Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 1204: People are flying in front, but souls are chasing behind

Qu Xing hurriedly loaded the shells and fired the trigger.

"It's stuck!" Qu Xing yelled anxiously.


Lao Bi watched helplessly as the tall zombie with green light came running towards him.

Much faster than other zombies.

If you were approached by this zombie, you would definitely be doomed.

Just at this time.

Li Haoran took out the grenade from his waist and pulled out the bracelet.

He leaned back and threw all his strength towards the zombie.

The grenade showed a beautiful arc and flew thirty to forty meters away.

"Lao Tu, what's going on? Did the captain and the others run away? We haven't even boarded the helicopter yet!" Gu Long shouted towards the back in horror.

Lao Tu peeked his head out of the cabin and glanced outside.

Check the engine with this.
At the same time, he was surprised to find that there was still two-thirds of the aviation kerosene.

Puff, puff, puff!

But when he got on the helicopter, he was shocked to see that the helicopter was full of zombies.
These zombies were all wearing standard uniforms but with seat belts on their bodies, and they were sitting on their seats and roaring at him.

Although it was sunny outside, it was extremely dark inside the building.

Gu Long was a little embarrassed when he heard this, and then quickly said: "Come here and help me."

"Fly!" Lao Bi was very busy at this time and just wanted to kill the zombies in front of him.


The ground was also covered with polished bullet casings.

Like whack-a-mole, one knife at a time.

When Lao Bi saw this scene, he quickly shouted: "Plop down!"

This guy is so smart.

After he killed all the zombies in the cabin, they looked like machines without power, with their heads hanging down.

Turn on your headlamp and shine it on the wall.

Followed by.

He just happened to fall in front of the nuclear-radiated zombie.

Most people can only throw it 120 meters away, and those who have received professional training can only pass 30 meters away.

This one
Hearing the explosion outside, Gu Long came to his senses, quickly pulled out his dagger and pointed it at the zombies.

Broken limbs fell to the ground.

I didn't expect that he could throw it more than thirty, nearly forty meters away.

He said helplessly: "You're so anxious, that's the helicopter that Changsheng and the others searched, and they all took off! It looks like that helicopter can be used."

at the same time.

At this moment, he suddenly heard the buzz of a helicopter outside.

The other group ran to Gu Long, who was in another helicopter, but was a little stunned.

The gunfire continued.

He forcefully dragged the zombie out of the driving position.

The walls were covered with bullet marks, and the mold that formed on them looked like oil paintings.

The zombie was directly detonated by the grenade and was smashed to pieces.

Everyone quickly got up and continued to deal with the zombies rushing around.


After Zhou Ming and the combatants got off the helicopter, they immediately ran to several buildings in the air force base.

And the grenade can be thrown so far.

After this incident, Lao Bi's eyes looking at Li Haoran became much softer.

So he quickly reported to Lao Bi: "Captain, the helicopter I searched should also be able to take off."

the other side.

Gu Long quickly ran to the driver's seat and found a zombie tied up by a seat belt.

Then he quickly sat in the driving position and checked the condition of the helicopter.



After he entered the helicopter, he immediately killed several zombies that ran down.

Zhou Ming stepped on the bullet case and made a slight sound.

There was a cart ahead, but it also fell to the ground.

This hall is extremely empty, without a single zombie.

"Brother Zhou, there don't seem to be any zombies here," a combatant behind him whispered.

Zhou Ming frowned. Judging from his many years of combat experience, it was not as safe as he thought.

This building has extremely high ceilings, more than twenty meters high.

Such a high ceiling would give people a feeling of emptiness, but at this time it made them feel a little nervous.

Dang Dang Dang——

A rapid crashing sound came from deep inside.

Everyone was shocked.

Quickly turn the muzzle of the gun and aim it that way.

The headlight also shines in the direction of the head.

Zhou Ming slightly tightened the gun in his hand and walked slowly inside.

The seven or eight people behind him also quickly followed.

After passing a place similar to an arch, we entered a larger space.

Parked in the center is a seemingly intact bomber.

But when they walked over, they discovered that this was a one-to-one replica of the plastic model.

