Chapter 78

Liu Xiu, his father Liu Zhi, Emperor Huan of the Han Dynasty, and his mother Deng Mengnv, died when he was five and three years old respectively.

She was titled the eldest princess of Yangzhai, and lived in five hundred households.It can't be called the rotten millet red and the rich pottery white, but it is also a vermilion wheel, a hub of flowers, and rich clothes and jade food.

It's just that since the emperor's sister Liu Jian got married, she has fewer people to talk to and play with.Deep in the courtyard, lonely and unhappy.

It wasn't until the stranger came that she found something interesting.

Liu Xiu chose some female aliens to enter the mansion, listening to stories, singing songs, grooming, playing cards, and playing games every day, and was very happy.

And the daughter of the present, the newly-appointed "Princess Wannian" came to the door, and Liu Xiu wanted to pull her into a manicure.

Liu Shu, who was only six years old, shook her head and refused, raised her pink face, and said: "I am determined to wear military uniforms, and I want to learn how to be a woman.

Liu Xiu was stunned when he heard this, but the maid who came with Liu Shu whispered: "The little princess is playing in the palace. She often uses the prince's argument as a horse, pats her buttocks to call for a horse, and dances with a wooden sword. Why does your nobleman not like it, so she is not allowed to be with the prince?" Playing. The little princess is bored, so she came looking for the eldest princess."

Liu Xiu was speechless.

Liu Shu didn't lie, she really liked military costumes rather than red makeup.

On the first day, she took her small wooden sword and competed with the strangers and servants in Princess Yangzhai's mansion.

Same day as usual.

The third day is as usual.

On the fourth day, the family order with a bruised nose and swollen face found Liu Xiu and said that the little princess was talented and could find a good teacher to learn swordsmanship.

Liu Xiu is as good as others.

With advice from a stranger in the mansion, Wang Yue, the Huben king in Beijing, was found to teach the little princess swordsmanship.

Liu Shu has only been practicing swordsmanship for seven days, and she has beaten invincible opponents in the East Palace, Changqiu Palace, and Yong'an Palace, and she feels bored.

I came to look for Liu Xiu again.

This time she entered the mansion, she no longer looked for others to compare swords with.

Instead, they summoned the strangers, maids and servants in Princess Yangzhai's mansion.The little princess is holding a volume of "Wei Liao Zi", and she wants to make banners, beat golden drums, raise troops and form ranks.

After Liu Xiu asked, she found out that she also heard about "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and she wanted to train a female tiger and leopard soldier.

But the maidservants and virgins who have experienced battles in the army were all tossed hard.

Although most of the female aliens had experienced military training, they were so exhausted that they slumped to the ground.

The whole family is making a mess of porridge.

Afraid of people's comments, Liu Xiu stopped Liu Shu's "military training".

The little princess was very dissatisfied, Liu Xiu had no choice but to ask the people in the mansion for advice.There is a different human way, what the little princess needs is not the grass and wild people, but "elite soldiers and strong generals".

The little princess asked: "Where can I get good soldiers and strong generals?"

The aliens were dumbfounded.

There are countless "strong generals" in "Three Kingdoms" and "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", but the princess is not the protagonist, so it may be difficult to recruit.As for elite soldiers, they have to be "female elite soldiers", which is even more difficult to find.

After a while, someone suggested that it is better to set up a girls' school.Choose women from good families to enroll in school, and teach them the art of bow and horse.Once you have achieved something in your studies, you will be an elite soldier.

The little princess nodded and said yes, and excitedly went to Shaofu to ask for a big house in [Xiyuan], and put it on the [Xiyuan Girls' School].It is also passed down in Yin 21 County, Henan Province that all women, no matter whether they are Zongjiao children or peaches and plums Fanghua, can enter [girls' school] to study, and they are free of training.

However, when the document was sent out, it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and there was no response.

Unwilling to give up, Liu Shu passed on the letter twice, but no one came.

The little princess was depressed.Liu Xiu hesitated again and again, and pulled him aside.He said that when he was bored a few days ago, he used the [Moonlight Scroll] once, and learned a technique from it, called [Aspiration Technique], which can help the little princess.

The little princess is curious about the function of [Looking Qi Technique].

Liu Xiudao, her qi-watching technique, she looks a hundred times a day, and what she looks at is everyone's aura and fortune.

Ordinary people are light white.Those who are approaching evil spirits are black.

Pure white and yellow, medium and above.

The blue-yellow color is like a banner, and the servant is noble; the blue-red color is like a dragon, and the general is a wise man.

Those who resemble birds are more literary, and those who resemble beasts are more martial arts.

And those who have all five colors like a dragon pan are emperors; those who are as bright as a phoenix dancer are concubines.

The little princess asked her how she was, and Liu Xiu said it looked like a blue bird.The little princess was very happy.

Afterwards, the two princesses, big and small, went out to look after each other.

There was a harvest on the first day, a young man entered the city with his mother, angry like a red tiger.The little princess came forward to ask questions, and she was overjoyed to know that the boy was Taishici.Several times to solicit, but was rejected by his mother.

