nine coffins

Chapter 103 Darkening Zixue Cave

Chapter 103 Darkening Zixue Cave

Fairy Bing took Li Shui's Jiuyou Chasing Soul Pill without hesitation, and at the same time used her cultivation power to melt it away.Jiuyou chases the soul, well-deserved reputation, that is, the soul can be chased back to Jiuyou, once the elixir is applied, the whole body of Lishui emits three-color light, although it does not wake up, but it gradually becomes alive.The ice fairy was slightly relieved.

At the same time, she was on full alert.Today is chaos, it is difficult to tell whether it is an enemy or a friend.

Seeing you on the stage at this time, although Elder Li almost killed Li Shui, he was also hit by one of the Four Fairies of Beihan, and blood was sprayed from the mouth.

And as soon as Lu Yunjian arrived in front of Amu, Han Bingyi's sword arrived.One has just become a monk of the Supreme Spirit, and the other is a Void Spirit, there is not much difference.And Han Bingyi shot with anger, holding a high-level spirit treasure, Lu Yunjian didn't dare to shake it.

In a hurry, Lu Yunjian gave up Amu, and a silver hook flew out of the storage bag. It seemed to be at least a middle-level soul treasure, and it directly met Han Bingyi's Hanyue Sword.

Originally, with his cultivation base, he would not be defeated by Han Bingyi's move, but at this moment, Amu who was on the stage of life and death suddenly flew up, and charged the entire Luoyunya with a mighty magic power.

With one hand raised, a black devilish energy turned into a sword, and went straight to the back of Lu Yunjian's head.At the same time, one of the Four Immortals of Beihan also slapped Lu Yunjian.

It's a pity that Lu Yunjian, just after Zhiling came out of the pass, was full of vigor, and the flying silver hook also caught the cold moon sword, and the palms of the four northern cold immortals also dodged, but Amu's magic slash could not be resisted.Under the demonic slash, with a scream, Lu Yunjian was cut off half of his head and flew backwards.

Amu let out a cold snort, took a step forward, reached out with one hand, and directly grabbed Lu Yunjian's corpse in his hand, and turned the Ten Thousand Demon Transformation Immortal Art.With a flash of demonic energy, Lu Yunjian's body instantly turned into a mummy.Although today's Wanmohuaxianjue cannot dissolve spiritual power, the remaining mighty spiritual energy in Lu Yunjian's body has been absorbed by Amu into magic energy.

The cultivator in the spiritual realm was sucked into a mummy, which shocked the whole Beihan, even Han Bingyi and the four Beihan immortals were shocked.What kind of technique is this?
Lu Yunjian became the first Beihan spirit-level cultivator to fall in this Beihan catastrophe. You must know that the Beihan sect has not lost a spiritual-level monk in the past hundred years.

At this time, Amu stood in the void with a ferocious face, his heart was full of blood, and the endless devilish energy spread out, which was completely different from that of ordinary monks.In the void, suddenly a black glow flew over, it was the black rattan that had just gone against the white skull.

At this time, the black rattan flew back alone without any damage, and it is estimated that the white skeleton had long been wiped out.

The black rattan seemed to be inspired by Amu's demonic energy, and instantly turned into tens of feet, flying around Amu.

"That's a demon! You are a demon cultivator!" Mei Wangnan, who had been silent at this moment, suddenly flew up into the air, looking at Amu, with green lights in his eyes.Everything exceeded his expectations, and it was impossible for him to completely retreat afterwards, otherwise it would be a failure.

"Really a demon cultivator? Hehe! Humans and gods are outraged! Mei Shouzuo, if this person is not eliminated, the North Cold will be chaotic!" Elder Li wiped the blood from his mouth.

"The revenge of killing a son is irresistible!" Elder Han held the Five Poison Soul Banner and danced wildly with green hair.

Bai Yifeng glanced lightly at Han and Li, but did not speak to them, but looked at Mei Wangnan and raised his eyebrows, and said, "Senior Brother Mei, what do you mean?"

