My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 301 The Early Bird

Chapter 301 The Early Bird (Thanks to Tiandao boss Baiyinmeng for the reward)
The balance of power on the battlefield is undoubtedly a considerable disadvantage for the new coach 丨 superstar.

New coach丨Superstar is even hard to imagine now, Zero丨Dragon Fighting the World and Forgot to lead the soil head-to-head one-on-one can only be evenly divided, although there are many reasons why the previous battles consumed too much vitality, but regardless No matter how you look at it, when he forgets to lead the soil and returns to the battlefield, this battle will definitely not develop in a direction that is beneficial to him.

And with the passage of time, it seems that the distance between Wang Litu and the re-starting of the battlefield has become closer and closer.

On the Luoyang battlefield, the wandering army must be more anxious, and the offensive will inevitably be the faster side. This has almost become the consensus of everyone today.

But to the surprise of the new coach丨Superstar, he waited until after eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and he still didn't rejoin the battlefield in a serious manner. Only a few sporadic people have been cooperating. The fireworks are constantly harassing Ling丨Long Zhan Tianxia's position.

Seeing the scene in front of him, and with the painful experience of the last Chang'an battlefield, the new coach丨Superstar's first reaction was to think that the Wandering Army was looking for some sneaky tactics again.

But looking through the entire Sili, except for the many purple positions that can be seen in Pingyang County, all the remaining positions have been completely sealed by Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​let alone a main city as big as the Wandering Army , I am afraid that it is difficult for even a fly to fly in.

After several consecutive investigations to no avail, the new coach丨Superstar simply stopped thinking about these meaningless questions. Even if the wandering army really engages in some sneak attack tactics, it is the enemy who is out in the open and me in the dark. The new coach丨Superstar can no longer think of any other preventive measures.

There was nothing to say all night, and the entire Luoyang battlefield was like the evening, gradually coming to an end with the fight between the forgotten fireworks and the zero丨Long Zhantianxia. During this night, the new coach丨Superstar did not continue to organize anything set fire.

On the one hand, fighting for a long time during the day is quite exhausting. In order to cope with the tough battle that will inevitably come during the day tomorrow, the new coach丨Superstar doesn't want to consume too much the state of the members of Zero丨Dragon Fighting the World.

On the other hand, because the battle lasted for a whole day, the current zero-丨龙战天下 has the main force that can be used to focus fire. Not to mention very few, there are not many at all.

Since the quality of the concentrated fire cannot be guaranteed, the new coach丨Superstar feels that it is even better not to concentrate the fire at all.

Finally, as the sun rose as usual the next day, the Luoyang battlefield ushered in a new round of fighting.

I forgot that Litu had already arrived at the frontal battlefield in Luoyang after a day's rest. It can only be seen from the layout on the battlefield that Yang Rui was much more cautious this time.

For these members who were sent flying, the fortresses that returned to the battlefield were built on the faces of other members' main cities. It can be said that as long as Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia wants to be shaken again and forget the root of leading the soil in the Luoyang battlefield, then All battles must be fought in the main city of the member who forgot to lead the soil.

Although Yang Rui knew very well that doing so would not affect Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia's concentrated fire offensive, it was still better than at the beginning yesterday, when all members couldn't get a little bit of bonus, which directly led to the imbalance of combat power.

At 07:30 in the morning, Yang Rui sat in front of the computer early and began to observe the situation on the battlefield. As early as last night, Yang Rui had passed the air with June, and was ready to attack across the board at [-]:[-] this morning. , Taking advantage of Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia's reaction, he forgot to lead the soil to join the attack, and try to see if he can expand some results.

But when the time just came to [-]:[-], Yang Rui suddenly heard an extremely piercing and sharp enemy attack siren.

Yang Rui, who hadn't taken it seriously at first, suddenly began to look heavy in the next second. Yes, the continuous enemy attack alarm had already resounded over the Luoyang battlefield at 07:30 in the morning!
The main city is at the forefront of the entire forgot to lead the main city formation. The crane 丨 Lingling is the first to bear the brunt. Since several teammates have been beaten into the air yesterday, this seemingly lonely main city has long been covered in red. Arrows give a whole coverage!

"I'm rough? The early bird catches the worm, right?"

By now, what happened on the battlefield is quite clear to Yang Rui. Who would have thought that he was the one who was going to launch a surprise attack, but the person who was actually raided turned out to be himself?

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Attention everyone!Zero hair main city, garrison full!Let's cheer up for the first battle today!Today's goal is very simple. In one day, if you break through the Zero Dragon War, you must at least touch the city of Luoyang!Let's go!

Fortunately, as early as last night, Yang Rui had already notified the group about the sneak attack this morning, so now at 07:30, most of the members of the crane group are already preparing for the battle online.

The only two members of the crane group who did not respond were forcibly dragged up 2 minutes later amidst the continuous phone bombardment from Han Tiandao.

At the same time, seeing that the vast majority of the main force in Zero丨Dragon Wars World should be used to focus fire, June, who was also prepared early, of course would not easily miss this great opportunity to advance, so she immediately An attack order was issued to Forgot Fireworks.

For a while, the Luoyang battlefield, which had seemed a little quiet just now, was completely detonated on the spot with the sudden attack of Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia!
There are a total of 470 people on both sides, and the attendance rate at this moment is already too high to be called outrageous!Between countless arrows intersecting, today's first round of confrontation between Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia and the Wandering Army unexpectedly unfolded in such an unclear way!

"Huh? How did they know I was going to raid?"

Similar to Yang Rui, when he saw that the wandering army had already responded to his actions in just 2 minutes, the first reaction in the heart of the bewildered coach 丨 superstar was: I am rough, our internal Could it be a traitor?
Of course, this idea only appeared for less than a second, and it was immediately passed by the new coach 丨 superstar himself.

It's not how much the new coach 丨 superstar trusts Zero 丨 Long Zhan Tianxia and other members of No. 370 No. [-]. It's just that the two armies are fighting, and there is a trust problem within one side, which is quite serious.

So even if Xiao Nei really appeared, at least before the end of this Luoyang battle, the new coach 丨 superstar would pretend that there was no Xiao Nei, for the sake of internal stability.

Moreover, the fact that the wandering army was "prepared for a long time" is not all bad for the new coach 丨 superstar. It is a head-on collision. Since it is already the decisive battle in Luoyang, let this battle come. It's better to be more violent!



PS: Thanks again to Tiandao Boss Bai Yinmeng for the reward.

In addition, the morale system was updated today, but at least it will not be written in the novel until the end of this season. On the one hand, it has just been updated, so you have to be familiar with how to play it well.

Including the new military general card pack, you need to be familiar with it before you dare to write, otherwise you will write a lot of mistakes, and it will be ridiculous, but there is one thing to say, as far as the current situation is concerned, Sima Yan is indeed very fierce, and he should be able to develop many usage.

Love you guys.

(End of this chapter)

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