This sea lord is a bit strong

Chapter 373 Legendary Siren, construction of engineering facilities

Chapter 373 Legendary Siren, construction of engineering facilities
It has been almost a month since I left, and the various projects of Ocean Crown have made great progress.

The 7-star building Hero Fountain has already been completed, covering the entire territory with the BUFF that increases the probability of heroes being born. Only half a month has passed, and two hero units have been born immediately in the Crown of the Ocean. It is enough to show the strength of this building.

The spectacle building, the Temple of Heraklion, has advanced the progress of the project by a lot, reaching about 60%. But its grandeur can already be seen.

As for the giant magic tower carried on the back of the giant turtle, its prototype can already be seen. The spiral tower-like building stands on the island-like turtle shell, and a large number of arrow towers, spell towers, turrets, and even accommodating arms are simultaneously built around it. The barracks, a mobile strategic strike platform like an aircraft carrier, will become an important means for the crown of the ocean to resist the invasion of demons in the future.

The first batch of 500 million units of rare resources purchased by Reinhardt with the gold coins from the Bath Kingdom treasury has been delivered. During this period, Ocean Crown received a total of 160 million units of rare resources by selling special products. Among them, 30 units of wine were sold, and the others were products such as fluorescent mushrooms and ores.

This total of 660 million units of rare resource income is enough to supplement the resources consumed in the last round of arms recruitment. This insufficient resource allows Annie, who has absorbed the blood of the epic dragon whale, to have the potential to reach the epic level, but it can make Alice was upgraded from Heritage to Legendary.

Ji Chen took out the epic potential template of Siren hero Teresa obtained from the 7-star dungeon: The Battle of Parnas.

Originally, he wanted to find another siren at a certain point in time, and use this template to add a hero with epic potential to the crown of the ocean, but now that the crisis is approaching, and he doesn't care about the problem of waste, he will It is used directly on Alice.

Call Alice over and tell her about it.

"Thank you for your kindness!"

Alice looked quite excited, watching her colleagues around her being promoted to higher ranks one by one, but she was still standing still. Although she didn't show much on the surface, she couldn't help feeling anxious in her heart.

Ji Chen nodded, his thoughts moved slightly, and the template worked directly.

"Ding~ Siren Hero Teresa's epic potential template has been used, Siren Hero: Alice's potential has been raised to epic level."

Perhaps because of the potential template of Teresa, who was once the lord of the ocean kingdom, the whole image of Alice has a bit more majesty and nobility of a superior. With the already beautiful appearance, it seems that she is a sacred and invincible person from the sky. Violent Goddess.

The shackles of the upper limit of potential have been untied, and Alice's advanced conditions on the arm's technology tree have also changed at the same time.

[Siren hero: Alice (red heritage level→orange legendary level) needs 250 million units of rare resources]

It used to require a full 450 million units of rare resources, but now it only needs 250 million units of rare resources, a direct drop of 200 million, but such a amount of resources that used to be daunting can now be easily collected.

Without hesitation, Ji Chen immediately advanced Alice.

"Consuming 250 million units of rare resources, the siren hero: Alice (inheritance level) is advanced to the legendary level."

The cast beam gradually disappeared, revealing the figure of Alice.

A powerful aura belonging to a legendary powerhouse rippled through the crown of the ocean like the ebb and flow of the tide.

The fourth legendary hero of the Crown of the Ocean was born.

As if in response, powerful auras came from all over the Ocean Crown.

Epic level. Legendary level. Inheritance level. Like colorful rays of light competing to shine, filling this territory that is only the size of a town.

Those elf soldiers and merchants stationed here, who just came to their senses from the scene of flying dragons, all looked horrified.

Under this powerful breath, the soul is all shocked and shaken.

In the underground lizardman world, it seemed that he had noticed the movement on the ground. Tomodo, who was immersed in the research of alchemy equipment, raised his head to look at the ceiling of the workshop.

He muttered softly: "This kid, why do his heroes grow up so fast? Is this also a blessing from the gods?"

The apprentice craftsman next to him raised his head blankly, "Your Majesty Tomodo, what are you talking about?"

