Chapter 9 Huge improvement
"What is this? Light Wing?"

Gu Zhao's face first showed astonishment, but after a while, it turned into unspeakable joy.

"So that's how wing equipment came about!"

Since ancient times, humans have had an endless yearning for the sky. This yearning has become more and more obvious after the world has become semi-digital and can become stronger through job changes.

In fact, after reaching level [-], almost all professions can get rid of the shackles of the earth and conquer the sky, it is nothing more than a matter of flying speed.

But level [-] is a rare existence in the human world after all, so every profession tries its best to discover various flying skills.

Law and healing professions can learn flying spells such as levitation and dance after level [-].

Assassin professions can learn skills such as light escape and rainbow transformation after level [-].

After leaping with their strong physical fitness, fighter professions can charge to change directions in the air, dodge and move, which is also a kind of alternative flight.

Only guardian and archer occupations do not have any flying skills.

Archer professions are very relieved that they cannot fly before level [-]. They often comfort themselves. After all, shooting from the sky is no different from shooting from the ground.

As the world's darling guardian class, although it can use various powerful control skills, it will not fall into a disadvantage in frontal battles with other classes, but it is the same as the archer class class, and it will inevitably fall into embarrassment during long-distance pursuits or escapes. situation.

The best way to make up for all this is wing equipment!
Before Gu Zhao got this pair of light wings, he had only heard the legend of wing equipment, but had never seen anyone owning them.

Guardian professions with wing equipment will have no shortcomings except for weaker attack power.

For Gu Zhao, it is to transform into a hexagonal warrior!
What?Guardian occupations are usually weak in attack?

Those are other guardian professions, but I am a man with a bright dragon!

Do you know what is the breath of the dragon, which melts everything!

Thinking of this, Gu Zhao excitedly flapped the light wings on his back, completely forgetting what kind of environment he was in.

Ah ~
In the next second, accompanied by a dull crash, a scream resounded through the cave.

Gu Zhao lay on the ground, covering his head, speechless for a long time.

Extreme joy begets sorrow...

Shocked by Gu Zhao's stupid behavior, the bright young dragon at the side hid to the side, but after seeing him not moving for a long time, he approached cautiously and stretched out his claws...

Putting his hands on the ground, Gu Zhao got up as if nothing had happened, touched the head of the bright young dragon, then took a deep breath, calmed down, and said silently: "Check my attribute panel."

Name: Gu Zhao

Race: Terran

Level: 10

Occupation: Dragon Knight
Power: 53
Agility: 47
Spirit: 61
Stamina: 57
Mount: Sylvia the Bright Drake (Orange Legend) - She is without a doubt the best choice.

Equipment: Standard knight suit (white normal) - for newcomers, this set of equipment is not bad.

Bright Wings (Orange Legend) - a special type of treasure obtained when contracting the Bright Dragon Royal Family, which can grow with you all the way.

Skill: Dragon's Contract (Special Skill) - Equal contract, common progress.

Remarks: You have found a partner to spend the rest of your life with, treat her well, don't abuse her.

Enrage (Active Skill)——The effect is like the name, and the strength of the effect is related to the spirit.

Remarks: The damage is not necessarily great, but the insult is strong enough.Come hit me, idiot~

Grasp of Light (Active Skill)—Use the power of light to forcibly pull the target within 50 meters to your body. After training, the range can be increased.

Remarks: Come on you!
Guardian of the Dragon (Passive Skill) - You can get one-tenth of the attributes of the Bright Dragon, no matter which aspect it is!

Fighting side by side (passive skill) - When you are riding a bright dragon to fight, the attack of both sides will be increased by [-]%, and the defense will be increased by [-]%.

Sure enough, as Gu Zhao expected, the skills that had not been activated before have shown specific information after contracting the dragon.

In terms of equipment, aside from the white normal-quality suit issued by the school, the orange legendary Bright Wings left Gu Zhao speechless in shock.

That's Orange Legend!
In today's world, there are five types of equipment quality, namely white common, green excellent, blue excellent, purple epic and orange legendary.

White normal-quality equipment is the first choice for most people.

The excellent quality of green is enough to cause competition, and the excellent equipment of blue is even more valuable.

There is no way, just a word, there are too few good equipment.

After all, reality is not a game, and equipment will not be dropped when fighting fierce beasts, and fierce beasts will not be refreshed.

Except for some natural gods, most of the equipment in the world is forged by blacksmiths using various basic materials.

In the whole forging process, flame and technique are indispensable.

Some people's skills are superb, and every detail can be taken care of, but the flame level they master is very low; some people have good flames, but their skills are rough.

These two kinds of people can only be middle-level blacksmiths.

And those who have both flame and technique can create outstanding blue master characters, and are sought after by all forces.

As for the purple epic and orange legendary equipment, no one has been able to forge them so far. They are all innate fetishes, which are treasured by major forces and passed down as heritage.

"Check the equipment level of Bright Wing."

Looking at the eye-catching "ten" in front of him, Gu Zhao was thoughtful, and said softly: "Sure enough, the equipment of the orange legendary level grows in power as the owner's level increases."

"Growing equipment", this is the biggest feature of legendary equipment, it will accompany the owner to grow gradually.Every time the owner of the equipment is upgraded, a level seal will be unlocked, reaching the limit of the owner's ability to control power.

This kind of equipment is everyone's ultimate dream, but at this moment, Gu Zhao obtained it effortlessly!

Not only in terms of equipment, but the activated skills also gave Gu Zhao a huge surprise!
One active skill and two passive skills, both of which have extremely abnormal effects.

The Grasp of Light can be said to be the signature skill of the Dragon Knight as a guardian profession.

Whether it is saving teammates from fire or water, or firmly controlling the enemy, Light Grip can easily do it. Within 50 meters, it is of great practical significance to catch whoever wants to be caught.

For the guardian of the dragon, Gu Zhao directly obtained one-tenth of the various attributes of the bright dragon, and several attributes almost doubled. This is just a newborn bright dragon!

The attributes of ordinary people when they first change jobs are generally around 15, but Gu Zhao is three times or even nearly four times theirs!
This means that people of the same level are like childish children in front of Gu Zhao, who can be beaten as much as he wants.

Fighting side by side at the end is very suitable for the name of the dragon knight profession, and directly increases attack and defense proportionally!The bonus of defense ability has reached a terrifying [-]%!

"Fudo Ming Wang? You can fight while you are standing, but if you move, I will lose?"

In an instant, Gu Zhao's mind flooded with messy scenes of pretending to be B.

Intoxicated by his own strength for a while, Gu Zhao calmed down his turbulent heart, tapped lightly on the name of the bright young dragon Sylvia with his mind, and opened her attribute panel...

(End of this chapter)

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