"Holy shit, I got a little excited. Damn it." A combatant at the back said with some disappointment.

"Don't talk nonsense, work in pairs and search for supplies separately." Zhou Ming whispered.

He was also surprised that he didn't see anything useful along the way.

But if you think about it carefully, although this is an air force base, it has long been occupied by that group of mercenaries.

Perhaps it might have been occupied by others before the mercenaries took over.

Thinking about it, the team members behind him scattered in twos and searched around.

Dang Dang Dang——

There was another crash.

"On the right." Zhou Ming keenly heard the direction from which the sound came.

So he hurried over there.


The sound of running echoed in the empty hall.

He swallowed as he got closer to where the sound came from.


He came to the place where the sound came from.

This is a huge hydraulic door, which is blocked at this time.

There seemed to be something banging behind the door.

The team members behind him ran forward and hurriedly opened the door.

"Wait, what are you doing!?? Your brain is broken!" Zhou Ming shouted angrily.

"Do you know what's inside?! Just open the door!"

The team member who originally wanted to open the door pointed to the right.

Zhou Ming frowned and slowly looked in the direction he was pointing.

I saw three big words clearly written on it: Weapons Depot.

Isn't the biggest core purpose of these people coming to this building to find a weapons cache?

After searching for so long, I finally found it!
However, Zhou Ming still maintained a cautious attitude.

The reason why he was able to become the captain of this team was because of his caution.

"Then you shouldn't open this door in a hurry. You didn't tell everyone. If you open it suddenly, zombies run out, what should you do if some team members don't react?!"

Zhou Ming still scolded him like this.

The team member said with some embarrassment: "I was wrong Brother Zhou, I won't do it next time."

"I'll teach you a lesson when I get back." Zhou Ming pointed at his nose and warned.

Then he approached the door and knocked twice with his gun.

hoo hoo hoo!
There was a roar from inside.

The sound was very dense, and you could tell there were a lot of zombies inside.


As they expected, there were zombies inside!
However, these combatants have been dealing with zombies for so long,

Taking out zombies isn't too much of a problem.

It just depends on how much is inside.

If there are too many, it will only lure these zombies away.

Zhou Ming picked up the walkie-talkie and asked the team members who had gone in other directions to come over quickly.

This is to prevent the team members from being scattered after he releases the zombies later.

And contact the team members who are on standby in the helicopter outside to ask him to prepare for takeoff.

Once they get out and get into the helicopter, it takes off immediately.


Several other four team members came here.

Eight people surrounded the door, their eyes full of vigilance.

Zhou Ming glanced at the crowd, listened to the roars of the zombies inside, and said to the crowd: "If there are too many zombies inside later, everyone will run outside."

"Yes!" Everyone nodded.

Zhou Ming then put his hand on the disc handle and slowly turned it open.

ka ka ka-

The door slowly opened a small gap.

Zhou Ming looked inside through the gap.

The dark weapons arsenal exudes a glistening green light.

The zombies here are all zombies that have been exposed to nuclear radiation!

The door of the weapons depot was hit by the zombies inside, and more than half of it was knocked open.

In a space of less than 100 square meters, you can see at a glance that there are thousands of nuclear-radiated zombies inside, emitting a strange green light, which is very obvious in the darkness.

The space inside is not large, and these zombies are crowded together.

Densely packed, like sardines.

Some of the nuclear-radiated zombies here are very bright, but some are only bright on the surface.

Under the green light of the zombies, the boxes of ammunition placed on the shelves inside all glowed with green light.

The weapons and ammunition here have been wiped away by these nuclear-radiated zombies, and they have also been contaminated by radiation.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Ming's heartbeat skipped a beat.


A shout.

He ran out of the hall.

Several team members behind also quickly followed.

The team member who initially wanted to open the door almost didn't react.

He was in a daze and was pulled by a team member before he ran as hard as he could.

Just like that, I almost got hit by the zombie inside.

"Shoo, slop, slop!"

Zhou Ming felt like he was unlucky.

Who the hell hid so many nuclear-radiated zombies in here?

