Chapter 64 1v100!

Only 4 minutes later, the main force of the three teams finally arrived at the fortress group of the members of the Junmeng against Yang Rui who had nearly [-] arrows from Jun Yizi.

Two hundred teams, this is almost the maximum offensive firepower that the pumpkin group and the Mu group in charge of Yang Rui's side can provide together. In addition to everyone present, they did not expect that Yang Rui would have the guts to fight against him. At the beginning, no one deliberately threw the main force to garrison. The members of the two regiments almost participated in this wave of concentrated fire as much as they could.

So even though the commander of the Junmeng tried his best to greet them, Junmeng was in a hurry, but before Yang Rui's attack arrived, [-] teams in their early days were drawn out to garrison.

Twenty teams, this number does seem to be a lot, but for Yang Rui, especially for Jun Ermeng, who is not outstanding in combat effectiveness: Jun丨yi, it is not enough at all!
It was just a face-to-face meeting, and the 23rd team was stationed, and they were eaten up by Yang Rui on the spot!Not even a scum was left for Junmeng!
If it weren't for the fact that Wei Zhi, who was the last team to arrive, had a really low demolition value, I'm afraid Yang Rui wouldn't have left this fortress for Junmeng.

"Fortunately, the kitchen knife was not seriously injured, but just entered a state of fatigue."

While counting the reserve soldiers to avoid wasting as much as possible, while returning the main force of the three teams in seconds, Yang Rui was relieved that, compared to the previous disappointed captain, this team of choppers really gave him too many surprises today.

After the kitchen knife successfully passed through nine times, unexpectedly, it encountered a team from the ancient times, Zhan Madao.

In Yang Rui's memory, this team was still a set of lineups developed by those players who were brutally poisoned by Ma Chao in the era when the base was not yet popular and Ma Chao's family was dominant.

This set of magic swords composed of Lu Meng, Zhu Jun, and Zhou Yu can hardly beat any system in the version, except for Ma Chao, who uses Lu Meng's command cowardice, coupled with Zhou Yu's active tactics cowardice effect, to try his best to limit Ma Chao's performance, it is no exaggeration to say that he eats and sleeps to beat Ma Chao, so naturally he has the title of Zhan Saber.

It's just that with the version change and the emergence of the solid system, the status of the basic attack team has dropped to the bottom all of a sudden. Coupled with the emergence of more and more high-strategy explosive teams, Ma Chao's status has long been no longer what it used to be. The rate and threat level have also been greatly reduced, so naturally, this team itself was specially designed to restrain Ma Chao's magic sword, and it was gradually forgotten by people.

It was beyond Yang Rui's expectation to meet him on this battlefield today, but the performance of this team of Zhanmadao was obviously not worthy of the title of Zhanmadao.

Since there is no treasure blessing in the S season, this also led to Zhou Yu, a well-known water-swimming monster, once again on the spot. For eight rounds, he only played the Xuanwu Liuliu once, and the other three tricks and conspiracies, The unremitting efforts of all the people did not let go even once.

The core output strokes, and naturally the overall output data will be appallingly low. If it weren't for Lu Meng's white-clothed crossing the river at the beginning of the game, it would have hurt Ma Chao. I'm afraid it will be a draw after this round. It won't be too big either.

But no matter what, the chopper team was not seriously injured, but just entered a state of fatigue, which meant that the chopper team could still play a role in the face of the nearly [-] teams of the League of Legends!

As we all know, when the team enters a state of fatigue, although it cannot take the initiative to attack, nor can it be recruited in a large fortress that requires physical strength for conscription, but when the enemy takes the initiative to attack, it can touch the enemy.

This is equivalent to the addition of a safety bolt in Yang Rui's main city. At least in Yang Rui's opinion, as far as the combat effectiveness of the members of Jun丨Yizi is in the lead, a team of kitchen knives alone can completely fill a large wave of preparations. of.

After the wave of attack just ended, Yang Rui did not choose to continue to take the initiative to attack, but used the reserve soldiers to fill up Shubu, Hooligan, Wei Zhi, and the fatigued kitchen knife one after another, and began to prepare for the battle.

The quality of Jun Ermeng is indeed mediocre, but the advantage lies in the large quantity. You must know that it was dangerous to deal with Jun丨Yizi’s first sword regiment before. , the degree of danger this time is naturally conceivable!

Soon, the concentrated fire of the Junmeng arrived at the main city of Yang Rui under the watchful eyes of everyone!This time, Yang Rui used his own strength to fight against the two regiments of Junmeng with nearly 100 people, which was almost equivalent to a 1v100 battle, and it was about to start!

Before Yang Rui could react, the sound of the special effects of the two armies fighting to a draw could be heard endlessly. Naturally, there were also special effects of defeating the opponent.

Soon, almost a second later, in Yang Rui's field of vision, the strength of Shu Bu had dropped to just over [-]!
It was too late to do any more thinking. In order to avoid Shu Bu from being seriously injured, he quickly withdrew Shu Bu directly. While recovering the wounded soldiers, he was fully prepared. Unique sound effects for troops defeated!
Wei Zhi, who fought hard against the [-]th team's concentrated fire, was finally defeated, and the gangsters had already collided with the members of the two teams of the Junmeng. Fortunately, Shu Bu, who was the number one in the resistance line in the S season, came to the top, and it was considered to be in a very short time Li put Yang Rui's crisis on hold.

Wei Zhi has already entered a state of serious injuries, and it is meaningless to go to full strength for Wei Zhi now, so without thinking too much, Yang Rui decided to let Wei Zhi go, and directly use the [-] troops that Wei Zhi brought back. The second preparation was drawn to the governor who disappointed him so much.

This set of operations lasted for two seconds, but when Yang Rui finished his busy work, the strength of Shubu had once again dropped to below [-], which was already an extremely dangerous number.

Hastily withdrew the Shu step again, but before he had time to prepare, Yang Rui heard the special effect of defeat again, while the hooligans were carrying the opponent's eighth team's attack, they were no longer able to continue, and on the spot Defeated!
Fortunately, Yang Rui, who was mentally prepared earlier, deliberately changed the order of his main city team before facing this round of concentrated fire.

Put the kitchen knife in the fatigue state in the first team, so that even if the main forces of the other teams are withdrawn from the garrison for various reasons, the first team to shoot from the opposite side is the kitchen knife lying in the main city recovering its strength.

Relying on the extremely precious two seconds won by relying on the kitchen knife, Shubu, the team that had saved Yang Rui from the fire and water several times, was once again pulled up to the city wall by Yang Rui with full force.

And the one who was dragged up to the city wall for garrison along with Shubu was also someone who had never shown his face on the Gaomi battlefield so far: the governor of Dongwu!
(End of this chapter)

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