Chapter 92


"Fire Rat"

[Product order] Xuanpin

There are mice in the endless wood fire, which weighs a thousand catties, and their hair is more than two feet long, as thin as silk.But living in the fire, the hole is red, going out from time to time, and the hair is white, chased by water to fertilize it, and it dies. —— "Shenyijing"


Fire Rat, also known as [Fire Beast], is afraid of water.Li Yu called [Thirteen Ants] out of the pot, in order to kill rats with water.

However, Li Yu and [Thirteen Ants] stood in front of the [Unburned Wood Forest], seeing the noise of [Fire Rat] in the forest, but they were helpless.

[Fire Rat] doesn't come out of the fire forest at all.

One person and one ant, one can spit fire and the other can resist water, but neither has the ability to ward off fire.

[Thirteen Ants] did not give up, tried to summon a stream of water, and rushed towards the [Unburned Forest].

However, the [non-ember wood] has branches but no leaves, and the fire burns day and night. When the water reaches the treetops, it evaporates into bursts of water vapor, and then ignites blazingly.

[Thirteen Ants] was going to put out the fire, but it seemed to push the waves and add fuel to the fire, which in turn helped the fire grow stronger.

[Thirteen Ants] refused to accept it and wanted to try again, but Li Yu called her to stop.

He ordered the [long-haired man] to carry many dead branches and leaves of fruit trees from the [square pot], and built a wooden embankment outside the [unburned wood forest].

Finally, connect the wooden embankment with the fire forest.

Soon, the wooden embankment was ablaze.

Li Yu and [Thirteen Ants] were not far away, waiting quietly.

One or two fire rats poked their heads out of the fire forest.After several visits, seeing no response from people and ants, they turned back step by step and walked into the burning wooden embankment.

[Thirteen Ants] was overjoyed, and was about to go over to flood the giant rat, but was grabbed by Li Yu, telling her to stay calm.

After a while, the movement of two fire rats playing in the "fire embankment" attracted many companions in the forest to watch.

Half a quarter of an hour later, more than a dozen fire mice couldn't bear the temper of playing, and rushed into the fire embankment.

Li Yu just pointed at the junction of the forest and the embankment, and said to [Thirteen Ants]: "The water flow blocks the way!" Then the [Gose] flew up.

[Thirteen Ants] summoned a stream of water like a curtain, which instantly lay between the [Eternal Wood Forest] and the fire embankment.

[Fire Rat] was terrified, screaming one after another, and wanted to run back to the fire forest.But he was afraid of the water curtain and hesitated to move forward.

A few [Fire Rats] were clever and prepared to bypass the water curtain, but they were all blown back by the [Ganes] strong wind.

Under Li Yu's command, the [Thirteen Ants] water curtain turned into a dome, covering the fire embankment.

[Fire Rat] kept whining, and one or two desperately knocked out of the "Water Dome", but they were also slapped back by [Gwan Goose].

Next, the [Water Dome] gradually shrunk, and finally the fire embankment was completely extinguished, and seventeen [Fire Rats] also died in it.

The fire rats in the [Unburned Forest] saw the rising of the water curtain and the shrinking of the dome, and heard the screams of the same kind, and they tended to disappear.They were so terrified that they drilled into the depths of the fire forest and never appeared again.

Trying to hook them out with fire again, I'm afraid it won't work.

Sure enough, Li Yu breathed out fire, and then blew a wooden embankment on fire.After waiting for a long time, [Thirteen Ants] fell asleep lying on Li Yu's palm, and [Fire Rat] did not appear.

Li Yu shook his head and could only think of another way.

For example, if you can't catch a monk, move the temple.

Li Yu summoned [Snake Princess] Yaya, [Queen Hair] and a group of [Long Hair] from the [pot].Scrape away the pile of ashes on the previous wooden embankment, and drag out the corpses of [Fire Rat] the size of a calf.

[Fire Rats] all died of heartbreak due to fear, without external wounds.The hair that turns from red to white when it is cold is not damaged.

Li Yu cut open the rat's corpse, and the tempting aroma of barbecue came out.

[Snake Princess], [Queen Mao], and [Thirteen Ants] all looked disgusted.Li Yu shared with the [long-haired man] and ate them.

[Fire Mouse] The meat quality is similar to mutton, tender and delicious.After eating, the stomach feels like the warm sun, which is the most comfortable.

[Long-haired man] ate up the rat meat in one go, and he still has something to say.

Next, everyone took the skin of the [Fire Mouse], processed it, and made pieces of [Rough Fire Mouse Leather Clothes] in a hurry.

[Snake Princess] Yaya's tail is too long, she can't wear a leather jacket, and hold [Thirteen Ants] to press outside.

Li Yu put on the [Fire Rat Leather Clothes] with [Queen Mao] and some [long-haired men], and rushed into the [Unburned Forest] with shovels in hand.

Four or five people form a group, you dig, I push, he pulls out, and digs out the [non-ember wood] by the roots.

