Chapter 54 Report important news?

Inside the living room.

The palm-sized bright young dragon lay motionless on Gu's lap, as if asleep.

Gu Zhao leaned on the sofa, squinted his eyes slightly, and let the sun shine on his cheeks.

He was fiddling with a teal card the size of an ID card in his hand, staring thoughtfully at the ceiling.

In the two life scripts, he encountered demons in the university entrance examination.

Hang up directly for the first time.

[Death at an early age]: As a qualified little squishy, ​​you were attacked by a demon assassin during the entrance test and died unfortunately.

Although he saved his life the second time, he escaped with serious injuries.

[Front Encounter]: During the university entrance test, on a towering mountain peak, you and three fully equipped demon teams suddenly encountered head-on. You chose to fight with one of them, and finally escaped with serious injuries.

Of the two life scripts before and after, only the former mentioned his school information, and he could directly know the place where the incident happened.

Because in the first life script, Gu Zhao chose to be a professional priest of Shengguang, and finally applied for Kyoto University.

The latest script did not mention which school he applied for.

But now, after some weighing, he chose Peking University again, and he was sure that if he did nothing, he would encounter the demon team in the entrance examination of Kyoto University.

The two pieces of information corroborate that Gu Zhao can be sure that something went wrong in the Beijing University trial, but the situation of other schools is still unknown.

As a human race, he should report.In order to keep his secret, he deliberately purchased a special item in advance to notify the Job Transfer Association anonymously.

Sound transmission chip (black special prop) - transmit information to the specified coordinates, ignoring the rules of space.

Remarks: Disposable props, necessary for communication when separated by several realms.

Special props are not classified according to red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple, but are uniformly divided into black.

Most of them are disposable props with various magical effects.

Take this "sound transmission film" as an example. It has no other function except to transmit information, but its ability to travel between two worlds makes it extremely popular.

Many people who enter the secret realm will prepare one or two cards to call for help in case of danger.

Although in most cases there is only time to leave a last word, in some special cases, it will also play a miraculous effect.

As a special prop with a high price, the sound transmission book naturally has more than one use.

For example, anonymous transmission of important information.

Occasionally, due to special reasons, some powerful human beings sent abroad cannot reveal their identities.At this time, "sound transmission film" is particularly important.

In order to receive these anonymous sound transmissions, which are quite a few and occasionally contain important news, the Job Transfer Association deliberately set aside an information receiving tower, arranged dozens of people to work in it, and announced the coordinates of the receiving tower.

"Minimum number of viewers: three."


"Receive coordinates: 77926...653."

According to the information published online, Gu Zhao is filling in various restrictions and receiving addresses.

The restrictive conditions are to prevent insiders from appearing in the auditors, withholding the news and refusing to report it.

For example, the condition of the minimum number of viewers—three people—is the balance between the workload and the prevention of inner ghosts that the information receiving tower has found through years of work.

After a while, Gu Zhao carefully checked all the information set, and after confirming that it was correct, he rubbed the corner of the dark blue card three times.

After the sound transmission chip trembled slightly, it actually slowly melted, and finally disappeared into the air without a sound.

"You're done!"

Gu Zhao let out a sigh of relief, feeling extremely relieved.

"The next thing to do is to buy a few skill books to enrich your professional skills after the application for the exam is over."

Rare skill books are hardly sold, but there are still a lot of basic methods such as gaining momentum and sweeping.

After thinking about it, Gu Zhao shook his thighs, shook off the bright young dragon lying on it and pretended to be dead, got up and walked to his room.


A mansion somewhere in Kyoto.

A bedroom filled with pink decor.

Yan Zixin was concentrating on reading all kinds of information on the Internet. After a long time, she breathed a sigh of relief:

"The butterfly effect is not that big."

I learned that the major events in recent years have hardly changed, only Kyoto University had a chain reaction because of her deep sleep, and it was somewhat different from the appearance in memory.

However, this small change is nothing. As a reborn person, she is familiar with the opportunities that will only be discovered in the next few years, so she can completely cut off the beard in advance.

"Zixin, the job transfer platform has been set up, come down when you're ready."

Hearing her father's call, Yan Zixin closed the computer, turned her head and agreed:
"Know it."

She didn't go out immediately, but took out a dark cyan card from the inventory.

Before changing jobs, she wants to deliver an important message.

The sooner the job changer association knows about this news, the better.

When she was a senior in her previous life, the extermination operation that the demons had prepared for several years officially started.

In just one day, countless geniuses fell.

More than one-third of the freshmen from a series of famous schools such as Kyoto University, Modu University, and Ancient Capital University were killed or injured.

The little squishies with weak self-protection ability suffered heavy casualties.

The executives of the job-changing association were furious. After careful investigation, they discovered how the demons bypassed the extremely strict inspection and sneaked into the secret trial realm.

It turned out that the demon clan actually sent out most of the younger generation who could pass the level test, and used the light-shielding dust accumulated in the clan for decades to cover up the aura.

With more and less, with mental calculation and unintentional, the goal was finally achieved.

It's a pity that things have already happened. Even if they understand the cause and effect, the Job Transfer Association is powerless and can only swallow the bitter fruit.

While recalling the scene at that time, Yan Zixin recorded all the information she knew into the audio transmission film.

Half a minute later, the dark blue card disappeared into the air without a sound.

"Well, as long as the top executives of the Job Transfer Association are not fools, they should know how to do it."

The corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and Yan Zixin's pretty face showed satisfaction:

"Hey hey, this girl has lived a life in vain. This wave is called closing the door and beating the dog!"

The girl waved her small fist excitedly, and ran downstairs.


Chaoyang District, Kyoto.

The first floor of No. 0 information receiving tower.

Nine middle-aged men and women wearing cloud-pattern robes of various colors were sitting cross-legged, closing their eyes and meditating.

Needle drop can be heard in the huge space.

Ring Ring Ring!
The hasty bell rang, breaking the calm.

"An anonymous voice transmission, on the [-]rd, [-]th, and [-]th, it's your turn."

Hearing this, a long-haired middle-aged woman sitting among the crowd got up, waved her big hand, and grabbed the sound transmission film that suddenly appeared in midair.

The two middle-aged men then stood up, together with the woman, each pinched a corner of the dark blue card, and then rubbed it together.


The sound transmission film turned into three beams of light, covering their eyes.

Just a few seconds later, the complexions of the three of them changed drastically.

(End of this chapter)

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