My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 278 Entering Yongzhou

Chapter 278 Entering Yongzhou

The time is moving towards five o'clock in the afternoon, and the overwhelming sea of ​​purple arrows is also approaching the Meiwu Pass little by little.

The pungent smell of gunpowder that had been dormant in the air for a long time was completely detonated, and there were only a few minutes left.

Finally, at the moment when the time came to five o'clock sharp, the sea of ​​purple arrows that had already covered half of the sky in Meiwu plunged into the skulls of the Nayu eighteen team like wild horses that had run wild. Above the Meiwu where the defense line was built by the high-level defenders!

It was really just a blink of an eye, together with the durability of more than [-] and the [-] teams of skull-level defenders, they dissipated on the spot in the stormy attack of the Crane Group!

"Hold the grass!"

Such a speed of breaking through the level really surprised Shan Daozhi. Originally, he wanted to wait for the crane group to finish the first round of attack before going up to garrison for demolition, but the speed of breaking through the level still scared him. It's not easy.

If you continue to fight at this pace, and if you die for another 10 minutes, Meiwu, who is at level seven, will be set on fire on the spot!
[All emails] Single-handed 丨 Straight-in: Speed ​​garrison!The gate speed is stationed, all the main forces don't stand still, they all pile up!


Looking at the war-chaotic land at the front of the pass that made him very excited, he went straight to the end and still didn't dare to send out some people to harass the crane group to attack.

As a commander, single-handed 丨 Straightforward is too aware of how fragile the combat power of the big knife is compared to the wandering army like the gods of the crane group. When stationed at the pass, relying on the superiority of the number, it may be able to delay for a while Time, if you take the initiative to attack, then I am afraid that it is really no different from sending preparations to the opponent.

On the other hand, Yang Rui breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the whole staff had finally begun to garrison the belly pockets with big knives. He was really afraid that these people would still be beaten and scolded like a few days ago, without Wu Xun. Days are really a little too sad!
[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Attention!All members come back in seconds!The next round of fire, the card second is 8:[-]!Many of their fortresses are too far away, and they may not be able to arrive in [-] minutes. Take advantage of this opportunity, go up and rush for a wave of durability!


Looking at the remaining 70.00% durability in Meiwu, Yang Rui's heart finally couldn't help throbbing. At this moment, it seemed that Chang'an was waving to him, and Tongguan seemed to be waving to him.

If possible, Yang Rui even wants to flash into Yongzhou now, to have fun, and to vent his anger that he hasn't won many martial arts for several days.

At 360:8, the second round of gatherings of Forgotting Rate Tu and Forgotting Fireworks arrived at the city of Meiwu once again as scheduled. People, remove the paddlers, and remove the fortress that is a little far away for 200 minutes and can't get to the pass to garrison. In fact, the garrison that the crane group faced in this wave of fire was less than [-] people at best!

The 200 people in the Zero Dragon War may not be able to withstand a round of attack by the crane group, let alone those people who slashed their stomachs with big knives?
It was almost the same as the 20.00 teams of defenders at the pass. In an instant, just a moment of effort, the more than [-] teams stationed at the pass had already turned into fly ash on the spot, and the team that fell suddenly at the pass [-]% durable, dissipated in the air together.

In just 8 minutes since the start of the war, Mei Wu's durability has dropped by nearly 50.00%!This is the price paid by the main force of two hundred people who split their stomach pockets with a big knife, otherwise the speed of the crane group's breakthrough will only be faster!
Think about it, if there are 90 people in the Crane Group per capita and a team of Shubu, the original demolition value will definitely exceed [-] Shubu, and then according to Yang Rui's request, replace it with a full-level ladder to rush the car, it will be easy. Most of the three hundred went for the four hundred demolition value!

If it weren't for the fact that a lot of demolition will hit the opponent's main force and be forced to level off, then the speed of durability decline at the Meiwu Pass will only be faster.

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: The time for the next round of firework is [-]:[-]!Go, go, go!

After roughly calculating the damage of the main force of the members of the crane regiment, Yang Rui still decided not to wait for the 10-minute serious injury time, and a quick battle is always king.

So, not too long later, when he saw the purple arrows covering Meiwu again, the single-handedly piercing heart can only be described by the word despair.

The unequal combat power directly led to this battle of Meiwu, and there will be no miracles from the very beginning!

At 30.00:[-], the third round of concentrated fire by the [-] wandering troops arrived at the target point again as scheduled. empty, and even took away more than [-]% of the durability on the spot!

In 15 minutes, from the beginning of the war to the present, only 15 minutes have passed in total. A seventh-level checkpoint in Nuoda, Meiwu, has been destroyed to the point where only the last ten percent of its durability is left.

Such a level-breaking speed is not only tormenting the heart of the single-handed 丨 Straightforward, but also tormenting the heart of every member of the big knife!

And after clearing the garrison on the pass for the second time, Yang Rui could probably guess that the opponent should have fallen into an embarrassing situation with no soldiers to use, so the fourth time the fire was concentrated was quite presumptuous. The preparation time of 8 minutes was not allowed, and the fire-focusing time was set at 5 minutes!
For a full-red team with all members washing points, 5 minutes of preparation time for focusing fire is already more than enough for He Tuan.

So when the sea of ​​purple arrows, which was about to cause psychological damage to the members of Da Dao Qi Dudou, appeared in the eyes of everyone again, this time, it was not just a single person who was on the verge of collapse.

Looking at the scene in front of him, just ten minutes ago, he was still a confident single-handed 丨 Big Q, and he has also fallen into deep self-doubt.

who I am?where am I?what am i doingWho did I kill, who killed me?

Questions that he couldn't figure out no matter how hard he tried, were constantly bombarding his originally proud heart at this moment.

Originally, the single-handed 丨 Big Q wanted to send some chicken soup emails at this time, simply to encourage the members of the alliance, but his hands were placed on the keyboard for a long time, but he still couldn't type a word.

defeat!It's all about frustration!
Then, at 23:[-], another round of concentrated fire by the crane group arrived at the head of Meiwu city again as scheduled.

As the remaining ten percent of the durability at the Meiwu pass was taken by the crane group like a storm, the wandering army finally formally marched into Yongzhou with a rather unconventional style of play!

(End of this chapter)

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