Chapter 72
Near Kyoto University.

Outside a courtyard full of greenery and vitality.

Li Changge, dressed in a green robe, walked straight into it with his head held high.

The first thing that catches the eye are two monkeys dressed as gardeners and full of sinister spirits, carrying water bottles to water the green plants in the courtyard.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, the two monkeys acted as if they hadn't heard it, and did not respond, but continued to do things on their own.

Standing in the center of the courtyard, Li Changge waited quietly with a smile on his face without saying a word.


Just a moment later, a bee the size of a fist flew out of the bushes, came to Li Changge, and said:
"Brother Li, how is the situation?"

"Brother Yan, thanks to your daughter this time! Otherwise, based on the information that the intelligence department had before, I am afraid that we will have to wait for the demons to run away completely before we can go to the scene to eat their exhaust."

As he said that, the smile on Li Changge's face became more and more obvious.

"Hey, Zi Xin just had a little bit of luck. She stumbled upon some clues by accident. After careful deduction and bold deduction, she found out the truth by mistake."

Before the bee could say a word, the pride in her tone could no longer be concealed.

"Hahaha, Brother Yan, why bother to be too modest! Zi Xin slept for three years, and after waking up, she became a blockbuster and made great achievements. This is also inseparable from Brother Yan's education since childhood!"

"In that case, Zixin's enrollment quota?"

"Approved. Just now, the school has unanimously decided to give Yan Zixin a special recruitment spot!"

Before the words fell, the body of the bee, which was flying up and down, trembled, as if it had lost its spirituality, and stagnated in the air sluggishly.

Far away, a hidden location.

Yan Wu danced excitedly.

He originally thought that his daughter would have to wait another year to take the next college entrance examination.

I didn't expect my daughter to be so upbeat and directly made a great contribution, meeting the most difficult condition in applying for a special recruitment quota!

After a while, Yan Wu finally came back to his senses and regained control of his summoned bee:
"Haha, I was a little rude just now."

"It's okay, it's human nature for a father to care about his daughter's situation. It's getting late, and Li will leave."

"Hey? Stay and have a meal before leaving. My high-level summoner is practicing cooking recently and has achieved certain results. How about a try?"

"No, no, no!"

Faced with Yan Wu's invitation, Li Changge's face changed slightly, and he refused decisively.

With a sigh, he turned around and slipped away.



Walking on the tree-lined path in the campus, Gu Zhao burped.

No. [-] cafeteria is really expensive and expensive. The food in it not only tastes top-notch, but also has various effects including improving understanding.

Not only that, he felt that his mastery of skills had improved a lot, and he planned to go back to the dormitory to practice in the mini martial arts field.


The bright young dragon sat on Gu Zhao's shoulders, imitating his appearance, hiccupped, and then lay flat, placing two dragon claws on both sides of his body to prevent himself from being knocked down.

The closer to the dormitory, the more Gu Zhao could feel the excitement of today.

When I first came here, this area was still extremely deserted.

Now back and forth, there is a feeling of continuous flow.

"Have all the freshmen come to report?"

Gu Zhao looked at the students nearby with some doubts.

It was found that many students walking towards the dormitory area had a small stack of leaflets in their hands.


The scene in front of him reminded Gu Zhao of the scene when his seniors handed out leaflets for campus cards when he was just in college.

Withdrawing his mind from the memories, he quickly walked to the vicinity of the dormitory.

From a distance, two young people were seen walking out of it.

One of the young men with short black hair said something excitedly to the other young man with short black hair.

The silver-haired young man looked indifferent, only occasionally replying a few words.

After getting closer, Gu Zhao heard the conversation between the two.

"Can you stay away from me, can't we promote separately? Do we have to go together?"

"The task of the captain."

"Mission? Isn't it just to find information? Can you be more professional and follow me from a distance? Don't you feel embarrassed like this!!"

The young man with short black hair was obviously a little bit crazy.

"It's so convenient."

The silver-haired young man's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to speak calmly.

"How can the Nanfeng team have such a weirdo like you?!"

The young man with short black hair glared at him.

After speaking, he walked forward quickly, trying to shake off the tail, but it was in vain, and the silver-haired youth followed closely behind.

Looking at the two curiously, Gu Zhao walked to the door of the villa and opened the door of the dormitory.

"Wow, Gu Zhao, you're back. I've been annoyed by these seniors for the past two days!"