Tomodo raised his eyebrows, stared and blew his beard and cursed: "Continue to build your weapons! It's been so long that I haven't learned the intermediate forging technique of dwarves. I have lived for so many years, and I have never seen such talents as you. Poor apprentice!"

"The demons are coming soon, when will you be able to forge weapons and equipment comparable to those produced by Black Iron Castle!?"

These apprentices of various races, who were much taller than the dwarves, suddenly shrank their necks like ostriches in fear, and continued to sway the hammer in their hands, hammering the sword embryo on the anvil.

The crisp knocking sound echoed throughout the workshop.

Seeing this, Tomodo's face softened a little. Although these apprentices were not as talented, they were still hardworking, and it was not impossible to teach them.

If he was given a few more years, he would definitely be able to teach a group of craftsmen capable of making high-quality weapons and equipment, and exchange these weapons and equipment for a large amount of resources to feed the rapid development of Ocean Crown, but the demon invasion interrupted his plans and ideas.

Now maybe it's time to forge some advanced equipment for that kid so that he can survive this crisis safely.

Secretly, the legendary dwarf craftsman made up his mind.

"You are thinking about how to forge, tell your lord that I have something to retreat for a while, and let him not disturb me!"

The apprentices looked at Tomodo who left without hesitation after speaking, and looked at each other in blank dismay.

With the demon looming, everything needs to be hastened.

On the second day after Ji Chen came back, he actually released a series of construction projects, including but not limited to the construction of coastal city walls, coastal defense buildings, air defense buildings, underground escape routes and other facilities.He wants to turn the entire territory into a hedgehog full of spikes and arm the territory to the teeth.

However, in addition to basic resources, the materials required for these projects also require a large number of complicated auxiliary materials, which depends on those merchants.

On the afternoon of the announcement of the project, Ji Chen summoned the businessmen who stayed on the island.

Port Ship Division.

A room dedicated to meetings, the dusty Ryan was brought in by a maid. There were already many businessmen waiting in the room, and these were all from Reinhardt, Maplewood Principality and other places for transit or trading merchant.

A chunky businessman who was familiar with him saw Ryan coming in and greeted him with a smile.

"Your Excellency Ryan, you were also invited by His Majesty Ji Chen?"

"Yes, I told you to come here as soon as I got off the boat." Ryan looked around, "What did His Majesty Ji Chen invite us to come here?"

The chunky businessman thought about it: "Probably related to the invasion of demons."


As a well-informed businessman, he has already heard about the demon invasion, and he heard that those ghosts who were suppressed in the abyss of chaos are about to make a comeback. -
The dumpy businessman sighed.

"Hey, after the news came out, business is not going well."

Ryan nodded deeply. Since the news came out from the Elf Empire, the most sensitive thing is that the prices of various materials in the mainland are rising. Businesses that had good profits in the past can't be done now, so he had to start a new one. Try your luck here on the Moon Islands to see if you can find better-selling goods.

Now it seems that not only he has this idea, but also other merchants. The number of merchants seen here is several times higher than when he came last time, and many of them are big merchants!

Those ghost things invaded and invaded, and they didn't hinder their business before the invasion.

"I hope I can get some goods this time, so I don't need to make a trip in vain."

Ryan thought secretly, but then he heard the chunky businessman exclaim.

"Ji Chenmian is down!"

Ryan felt refreshed, and quickly looked over. Ji Chen walked in from the door with his hands behind his back, walking like a dragon and a tiger, with extraordinary momentum, and his temperament was as vast and powerful as the ocean.

"Your Majesty Ji Chen, good day!"

The businessman in the room came over immediately and saluted respectfully. Ryan didn't dare to neglect and saluted quickly.

Ever since Ji Chen participated in the meeting of lawful forces in the Elven Silver Moon Holy City, his reputation has spread along with the demon invasion. At this time, countless aborigines discovered that this glorious world has been in this world for less than a year. Lord, the strength has actually reached the epic level.

What is the concept of epic level?
Turn mountains and seas, turn hands and clouds.