Liu Shu ran to find Liu Hong.

Liu Hong recruited Tai Shici as "Habayashi Rider" and ordered this 12-year-old boy to guard Princess Wannian.

After Tai Shici, Liu Xiu also saw many extraordinary sights, some were ferocious birds or beasts.Princess Wannian wanted to recruit, but those people simply ignored her.

After several failures, the little princess simply stopped looking for "good generals" and turned to "elite soldiers" with yellow and white complexions.

The latter is also hard to find.

The aunt and nephew looked at Luoyang City for a full ten days, and there were nearly a hundred suitable ones, but only twelve.

Of the twelve [women], one is a foreigner, and the remaining eleven are boy servants from wealthy families and powerful village girls.They were all sent to the [Girls' School], where they were taught the skills of swordsmanship, bow and riding by teachers Wang Yue and Tai Shici.

On the 11th, Liu Xiu and Liu Shu sat in the Pingcheng Gate tower as usual.As soon as the officials came up to see the ceremony, only Sima of the city gate stayed, and the rest went to work on their own.

In the past ten days, they have gotten used to it.

Princess Wannian was still full of energy, pointing and pointing at the flow of people coming in and out of the city gate.

It is said that this one is quite strong, but it is too ugly, so I don't want it.

He also said that that one was plump and full of heroic spirit, so Aunt Huang just took a look.


Sima at the city gate stood three feet away, keeping his eyes on his nose and his heart, and kept silent.Only after Princess Yangzhai "saw" the right person, did she instruct the guards to invite the person to the tower.

Today, there have been five "invitations", all of them are family members of Beijing officials and ladies, and they have all rejected the invitation of the two princesses to attend the [girls' school].

Just when Sima at the gate of the city thought that today would be the same as yesterday and he had nothing to gain, Princess Yangdi suddenly stood up and stared at the girl in the city emotionally.

"Why is there such a vision" and "how did the dragon and the phoenix get together"... I was amazed.

City Gate Sima was curious.Princess Wannian put bricks and tiles under her feet and looked down from the crenel. Before she could see clearly, the woman had already entered the Pingcheng Gate.

Sima at the city gate wanted to send someone to invite him, but Princess Yangzhai said no, she wanted to go in person.

The second daughter went downstairs and chased after her.Princess Wannian discovered that the one who made Aunt Huang lose her composure was actually a weak little lady who looked like Liu Fufeng.

Judging by her age, she is similar to her aunt.


Unaccustomed to being grabbed by the wrist, Li Yu shook off the girl's catkin and asked, "Who are you?"

The two princesses revealed their identities and also issued invitations.

Li Yu understood.

In [Dream], there is also [Xiyuan Girls' School] hosted by Wannian and Yangzhai.However, after Liu Hong granted the marriage to Huangfu Yizhen's son Huangfu Li, [Xiyuan Girls' School] disappeared.

The aunt and nephew invited each other warmly, but Li Yu thought it was troublesome and didn't want to pay attention.But after thinking about their identities, they agreed after their repeated invitations.

Liu Shu cheered happily.Liu Xiu asked the little lady's name, if she had any companions, and if she had any relatives in the city.Li Yu answered "Wang Rong" and shook his head again and again.

Princess Yangzhai didn't feel hopeless anymore, so three people and two horses directly drove Li Yu to [West Garden].

On the way, Liu Shu asked Liu Xiu what Wang Rong's "Qi" looked like.Liu Xiu didn't answer, and was asked more closely, so he said that it was similar to Qingluan.

Li Yu also found out that Liu Xiu possessed "different skills", and it was a pity that he was only a housewife who cared for her husband and raised her children in [dream].

After entering the [West Garden] and arranging board and lodging and other trivial matters, Li Yu met the two teachers.

The 13-year-old Tai Shici has an immature face and is still in the stage of changing his voice.He was leading the horse, with a serious face, and was explaining riding skills to twelve female students.

When [Wang Rong] with a delicate face arrived, Professor Taishi nodded slightly to let him enter the line.

After the explanation, the students stepped forward one by one. Some jumped on the horseback and were led by Taishi for a few steps;

When it was [Wang Rong's] turn, Tai Shi asked, "Have you ever ridden a horse?"

[Wang Rong] nodded: "Two days ago, I started to learn imperial art and entered Luo on horseback."

Learned for two days?

Professor Taishi thought for a while and said, "You should practice how to sit and walk on horseback."

[Wang Rong] nodded, took the reins, and flew onto the horse.Swinging the rein and clamping the abdomen, the yellow pussy galloped away.

The bun is like a swallow's tail, flying up and down.

The ribbon on the skirt flutters in the wind.

[Wang Rong] While the two instructors, the second princess, and the twelve students were stunned, they galloped around the school grounds with whips on their horses.

Then, with the sound of hoofbeats, the horse galloped back.

Amidst the screams of the students turning pale, [Wang Rong] reined in his horse and stopped a foot in front of Taishi.

The strong wind hit his face, and the boy subconsciously took a step back.

This... This is called "beginning to learn imperial art"? ?

(End of this chapter)

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