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Chapter 79 The Battle of Duyang

Chapter 79 The Battle of Duyang ([-]) (Seventh)
[All emails] Fireworks丨Sanyue: (1025.1057) Our first goal is the Prime Minister of the Three Leagues!If he dares to be the first to move to the city, we dare to shoot the first bird!Loot all the way and take him down!

At the same time Jun丨Xiaogu completed the move to the city, more and more members of Lonely Summer began to complete the landing. After all, it only takes more than three hours for the wandering army to build the fortress itself. Just a little over two hours.

So when Lonely Summer began to prepare for the offensive, the time had already arrived at 07:30 that night.

"Yoho, I can't bear it anymore, and took the initiative to attack? Oh shit! No! Why are there so many people?"

As soon as the Wandering Army started to move, Jun丨 Demon King had already looked at the coordinates sent by the members in the alliance channel. If he didn’t look at it, he wouldn’t know it. Now it has somehow become more than 20 people!
Moreover, with the firework丨March barracks as the center, there are patches of purple belonging to the land, the king丨The devil even couldn't believe his eyes!

Two people turned into more than 20 people. Is this fireworks丨Sanyue playing magic for herself and turning her into a living person?It's outrageous!
The King丨Devil King, who originally thought he had the chance to win, suddenly lost his mind. Originally, in his plan, relying on the main city formation of the Second League of Kings and the Three Leagues, the two people of Fireworks丨Sanyue and Han丨Tiandao , every three, four or five days, it is impossible to push in.

For several days, even if he was attacked by Zhenghong, Jun Ermeng also had a link to help him push back together, and there was definitely a chance to open up the situation.

But the situation is completely different now, the wandering army suddenly changed from two people to 20 people, even if those [-] people are five scumbags, one team of big men and four teams demolished, there are fireworks in front丨March Pushing hard with Han丨Tiandao, and the few of them slamming down behind, the fighting power of Jun Sanmeng and Jun Ermeng couldn't last for so many days at all!

If you are lucky, you may be able to last for more than a day. If you are not lucky, you may be pushed to Du Yang's face by the wandering army tonight!
And take a ten thousand step back, even if you really can persist for a day, if you want to defeat Zhenghong in this day, even the king 丨 Demon King himself doesn't believe it!

While scolding God's injustice in his heart, he hurriedly arranged for the second and third alliances to deal with the wandering army, hoping to buy as much time as possible.

Although Zhenghong's side did not have a view of the pass, it could be seen from the sudden advance of the wandering army that the battle in the pass had already begun.

So Hong丨Shenji didn't hesitate any more, and immediately issued an email from the entire league, preparing to advance the time of breaking the barrier from nine o'clock to eight o'clock by one hour, and doing its best to cooperate with Yang Rui's offensive.

Red丨Shenji is very clear about the positioning of himself and Zhenghong as a whole. Zhenghong wants to go further in the next 40 days of this season. Firework丨March, or this is called lonely summer The gathering of righteousness is his greatest help!

Just when Hong was frustrated, that lonely summer might not be affected, and might even launch an offensive more freely in order to achieve more unexpected results.

But if Lonely Summer suffers setbacks, then Zhenghong will no longer be able to find a point to break the situation. Apart from being trapped in the resource state and birth state and dying slowly, Hong丨Shenji can't see any other possibilities at all.

So the next very wonderful scene was presented in front of everyone, Yang Rui and Hong丨Shenji had no communication, but the arrow of the Wandering Army and the arrow of Zhenghong breaking through the level were completely different. It's less than two or three minutes.

This battle in Duyang, from two positions and two directions, suddenly unfolded in full swing!

Yang Rui was not too anxious to rely on the high-speed team to fight against the Junmeng for card avoidance, but directly chose to take a detour to avoid the advance of the Junmeng, and went straight to the direction of the Junmeng fortress group.

As far as the distribution of the fortress groups of the Junmeng is concerned, although the second Junmeng is closer to the inside and the third Junmeng is generally closer to the outside, in fact, the two alliances consciously arrange their positions according to one left and one right.

The second alliance is doing it, and the third alliance is on the right.

If Yang Rui wanted to, he could have contacted Jun Ermeng first, but Yang Rui didn't do that. After all, persimmons, it's better to pick the soft ones!

Fireworks丨Sanyue: Heavenly Dao, keep an eye on my arrow, we two will be garrisoned by Jun Sanmeng first, and then go straight to their prime minister's main city!
Han丨Tiandao: ok, no problem Sanyue brother, my main city is in front of your barracks, I can keep up with you if you are stuck normally.


After a brief explanation with Han丨Tiandao, Yang Rui controlled the main force of his five teams and went straight to the Jun Sanmeng fortress to shoot them.

In this wave of confrontation, Yang Rui is at a disadvantage here. The Jun Sanmeng is obviously in order to be able to enjoy the garrison bonus of the main city in all directions, so almost all of them are a main city, a circle of fortresses, and a main city and a circle of fortresses. So arranged.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages to doing this. The advantage is that most of the fortresses can get the bonus of the main city if they are stationed, and they can better play the role of "turtle shell".

Of course, the disadvantage is that as long as the fortress on the first floor is not guarded accidentally, the main city of the members of the League of Kings will be exposed to the attack range of the wandering army on the spot.

Yang Rui also saw this point precisely, so he called Shanghan丨Tiandao to take the lead in taking on the heavy responsibility of breaking the point. As long as he wins the first fortress and successfully wins the city skin of the Prime Minister of the Three Leagues, then he will be You can go all the way.

As for the other 20 or so members in Juyi, they shot Sparta very cooperatively, and at the same time began to shoot the main force in all directions, covering the Junmeng's position as much as possible, forcing the Junmeng to separate. A small force was stationed.

As we all know, among the alliances in season S, the main alliance is the strongest, and the second alliance is slightly weaker. As for the third alliance, most of them are members of the first separatist regime in the first season. Showing a cliff-like decline.

To put it bluntly, at least 60.00% of the members of the three alliances are a group of bastards. What combat power do you want such an alliance to provide?That is indeed some idiotic dream.

But in any case, it is such a Jun Sanmeng, who is difficult to enter the hall of elegance in terms of execution and combat effectiveness, but has become an alliance that fired the first shot with the wandering army on this battlefield in Duyang.

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(End of this chapter)

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