nine coffins

Chapter 105 Watch Me Go Kill

Chapter 105 Watch Me Go Kill

Bai Yifeng shouted loudly, but no one answered in the end.Bai Yifeng nodded, it seems that there is only one battle today!
"We are willing to follow Bai Shouzuo and eliminate those who rebel in Beihan!" The Four Immortals of Beihan took the lead in expressing their views.

"I'm willing to follow Baishouzuo and eliminate those who rebelled in Beihan!" Ice Fairy, the four elders of Sunset Peak, the head of Qianyun Cave, Elder Yun of Tongtian Peak, Elder Zhou of Wanling Cave and others shouted in unison.

In this way, Beihan's monks above the spiritual realm were basically divided into two factions.

Mei Wangnan led a total of fifteen spiritual monks, and Bai Yifeng led thirteen spiritual monks.Except for the spiritual monks who guard the roots of each vein, the northern cold spiritual monks are basically here, and Mei Wangnan has a slight advantage.

For a time, the situation changed.

Bai Yifeng and Mei Wangnan actually looked at the Northern Cold Formation at the same time, but they had different thoughts.

"Kill to kill! May the ancestors of Beihan help me to eradicate the rebellion!" Bai Yifeng's murderous intentions reached the extreme.

"I, Mei Wangnan, have wished for a hundred years, whether it succeeds or fails, depends on it!" Mei Wangnan's eyes flashed green.

"Friar below the spiritual realm, those who don't want to get involved in this battle, no matter who they belong to, will be pardoned without guilt! Those who dare to rebel will be killed without pardon!" Bai Yifeng hung the patriarch jade pendant in the air, and the vicissitudes of life dispersed. This is Beihan Zong's Zhenshan treasure.

"I will kill those who help the tyrant to abuse! Those who are watching are not guilty! If you can kill the Amu demon cultivator, you will be the number one hero of Beihan, and I will give you a first-level soul treasure and [-] copper-level spirit coins!" Mei Wangnan promised With a heavy reward, at the same time, with a shake of his hand, a silver spear stood in the void, and nine lifelike little dragons circled around the gun body, wandering around indefinitely.

"Elementary top soul treasure - Nine Dragons Silver Spirit Spear!"

As soon as this spear is released, its soul power is boundless. The reputation of this spear is not inferior to Tianzang Luoshen Bow, especially under the control of Mei Wangnan, Beihan is almost invincible.

"Killing Demon Xiu! Vibrating the North Cold!" Mei Wangnan Nine Dragons Silver Spear flicked and went straight to Bai Yifeng.They are the only middle-level monks of the Supreme Spirit, so naturally they will fight each other equally.

"You all must protect Amu and Lishui with all your strength, that is the hope of the Northern Cold Sect for thousands of years!" Bai Yifeng moved his body, and the patriarch jade pendant cast thousands of rays of light, directly facing Mei Wangnan.

This is a catastrophe in the northern cold, this is a big melee.

The battle of spiritual level monks is a battlefield for tens of miles around!The entire Tongtian Peak is murderous.The spiritual power is mighty, and the situation changes.

Thirteen vs. fifteen, Bai Yifeng's side is a bit stretched.Fortunately, the four Northern Cold Immortals formed a formation to trap the six spiritual monks.Only then can they maintain a tie.

At the same time, countless regular disciples and elementary and high-level disciples were also involved in the battle.Although both Bai Yifeng and Mei Wangnan explained that the onlookers were innocent, the tree fell and the monkeys scattered.Everyone understands that if their master and chief are killed in battle, the days to come will not be over.Swinging on the wall is not as good as betting on one side.

Winning the king and defeating the bandit is the most unchanging principle!In the world of cultivating immortals, the stronger one is the right one.

Therefore, only a small number of people with poor cultivation, or those who are timid and fearful, did not participate in the war.Most of them held their own positions, and many disciples rushed to join the battle.

The sword is shining brightly, and the magic weapon is all over the sky.Swords and swords, bloody.This is a disaster for the entire Beihan, with disciples falling and screaming constantly.However, the key to determining the outcome of this battle is the outcome of the monks in the spiritual realm.