There must be something wrong with your brain.

He didn't dare to look back, he only dared to run as hard as he could.

If you turn around and shoot with your gun, you can probably kill a few of them.

But he will soon be swallowed up by those zombies.

Just run like hell. I just feel that the person is flying in front and the soul is chasing after me.

At this moment, he wished he had eight legs so that he could leave this hellish place quickly.


While running, he tried to pick up the walkie-talkie, but he was too fast and couldn't speak at all.

Until they ran out of the building.

Wave your hands vigorously.

A few dozen meters away, the helicopter pilot who was watching the gate saw Zhou Ming and the others running away from him like desperadoes.

Quickly open the helicopter door and start the helicopter.

After doing all this, he looked towards the building.

A large group of nuclear-radiated zombies emitting green light rushed toward him.

A few seconds later.

Zhou Ming ran onto the helicopter and almost rolled in.

After rolling in, he quickly moved out of the way to let others in.

After everyone came in, he roared:
"take off!"

next second.


The helicopter slowly took off.

The zombies chasing after him barely missed touching the landing gear of the helicopter.


He was breathing heavily.

The brain goes blank. After a person runs quickly, the brain is easily deprived of oxygen and will appear to pause.

But it only took him a few seconds before he seemed to realize something.

Yigulu stood up and picked up the walkie-talkie to contact Lao Bi.

"Captain, I found a large number of nuclear-radiated zombies here in the building complex. They may go to your side, so hurry up!"

Lao Bi's eyes widened when he heard the voice on the intercom.

Quickly look at the buildings two hundred meters away.

I saw a helicopter taking off, and a bunch of nuclear-radiated zombies below, glowing green, were inconspicuous in the daytime, but I could tell that these zombies were different from ordinary zombies.

Those nuclear-radiated zombies turned their attention to themselves after Zhou Ming's helicopter took off.

After all, he is still firing a gun!

"What a shame, old mother!"

Lao Bi cursed fiercely. At this time, he hated Zhou Ming for being such a bitch.

"Get in the helicopter and run!"

He approached Li Haoran and asked him to get on the helicopter quickly.

The surrounding combatants hurried back to the helicopter.

Qu Xing saw the nuclear-radiated zombies running towards them and forced himself to calm down.

Start the helicopter quickly.

Zhou Ming breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the helicopter take off.

But when he glanced down, he saw that because of his helicopter, he was flying high, and the zombies below were running towards the captain and the others.

So I quickly asked the driver to lower the height, and then launched rockets to attack these zombies.

Use this to attract the attention of these zombies and eliminate these nuclear radiation zombies that cause them headaches.



Sure enough, under their bombing, most of the nuclear-radiated zombies were attracted.

But less than one-tenth of the nuclear-radiated zombies left were still running towards Lao Bi and the others.

Even if it is only one tenth, there are hundreds of them.

This kind of zombie cannot be dealt with in close combat and can only be attacked from a distance.

Lao Bi stepped back and urged everyone to get on the helicopter.

He wants to go up last.

At this time, the two medium-sized helicopters they had landed on had successfully taken off.

At this time, he also lowered his height and launched an attack on these zombies.

Try to delay as much time as possible for Lao Bi and the others.

One hundred meters.

Fifty meters.

Thirty meters.

Twenty meters.

That's too late.

"take off!"

Lao Bi shouted with the walkie-talkie.

The helicopter took off instantly.

Lao Bi pulled his hands toward the helicopter stand.

Lao Bi jumped into the air and flew up with the helicopter.

Li Haoran and others above quickly pulled him onto the helicopter.

The zombies below suddenly filled the place where Lao Bi was.


Lao Bi gasped for air.

Then he picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted Qu Xing and Zhou Ming.

"Bomb, kill all these nuclear-radiated zombies!"

After saying this, he contacted Yu Xing, who had lured away the zombies, and asked him to come back and help immediately.

Changsheng piloted the helicopter he bought for 0 yuan this time and tried it out and found that there was something wrong with the weapon system.

But the other one, Gulong, went very smoothly.

One shell after another bombarded the zombie swarm below.