Mei Wangnan stood with his hands behind his back, looked around, and said: "My Northern Cold Sect was originally in harmony with each other, and we have been peaceful and peaceful all the time! But since Amu went up the mountain, he has stirred up disputes! First, he failed to cultivate roots and occupied the Tianzihao cave. In fact, there will be chaos in which Yang Yun was beheaded on the platform of life and death. It is expected that a little cultivator, He Dehe Neng, will be listed as a registered disciple of the suzerain, and the hearts of my disciples will be scattered! Today, Amu and Li Shui used the platform of life and death to kill Han Zixiang, the father and son of my elders, the North Cold Wizard, is cruel. Now the devil is so powerful that killing my spiritual cultivator with magic skills is probably an ancient demon cultivator. Is it tolerable, which one is unbearable? Let everyone be fair, and give me Beihan peace!"

Mei Wangnan's words were righteous and awe-inspiring, and it really hit the psychology of many Beihan's disciples.In fact, what Mei Wangnan said was also reasonable. Amu didn't have immortal roots, but he was accepted as a direct disciple of the suzerain, which definitely made many Beihan disciples dissatisfied.Killing Yang Yun that day made many disciples dare not speak out.

Emotionally, many Beihan disciples don't really approve of Amu.

Now that Amu's magic is rolling, he just killed Lu Yunjian with the Wanmo Transformation Immortal Art. This is the only fallen spiritual cultivator of the Northern Cold Sect in the past hundred years, and a spiritual master. Great loss.

"Magic cultivator?" That is the embodiment of evil in the legend of the sea desert.

Therefore, many disciples, even some monks in the spiritual realm, were also moved in their hearts.

When Bai Yifeng heard Mei Wangnan's words, he couldn't help but sneered: "Senior Brother Mei, you really surprised me!"

Mei Wangnan's eyes flickered with green light, he looked up at the Beihan Mountain Protector Formation, and then said flatly: "Just to be frank, why are you surprised?"

When Bai Yifeng heard this, he said in a cold voice: "In that case, Senior Brother Mei, let me ask you, why didn't you speak up on the day when the suzerain didn't retreat? Why didn't you speak up when Han Zixiang was not fighting on Amu Lishui on the stage of life and death? Now, Han Zixiang In defeat, the three of Han, Li, and Lu went to the stage of life and death in private, so you just said that it's not too late?"

"It's never too late to make amends! I was also at fault! But now that Han Zixiang is dead, and Amu beheaded my Northern Cold Sect spiritual realm cultivator, the magic has been revealed! Demonic cultivators, it is not acceptable for me to cultivate the world of immortality. Junior brother Bai, you still Do you want to protect him?" Mei Wangnan said that he was retreating, and then tried his best to hold Moxiu's hat.

Bai Yifeng said: "The practice of magic or not comes from the heart, and there will be a public opinion in the future? And it is the order of the suzerain to protect Amu, which involves my luck for thousands of years in the northern cold! As for Han Zixiang's death, there is no reason for it. Xiu, I went to assassinate Amu, if it wasn't for Amu's magical powers, he would have died a long time ago!"

"Nonsense!" Elder Han pointed at Bai Yifeng, "Bai Shouzuo, it's not the work of the Shouzuo who spouted blood!"

"Bloody mouth?" Bai Yifeng sneered, "Elder Han, don't you regret it now?" As he spoke, Bai Yifeng shot out a summoning talisman, and a door of light formed on Luoyun Cliff in an instant.

Goodbye, as soon as the light door opened, four old men came out of it. They were the four who protected Amu that day, but at this time, all four of them were covered in blood, and some of them were slightly injured.Among them, the red-clothed old man and the fat old man each sandwiched one person.

"Sun Kun, Jincheng!" Elder Han's complexion changed. These two are his confidantes in Zixue Cave, and his cultivation has been piled up to the spiritual realm with pills.But usually they acted in a low-key manner, and there were no two people on the list of the Northern Cold Spirit Realm.Today, when he came to Luoyunya, Zixue Cave actually made some arrangements, how could this happen?
Then Sun Kun and Jin Cheng still breathed a sigh of relief. When they saw Elder Han, they couldn't help crying: "Elder Han, the general situation is over! The four spiritual realms of Sunset Peak led more than a hundred fixed practitioners to seal Zixue Cave. Zixue Cave suffered heavy casualties. More than 300 fixed practitioners All the monks were killed, unable to fight any more!"

Three hundred regular repairs?This number shocked Beihan. There are so many regular practitioners in Zixue Cave.

(End of this chapter)

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