After peeking at the script of life, I switched to Dragon Knight

Chapter 50 3 Weeks College Entrance Examination Result Inquiry

Chapter 50

three weeks later.

Tidy cottage.

Thick curtains cut off the outside world. In the dark room, Gu Zhaozheng hugged the quilt, lying on his side on the bed, sound asleep.

There was a faint groan from the door.

Chen Weirui walked into the house softly, and saw that Mr. Gu's eyes were closed, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly.

On the edge of the bed, a small milky white pillow embroidered with a golden dragon can be seen sticking out of a corner, shaking in mid-air.

Finally, under the poking of a little dragon's claw, he fell off the bed.

The soft pillow didn't "scream", it just bounced on the floor.

And the "culprit" of all this is lying on his back on the bed at this moment, revealing his little belly, sleeping soundly, only a pale golden young dragon the size of a palm.

Seeing this situation, Chen Weirui bit her red lips lightly, an uncontrollable smile appeared on her face, she moved lightly with lotus steps, bent down her willow waist, and picked up the small pillow.

The brilliance surged on the milky white pillow, as if it was cleaning away the contaminated dust.

Chen Weirui glanced at the clock on the wall for the last time, confirmed the time, and was about to start her "wake-up call".

Her eyes were shining, she moved to the bed, her jade hands stretched forward, as if she wanted to pinch someone's nose.

"Auntie, don't make trouble."

Gu Zhao grabbed the bright wrist in front of him, opened his eyes, a little dumbfounded.

My aunt is occasionally playful like a little girl, but that's fine.

"Get up quickly, the college entrance examination results are due in four or ten minutes, you are still sleeping!"

Chen Weirui withdrew her little hand, opened her almond eyes, and said angrily.

"Holding the little pillow you designed for her, Sylvia was excited all night, jumping around beside me, unable to fall asleep at all."

Gu Zhao sat up, raised his arms, and stretched a lot.

Then he looked down at the miniature baby dragon beside the bed.

Ten days ago, Sylvia obtained new skills from "Dragon King Inheritance".

Size as you wish (special skill)——Bright dragon can increase attack power or save stamina by freely changing its size.

Remarks: The physical body can change as I like!

As Sylvia grows up, her size is bound to get bigger and bigger, and this skill is a good solution to the troubles that may be caused by her big size.

Ever since Guangming Xiaolong learned "Ruyi in Size", Gu Zhao has always brought her by his side.

Some time ago, due to factors such as exams and exploration of secret realms, he usually only summoned Sylvia when he needed her to take action.

This approach is actually not conducive to the mental health of the bright young dragon.

After all, staying in the contract space all the time, even if it is still spacious and will grow bigger with the growth of the golden dragon, Sylvia will inevitably feel lonely, boring and other negative emotions.

Facts have proved that Gu Zhao's approach is very correct.

The bright young dragon turned into a palm-sized dot and followed him all day long.

With the passage of time, Gu Zhao obviously felt that the connection of the contract deepened, and he could understand Sylvia's thoughts more clearly or convey his own thoughts.

He also had a premonition that if he continued, the skills of "Guardian of the Dragon" and "Fighting Together" would be qualitatively improved!

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao stretched out his index finger and poked the little belly of the bright young dragon.

Ang Woo~

Sylvia closed her eyes tightly, raised her two little dragon claws and waved them in front of her, trying to drive away the "troublemaker" Gu.


Staring at the silly young dragon, Gu Zhaole made a sound, stopped making troubles, jumped out of bed, and was going to wash up first.

Sensing Gu's departure, Guangming Xiaolong shook his head, opened his eyes, turned over and stood on the bed, his short legs fell directly into the soft mattress.

Sylvia noticed that Chen Weirui was holding a very familiar object in her hand. She lowered her head and scanned the bed, only to find that her beloved pillow was gone.

hold head high?
She wondered how her baby got into the hands of this good woman.

Yes, in Sylvia's perception, a person who gives her the gift she likes without any malice is naturally a good person.

The most important thing is that this good woman has a good relationship with Gu Zhao and is trustworthy.

First rule out the possibility of snatching the pillow.

Then next...

Ang Woo~

Sylvia blinked her eyes, and waved the little dragon's claw anxiously, first pointing to the creamy white pillow in Chen Weirui's hand with the golden dragon embroidered on it, then pointing to herself, and then made a bow.

Witnessing all this, Chen Weirui comprehended, pushed a strand of blue hair from his forehead to his ear, and handed out the pillow, and then his vision blurred, and his hands were empty.

The bright young dragon has disappeared.

Gu Zhao, who had just walked into the bathroom, felt his shoulders sink and turned his head slightly, only to see that Sylvia was handing the "baby" to him.

According to the previous habit, he put the pillow in the inventory, held the miniature baby dragon standing on his shoulder, sent it out gently, closed the door, and started to use the toilet.

15 minute later.

Gu Zhao walked into the living room refreshed, and the fiery flame rose up in his hands, directly drying up the remaining drops of water after washing his hands.

Pulling a chair casually, he sat down directly, looking at the sumptuous breakfast, couldn't help but eat a big piece.

10 minute later.

Gu Zhao put down the bowl and chopsticks, wiped his mouth, and was about to go back to his room to wait for the results of the college entrance examination.

Chen Weirui, who was sitting opposite him, swallowed the egg in his mouth, and suddenly said: "Xiao Zhao, wait a moment."

"what happened?"

"Why doesn't that classmate of yours come to visit our house recently? Did he bully him?"


Gu Zhao was a little puzzled, with a puzzled look on his face, and asked, "Which classmate?"

"It's the elf who came last time!"

Hearing this, he finally realized suddenly, but then he choked a little.

Yan Xue did come twice after the exam, but she came to visit Bai Xiaoyu who protected him, what is Auntie thinking about!

"How could it be! Yan Xue has been participating in the special training in the clan during this time, why should I bully her when I have nothing to do!"

Hearing the explanation, Chen Weirui breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a soft smile: "That girl is cheerful and lively, I quite like her, by the way, she did well in the exam, too."

"Well, if the team trial scores are high enough, you should be able to enter the highest school."

"That's even better! We can meet each other often in the future, and it will be easier to strengthen our relationship~"

"...I'm going to check my grades."

Gu Zhao's head was as big as a bucket, he quickly changed the subject, got up and walked to his hut.

Yan Xue may not apply to the same school as him. No matter how much she thinks about it now, it may come to naught in the end...


Opening the college entrance examination result query portal, Gu Zhao entered his name and admission ticket number, quietly waiting for nine o'clock to arrive.

When the hour hand of the clock on the wall pointed to nine o'clock, thousands of households and countless candidates clicked the query button at the same time.

"How... how is it?"

Chen Weirui, who was sitting behind Gu Zhao, covered his eyes, waited for a while, and asked cautiously after finding that there was no movement.

"Still loading, page stuck."


(End of this chapter)

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