Chapter 26 Canghai Island

[Moonlight Scroll·Longshan Saint] finally fell into Li Yu's hands.

The master of the Wang family avoided him like a snake and scorpion, and only said to let Li Yu throw it out, or simply destroy the scroll.

Li Yu was not lost or destroyed.

There are many kinds of [Moonlight Scrolls], and in the dream on the [Celadon Pillow], someone divided [Moonlight Scrolls] into [myth], [official history], [unofficial history], and [story] according to the authenticity of the scroll stories. category.

Some people also divide it into [Pre-Han Scrolls] and [Later Han Scrolls] according to time.

Some people divide it into [Battle Scroll], [School Scroll], [Story Scroll], and [Daily Scroll] according to their functions.

The previous "Straw Boat Borrowing Arrows" belongs to the [Battle Scroll], [Uncle Tiger] belongs to the [School Scroll], and [Lu Sheng] belongs to the [Story Scroll].

In [Dream], players often gather or hold auctions in order to hunt for treasure, shop, and exchange what they have.

[Moonlight scrolls] are mostly items that appeared most frequently at the meeting.

Its price varies greatly with different grades and classifications.

Generally speaking, if the level is the same, [Academic] > [Story] > [Battle] > [Daily].

Among the [Daily Scrolls], there are two most sought-after ones.

As the so-called "food and sex are also", [Gourmet Scroll] and [Erotic Scroll] are the best in [daily life]. Even in some special cases, the selling price can surpass [drama] and rival [study art].

[Gourmet Scroll] Needless to say.

[Erotic scroll], because the word "erotic" is inconvenient to be pronounced, players have therefore found many code names - such as "Okamoto Secret Scroll", "Huanggang Secret Scroll" and so on.

[Pearl shirt], [Fake Tianyu], [Field War Cuifuan] all belong to this category.

[Longshan Saint] is slightly different, and belongs to a special category in the "Huanggang Secret Scroll" - "Zero Bar Secret Scroll".Similar to it, there are [Serial Link], [Mandarin Duck Tomb], [Wutong Shadow]...

At every gathering and auction, the prices of "Huanggang Secret Scroll" and "Zero Bar Secret Scroll" are not low.And according to what Li Yu learned in [Dream], there was once a [Moonlight Scroll · Yichun Fragrance] that once sold for a high price of a thousand gold.

The plot of [Yichun Xiangzhi] is said to be the story of a young man named "Sun Yi" and "18 people taking turns to conflict".

Li Yu continued to study, Wang Zhang, Jia Xiang, and Xiao Que'er didn't bother him, so he was happy and relaxed.

At dusk, Li Yu returns home.

At the end of the day, he was a little more uncertain about the reality of the [dream].

[Dream] On the first day, there was no little bird knocking on the door.From this, Li Yu thought that the "dream" was just a dream, but Wang Zhang still took out the "Longshan Saint" for him to appreciate.

Is it true, there is no way to prove it.Li Yu understood it with "butterfly wings" and "parallel space".

Then, Li Yu entered the [Fine Broken Square Pot].

[Xuan Thirteen Ants] passed by him.

She didn't jump or run, she just walked over slowly.Holding a rope in his hand, the other end of the rope is tied to [Answer].

The little bug has four legs, and a small stone is tied to each leg.It drooped its head and crawled forward, jumping from time to time.

[Xuan Thirteen Ants] Occasionally turn around and slap it on the forehead with a toothed knife, and the little bug will jump more diligently.If it doesn't shoot, it will be lazy and crawl slowly.

Before using [Lu Sheng], Li Yu put the jade bottle containing [Answer] into the [Small Square Pot].

[Xuan Shisanyi] saw it, liked it very much, and asked Li Yu for it.

[Echoing Bug]'s ability is unknown, so it's a waste to raise it for nothing.So Li Yu didn't refuse, and simply gave it to [Thirteen Ants].

The little bug didn't become the [yes] of [Thirteen Ants], but was used by her as a mount.

[Thirteen Ants] rode a small bug to patrol the territory. The shape of "four claws, five toes, and horns like twigs" attracted hundreds of [Xuanju] people to shout "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."

The little man is very proud of it.

It's a pity that [Echoing Worm] is mighty, and it doesn't run too slowly, but it can't jump!

[Thirteen Ants] One hop, ten hops, to the door of the ant nest. When she turned around, the little bug was still scraping sand by the pond.

[Thirteen Ants] was very dissatisfied, so he formulated a "jumping exercise plan" for him and trained hard every day.

Li Yu ignored the ant, he squatted in front of the [Xuanju] ant's nest.

[Xuanju] were so busy that no one cared about him.

Li Yu called [Xuan Thirteen Ants] to inquire about the output of [Shenglu] and the development of the [Xuanju] clan.

[Thirteen Ants] Tell the truth - [Holy Dew] is only a hundred drops, and the number of ants increases by five hundred.

Li Yu was not disappointed, he nodded expressionlessly——

These two data are exactly the same as in the dream.

Yes, I can't figure it out.

Li Yu didn't think about it anymore, and found a comfortable beach in the [pot] where the sea breeze gently caressed, and fell asleep with his head up.

For the next few days, Li Yu was studying at Wang's house.

The master of the Wang family doesn't go out to meet friends recently, and stays at home honestly.

It's cheaper than Li Yu.

Wang Zhang often lectured him on scriptures and interpretations.Li Yu's [Intelligence] level has been rapidly improved, and now it has reached level 27, ranking 89th in the "Intelligence Ranking".

As for [force], it has dropped from 29th to 77th.

Li Yu was not in a hurry, and continued to stay at Wang's house and read.