Even though [Fire Mouse Leather Clothes] were used to ward off the fire, Li Yu and the others were also roasted badly. Every time they dug halfway, they couldn't stand the high temperature and ran out.

[Thirteen Ants] called out the water flow to wash and cool down, take a short rest, and replace with another group of people to go back and continue digging.

So busy in turn, Li Yu and others dug up nearly a hundred [Bujinmu] trees, put them all into [pots], and transplanted them to [Canghai Island].


"Not Ember Wood"

[Product rank] Yellow product
[Attribute] Planted in Lingshan, it can breed [Fire Beast].

[Description] Also known as endless wood.There are volcanoes outside the southern wilderness, in which endless trees grow, and the fire burns day and night, so that the storms are not fierce, and the torrential rain is not extinguished. ——"The Sutra of Mysteries and the Southern Wilderness"


By late at night, everyone was exhausted.

Li Yuqiang cheered up and opened the [Spiritual Pagoda].Then supplemented by [Thirteen Ants], he is the main one, and the fire steam sweeps away the group of enemies.

Then, without taking a shower, I fell asleep.

In a drowsy state, there seemed to be a rope binding him to the water's edge, and two pairs of small hands stroked over, rubbing up dirt and mud pellets.

Waking up the next morning, Li Yu found that the dirty clothes he was wearing were not yesterday's.It has been bathed, and even the pupae, sacs, and dust handles are clean.

Li Yu pulled up the snake tail pillow, thoughtful.

During the meal, the little lady bowed her head to eat, not daring to look at Li Yu.Xiao Que'er was very interested, and asked Li Langjun if the [fire mouse] meat was good yesterday.

After dinner, everyone put on [Fire Mouse Fur] and continued digging [Unburned Wood].

[Unburned wood forest] disappeared in pieces. [Thirteen Ants] called out the water curtain again, and the [Fire Rats] huddled in the forest, shivering.

A group of people happily dug logs, and when they encountered [Fire Rat], they were knocked unconscious with a shovel and taken away.

By noon, the transplanting work of [Bujinmu] was completed.

"[System]: Players pass the second level of [Golden Jade Glass Palace] and get a reward [Lonely Bamboo]."


"Lone Bamboo"

[Product rank] Yellow product
[Attributes] Auspiciousness +15, style of writing +50.

[Description] There is a lonely bamboo Yan on the bank of the East China Sea.During the reign of King Wu of Zhou, the country of Guzhu offered a bamboo shoot. ——"Shu Yi Ji"


Another embroidered grass.

Li Yu planted it in the [square pot].

So far, [Xianlu]'s [Auspicious Value] has reached 65 points.Another 35 points will usher in "Auspicious Advent".

At that time, the [Children's Temple] purchased earlier will also come in handy.

After a short rest, Li Yu stepped into the third level of [Palace of Gold, Jade and Glazed Glass], and was placed in a dense forest and grass.

Before he could carefully observe the surrounding environment, a gust of wind hit.

Li Yu's heart tightened, and he flipped over to the side.

A snake tail as thick as a bucket swept across its head.Everywhere it went, trees were broken from them or uprooted.

Li Yu stood up and saw a huge python when he raised his eyes.Its size is even better than [Corpse Python].

The giant snake opened its mouth wide, like the top of a whale bell, and slammed it down.Li Yu didn't have time to dodge, so he threw up at the sky.

The fire was like a dragon, rushing towards Shekou.

Startled, the giant snake turned its head to avoid the flames.

Li Yu took the opportunity to jump to a tall tree, and met the eyes of the giant snake with the size of a copper bell.


"Measuring Snake"

[Product rank] Land product

Measuring a snake?
Li Yucai recalled the information about the [Measuring Snake] in his mind, and the giant snake suddenly pulled up its body and stood upright.

Over the towering trees, higher than the vast forest, and go straight to the cloud.

Measuring people?

Li Yu suddenly leaped out of the treetops, transformed himself into a goose, and soared into the sky.

[Human Measuring Snake] opened its huge mouth high in the air, and let out a human voice: "I..."

Li Yu flew up desperately, and finally flew over the snake's head before [Measuring Man Snake] uttered the second word.

[Measuring snake] long cry: "I... tall!"

After singing, he realized that a big goose had landed on top of his head, and it froze for a moment.

The big goose stretched its wings leisurely and said, "You are not tall, but I am tall."

As soon as the words fell, the giant snake wailed.

Then, the twenty-foot-long [Measuring Snake] crashed down, and fell dead in the smoke and dust that covered the sky and the sun.

There are human snakes in Qiongzhou, Guangdong, which are six or seven feet long. They stand upright when they meet people, and then eat them.The natives say that when the snake measures a person, it sings "I am high", and the person responds with "I am high", and the snake falls to its death. ——"Essays on Two Kinds of Autumn Rain Temple"

"[System]: Players pass the third level of [Golden Jade Glass Palace] and get a reward [Five Bright Sacs]."

(End of this chapter)

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