Even kingdom-principal-level powers don't have epic-level powers. Only those powers with profound backgrounds and thousands of years of heritage can have epic-level powers.

For example, the elf empire that flourished for a while had two epic-level powerhouses on the surface, and Dragon Island, which exported weapons, also had two epic-level powerhouses.

It is enough to explain the epic gold content.

Epic-level powerhouses also have their own areas of expertise. For example, the contemporary elf queen is famous for her unparalleled archery skills. The arrows she shoots contain rules that must hit. He killed the troll chief with one arrow before the battle, causing the troll tribe to quickly collapse and easily win the war.

In Longdao, a strong dragon clan who has reached the age of Long Live can crush a small hill with a single punch, and the dragon's real body can burn mountains and boil seas with a breath of dragon's breath.

And this extremely young Glory Lord Epic Rank powerhouse is probably good at ocean and water.

——This was the second day after Ji Chen appeared in the meeting, and his information was placed on the table of the major forces.

But what makes these forces feel a little distressed is that there is not much information about it. This Lord of Glory seems to seldom do anything in front of outsiders, and most of them are dead when they see him. At present, they only know the ability to set off huge waves. The Crown of the Ocean has a high-end army that is not inferior to the forces of the kingdom and principalities.

Fortunately for them, the location of the Ocean Crown happened to be on the attacking route of the demon army led by the dreaded demon king Balzana. Presumably, Ji Chen, whose strength was biased towards the ocean and water, could stop the demon army for a while. , so that they are fully prepared.

Putting away the thoughts in his head, Rein quickly said, "Your Majesty Ji Chen, good day."

The title of the epic level powerhouse is no longer Your Excellency, but the more respected Crown Prince.

Ji Chen's expression was calm, but he took a second look at Ryan and recognized him, "Your Excellency Ryan, you just got off the boat?"

Ryan nodded quickly and said, "Yes, the staff at the port told you to invite all merchants as soon as I got off the boat, so there was no time to change my clothes."

"It's okay, I invite you this time because I need your help with something."

Seeing that the eyes of other merchants were attracted, Ji Chen didn't hesitate, and directly cut to the point, "You should have heard the news that the demons are about to invade."

The merchants nodded, "We already know."

"Very well, I'll get straight to the point. The Crown of the Ocean and the New Moon Islands are located on the route of the demons' attack route led by the demon king Balzana, which means that this place will bear the frontal attack of an army of demons."

"To buy more time for the lawful forces in the Northern Continent, I will release a series of construction projects to resist the demon attack, but time is running out, and I need to rely on your strength for materials."

Hearing this, the businessmen's eyes lit up immediately, and they were gearing up, smelling a strong business opportunity.

Ji Chen looked at the businessmen with different faces, and continued: "If you have any questions, you can speak up directly."

Soon a businessman raised his hand and said, "Your Majesty Ji Chenmian, can you entrust us with all the engineering materials?"

"That's right, I plan to build a sufficiently strong and tall city wall around the island. In addition to requiring a lot of stone materials, I also need to build arrow towers, forts, etc. on it. The energy cores and special materials required for these facilities and ordnance will be entrusted to you."

The businessman's face brightened, thinking that he might be doing business related to energy cores.

After Ji Chen answered a few questions, he thought about handing over the follow-up questions to Willus, but when he saw the businessman named Ryan raised his hand, he decided to answer the last question after thinking about it.

"Your Excellency Ryan, what do you want to ask?"

Ryan was flattered and said: "Your Majesty Ji Chenmian, besides these, do you need architectural drawings? I bought a batch of offensive defensive architectural drawings such as arrow towers before."

Ji Chen frowned, "Of course, as long as the quality is good, I'll take as much as you have."

Using architectural blueprints is a faster method than direct construction. The time required to use architectural blueprints is a fraction or even one percent of ordinary construction. It is a good choice for the most time-consuming ocean crown choose.

Receiving an affirmative answer, Ryan was overjoyed. This place was indeed his blessed land, and he immediately sold the things he brought.

Ji Chen handed over this place to Willus who came over, he has more important things to do.

(End of this chapter)

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