"Captain, should we go back? It's already safe anyway." Qu Xing felt sorry for the ammunition, so he asked.

Lao Bi frowned, took two breaths and said:

"No, there are too many nuclear-radiated zombies here and they must be killed. Although this place is hundreds of kilometers away from our Da Zhangshu base, this is a hidden danger. Kill it and execute the order!"

Da da da da——

Rockets and heavy machine guns kept firing at these nuclear-radiated zombies.

As Yu An and the others joined behind them, five helicopters launched a bombing attack on these zombies.

It wasn't until all the zombies were dead that Lao Bi gave the order to return to the Da Zhangshu base.

Li Haoran, who was sitting in the helicopter, was sweating profusely and his head was a little dazed.


So exciting.

Very thrilling.

But it didn't make him feel afraid.

Compared to the stable life in the base in recent years, he seems to prefer this kind of adventurous mission.


Only after he left this time did he understand what kind of life his eldest brother and Brother Tiezi lived outside.


The reason why Da Zhangshu Base is so peaceful, stable and peaceful is not because there are no difficulties and setbacks.

There are always people carrying the burden for them.

I was filled with emotions for a while.


Lao Bi walked up to Wu Kui angrily with a ferocious face.

"Tell me, did you already know that there were radioactive zombies inside? Why didn't you tell us!"

Wu Kui also saw that scene just now.

But he still shook his head and said:

"I don't know. It was foggy at that time, and Captain Bai and I ran away in a helicopter."

"But there are also some people who stayed here. I don't know whether they are dead or alive. Those people may have done this."

"However, as you can see under the heavy fog, the person who did this may have died and become part of the zombies here."

Hearing this, Lao Bi loosened his collar.

His eyes were filled with murderous intent.

He wished he could throw him off the helicopter right now.

But he felt that he had to return to the base to report this matter to the president and let the president make a decision.

Everyone drove the helicopter back to the Da Zhangshu base.

Along the way, Yu An, who had just led the zombies away, asked curiously what they had just experienced.

So Zhou Ming told everyone what he had just experienced.

When Lao Bi heard that the weapons and ammunition in a room were contaminated by nuclear-radiated zombies, he was heartbroken.

However, this trip finally got the most important thing.

Two medium-sized armed helicopters.

As long as the crashed helicopter at the base is repaired, their Da Zhangshu base will have 17 helicopters.


Lao Bi wiped the sweat from his hair. At this time, he really wanted a cigarette.

But this month's quota has been used up by him.

Just wait until next month.

Li Haoran next to him saw Lao Bi rubbing his index finger and thumb.

He thought smartly and quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his backpack.

Then I gave one to Lao Bi.

Another was given to the other combatants in the helicopter.

Lao Bi took it over with a smile, a little surprised.

It wasn't over yet, Li Haoran took out a zippo lighter and lit Lao Bi's cigarette.

Lao Bi waved his hand somewhat flattered.

But Li Haoran still wanted to give him some.


Lao Bi protected it with his hands, and then patted the back of Li Haoran's hand.

Li Haoran conveniently stuffed the remaining half pack of cigarettes into Lao Bi's arms.

Then he returned to his seat.

Lao Bi was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

The look in Li Haoran's eyes became more and more satisfied.

This guy is so smart.

He has a sense of fighting, is very clever, and understands the ways of the world.

Material that can be made!
Sweat fell drop by drop.

My whole body smelled like sweat.

The body suddenly relaxed due to the extremely tight state, and it was somewhat unable to exert strength.

With a cigarette, smoke is inhaled into the lung cavity.

Slowly spit it out.

The whole person seemed to be completely relaxed.

Those of them who spend their days licking blood on the tip of a knife can no longer care about the dangers of smoking.

I was under a lot of pressure all day long, and I might die on one of my missions.

It's rare for them to be able to relax a little bit.

Li Haoran didn't smoke, he looked at the scenery outside quietly.

I'm doing a review in my mind.

In this operation, what did we do wrong and what could have been done better.

(Please vote for me! Ten thousand words have been updated~~) (End of this chapter)

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