Chapter 21 Friends turn against each other?

"I hope... no... on...?"

Gu Zhao decisively cut off this line of thinking, instead of pinning his expectations entirely on others, it is better to change his mind quickly.

How to save yourself?

His thoughts turned slowly, finally.

"Wings of Light... Bright..."

Following the command in her mind, a pair of three-meter-long pale golden light wings suddenly unfolded. Sylvia, who was in the contract space, felt the danger faced by her master, and used the light wings to transmit the bright dragon flame into Gu Zhao's body. Trying to drive out the terrible chill.


The unbearable pain came, but Gu Zhao's limbs recovered a little feeling, and he crawled out of the pool with difficulty, letting his body hit the carpet.

10 minute later.

Gu Zhao opened his eyes, feeling the changes in his body.

It seems that it has become stronger?

"Open my properties panel."

Name: Gu Zhao

Power: 55
Agility: 50
Spirit: 63
Stamina: 60
Staring at his attribute panel, Gu Zhao was a little stunned.

What's the situation, the attributes have increased after being calculated by others?And also increased by ten points? !
He glanced at the dark blue in the pool.

Hmm, it seems to be just a little shallow.

Could it be that what the little girl gave me was first-class elf water?

Gu Zhao was a little shaken, but quickly shook his head in denial.

If I don't have Sylvia's help, I will die if I send myself the Bright Dragon Flame through the Bright Wings.He didn't believe that other blue potential geniuses could survive.

So what exactly is this thing?
Otherwise, try again?

Clearly feeling the all-round improvement of physical attributes, Gu Zhao clenched his fists.

The most dangerous time has passed, Gu Zhao has already prepared himself, and the chill in the pool has been neutralized a lot. If the two want to join forces, don't they dare to fight for strength?He can still bear this kind of pain!

Gu Zhao, who had made up his mind, re-entered the pool. For a moment, the room was filled with painful roars.

Half an hour later, when Gu Zhao opened his eyes again, the feeling of full strength made him feel like he had no ring in his heart.

He stood up from the pool that had become clear with a clatter, staring at his almost perfect body.

"View my properties panel."

Name: Gu Zhao

Power: 61
Agility: 59
Spirit: 69
Stamina: 69
Gu Zhao silently calculated the changes in his attributes.

In the end, he came to a conclusion in astonishment—a total of forty attributes were added!
A piece of first-class spirit water can add [-] points to attributes, and it is already regarded as a rare treasure. The weird liquid that the little girl gave herself can actually increase her attributes by [-] points. The madness of the world!

It's just the pain of absorbing it...

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao still has lingering fears.

Who is that little girl?What is her purpose?She knew that she could neutralize the chill with the Bright Dragon Flame?
Gu Zhao asked three soul questions.

While he was thinking deeply, trying to find clues from the details of the incident...

Ding dong ding dong.

The doorbell rang again, but this time, it was accompanied by a slight shout, but the sound insulation effect of this villa was so good that Gu Zhao couldn't hear what the people outside were shouting.

He simply wiped his body with the towel placed on the shelf, and was about to put on his clothes to find out.

There was only a loud bang coming from my ear, and the noisy voices from outside poured in.

"Little friend Gu Zhao!"

"Same table! Same table!"

"Little friend Gu Zhao!"


Someone downstairs rushed up to the second floor. When Gu Zhao realized that the situation was not good, it was too late. He could only cover his lower body with the bath towel in his hand...

Yan Xue, who was the first to rush up to the second floor, met Gu Zhao, who was wearing a bathrobe around her waist, bare-chested, and innocent looking.


Yan Xue glanced at Gu Zhao's sharp-edged abdominal muscles, and finally turned her head reluctantly, "screamed", turned and ran downstairs.

The two thin old men who had met in the garden square before and Gu Zhao stared at each other.

For a moment, the scene was eerily quiet.

Gu Zhao was the first to break this embarrassing situation, and smiled at the two old men: "Can you avoid it for a while, I will change my clothes."

The two males were stunned.

A minute later, Gu Zhao, who was wearing a bathrobe, walked down the stairs, sat opposite the three of them, and cast a questioning look at Yan Xue.

"It's like this. About four or 10 minutes ago, the clan discovered that the moon well, an epic prop, had been stolen. They immediately sent more than a dozen elders to search around, but they didn't expect that the thief would suddenly appear in the square garden, mocking the safety of the clan in public. Poor measures.

Elder Yan Da was furious. Apart from leaving the three elders sitting in the center, he led the others to chase her out and chased her.

And after I bathed in the water of elves, when I heard the news, I was very worried about you~
I ran a long way to look for you, but I didn’t expect to find out that the elf clan who had given you the elf water before had passed out at your door, and I was so frightened that I hurried to find two elders and broke in~ "

After finishing speaking, Yan Xue winked at him.

In the process of listening to Yan Xue's narration, Gu Zhao gradually showed a coldness in his eyes, but with a bright smile on his face, he said softly to the two elders: "Two elders, please come to my place, I have something to ask you us."

The two old men frowned slightly, they were so close, why should they move?But out of a little trust in him, the "man of fortune", he still left the sofa where Yan Xue was, and walked to Gu Zhao's side.

"How long does it usually take for a cyan potential professional who has just changed jobs to absorb the second-class elven water?"

"Four or ten minutes."

"Are there any exceptions?"

"The nature of the second-class elf water is stable. Without any external force, the absorption time is four to ten minutes, and the error is not more than half a minute. At least the records in the family are like this."

One of the old men replied, frowning even deeper.

Just ask this basic question?

Hearing this, Gu Zhao took a deep breath, stood up, stared at Yan Xue's delicate pretty face, and said coldly: "You are the big thief, right? What happened to Yan Xue?!"

Yan Xue on the sofa looked stunned and asked in bewilderment, "What did you say?"

"Stop pretending!" Gu Zhao yelled angrily, then suddenly stretched out his right hand and activated the Grip of Light.

The light appeared beside Yan Xue, and it was abruptly stopped, but the Grip of Light, which had been tried and tested before, only caught a ray of afterimage.Gu Zhao took a closer look and saw that "Yan Xue" had knocked a big hole out of the villa.

The expressions of the two old men changed drastically, and they chased after them. Gu Zhao also shook the Wings of Brightness and followed closely behind.

In mid-air, I saw "Yan Xue" put her hand next to her right ear, and gently lifted it.

The figure of "Yan Xue" was blurred immediately, and finally transformed into a figure that Gu Zhao was very familiar with - a cute little girl.

She was holding a black mask that was constantly changing like mud, tilted her head, her face was full of innocence, and asked curiously: "How did you find out?"

(End of this chapter)

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