nine coffins

Chapter 101 Holy Soul!Sword lotus!

Chapter 101 Holy Soul!Sword lotus!
Amu was seriously injured and fell to the ground, the black shadow laughed strangely, turned into a cloud of black mist again, and rushed towards Amu again.At this time, if Amu received another blow like that just now, he would probably die on the stage of life and death.

A black shadow flashes towards him, but a ball of purple light protects Amu at once. It is the Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet that flew back, but the Wuri Excalibur went nowhere.Although the black shadow is weird, if he wants to break through the protection of the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet, he can't for a while.He crazily moves around Amu, Youyou Ghost Claw, but they are all resolved by the Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet.

An elementary soul treasure is really powerful.

This bought time for Amu, and with a move of Amu's mind, a bottle of elixir flew out of the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet, which was exactly the return qi elixir that Han Qianli gave him back then!Amu has basically never used a few, most of them are there.

At this time, Amu was holding the elixir in his hand.The chest injury was extremely serious. He didn't know what kind of power the weird black shadow used, but it was definitely not cultivation power. Ordinary cultivation power would definitely not be able to hurt Amu to such an extent.It was the first time that Amu suffered such a serious injury. A cold ghost energy kept colliding in Amu's body, but fortunately, it was suppressed by Amu's magic power.

The killer's heart is scattered!The endless murder spread.

Raising his head, in order to recover his strength quickly, Amu actually poured a bottle of Qi-Returning Pill into his mouth.Amu's face was a bit ferocious, and he sat cross-legged, catalyzing the medicine's power as quickly as possible. At the same time, his fairy bone demon body was shining with black light, and it was constantly repairing itself.

Yang Yun?Yang Feng?Who are you?And Han Zixiang!Give me half a moment!If I, Amu, don't let you live forever, I am not Amu.

But at this time, the black boulder on the other side of the water has been pushed down two feet, and it is only one foot away from the white lotus.

Han Zixiang tried his best to move, and the endless spiritual power rolled down.Although the white lotus is powerful, she has no one to bless her, and she relies entirely on her instinct to protect the lord.The black stone pressed down step by step, and he saw that he had already pressed down on the stem of the white lotus.

Li Shui's complexion became even paler, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.Glancing at Amu's place, seeing that the Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet was temporarily protecting Amu, he felt a little relieved.

However, the situation in front of him is extremely dangerous, if it is not serious, both Amu and him will die.

"Let's end it!" Li Shui gritted his teeth, then stabilized the pressure, and slowly formed a very strange seal with his hands on his chest. As soon as the seal was released, Li Shui's originally pale face turned red instantly, which was to consume life energy The secret of the price.

As soon as the dharma seal was issued, Li Shui's whole body radiated endless white light, like a rising sun, shining brightly.

As soon as this seal came out, most people were secretly shocked. Unexpectedly, at this time, Li Shui could be said to be overwhelming and at the end of his battle, but he still had the power to fight back and formed such a strange seal.

Even Han Zixiang was stunned for a moment, he hurriedly moved the black stone, and suddenly pressed down another inch, barely touching Bailian.

"Oh!" Li Shui snorted, and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, but the seal was completed.

But at this moment, the faces of Bai Yifeng and Mei Wangnan outside the court changed suddenly at the same time. The two people who were originally as stable as a mountain all stood up abruptly, each with their own thoughts, but they still looked at each other involuntarily.

"The Seal of the Holy Soul!"

Of all the people present at the Northern Cold Sect, they were the only two who knew this strange seal method.This is the legend of the Northern Cold Sect that has been lost for more than 7000 years-the seal of the holy soul.

How can this be?Bai Yifeng and Mei Wangnan couldn't be more surprised.This is a secret technique that has been lost for more than 7000 years, and now the entire Northern Cold Sect, even the three masters who closed the death pass, do not know it at all.Nowadays, only a few ancient books in Tianzang Cave record the seal gestures of individual seal formulas, but how to move Qi, mantras, etc. have been lost.

At this time, what Li Shui cast was definitely the authentic Northern Cold Saint Soul Seal.

Mei Wangnan looked complicated, and opened his mouth twice, as if he wanted to say something, but finally he didn't say it.Many things, there is no turning back.

