked someone to help him fall asleep quickly, and he didn't want to lie to his aunt, so he avoided this question all the time.

Therefore, I was a little nervous, for fear that my aunt would suddenly ask and I couldn't answer her.


Destiny Pavilion.

Gu Zhao appeared in his old position and heaved a sigh of relief.

Auntie didn't say anything.

Looking around, what caught his eyes was still a familiar scene - a boundless river and a small pavilion suspended in the air, as if it had not changed since ancient times.

Gu Zhao set his sights on God-peering Pillar. In fact, he has not yet understood the update mechanism of the life script.

As early as the night when he was transferred to Jackie Chan, he tried to check the changes in his own destiny, but failed.

And after he contracted the Bright Dragon, the Destiny Pavilion sent him the message "you can check it again".

"Forget it, the number of samples is too small now, so we can't analyze it out of thin air."

Gu Zhao rubbed his hands, and decided to put aside the matter of "understanding the update mechanism" first, and focus on the big thing first—peeping into fate.

Checking and changing the life script for the first time has brought him earth-shaking changes, making his current talent almost unrivaled in his generation. Then, what kind of changes will he have the second time?

This time Gu Zhao came prepared, holding a cleaned steel needle in his hand to take blood.

He pricked his finger, smeared the blood beads on the God Peering Pillar, and watched the blood being slowly absorbed by the Pillar.

After a while, the pattern on the column started from the place where the blood was absorbed, and slowly lit up from the inside to the outside, emitting a dazzling light.

Finally, as the pattern was completely lit up, a small area facing Gu Zhao suddenly distorted like last time, forming a bunch of weird but understandable characters.

【Name】: Gu Zhao
[Very handsome appearance]: Sunshine temperament, slender figure, and handsome appearance allow you to easily gain the favor of the opposite sex.

[The Talent of the World]: At the job change ceremony, you finally chose the profession of Dragon Knight, and found the egg left by the Bright Dragon in the Dragon's Secret Realm, and successfully contracted, thus possessing the most innate talent of your generation.Be bold, you are the pride of the world!

[One poor and two white]: The bright dragon needs a lot of resources in the process of growth. Although you have all kinds of resources to support you, you can barely make ends meet.The moonlight family is you, you are right, and you may even be in debt if you are not careful.If you want to change this situation, you'd better go to the secret place No. 7 at 23:10779435 p.m. on July [-]rd.

[Front Encounter]: During the university entrance test, on a towering mountain peak, you and three fully equipped demon teams suddenly encountered head-on. You chose to fight with one of them, and finally escaped with serious injuries.

Gu Zhao quickly read and analyzed the information that appeared on the peeping pillar. Whether he saw the evaluation of "the world's proud" or the final "escaping with serious injuries", his expression did not change much.

He knows that this information can be used as a reference, but it must not be regarded as a guideline. After all, his purpose is to make up for the shortcomings and change his destiny.

"Today is July 7." Gu Zhao muttered to himself, "I'll go back later and check the relevant information about the secret realm No. 21."

Whether it is tailor-made equipment or purchasing potions, a lot of resources are needed, and I also have a big gold-swallowing bright dragon.

The poor do not have the ability to resist risks. In order to prevent possible accidents in the future, they still have to go to the secret place.

"Front encounter..."

Although this script is not long, it contains extremely important information.

I encountered the demons again in the university entrance test...

This reminded him that in the previous life script, he chose a professional priest of the Holy Light, and finally met a demon assassin in the entrance test of Kyoto University, and was attacked and died.

So these two times, is it the same group of demons?

If yes, it means that I finally chose the Guardianship Department of Kyoto University.

And if he chooses Shanghai Metropolitan University, the situation is much more serious.This means that the two top universities were invaded at the same time, and it was impossible for the rest of the universities to stay out of the incident.

In this regard, the first thing Gu Zhao has to do is to judge his choice in Yuan's life, and then decide whether to report the situation.

After considering the general plan for the future, Gu Zhao closed his eyes, and under the mysterious influence of Xiaoting, he ignored his still vigorous spirit at this time, and fell into a deep sleep...


Didi Didi Da~ Didi Da~

At six o'clock in the morning, Gu Zhao was awakened by the ringing of his mobile phone, and reached for the mobile phone beside the bed.

"Which one?"

Gu Zhao asked weakly.

"Same table at the same table! I believe you! You are famous! Look at the first and third places on the hot search list!"

Keeping the phone away from his ears, Gu Zhao was sleepy and murmured to himself, "What happened?"

(End of this chapter)

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