nine coffins

Chapter 111

Chapter 111
As soon as the magic coffin appeared, it rose directly to the top of Amu's Danhai, and the shadow of the magic coffin in the Danhai was scattered directly outside of Amu's body.

At this time, Amu was already in a coma, but his whole body was supported by the shadow of the devil's coffin, and his whole body was full of black light, suspended in the void.

This is a very strange scene, a comatose white-clothed boy lying on the image of a magic coffin covered with strange runes, and the boy is holding a black cane in his hand, and a piece of black wood is suspended on his body.

The moment the shadow of the devil's coffin appeared, the entire Northern Wilderness was shocked.

In some corners of the vast northern wilderness where there are thousands of miles to count, there are seven or eight monks who don't know what their cultivation level is.

Among them, on the northern wild cold plain.In a misty place, amidst the clouds and mist, there is a vast ice sea with no limit.On a small silver island in the sea, unknown white birds soar and circle.

The small island is actually covered with bamboo forests condensed by cold ice. Those ice bamboos are lifelike, crystal clear, and seem to be swaying gently in the foggy sea.Endless white mist rises from the island, and those white birds land on it, adding to the charm.

It's a total wonderland.

In the depths of the bamboo grove, an old man in white with silver hair but a beautiful jade face sat cross-legged with eyes closed, exuding endless faint white energy from his body, meditating peacefully like an immortal.

The moment the shadow of the devil's coffin dissipated, the old man in white frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

"What a heavy demonic energy, actually has the breath of a desolate demon! Could it be that the suppressing demon was born?"

After finishing speaking, the old man pondered for a while, then stood up, stepped out slowly, and disappeared into the endless sea of ​​ice.

And in the north of the cold plain, farther than the sea of ​​ice, it was almost the end of the northern wilderness.

The snow-capped mountains stretch endlessly, and the peaks are like swords, pointing directly at the sky.One of the peaks leads the mountains. It is so high that it does not reach the top, and it goes straight into the clouds. It stands between the sky and the earth in the wind and snow.

A cableway was thrown down from the peak of Qingtian. Due to the condensed cold air in the mountain, most of the cableway was covered with ice and snow, and it lost its original appearance.In the valley, there is cold fog and mist, and the wind and snow are whistling, just like a white dragon twisting around and dancing with the wind.

At this time, a woman in a white cloak stood silently on the cable bridge, as stable as Mount Tai.That woman's icy skin and jade skin, her face is peerless, her beauty is graceful, she makes everything in the world pale in safety, that is a beauty that does not belong to the mortal world.

The moment the phantom appeared, a light flashed in the eyes of the woman in white.

"The magic coffin! Brother?"

Immediately, the woman in white swiped one hand, and a bright mirror appeared in the void.

I don't know what kind of spell this is, but at this time, all the scenes in the north of Beihan are all reflected on it.

Five spiritual sages, one soul cultivator, and a white-clothed young man full of murderous intent, are now being held up by the shadow of the devil's coffin.

The woman in white looked at Amu in the mirror, then at the shadow of the coffin, the black wood, and the black rattan. Her expression moved slightly, but she became indifferent in an instant, and shook her head slightly.

"1 years in the blink of an eye, I'm afraid it will be another reincarnation! Brother, you are safe!"

After finishing speaking, the woman in white waved her hand, and the mirror disappeared into the wind and snow.

Everything about the world is not on her mind, even if she sees through everything about Amu at a glance, this young man has too many secrets, he is a person who was born in response to the calamity for thousands of years.

Take out the things and secrets of this young man, and it will shake the land of the sea.

Even the devil's coffin is inside that young man's body, which one can suppress one of the nine coffins in the Three Realms, but so what?

The faint smile of the woman in white is like water, but it lingers for a long time. Nothing can touch her immortal heart that has been immobile for tens of thousands of years!
"My mission is to protect the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms. Everything else has nothing to do with me!" The pace has not changed half a point.

The dignified pace of this woman in white is like a pilgrim.The sky above her head is the Pillar of Optimus.It is her mission to protect the holy mountains of the Three Realms!
At this time, in the North of Beihan, everything seemed to be at a standstill.

When the shadow of the devil's coffin came out, everyone was stunned.

"Coffin?" Only the nine elders in red robes of the soul-level cultivator Xianguizong frowned and whispered to themselves, while Master Yang was even more stunned at this time.