Just as the door was opened, a loud voice sounded like seeing a savior,

Gu Zhao gently covered his ears, felt the slightly shaking ground, and complained:
"Dude, that voice of yours almost knocked me out of the way."

dong dong dong.

There was a sound of footsteps, and the blond dwarf Bai Hengjiang sprang out of the room, smiled embarrassingly, and lowered his voice to a normal volume:
"Hey, you haven't been here for the past two days, so I didn't control my voice, and I deliberately increased it a bit, so as to scare away the seniors and sisters who came to promote it."

Having said that, Bai Hengjiang stroked his beard and continued:
"Did you eat? I just packed a lot of things from the cafeteria."

"Thank you for your kindness. I finished eating in the cafeteria before I came back." Gu Zhao stepped into the house, "By the way, what happened to the seniors and sisters who came to promote?"

"Hey, isn't the orientation meeting for freshmen held the day after tomorrow? It's also the day for freshmen to join the team.

Naturally, these people had to come to promote their team.You can see that the table next to you can hardly fit the leaflets! "

Bai Hengjiang pointed to the table beside him and rubbed his head with the other hand.

During this period of time, he was the only one in the dormitory, and almost every time he had just left the martial arts field, there would be seniors and sisters coming to promote him.

It made him very headache, but he is new here, he is not familiar with the place, and it is not easy to turn against the people from the previous generations.

Thinking of the time when the crowds were the most dense, Bai Hengjiang couldn't help complaining to Gu Zhao:

"Dude, you don't know how good these people are at chatting. They can repeat the things that are written on the leaflets several times! I'm afraid I won't remember them.

It's useless to drive people away secretly, why don't these thick-skinned people think about leaving such a bad impression on us, and want us to join their team?I'm afraid it's not a daydream. "

Gu Zhao looked at the bearded Bai Hengjiang rolling his eyes, looking unloved, and couldn't help but feel a little funny:
"Then after you went through the propaganda bombing, have you decided which team you want to join?"

"How can you be so sloppy!" Bai Hengjiang shook his head repeatedly, "But I have already ruled out those pheasant teams, leaving only this small pile of leaflets for the elite team."

With that said, Bai Hengjiang took out a small dozen of leaflets from the inventory and handed them to Gu Zhao:
"You can look at these first and feel dissatisfied, and then look at those on the table."

"Thank you."

After receiving it, Gu Zhao thanked him and prepared to take a bath and look at these things again when he came back.


After half an hour.

Oh ~
Gu Zhao threw himself on the big soft bed and groaned comfortably.

Guangming Xiaolong, who was lying on the bed and looking at his mobile phone, was jolted violently.

Ang Woo~
Sylvia looked back and found a familiar young man stuck in the big bed. After looking at it for a while, she stopped paying attention and continued to follow the drama.

After lying dead for a while, Gu Zhao got up from the bed and began to read the small stack of leaflets that had been placed by the bed before taking a bath.

"Are all the introductions of this group of people so rough? Just put their names, photos, specialties and so on."

Gu Zhao flipped through the leaflets one by one, and found that there were six or seven sections on each leaflet, among which were notes that one or two people were expected to be recruited.

Some teams also specially enlarged the section of handsome guys and beautiful girls in the team to increase their attractiveness.

"I haven't met, these materials are just for reference."

Gu Zhao shook his head. Although each person's personality is marked on these leaflets, if they don't really get along for a while, how can they judge whether they are compatible?
This is also the reason why the students only pre-joined the team at the freshman orientation meeting the day after tomorrow.

"But knowing something ahead of time is better than knowing nothing at all."

Gu Zhao took a sip of water and continued to look through.

for a long time.

Feeling the sinking of the mattress around him, Gu Zhao turned his eyes away from the flyer.

He noticed that Sylvia had tears in her eyes, holding up her mobile phone, as if she was about to hand it to herself.

"Huh? Why are you crying?"

Gu Zhao was startled, took the phone and put it aside, stroked the head of Guangming Xiaolong, and asked softly.

Sylvia passed the thoughts in her mind to the past, while gesturing to the little dragon's claws, her emotions gradually changed from sadness to indignation.

After a while, Gu Zhao, who figured out what happened, was a little bit dumbfounded.

It turned out that in the "The Adventures of the Little Murloc" that Sylvia was chasing, the partner of the protagonist, the little murloc, sacrificed to save the little murloc.

