My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 51 3 Yellow Eggs

Chapter 51 Three Yolk Eggs

After the end of the Eighteenth Route Princes, another great trend of the world opened up, which was the invasion of the Nanman that Yang Rui had been thinking about for a long time.

The conditions for opening the Nanman Invasion card pack or achieving the general trend of the world are not harsh, as long as the players of the whole server wipe out enough copycats, the general trend of the world can be achieved.

As for the new card pack Nanman Invasion that will be opened after the general trend of the world is achieved, it is really not attractive to Yang Rui.

Sha Moke, Pang Tong, Meng Huo, Mrs. Zhu Rong, King Mulu, Sun Luban, and Wu Tugu, most of these generals except Pang Tong were figures who appeared later in the history of the Three Kingdoms.

Since they don't have too many impressive records, most of these fighters' combat effectiveness and practicality can only be said to be mediocre.

However, the barbarian team composed of Meng Huo, Mrs. Zhu Rong, and King Mulu has always been one of the first choices of the big men for defending the city. , is economical and affordable.

For the remaining few, Shamoke is really useless except for dismantling the healthy soldiers. Sun Luban is also tasteless except for dismantling the three tricks. A team like Lu Wu Tu Gu Qun Diao Chan who specializes in mage swords has been popular for a while.

Pang Tong, as early as the first day of the opening of the district, had already drawn out more than one full red card under Yang Rui's special draw.

It's just that Yang Rui, the king of Mulu, still wants to smoke. Recently, due to the lack of power in the late stage of the conquest season, and the fact that Shubu has been more and more replaced by Zhangji, many people like it. Play with such a team of ghost Lu Mulu Cao Cao's iron team.

Although Yang Rui has no way of knowing how strong this team is, since early draws and evening draws are always drawn, it would be easier to finish drawing Mulu in time for this season.

Of course, compared to the generally tasteless Nanban card packs, the most exciting thing for Yang Rui is that the end of the Nanban invasion means that the wandering army game will begin!
This is why Yang Rui spent the past two days playing his life like staying up in the middle of the night to level up the five teams, in order to be able to catch up with the first time after the Nanban invasion started, and fall into the bandits!
Seeing that the Nanban invasion in the list of general trends in the world is getting closer and closer to completion, Yang Rui's heart also began to get excited. It seems that at this moment, Yang Rui can already see the red soft girl coin in front of his eyes, and is asking himself wave.

"Damn it, if I don't earn 600 million or 700 million meritorious service this season, I'm sorry for wasting so much emotion by drawing cards!"

Just when the Red League manages the penguin colony.

Fireworks丨March: @红丨神机, are you there?

Red丨Shenji: Yes, yes, what's wrong, Mr. March?
Fireworks丨March: When the Southern Barbarian invasion is over, I will be ready to go up the mountain.

Red 丨 Divine Machine: Huh?Why are you in such a hurry?Has the main force of the five teams been made yet?It feels like it would be best to wait another week to go up the mountain, right?
Huaiju Zangfeng: Indeed, in such a hurry to go up the mountain, it has only been open for less than 20 days, and the buildings have not yet been fully booked, so it will be a disadvantage in the later stage.

Fireworks丨March; that’s not the case, all the buildings that should be ordered are almost lit, and the building on the wall is missing. Wait until you go up the mountain and then slowly light up. Don’t worry, I’m going up the mountain with Junmeng and Jimeng If those people fight, they won't touch Zhenghong's brother.

Red 丨 God Machine: Damn, since you have already made your decision, Mr. March, let's go, try to fight for one person to pass through the opposite League Olympic, and give the brothers some space to come out.

Firework丨Sanyue: Hahaha, okay, I will try my best, by the way, the other thing is that during the time when the Nanban invasion just started, there should be very few people going up the mountain, so you can ask the brothers below, Is there a trumpet that can directly go up the mountain? At that time, I will reimburse a monthly card by myself, which will be used by the airport as my enclave.

Red 丨 God Machine: okok, no problem.


world channel.

【Quiet】【Out in the wild】Wake up丨Dream: There is still more than an hour before the Southern Barbarian invasion should be over. Are you guys ready to go up the mountain?
[Yi] [Extreme丨Sword Pointing at Luoyang] Shark chili is not spicy: It is impossible for someone to go up the mountain now, right?This has only opened up multiple levels of districts, seventeen or eight days, and the tactics of my three teams haven't been fully ordered yet.

[Cool] [Extreme丨Bing Breaks Chang'an]Extreme丨Xie Yanke: At this time, those who are capable of going up the mountain should just exile the boss or the popular fireworks丨March, right?But the situation is not very clear, and I feel that there is no need to go up the mountain.

【Yang】【君丨义字上先】Dongfeng丨Xiaobai: That’s hard to say, you’ll never understand what the boss and Mengxin are thinking. , Good guy, I went up the mountain for a month and lay dead for 29 days.

[Jing] [Outside] Give me a god this season: Hahaha, it’s too sloppy, the big man bowed up the mountain, I can only say that the mood in front of the tomb of the deceased is very stable, how can people beat him like this?
[Green][Just Red]Red丨Big Cousin: As the saying goes, KND has a big brain, and AB is as small as a thief, so he should be able to stand side by side with these two.


Just as a group of people eating melons on the World Channel were chatting about the mountains, Yang Rui noticed the so-called KND with a big brain hole, and a small AB with a thief in his eyes. When he wanted to join in the fun, he saw that the entire game screen went dark first, and then, Several large characters that Yang Rui had been waiting for for a long time appeared on everyone's game screen again: The general trend of the world, achieved!

With the successful completion of the Nanban Invasion, the Nanban Invasion card pack and the Wandering Army game were officially launched at the same time.

But Yang Rui was not too anxious to go up the mountain directly. Before going up the mountain, Yang Rui still planned to draw the Nanman Invasion card pack. Also excellent.

"For 2 yuan, you can get it out, and if you don't get it, it's a ball!"

With the tortured experience of drawing a group of Diaochan before, Yang Rui almost no longer has any excessive expectations for his card drawing action, love can't come out!
Unexpectedly, when Yang Rui controlled the mouse and clicked on the very familiar Five Times of Recruitment for the first time, a red light flashed, and between the two flags fluttering, one had a killer hairstyle, The figure riding an elephant suddenly appeared before Yang Rui's eyes!

This is not over yet, Yang Rui, who is full of joy, just clicked on the screen to see who the other four generals are. Will there be a four-star time, the same special effect again, a red light flashes, and the two flags are fluttering. In the middle, it turned out to be another Wooden Deer King!
"Damn it! One shot into the soul! And nm is a double yolk!"

This wave gave Yang Rui a big jump. From the opening of the zone to the present, except for the first day when he drew Gui Lu, he once sent two groups of Dong Zhuo twice, this is the first time he has won double yellows. Eggs are still the ones I want.

However, in the next second, when Yang Rui's mouse clicked on the screen again, something that shocked Yang Rui for a whole year happened.

That's right!With a flash of red light, between the fluttering of the two flags, a rough young man with bare chest and breasts appeared in front of him without any warning!
This is not an egg with double yolks at all, but an egg with three yolks!

(End of this chapter)

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