The female player Ma Xiaojiao often comes to Wang's house to borrow books, and originally planned to get acquainted with Li Yu, but seeing his "[force] ranking plummeting, but not thinking about making progress", she also gave up her mind.

Two days later, the family minister came to the study to look for Li Yu, saying that Xiong Ba had returned from a trip.

Li Yu goes out to meet Xiongba.

Xiongba is busy in the world, but he has a smile on his face.He was leading a horse, and on the horse was a bulging cloth bag, obviously a good harvest.

The two talked briefly, and then went to Li Yu's small courtyard together.

After entering the courtyard and closing the door, Xiong Ba unloaded the cloth bag.With a wave of Li Yu's hand, the two of them packed into the [Fine Broken Square Pot].

When Xiongba saw [Xuan Shisanyi], he was startled: "My lord, what is this?"

Before Li Yu could open his mouth, [Thirteen Ants] scolded, "Hustle!"

Xiong Ba was surprised again: "Can you still speak?"

[Thirteen Ants] picked up the tooth-edged knife and jumped up, wanting to give him a blow.In the end, she jumped to Xiongba's knee, and her body fell down.

It turned out that she was still holding [Answer Bug] in her hand. With such a jump, she was dragged down, and the little bug was dragged up.

The thin rein was quite strong, and it tightly strangled [Answer]'s neck.

The little bug kicked its four claws wildly, turned its eyes upwards, and stuck out its little pink tongue for a long time.

[Thirteen Ants] was startled, dropped the toothed knife after landing, and untied the rope for [Echo Worm] in a panic.

However, the rope was too tight and could not be untied for a while.And [Echo Bug]'s eyes were closed, and its little paws barely moved. [Thirteen Ants] was so anxious that he was about to cry.

Xiongba hastily reminded her: "Use your knife to pick it open."

[Thirteen Ants] just reacted, touched the knife, and broke the rope.

The little bug gradually started to move.

However, it saw [Thirteen Ants] as soon as it opened its eyes, and it was so frightened that the insect's body trembled, and it wanted to turn over and crawl away but had no strength.

[Thirteen Ants] picked up the little bug and went to [Xuanju Ant's Nest] to find some [Xuanlu] to appease his precious mount.

Before jumping, she thanked Xiongba.

After the ants and insects left, Xiong Ba looked at Li Yu, and Li Yu told about the [Xuan Ju] race and the uniqueness of [Xuan Thirteen Ants].

Xiongba couldn't help sighing, "Everything in the world is full of wonders."

Li Yu agreed casually.

What is this? It's even more strange in the dream.

After the episode, the two began to take stock of the "acquisitions".Before Xiongba could speak, Li Yu first asked, "Zai Sheng, is the total number of [fragments] you have obtained 250?"

Xiongba was taken aback for a moment: "How did my lord know?"

Li Yu didn't explain, Xiong Ba just guessed right by chance.

In this acquisition, a total of [Unknown Fragment] × 250, [Unknown Scroll] × 2, [Unknown Animal Skin] × 1.


Li Yu took out the previous [fragment], and immediately saw——

In the two piles of fragments, bright lights flickered.

A hundred pieces of [unknown fragments] turned into a hundred streams of light, converging and merging into a palm-sized hill.

Li Yu took a look.


『Smashed · Canghai Island』100/1000
[Product rank] Immortal product (corpse autopsy).

[Attribute] Every ten days, strange stones appear on the island with random grades.

[Description] Fragments of [Canghai Island] of the ancient Ten Continents and Five Islands were left here after the worlds were broken.


"Ten Continents" records: Canghai Island is in the North Sea, with a place of three thousand miles, and a distance of 21 miles to the shore. The sea is surrounded by islands, each with a width of two thousand miles.The island is full of big mountains, with the most accumulated stones. There are eight stones like stones, more than a hundred species of stone nao, stone osmanthus, Yingliu Danhuangzi, and stone gall, all of which were born on the island stones.There is Zishi Palace in the island, which is ruled by the capital of nine old immortals, and tens of thousands of immortal officials live there.

The fairy family blessed land is the same as [Square Pot], but unfortunately it is currently in a "broken" state, and there is only one attribute that randomly obtains [Strange Stone].

Xiongba was still amazed at the side, it was another [immortal product].Li Yu has already picked up [Xie Sui Cang Haidao] and threw it upwards.

Xiongba didn't understand his actions, but suddenly his eyes widened.

The [Small·Canghai Island] that was thrown into the air did not land, but turned into a stream of light, passing over the small island of [Fanghu], and threw it to the north.

The streamer fell into the azure blue sea, and disappeared the moment it touched the sea surface.In its place is a new island.

It lives next to [Square Pot], only slightly smaller in size.

This small world has changed from "an isolated island around the sea" to "the second island around the sea".The sky is still round, but it seems that the sky is higher and the sea is wider.

[Thirteen Ants] seemed to sense the movement, and came out with [Answer Bug].Seeing that [Canghai Island] was also a surprise.

The two, one ant and one insect, boarded the island together to check.

[Canghai Island] is slightly smaller than [Fanghu] in area.Different from the lush greenery of [Square Pot], [Canghai Island] has no grass, no trees, no water and no springs, but there are many strange peaks, straight into the sea of ​​clouds.

An island of mountains, an island of stones.

Li Yu and the others walked all the way, somewhat with a "treasure hunt" in their minds, but when they searched, they were all ordinary rocks.

Also gradually lost interest.

In the center of the island is a depression with a half-mile radius.

As soon as Li Yu stepped into this place, he heard bursts of roaring around him.

Not long after, a huge boulder with a height of half a person rolled down from the mountain peaks.

Coincidentally, it landed in the center of the depression.

(End of this chapter)

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