Chapter 216 Desperate
At first glance, there is nothing wrong with the terrain on the wolf totem's forward position, but if you look carefully, you can still find some clues.

The entire area around Linzi is separated by many mountains, especially in the south. Centered on the mountain range next to the Wandering Army's position, there is an extremely long stretch of mountains below.

Although it is not clear what this mountain range should have been called in ancient times if it really had a prototype, its terrain is quite favorable for the current crane group.

There are two intersections on the left and right of the mountain range. When you enter the intersection on the right, you will face a river that is neither wide nor narrow, forming a pass with a width of only three blocks up and down between the mountain range.

As we all know, as long as it is a pass, there is a high probability that it will be a position that is relatively easy to defend and difficult to attack in the world of leading the earth. Therefore, in June's view, as long as this pass can be captured, then even if you can't Completely eating the wolf totem within half an hour will definitely save him most of the trouble in the next battle.

This kind of problem can be seen in June, but Lang Mie didn't pay attention to these details. In his opinion, the current round of concentrated fire launched by He Tuan is simply trying to attack his own position.

Therefore, because he didn't want to waste his troops in vain, Lang Mie simply chose to give this pass to He Tuan for nothing.

When a large number of troops from the crane regiment arrived at the target point, but most of them were unexpectedly empty, June [-] was even a little confused.

what's the situation?Just give up such a critical intersection to me?Could it be that there is some conspiracy in it?
No matter how much June thought about it, he would never have guessed that there was no conspiracy in it, it was just a single one because Lang Mie didn't want the main team of members to be consumed by the wandering army.

But no matter what the reason is, at least June's goal has been achieved. After some operations to collect all the links around the pass, half an hour has already passed.

Although the Linzi fortress group that had been fought so hard before has not been completely pushed away by the Yemeng, it has already been pushed to the point of being riddled with holes, and even opened a path towards the main city formation of the wandering army. Head over.

Seeing this, June didn't intend to spend more time on the pass side. Taking advantage of the pass-free area around the pass to pass enough time, the members of the crane group hurried back to the frontal battlefield again.

The Yezhu League, the Yefen League, and the two alliances add up to just 370 and eight people. At this time, they have merged their positions into one, and they started shooting at the same point from two different directions.

And the target of their first round of concentrated fire was precisely the first two links of the main city of Hongta Mountain, which had just been hit hard yesterday!
However, June was very calm about the concentrated fire of the regular army, and did not arrange for a garrison. The members of the wandering army had limited physical strength, and it was impossible to casually fight against the full regular army.

Every time a wave of fire is concentrated, all the members are stationed and go up to fight hard. I am afraid that it will not take much longer for their crane group to lie down because of lack of physical strength!
So at this time, it is even more important to make a trade-off. Do not garrison the first two squares of the main city, and wait until the first square of the opposite main city, and then use the main city bonus to garrison.

Make the best use of every drop of physical strength, reduce losses, and at the same time give He Tuan the chance to overcome this difficulty to the greatest extent!

Since the link land two grids ago was not garrisoned, it quickly became a free zone for the members of the Night Alliance, and a piece of land next to it was taken by the members of the Night Alliance.

Immediately afterwards, when they saw that they were only two steps away from successfully defeating the members of the Feihe group, all the members of the Night League present couldn't help but become excited.

Under the command of Serhuang and Qingchun, another round of attack from the joint efforts of the two alliances reappeared in the vision of the members of the crane group!
[All emails] Crane丨June: Pay attention!The main city of Hongta Mountain must be fully garrisoned!Two waves of opportunities, try to eat up all the main players of the Night League!


Seeing the truly overwhelming red arrows, getting closer and closer to the main city of He丨Hongtashan, June couldn't help but seep beads of sweat on his forehead, nervous, extremely nervous.

You must know that the Crane Tuan has not been defeated once since its establishment until today, and today is obviously the most likely time to break the Crane Tuan's undefeated golden stature!
June doesn't want to, and doesn't want to be the commander who leads the crane regiment to win the first defeat of his career!Of course, no one would want to be the protagonist of such a dark history, including Yang Rui and Han丨Tiandaoye.

Eight minutes passed in a flash, and at 8:45, a large sea of ​​red arrows, as many as there are countless, mercilessly smashed into the last link in front of the main city of He丨Hongta Mountain like hail!

In an instant, the comet hit the earth, and the battle between the two sides could no longer be simply described as fierce, but fierce!
In such a split second, the battle between spear and shield has already been decided.

The connection area that originally belonged to the members of the Crane Group has now become two red free battle areas, one from the Yezhu League and the other from the Yefen League. Looking at the alliance battle report on the link ground, everyone fell into silence for a while.

Indeed, relying on the bonus of the main city of Hongta Mountain, this wave of Crane Group itself has an absolute advantage in attributes, but the Yemeng firefighting team is a bit outrageous.

After simply looking around, Yang Rui already knew in his heart that the defense line built with all the strength of the crane group may not even eat half of the total firepower in this round!

Sure enough, although the loss of the main force is a bit painful, in the final analysis, it is still within the controllable range. Yezhu Ye divided the two major alliances. They did not wait until 10 minutes later to continue the attack, but just after the last wave of attack. Less than 2 minutes after the end, red arrows have already been inserted above the main city of He丨Hongta Mountain!

Although counting the marching time, this round of the crane regiment can still catch up with the garrison, but what about the next wave?What about the next wave?
After the wolf totem under the Linzi battlefield finally discovered June's thoughts, he didn't continue to focus on the right pass, which was full of battle-free areas, but directly drove the eunuch's car towards the left pass.

Now there are only 370 people from the two alliances attacking, and the Crane Group is about to be cornered. What will happen when the 240 Wolf Totems enter the arena and wait for the Crane Group?
[All emails] Fireworks丨March: The main city of Hongta Mountain, after the serious injury is over, all the staff will wash up and pull up to garrison!Even if you are beaten into the air, you have to pass the test of the brothers first!Today, on the Linzi battlefield, even if all fifty of us are blown away, we must fight until the last moment!

This time, it was no longer June who issued the command email, but Yang Rui!

 I've been a little stuck lately. Is there any plot you want to watch? You can discuss it.

(End of this chapter)

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