While Bai Yifeng was shocked, he was overjoyed. It seemed that Lishui had a great chance to get the inheritance of the Northern Cold Sect 7000 years ago, so Han Zixiang would definitely die.

Goodbye Lishui formed the Holy Soul Seal, and the Beihan Holy Soul Art was operated, the eternal holy lotus in the Danhai was swaying continuously, and the green energy was constantly gushing out.

At this moment, Li Shui's face was as rosy as ever, and the whole body exuded endless holy soul aura. This is a very strange power, and it can even be said to be a trace of soul power.

And the white holy lotus on the top of Li Shui's head seemed to be inspired by something, and its brilliance was displayed in an instant, and the white lotus kept swaying, as if resonating with the holy lotus in Li Shui's body, and its powerful power suddenly dispersed.

The big mountain made of black stone suddenly boomed and trembled!
"Huh?" Han Zixiang's complexion changed, the power emitted by the white lotus was too great, and the black could hardly suppress it.


When Han Zixiang was startled, the blackness was directly shattered by the brilliance of the white lotus, the black lights scattered and the rocks flew away.If it wasn't for the enchantment of the Four Northern Cold Immortals this time, it might affect many disciples who watched from the sidelines.

Han Zixiang never expected that Lishui, who was at the end of his crossbow, would have such power to fight back, and he was also shaken tens of feet away, spewing out a mouthful of blood.However, at this moment, Han Zixiang was a monk of the Supreme Spirit, so he quickly stabilized his figure, swallowed a pill, and then rushed towards Lishui again.

But at this time, Li Shui was like possessed by a spirit, and he didn't know what his cultivation was. The powerful coercion was unparalleled, and that trace of spirit power was enough to suppress everything.

At the same time, the holy lotus suspended in the void suddenly changed, layers of lotus petals fell off, floating in the void, shining with light, and instantly turned into eighteen white fairy swords, fanned out, and the power soared to the sky , pointing directly at Han Zixiang.

The green glow and the lake water in the middle of the holy lotus turned into a stream of light and flew into Lishui's eyebrows.

With great enlightenment, countless information poured into Amu's mind!
"A high-level fairy treasure—the fairy soul sword lotus!"

High-level fairy treasure?Li Shui's heart trembled violently, was it the legendary fairy treasure above the soul level?That is the treasure of the fairy family owned by individual soul-level monks, because at least it needs soul power to drive it.Could it be that the Beihan Holy Soul Art really gave him a trace of soul power?
At the same time, pictures of swords emerged in Li Shui's mind.Those sword pictures have a flying sword soaring into the sky, there are several flying swords dancing together, and there are countless flying swords intertwined into various patterns.Bizarre, all kinds of strange.

This is a kind of supreme swordsmanship, a kind of killing technique that can form a sword array.

"Immortal Soul Sword Lotus can destroy true immortals!" The gift from Grandma Qianhua is so heaven-defying?

"Fix formation!" Li Shui shouted loudly, the sword picture in his mind for a lifetime, and the seal formula in his hand changed!Although there are only eighteen lotus swords now, they are enough to form a small lore sword array.The sword light glowed, turned into a white light, and went straight to kill Han Zixiang.

At the same time, Li Shui moved towards the ghost that trapped Amu!

In the void, Li Shui pulled the string sideways, Tianzang's Falling Divine Bow opened again, the meteor pierced the sky, and the divine light was several feet long, and it was an arrow.

"Ah!" The ghost had never expected that Li Shui could attack him at this time.Now that Amu's arrow is not as powerful as before, how can the ghost shadow dodge it?Moreover, this ghost is a ghost born from the soul. It is the ghost power of Yin that can break Amu's formula of transforming demons into immortals. an arrow?
"Ah—" With a scream, the black mist was directly scattered by Tianzang Luoshen Arrow, revealing the face of Yang Feng inside.Yang Feng, who was dressed in a white robe, was completely ghostly, like a zombie, except for his face as before.

Tianzang Luoshen's arrow directly penetrated Yang Feng's body, but its strength remained undiminished. It actually directly penetrated the barrier of the Four Northern Cold Immortals and nailed Yang Feng's body to Luoyun Cliff.

Luoyunya claims that everything is invulnerable, but it can't stop Lishui's arrow at this time.

The power of Tianzang Luoshen can be seen at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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