Chapter 39

Thinking of this, Long Tian stood up, flew straight into the sky, and flew towards the big brothers who were about to leave in the air.

At the same time, the sneer on his face faded, replaced by a disappointed expression, and he called out:
"Presidents, please stay behind! I have something important to discuss!"

Jia Pingshan turned his head and looked at Long Tian, ​​with a puzzled look on his face, he asked, "I don't know what's going on with Principal Long?"

Although he is the president of the guardian department association, theoretically he has the power to govern the professions of the guardian department in this city, including Long Tian, ​​but it is only in theory, and there are too many factors to consider in reality.

For example, during the college entrance examination, Long Tian's identity as the principal was very sensitive, so he had to be careful.

"It's like this. There is a candidate in our school. I had high hopes for him, but his performance this time is... Hey! It's hard to describe in words, please take a look, presidents!"

Long Tian looked at the giant mirror in the sky with a look of hatred, and continued: "Virtual and real mirror, call out the video of No. 14 examination room of the professional personal trial of the Guardian Department of No. [-] High School in TS City."

Hearing this, everyone was at a loss.

It is definitely not a good thing for a student with high expectations to perform abnormally, but it is also very common. Why is there such a big fanfare?
Could it be that this examinee has a very good relationship with Long Tian?Or did he act too outrageously, making Long Tian, ​​a black-bellied old man, unable to bear the desire to complain?

Well, it seems that the latter is more likely.

For a moment, the atmosphere on the field was very strange, and many presidents looked at each other, not knowing what kind of medicine Long Tian was selling.

Jia Pingshan was the first to break the calm, nodded with a smile, and responded: "Then everyone will set off later, and let's see how outrageous this candidate is, and how he can make Principal Long so angry."

"Old dragon, you are still so unsteady even though you are old."


Long Tian's expression remained unchanged, he stretched out his right hand with the palm facing upwards, and slightly turned sideways to signal: "The video recording has started."

After a burst of laughter, everyone turned their attention to the giant mirror, ready to see how this "abnormal" candidate performed.

The first thing that catches the eye is the familiar small world.

"Huh? Just like Brother Jia's nephew, he is a guardian profession."

"Look at the candidate to the right of the center, isn't he called Gu Zhao? Is he the one that the old dragon said?"

"That's right, it's Gu Zhao. Has he played abnormally?"

"He won't be arrogant, he didn't summon the dragon at all, and the gutter capsized when he came up."

"Hahahahaha what you said is quite reasonable, hasn't this kind of person appeared before!"

When the screen played until Gu Zhao twisted his shoulders strangely, allowing the Gengjin wild boar in the middle to lose his mind and mess up, so as to seize the gap and avoid the charge, there was a sound of surprise on the field.

"For the level of college entrance examination, the effect of mocking skills is ridiculous."

"Seems to have something to do with his weird shoulder twist."

As soon as the words fell, Jia Pingshan imitated Gu Zhao and twisted his shoulders, and launched a taunting skill at the white-robed priest beside him: "You are just a rookie."

Then he asked: "How is the effect?"

The white-robed pastor gritted his teeth and glared at him: "It's the same as usual! No change! What the hell are you twisting! Just imitate!"

Jia Pingshan's face remained normal, and he muttered to himself: "I imitated it correctly. It seems that this action is only suitable for this candidate, and it will not work for others."

"Tailor-made!" Among the crowd, several voices sounded at the same time.

"Ghost!" This time, more people spoke out.

Yes, being able to improve the skills to make them more effective, although it only works on him, is definitely worthy of the title of "ghost".

Everyone cheered up and continued to watch the picture on the giant mirror.

Next, since Gu Zhao activated the Grip of Light and caught the first batch of wild boars in mid-air, the sounds of "eh" and "ah" when shocked were endless.

It wasn't until Sylvia appeared and instantly killed the elemental wild boar that it stopped completely.

The arena fell into a deathly silence.

Long Tian coughed lightly, broke the deadlock, and continued to ask with a worried expression: "What do you think, the presidents?"


Good day you dragon!You really deserve to be a well-known black-bellied old man, you must have eavesdropped on us!
Also ask what do we think?
How can you see it!
Some people get [-] points in the test because the full score is only [-] points.

It can be said that Gu Zhao and Jia Pingshan's nephew may have both scored full marks in this link, but the gap between the two is visible to the naked eye.

Didn't you see that the admissions teachers of the major colleges and universities are going crazy!
Jia Pingshan stared at Longtian with astonishment, not knowing why this person suddenly attacked in public.

His mind turned, and finally he looked at the giant mirror, thinking of his current environment, and suddenly realized.

That's right, he cared about his nephew's situation, and even used the giant mirror of No. [-] Middle School to look at the examination room of No. [-] Middle School. This kind of behavior more or less made Long Tian feel ashamed.In addition, this person is relatively stingy, so it is normal to make this kind of "return".

It's just that understanding is understanding. In this case, it is impossible for him not to be angry.

Having made up his mind, Jia Pingshan snorted coldly, turned around abruptly, and walked away.

"Old Dragon, you can change your temper, Brother Jia ran away because of you!"

"Yeah, it's really unkind, but that little Gu Zhao behaved very well."

"We have seen the dragon knights who contracted the sub-dragon or the earth dragon, and we all know that this contracted dragon must have great potential, but who would have thought that it would start to go too far at this stage."

"It's embarrassing, but it's still a lesson, I'll take a step first!"

After everyone left their "feelings about being tricked", they followed Jia Pingshan's back and went to the No. [-] High School.

"Old dragon, just wait for me. After the college entrance examination, I will beat you up!" A middle-aged strong man stretched out his giant palm, pointed at Longtian, and said harsh words.

Hearing that someone was going to beat him, Long Tian stared at him without showing any weakness: "It's not sure who beats who."

The middle-aged strong man sneered, turned and left.

In less than a minute, there was only Long Tian left in the sky above the extremely lively playground.

He shrunk his shortened thick neck, and said in a low voice: "His grandma, I really can't beat him. After the college entrance examination, I have to hide quickly."

Falling from mid-air, Long Tian put his hands behind his back, came to his seat imposingly, picked up the tea and took a sip, with a little satisfaction on his face, quietly waiting for the start of the second ring task.


Half an hour later, Gu Zhao was in the NO.14 examination room.

The "successors" who have passed the first round of missions have mostly recovered their physical strength under the treatment and nurturing of Starlight, and are ready to face the next round of missions.

The candidates who had already been eliminated looked gloomy, and those who were not allowed to leave could only stay and watch the play as spectators.

"The second round of test questions is being distributed."

As voices from unknown sources are transmitted in the air, a new small world is gradually formed in the area where the "successful people" are located.

This time, there is a lot of yellow sand around me.

It seems that there is a figure, looming in the wind and sand in the distance, walking towards the examinee.

(End of this chapter)

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