My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 349 Expecting a Miracle

Chapter 349 Expecting a Miracle
With the loss of the already-wu pass, the next round of firework forgot all the fireworks and all the members ran in vain. It also means that the main city of several members who forgot to lead the soil, including Yang Rui, was completely exposed to the range of the prosperous peony's fire. .

What this means may not only be Yang Rui, but almost everyone present knows it well.

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Attention everyone!All members, target my main city, and garrison at full speed!Pull as many main forces as there are able to move!Stationed to eat bonus!


Looking at the forgotten fireworks at the Jiwu Pass and the distribution of the main cities of the members of the Forgot and Suitu two gatherings, Yang Rui suddenly regretted it. In order to make it easier to defend after Wang Suitu took down the pass, he simply stayed in the enclave. At that time, Yang Rui directly assigned the Forgotten Leaders to higher positions.

But at that time, I obviously did not expect such an embarrassing scene to appear now. The gate was in the exempt period, and I forgot that the 50 people of the Fireworks Quanjuyi could only stand there and do nothing, and they couldn’t be stationed. Can't even attack.

But at the moment, Wang Litu, who is in a worse state, has a high probability of facing the offensive firepower of the entire alliance from Shengshi Peony!
The anti-people's three regiments can't hold the fire, let alone the three regiments will soon become an alliance?

On the other side of the battlefield, after receiving the news that their members had successfully captured the Jiwu Pass, the ghosts did not show too much excitement. Since the pass was already under control, as the field of vision opened, the entire crane group approached the Jiwu Pass The distribution of positions in the first few rings has been clearly seen by the ghost.

"Isn't this their leader?"

Originally, I was still debating whether to recruit all the members on the spot to restore their strength, so as to avoid the specter of An Lan丨Ren Cai finishing landing later and then being played by the opponent in a wave of mixed doubles, but now he saw this standing in front of the gate. When the ID of the main city of the first ring was reached, he immediately decided to completely abandon his "delay strategy"!
Capture the thief first, this is the eternal truth, regardless of whether it is the era of cold weapons thousands of years ago, or the era of hot weapons hundreds of years ago, even in games, it is always important to capture the king first when catching the thief. The above is one of the most effective tactics and methods of fighting between the two armies.

I forgot that there are not many active main forces left in the land. This has almost become a problem that everyone on the battlefield understands. If we don’t focus fire now, when will we focus fire?
[All emails] Appearance of the ghost: Attention!Goal, Fireworks丨The main city in March, all members are stuck for 15 minutes, remember, it is all members!The three hundred brothers in the whole league, as long as they have a force of more than [-], they will all come up directly!
A round of firework destroyed the fireworks 丨 the main city in March, destroyed the rain of red envelopes in the group, and did not kill me one by one to check the battle report!It is related to our game experience for the rest of the season, and everyone must not lose the chain!


Without any further hesitation, as soon as the ghost found out that this command email was successfully clicked to send, at almost the same time, Shengshi Mudan opened the fortress group that had stretched to the mountains behind the Jiwu pass, and rushed to Yang Rui's main city to shoot the first shot. road arrow.

Yang Rui, who was still hoping that it would just be a "little test" from Shengshi Peony, was completely disappointed after only two or three minutes.

Who's temptation will directly shoot up hundreds of arrows?

Judging from Yang Rui's experience, in just a few minutes, Shengshi Peony fired at the rockets in its main city, at least five or six hundred teams!
Then look at my main city, which has shrunk significantly after going up the mountain and only occupies one square of land. It has already been pierced by arrows like a hedgehog.

"150 teams are stationed, take this down with a hammer..."

Compared with the number of rocket heads that had already exceeded 150 or [-] teams before the end of the Shengshi Peony Kaina, the [-] teams stationed by the Crane Group were obviously not enough.

Yang Rui is not a person who likes to leave his fate to God's decision, but at this moment, even Yang Rui feels that unless a miracle happens, it is probably a certainty that he will be sent flying today.

During the full 15 minutes of firefighting time, not only Yang Rui, but almost all the members who forgot to lead the soil had a very difficult time, but fortunately, the time has been walking non-stop. After 15 minutes, they were finally boiled by the big guys past.

The prosperous peony opened, adding up no more, no less, exactly 620 teams of rocket heads. At this moment, it was like a series of cannonballs. Without exception, all of them were stuck at exactly the same time, ruthlessly plunging into the top of Yang Rui's main city !

The battle that took place in his main city, as a person who experienced it personally, the crackling sound of fighting special effects seemed to ring in Yang Rui's ears.

When he arrived at the main city in two or three seconds from the set fire, Yang Rui's game screen had already switched to the recruiting interface of the main city Yuan Shao's physical knife team. Praying for a miracle to happen.

"I'm rough!"

Suddenly, it can even be said that in such a fleeting time, his quick conscription actually had a reaction!
At this moment, before the brain had time to make the next command, Yang Rui's hand had already clicked on the confirmed option like a ghost!
You know, even in the T3-level alliance like Xing丨Wanshishengyi, Yang Rui never had the chance to hit the big luck point to recruit in time when facing the concentrated fire, but this time, his opponent was obviously Shengshi Peony Kai The existence of this level has really been pointed out?
Although there was a unique sound effect of defeat immediately afterward, Yang Rui still couldn't wait to exit the conscription page immediately, wanting to see how the battle was going.

But when Yang Rui really returned to the big map page, this round of concentrated fire had already come to an end. Except for the red arrows in the tie state, all the arrows in the ocean seemed to be ebbing. He ran towards the flourishing peony's position and retreated.

"Oh shit? Didn't fly!"

It wasn't until this time that Yang Rui suddenly realized that Shengshi Peony had finished firing a round of concentrated fire, and there was no reminder that he was wiped out!

What does no hint mean?It means that he has not been sent flying!Could it be that a miracle really happened?
Not only that, when the dust and smoke cleared, the main city of my own, which was just filled with arrows like a hedgehog, was still standing extremely firm in place?
With 320 points of durability, Shengshi Peony Kai couldn't even hammer the durability of his main city to double digits!

(End of this chapter)

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