My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 120 The Battle of Shandu

Chapter 120 The Battle of Shandu

The loss of the pier position is still within the acceptable range of Xuanzhi Immortal. After all, Jingzhou is still the main battlefield of Heming Tower, and it is not unreasonable to occupy some time advantage.

But when Immortal Xuanzhi saw that Heming Tower did not stop attacking after successfully taking down the pier position, but went straight to Shandupu, he immediately fell into deep suspicion.

How dare you be so arrogant as a scattered member?

In the eyes of Immortal Xuanzhi, even with the Crane Tuan, who had been in the limelight a few days before the district was opened, Jingzhou can only be regarded as a second-rate or even third-rate power.

You know, the Xuanjia regiment and the Xuanzhi regiment have always been regarded as the mainstay of Wanshishengyi. They may not be as strong as Wanshishengyi's high-level battle group: Xingjun regiment, but if you want to talk about execution and reliability, The Xuanzhi Immortal felt that it was completely possible to break arms with the Xingjun Tuan.

Just these two mainstays, how could they be looked down upon by a small Jingzhou Sanren League?

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it!
Ever since, under the command of the Immortal Xuanzhi, the Xuanjia Group and the Xuanzhi Group, which had just been deflated at the pier, did not give up their progress, but began to push forward against the defense lines of the two eunuchs at the Heming Tower. .

"Yo ho, it's really here."

At this time, Yang Rui was sitting in front of the computer, looking at the members of Wanshishengyi who were also paving the way in the game screen. This upcoming battle is undoubtedly the best time to test the combat effectiveness of the Crane Group.

It is also the best time to test whether Yang Rui's six-figure military expenditure this season is worth it.

The battle between the two sides, at two o'clock in the afternoon, surrounded a mountain range between Shandu and Linxiang Wharf, and finally broke out completely.

The two parties began their competition at the forefront of the war-free land where the fortress was being built just now.

Since the main position on his side was almost at the pier, Yang Rui was not in a hurry to launch an attack, but began to issue command emails, calling for people to rush over to guard the front link.

As we all know, if there are mountains on the battlefield, there must be one or two valleys or crucial linking places at the foot of the mountain, and the same is true for this battle.

When a large number of arrows began to shoot at the front row to garrison, it was equivalent to Yang Rui sending a signal to Wanshishengyi, that is, he did not intend to make a quick battle in the true sense, but was ready to pull the front line and follow the All the best, come to a positional battle!

Immortal Xuanzhi almost laughed out loud on the spot when he realized this, you, a scattered alliance, want to fight a positional battle with the leader of our T2 alliance?Are you crazy or am I crazy?

But disdain is disdain, after the Immortal Xuanzhi determined that Heming Tower was going to build a fortress group first, and then launch an offensive tactic, he immediately began to organize fire, wanting to kill all the way along the link.

However, one thing that makes Xuanzhi feel incomprehensible is that obviously the main position of Heming Tower is on the side of Linxiang Wharf, at least fifty squares away from the Shandu Battlefield, but what about my side?The distance between the mountain pass and the mountain capital is less than [-] squares, so the distance between the two sides must be at least half.

But that's half the distance. As early as the time when Xuanzhi Immortal released the email and started to organize the fire, a large number of garrison arrows from Heming Tower had already arrived at most of them!
This is a very scary thing, especially when Xuanzhi Shenxian saw with his own eyes a member of Heming Tower with the ID He丨Cola, who came to garrison with his "unusual" infantry team. I checked the garrison situation of Heming Tower, and found that the garrison team inside, except for a firework丨Sanyue and a man named Han丨Tiandao, all of them are members of the prefix He!

It wasn't until this time that the Xuanzhi Immortal finally realized that this crane regiment was sent to guard by all the members?

A whole 82 teams are stationed, which means that the Heming Tower has spent at least 3000 jade just for washing spots!
Indeed, more than 3000 Jade is not much in the eyes of many local players, especially when the main force of 82 teams is assigned, and the average team's main force only needs [-] Jade, it seems even less.

But at least, at least the Immortals of Mystery know that such a situation where all the points are washed and garrisoned by long-range shots in a uniform manner cannot appear in the Mysterious Group or the Xuanjia Group.

Perhaps, the combat power of this crane regiment is far beyond the imagination of Immortal Xuan Zhi?
It's just that the current situation in the Shandu battlefield is already on the verge of death for Xuan Zhixian, and he has no choice but to act. Even if it is not a crane group, it is a strong group that is famous for its boldness, such as Xingtian, Xuan The immortal can only choose to bite the bullet and organize his first wave of fire.

When the first sharp and ear-piercing enemy attack siren appeared in Yang Rui's ears, the corners of Yang Rui's mouth finally drew a curve, and he was silent for a full ten days. No small torment.

No fight means that Yang Rui's wallet can only go out but not in, so that's why Yang Rui is so excited about this battle with Wan Shi Sheng Yi.

"It's a pity, buddy, the main force is buried in the middle, I don't know when it will be my turn..."

Seeing more and more red arrows above the link, Yang Rui rubbed his hands expectantly. Compared with last season, Yang Rui's overall combat effectiveness in this season has obviously improved a lot.

Full red plus full red martial arts, such a strength is completely worthy of Yang Rui's 600 million martial arts panel.

Soon, the concentrated fire from Wanshishengyi, which was almost full of two regiment members, finally reached the target point as scheduled.

In the next second, while a fierce battle was going on around the mountain pass, countless red arrows and blue arrows also began to return the same way.

It has to be said that compared to the so-called concentrated fire in the S season, which often has a deviation of several minutes, the concentrated fire intensity of the conquest season is indeed more than one level higher.

Especially Xuanjia, a team like Xuanzhi that has been established for many seasons and has enough background. In this wave of all things winning, almost everyone has put the time card together. Only a few teams are slightly slower. It was only a few seconds.

Before Yang Rui could react, the main players of the three teams piled up in the middle, without exception, all started to return the same way.

It's just that at the same time as returning to the original road, a total of fifteen battle reports have appeared in the lower left corner of Yang Rui's game screen!

(End of this chapter)

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