Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 277 Departure to Kill He Paradise

Chapter 277 Departure to Kill He Paradise

Time passed by, and during these two days, Lao Xie and the others gradually became familiar with everything in the base.

Because they just joined, they have not been allowed to enter the team on duty for the time being. Lao Xie and others, who have rested for two days, have fully recovered at this time.

This morning, Li Yu approached Lao Xie and others, and chatted about going to He Paradise tomorrow. After Lao Xie and others heard Li Yu's thoughts, they expressed that they would go together. In the hands of this group of people, the slanted bangs that died were not enough to vent their anger.

"When will we leave tomorrow?" Old Xie asked.

Li Yu looked at the excited people and said, "Let's leave at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning."

After thinking for a while, he said: "Another thing, when we go to Heyuan tomorrow, um, because Captain Lu is injured now, and he has to recuperate at the base, so he can't participate in the operation with us.

So, when the time comes, my third uncle, the one who saved you last time, will take you there. "

Everyone heard the words, recalled the tough man who saved them last time, and they were convinced for a while, obeying the command of the strong, there is nothing unconvinced.

"Okay." Lao Xie replied.

Everyone else agreed one by one.

Aside from Captain Lu and the two young children, there are five other team members' wives.

There are a total of 10 people on Lao Xie's side who can participate in the battle.

After getting replies from these people,

Li Yu nodded with satisfaction, and then walked towards the residential area.

The weather has been a bit cold recently. Everyone wears thicker clothes to prevent colds. Although there are various medicines in the base, it is better not to get sick if you can avoid getting sick. After all, the body is very uncomfortable after being sick.

After talking with Lao Xie and others, I also talked with Da Pao and others. This time there are more people preparing to go.

Da Pao and others in the base, together with Lao Xie and others, add up to almost 20 people.

Arrange all the firearms and equipment that will be used tomorrow, and you can set off directly tomorrow.

Night falls
In the night, Li Yu went to the roof of the villa again, looking at the searchlight on the mountain, shining far away, shaking from side to side, it can shine far away.

But this searchlight will shine on the fence at most, and then it will not search outside again.

Li Yu held a bottle of craft beer and looked at the night sky in the distance, feeling extremely calm.

The starry sky is shining, and a slight cool breeze is blowing over.

Li Yu slowly sat on the rattan chair, which was covered with a layer of blankets and woolen blankets. Sitting on it, it was slightly warm, making his whole body very comfortable.

I took out the earphones from my pocket, connected to the music, and there was a melodious song, familiar music, in the music, under the starry sky at night, familiar and somewhat unfamiliar music.

Let him immerse himself in an unspeakable atmosphere, in a trance, as if he saw before the end of the world, often after get off work, in the night, listening to songs and going home.

It was the happiest time in a long-lost time, that is, on the way home, in the crowd, he put on the earphones and went to an unrelated world.

In addition to work and life, there is always a world that has nothing to do with anything, and in this song, he feels that he has entered this world that has nothing to do with anything.

Thoughts are flying, Li Yu thinks about far away, thinks about what happened a long time ago
The aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus touches the tip of the nose.

Li Yu's eyes gradually focused, and he saw a gray bamboo forest in front of him.

After taking a sip of beer, the foam of the beer is slightly bitter, but followed by a sweet taste.

"It's nothing to do with Fengyue, I'm waiting for your preface

There are thousands of waves on the shore

No matter how to understand the word love, no matter how the pen is written, it is wrong
And I lack the understanding of your life

The lazy and unique voice came from his ear, and Li Yu had a kind of contentment on his face. He liked this feeling very much. In the quiet night, the rooftop was listening to songs, drinking and drinking, and then the wind was blowing.

This is his time, this is his life.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, Lao Xie and others got up early. Li Yu saw that there was a woman among the team members, and thought that it was the only female member of Lao Xie's team.

Short hair, looks very capable.

After thinking about it, let her follow along. In this last world, men and women are the same, and they all need to work hard to protect themselves and the people they want to protect.

Besides the ten of them, there were also Yu Tong, Song Min, Li Haoran, Li Haoxian, Li Tie, Li Gang, Da Pao, Yang Tianlong, and Third Uncle.

This time, at the request of my second uncle, I brought my cousins ​​Li Haoran and Li Haoxian out for some experience. They celebrated their birthdays, one is 19 years old and the other is 21 years old.

Li Hang, who is the same size as them, has come out many times, and now he is able to stand on his own.

All the people who set off this time can use firearms. In fact, the people in the base now, except for very young children, basically everyone else can use firearms.

Under the training of so many bullets, and after frequent special training, everyone's shooting level has been improved several levels.

After getting these submachine guns or rifles just now, Lao Xie's eyes were a little fiery. These old friends finally met again.

In addition to these, each person also has a pistol, a dagger, and a full-body explosion-proof suit.

Everyone stood in front of this explosion-proof vehicle. Lao Xie and the others had a feeling that they had returned to the past. No, when carrying out missions in the past, the ammunition they carried was planned. How can it be like it is now, with a large amount.

In addition to the Unimog and these two explosion-proof vehicles, Lao Xie and the others also had a previous explosion-proof police car.

Plus an off-road vehicle, almost four vehicles can hold everyone.

Everyone put on their gear and got into the car one after another.

Cannon carried the man in the undershirt from Heyuan into the explosion-proof car. The man in the undershirt sitting between Cannon and Yang Tianlong was a little weak at this time. He hadn't eaten anything since he entered the base and was already hungry. I'm a little dazed.

After entering the base, Li Yu didn't think of giving this person food. Da Pao and others also knew that they were going to leave in two days. When they got there, this person must not be able to stay. Anyway, he would be hungry for three days, and he would not die of hunger. , so there is no food wasted, just simply give some water every day.

The weather was a bit cold, and everyone put on a piece of thermal underwear under their clothes, but the man in the undershirt, although his body was full of muscles, seemed to be in good physical condition, but because he had been hungry for three days and the weather turned cold, Sitting in the car a little trembling.

Seeing the man in the undershirt, Yang Tianlong hesitated and said, "Da Pao, haven't you given him anything to eat?"

Cannon scratched his head and said, "Ah/I forgot"

Undershirt man: "."

I am Nima.
(End of this chapter)

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