At this time, Bing Fairy had already entrusted the unconscious Lishui to Ziyun Ziyu and Tie Yun and other reliable people for protection.All spiritual monks are fighting to the death.

Amu stood in the void, Han Bingyi and Fengzhao stood on his left and right.At this time, a Dzogchen practice under someone's sect attacked Amu, and Fengzhao went directly to meet him.

There were fights all around, but because Bai Yifeng ordered to protect Lishui and Amu with all his strength, no one could kill Amu.

At this time, Amu's expression was not as ferocious as before, but he looked at those spiritual monks and many Beihan disciples who fought for him and Beihan.

Amu held the black rattan stick in his hand and didn't charge forward for the time being, but turned his head to look at Han Bingyi and said with a slight smile, "This time you know that I'm really a demon cultivator, right?"

"So what?" Han Bingyi said calmly, then looked at Amu silently.She has been standing beside Amu, holding the cold moon sword in her hand, ready to fight at any time.The mountain wind was blowing, the purple dress was flying, and Han Bingyi gently brushed a strand of hair on her forehead.

Amu admits that Han Bingyi is an extremely beautiful woman, and at this moment she steadfastly stands beside Amu, which makes Amu feel touched for a long time.

"I was a murderer in my previous life!" Amu looked at the fight in front of him, and there was no sadness or joy in his eyes.

"Oh! You know what happened in your previous life?" Han Bingyi didn't expect Amu to say this at this moment.

"I killed many people in my previous life, and I will be a coffin in this life!" Amu suddenly smiled warmly at Han Bingyi.It was the first time Han Bingyi saw Amu's smile.

"Oh! What? Do you want me to be afraid of you?" Han Bingyi, who was always icy, smiled and made a joke with Amu for the first time.

Amu smiled slightly, but there were endless vicissitudes in his eyes.At this time, Amu thought of Liu Zhen, the Wang family, Wang Jue, and Yu'er.

In the depths of his soul, Amu may have always hoped to live like the first 15 years in this world.

Quiet, peaceful, no killing, no distress!The faces of people in Liuzhen are always filled with warmth, and what Wang Jue beats under the black cane is joy and happiness.

"Who do you think of?" No matter how cold a woman is, she is tender and sensitive, and Han Bingyi captured the instant warmth and softness in Amu's eyes.

"Before I went to Beihan, I had a master and a lovely younger sister!" Although Amu's tone was indifferent, Han Bingyi could feel the deep feelings in it.

Han Bingyi listened quietly, without saying a word.Han Bingyi is a smart woman. When a man mentions the warmest thing in his heart, she knows that she just needs to keep silent.

"The 15 years in Willow Town, Beiguo, I was very happy! Can you understand?" Amu glanced at Han Bingyi.

"Yeah!" Han Bingyi nodded gently with her beautiful eyes shining.

Amu smiled, a little helplessly, then looked up at the moonless and starless night, Beihan's brilliance blurred.

"I killed people in my previous life, and I will be a coffin in this life! I don't want to kill people, but if I don't kill people, how can the world be peaceful? I am a devil, and I will eventually cultivate through blood!" Amu's voice gradually became cold.

"Today, what if I die! You confess to senior brother Li Shui on my behalf, saying that I can't cross the sea with him! In the future, if you have a chance to visit Beiguo Liu Town for me!" Amu's face was neither sad nor happy. But the endless murderous intent began to pervade.

"Amu, you won't die! Unless I die, we are all dead!" Han Bingyi grabbed Amu, he would not let Amu die.

"Hehe!" Amu smiled wryly, "I, Amu, never wanted others to die for me in my past and present lives. Such affection is too heavy!"

As soon as Amu finished speaking, he saw a burst of blood splattering, Elder Yun of Tongtian Peak, who was not paying attention, was pierced through the chest by Elder Li's sword, and the dead body fell directly from the void.

The Northern Cold Sect, the No.2 monk in the spiritual realm fell.

At the same time, three Dingxiu members on his side were cut off, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Amu was never someone who watched others die for him. In this situation, the blood in his eyes rose sharply, and the invisible murderous aura turned into a tangible black flame: "Watch me kill!"

(End of this chapter)

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