Suddenly, the shadow of the magic coffin appeared, especially the power of the magic coffin in Amu's body continued to spread.The black wood on Amu's body instantly displayed its light, which was the murderous aura of the awakened wild demon.

"Not good!" Master Yang felt an extremely bad feeling in his heart.

But before the words fell, the black wood directly turned into a stream of light and came out.This streamer is not like just now.A black mist formed directly in the void where the black wood passed, like a trail of smoke, and like a long black hole in the void.

A terrifying aura came out from the black wood, full of ominousness!

"That's the power to shatter the void!" The red-robed ninth elder couldn't help but gasped when he saw it.At this time, he realized more clearly that the importance of this boy named Amu was far beyond what he thought!
As soon as his words fell, the black wood had already arrived in front of Master Yang.Goodbye to the originally inconspicuous pattern on the black wood, it suddenly burst into light.

Those patterns are strangely shaped, and it is impossible to tell whether they are people, objects, or characters?The ominous murderous intent directly targeted Master Yang.

"The blasphemy of the Lord of the Demon Coffin, the Dao is gone!" The voice came from nowhere, it seemed to come from Amu's body, but it seemed to come from a long time ago.

At this time, Master Yang's complexion was pale, all this completely suppressed his spiritual heart, a high-level spiritual holy Dzogchen has no power to resist at all!This is not Amu's own strength at all.

Without any resistance, Hei Mu directly hit Master Yang's forehead.

"Pfft—" The black wood entered from the center of the eyebrows and exited from the heart, Master Yang was completely wiped out, and his body instantly turned into black mist and disappeared without a trace.

A high-level spiritual saint who stomped his feet and might have moved the North Wilderness, died strangely under a piece of black wood like this.

"That's a forbidden picture! The...remnant...wood in the coffin!" At this moment, the expression of the Ninth Elder of the Immortal Ghost Sect suddenly changed, and he finally thought of the pattern of the black wood in front of him and what the black wood was!That is something in the legend, the remnant wood of the coffin!
Banned pictures?The remains of the coffin?It's a pity that no one can understand the words of the Red Robe Ninth Elder except himself!But the trembling voice of the mighty Ninth Elder was heard clearly by everyone.

"Wugui, quickly open the domain gate ancient formation and return to the sect, and report this matter to the suzerain! Let me resist here!" The red-robed elder was extremely decisive, recognized the origin of the black wood, and immediately arranged it.

The forbidden picture and the remnants of the coffin, any one of them is worthy of the master of the fairy ghost sect personally!
That fog ghost is also a shrewd person, he knew that something was out of the ordinary when he heard the tone of the Ninth Elder, so he didn't say much, just said "Your Order", and it turned into a cloud of black mist.

But at this moment, a heavy sigh suddenly came from the void. This sigh was not loud, but it exploded in everyone's ears like a nine-day thunder.The fog ghost's ghost fog had just formed, but it was blown away by a shock.

"It's late! No one can leave!" A hoarse old voice came, and then out of the thick fog in the north of the cold, an old man in black floated in the void. With a black gourd.

The black-clothed old man had been watching for a long time, when the shadow of the devil's coffin appeared, and the Ninth Elder of the Immortal Ghost Sect recognized the remnants of the coffin, so he had no choice but to get out.

"Soul body?" The Ninth Elder of the Xiangui Sect was visibly startled, and involuntarily took three steps back, his face pale.

I saw that the old man's left middle finger and index finger were close together, pointing to the sky, and the other three fingers were bent in the palm, and a talisman was printed.The five fingers of the right hand pinched a flame-like seal and stopped on the chest.

"The Great Seal of the Holy Soul!" Master Zhang, Zhou, and Immortal Qianzang exclaimed at the same time. The three people's knowledge is far better than that of Bai Yifeng and Mei Wangnan. Naturally, they recognized this Northern Cold Sect lost for more than 7000 years at a glance. A seal method in "Northern Cold Holy Soul Art".

"Boom! Rumble!"

As soon as the dharma seal came out, the celestial veins of the Northern Cold Mountains seemed to be moving.

Tianzi, Wangnan, Sunset, Tongtian, Qianyun, Wanling, Tianzang, Zixue, four peaks and four caves, and finally, in the fog in the north of Beihan, all of them flew out a streamer, flying to the void and merging.Beihan's nine pulses move together.