This made her extremely sad.

Just now, Guangming Xiaolong strongly condemned the people who made this drama.

Said that if the director is caught, he must be beaten severely.

Just when Gu Zhao was thinking about whether to comfort her and how to comfort her, Sylvia blinked quickly, "recovered" the tears that hadn't shed yet, raised her dragon claw and pointed at the mobile phone placed aside .

"That woman sent me a message? Which woman."

Gu Zhao was a little puzzled, unlocked the phone, and a series of messages popped up.

Beauty Ruxue: At the same table, I'm going to get on the space train, see you tonight.

Beauty Ruxue: Is Sylvia okay?I haven't seen her for several days, and I don't have a new source for my emoticons.

Beauty Ruxue: I can't wait, hehe.

Gu Zhaozhao: See you tonight.Sylvia is pretty good, she uses her mobile phone very smoothly now, and found out that you used her as an emoji, and threatened to make you into an emoji too.

Beauty like snow: (shuddering)

After a brief chat with Yan Xue, Gu Zhao continued to devote his energy to the leaflet.


A black envelope fell out of the stack of leaflets in Gu Zhao's left hand.


Gu Zhao narrowed his pupils and looked at Sylvia next to him.

Sure enough, the bright young dragon looked around vigilantly at this moment, with milky white light looming all over his body, ready to transform into a complete body at any time.

"Although I didn't pay attention to these leaflets before, if there is this black envelope in it, I will definitely be spotted at a glance."

Gu Zhao frowned, rubbing his chin.

"When was this thing put here, or did it come here? Uncle Yan and Aunt Bai nearby didn't notice anything unusual."

The sound of Bai Hengjiang's normal activities downstairs came to his ears, and Gu Zhao came back to his senses and turned his attention to the black envelope.

The entire body of the envelope was pitch black. Looking at it at a glance, it felt like falling into an abyss, and a strong breath of death welled up in my heart.

There was no word on the envelope at first, but after looking at it for a long time, Gu Zhao vaguely noticed some handwriting.

"Does it get clearer the longer you stare?"

Gu Zhao was thoughtful, and bright energy flowed around his body, driving away the breath of death that permeated his body after staring at the envelope.

Instead of touching the envelope with his hands, Gu Zhao activated the Grip of Light to take the object from the air.

He wanted to see if the energy attached to the Grip of Light could purify the envelope filled with the breath of death.

Well, the grip of light can touch this envelope, but the accompanying light energy is at peace with the death breath on the envelope.

Gu Zhao hesitated for a moment, but did not choose to continue looking at the envelope.

Instead, he held it in the air and walked downstairs.

He wanted to ask Yan Lie and Bai Xiaoyu if they knew what it was.

dong dong dong.

Hearing the sound of Gu Zhao going downstairs, Bai Hengjiang turned his head curiously, but saw that his roommate was holding something.

Bai Hengjiang glanced at the ball of light floating in front of Gu Zhao.

The light is not too strong and does not obstruct the line of sight.

Suddenly, it was found that there was nothing in the light cluster.

"Brother Gu, why are you so stupid today?"

Bai Hengjiang grabbed his messy hair, was very puzzled, thought for a while, and when he was about to ask, he heard the sound of a door closing.

Shaking his head, he chose to continue with what he hadn't finished just now - maintaining his beard.

Gu Zhao stepped out of the dormitory, found a relatively remote and sparsely populated place, and called softly:

"Uncle Yan, Aunt Bai, are you there?"

As soon as these words were spoken, a lion-like man and a looming woman first appeared in the air.

"Here I am."

"Here I am."

Two voices sounded at the same time, Yan Lie was puzzled, not sure why Gu Zhao had to hold a ball of light.

"Somewhat something is wrong."

Bai Xiaoyu showed his figure completely, frowning, staring at the center of the light sphere.

Seeing the strange reactions of the two, Gu Zhao was filled with doubts and asked:

"Have you ever seen this kind of black envelope? It seems that there are words on it. As the viewing time increases, the words on it will become clearer and clearer.

But inexplicably, there will be more dead energy in the body. Although it can be expeled with light energy, it makes people very uncomfortable. "

Telling the weirdness of the black envelope one by one, Gu Zhao looked forward to the answer from the two of them.

"The black envelope?"

"Where is the black envelope?"


(End of this chapter)

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