The Northern Cold Formation suddenly showed its divine light, and the original seven-color glow flowed rapidly, and even more black and white aura rose up.

Nine layers of defense!open!This is the strongest defensive formation of the Northern Cold Sect!Difficult to enter the soul level!

"The Nine Layers Formation is open, and everything in the entire Northern Cold Sect is sealed off! Don't even think about leaving!" the old man in black said in a hoarse voice, and then glanced at Zhang and Zhou, who were seriously injured. Patriarch and Master Qianzang, "Northern Cold Sect has exhausted you wastes for thousands of years, and it really has completely embarrassed Northern Cold Patriarch!"

The words of the old man in black were not polite, but none of the three of them dared to say much. Their faces flushed, and they knelt down together: "Greetings to the Patriarch! This disciple is incompetent and shamed Beihan!" The three of them knew it without asking. The old man in black who stepped out of the fog in the northern cold must be a figure at the level of the ancestor of the northern cold, but it is not known how many generations of ancestors.

"Oh! Forget it!" Seeing that the three of them were in a state of distress, the old man in black sighed slightly, "I'm done with Beihan, and I'm no longer from Beihan. Get up, all of you! I'm here for this boy Come!"

Although the old man in black said so, Zhang, Zhou and Master Qianzang were all clear in their hearts.I really didn't expect that there would be such a character in Zhufeng of Beihan Town, which was locked in a thick fog. It seems that Beihan Sect still has many secrets.Don't look at the old man in black saying that he came for Amu, but since he activated the Northern Cold Formation as soon as he appeared, it is naturally impossible to ignore everything about the Northern Cold Sect.The three of them didn't say much, they all stood aside obediently.

At this time, Wu Gui couldn't leave either, so he couldn't help leaning towards the Ninth Elder.The Ninth Elder looked a little embarrassed, then he clasped his fists at the old man in black and said, "I've seen you, senior!"

senior?Of course it is senior!

A monk who can radiate a soul body is a dispersing soul monk.

Ordinary monks in Haihuang Shenzhou are divided into three realms of cultivation, spirit, and soul, and can be further divided into six levels: initial cultivation, fixed cultivation, supreme spirit, holy spirit, cultivation of soul, and scattered soul.

The soul-dispersing monks are the most top-notch existence, and even the ninth elder of Xianguizong has seen only a handful of soul-dispersing monks.Immortal Ghost Sect, one of the seven great fairy sects in the sea and wasteland, almost monopolizes the entire western Heishui area, but its lord is only a monk of the first level of Dzogchen.

The Ninth Elder never expected that a second-rate sect in the Northern Wilderness would produce a soul-scattering cultivator.Although what appeared was a soul body, not the main body, and the specific cultivation level of the black-clothed old man could not be seen, but it was enough to shock the Ninth Elder.

"The Immortal Ghost Sect's hand is stretched too far! If you don't live in Heishui in the west, what are you making a fuss about in the Northern Wilderness?" The old man in black spoke flatly, but his hoarse voice pierced the soul.

"Senior is right, I didn't know that senior was here to clean up! If you bother me, we will leave right away! Please don't blame senior!" The Ninth Elder's posture was extremely low at this time.

If you keep the green hills, you are not afraid of lacking firewood!Originally, he was a soul-level figure who was afraid of alarming the Arctic Fairy Sea on the cold plain, but now the people from the Arctic Fairy Sea did not show up, and an old monster with scattered souls came out from the Northern Cold Sect.

No one knows better than the Ninth Elder what the soul-scattering old monster thinks. Not to mention being in the northern wilderness, even on the Qingyuan of the sea desert Shenzhou, the soul-scattering cultivator can also be worthy of the word "vertical and horizontal".

Don't even think about taking Amu away. To save your life for the time being and report a letter back to the sect is the biggest extravagant hope.

"Hey! Let's go now? Put it lightly! Where do you think I am in Beihuang? Do you think that Beihan Xianshan can come and go whenever you want?" The black-clothed old man's body is hazy and erratic, but his words are aggressive .

Then I saw him open one hand, and without any seal, he grabbed it in the air, and went straight to the fog ghost.

The grasp of the scattered soul monk can directly shatter the void, and the huge hand shadow can directly devour the mist ghost.

There is no escape from Kaitian Dali.

"Elder Ninth, save me!" The fog ghost's voice was howling like a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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