nine coffins

Chapter 121 Blood Eagle Batwing and Blood Shadow Fish

Chapter 121 Blood Eagle Batwing and Blood Shadow Fish
"Oh?" Amu didn't expect Shen Yan to be so passive in front of the blood eagle bat, "So Miss Shen has never gotten the blood eagle bat wings before!"

Shen Yan shook her head and said: "Every time I meet this blood eagle bat, I use the green umbrella to protect it. Once I make a move, there will be a gap in the protection of the green umbrella. The sound wave will definitely come in. I am not sure to resist it! Naturally, I didn't get it." Over the Blood Eagle Bat Wing!"

"Hehe! I didn't expect that there are things that Miss Shen can't get besides the five realms!" Amu couldn't help laughing.

"I'm really ashamed! My little sister is just a beginner in the spiritual realm, she's far behind!" Shen Yan said.

Amu looked at the blood eagle bats in the air, and the bloody lightning in their eyes was constantly disillusioned.

"Since this is the case, let's give Miss Shen some!"

"Huh?" Shen Yan couldn't help being taken aback.Although this blood eagle bat is only equivalent to a middle-level Dzogchen-level monster, but because of its special attack method, even monks in the spiritual realm should avoid it.

"Brother Wang really has a solution?" Shen Yan was dubious.

"Just wait to collect the blood eagle bat wings!" Amu was full of confidence.

Goodbye to the disillusionment of the bloody electric light in Amu's pupils, it is formed by the collection of countless magic consciousness, below the spiritual realm, this is an invincible killing technique.

"Fall!" Amu yelled violently, and countless blood-red electric lights shot out from Amu's eyes, chirping.The Qingluo umbrella couldn't hinder it at all, and the blood light went straight to the blood eagle bat.

"Divine consciousness takes form?" Shen Yan couldn't help but exclaimed when she saw it, even though she was well-informed.

This transformation of divine consciousness is a unique technique that can only be used by monks in the soul realm. Is this Wang Han a monk in the soul realm?impossible!
Shen Yan immediately denied her own thoughts. If a cultivator in the Soul Realm cannot enter the Wild Soul Secret Realm, even if he is lucky enough to advance to the Soul Realm in the Wild Soul Secret Realm, he will be sent out immediately.

"Unfathomable!" These four words appeared in Shen Yan's mind, and they were connected with Amu for the first time.Although Shen Yan and Amu really saw that Amu was good when they formed an alliance, they still didn't expect Amu to have such a means.

Goodbye, those blood eagle bats in the void were screaming strangely at this time. Anyone who was hit by that Amu's blood-red magic consciousness would flap his wings a few times, and then fall directly, gradually turning into a red blood mist and dissipating. The wings remain.None of the hundreds of blood eagle bats escaped, and a large cloud of red and black blood almost formed in the void.

This is not a battle at all, and Amu kills these blood eagle bats without any effort at all.

"Huh!" Amu sneered, and his figure flashed, and he stepped out of the green umbrella, those remaining sound waves were useless to Amu.

As soon as Amu raised his hand, the two storage bags were now empty, and hundreds of pairs of shiny black blood bat wings were collected by the two storage bags respectively.

Shen Yan was deeply shocked by everything in front of her eyes. It was the first time she had been in the Wild Soul Secret Realm for three years, and it was the first time she had seen someone collect the blood eagle bat wings like this.

However, in the blink of an eye, hundreds of blood eagle bats dissipated in the mist.

"Half for one person!" Amu directly threw one of the storage bags to Shen Yan.

"Huh?" Shen Yan instinctively took the storage bag, but she was in a daze, and she couldn't believe it was real.

There should be no less than two hundred pairs of blood eagle bat wings in this storage bag. What is the concept?
A pair of undamaged blood eagle bat wings is worth 200 copper-level spirit coins. These 200 pairs are worth more than 200 million copper-level spirit coins?Although with Shen Yan's background, it's not that he has never seen so many spiritual coins, but not long ago, he just got [-] spiritual coins and was somewhat happy, but now he has [-] million spiritual coins in his hand, which is really a bit dreamy!
"Brother Wang, so many blood eagle bat wings are too precious. My little sister can't have them!" This is Shen Yan's sincere words. The 200 million copper-level spirit coins may even catch up with all the wealth of a small third-rate sect in the sea.She and Amu just met each other for the first time. Although they cooperated, she did not contribute at all just now, but Amu divided the gains equally. How could Shen Yan accept this.

"Hehe! Is it valuable?" Amuli smiled faintly in the void.

"Why not expensive? These things are worth more than 200 million copper-level spirit coins when they arrive in Haihuang!" Shen Yan was a little puzzled, thinking that Amu hadn't heard what she said about a pair of blood eagle bat wings worth [-] spirit coins.

"200 million spirit coins? What can I buy?" Amu smiled wryly. With Amu's character, he really didn't care much about these things.

Although Amu knows that money is not everything, but without money, it is absolutely impossible, and he also knows that it is difficult for a cultivator to move forward without spirit coins and spirit stones, but Amu still doesn't care much.

"What can I buy?" Shen Yan was taken aback by Amu's words, and did not understand the meaning of Amu's words for a while.

"Two million spiritual coins, you can't buy friendship, and you can't buy life! Isn't it? I don't think I can buy your 'Three Worlds Dream Soul Flower', right? I can't buy my 'Wild Soul Spirit' either!" Amu Looking at Shen Yan, he smiled.

That purple dress reminded Amu of Han Bingyi and Ziyu again. Two million spiritual coins cannot buy Han Bingyi's friendship, let alone save Ziyu's life, so Amu doesn't value these things.In Amu's view, what can be bought with spirit coins is not important, and what cannot be bought with spirit coins is precious.

"Yeah!" Shen Yan is an extremely smart woman, and Amu naturally understood what she said, "Brother Wang is right! 200 million spiritual coins really can't buy anything! Then I won't refuse anymore!"

Shen Yan didn't say any more, put away the storage bag, then raised her head, as if looking at Amu seriously through the ghost mask.

"Brother Wang, I, Chen Yan, have almost no friends! Today I appreciate what you said, if you and I can get what we need and leave here alive, I would like to be friends with Brother Wang." Shen Yan said very Solemnly.

She thinks she has the best talent for shocking, and she has no plans to leave no stone unturned. Although she has excellent eyesight to form an alliance with Amu, she really can't figure out Amu.

However, Shen Yan is Shen Yan, she knows how to choose, this may be a kind of talent, so at this time she must sincerely make friends with Amu.

"Hehe! Make a friend? It's not easy to be my Wang Han's friend. Many people will die because of me!" Amu smiled wryly.

"Die because of you?" Shen Yan seemed to be stunned for a moment, then raised his face with a ghost mask, looked at the void, and sighed, "I will tell you the truth, Brother Wang. I, Chen Yan, just have unfulfilled wishes, otherwise I am not afraid of death." Yes!" Shen Yan's melodious voice suddenly lost a bit of ghostly air, but a little more sad.

"Oh?" Shen Yan's words were beyond Amu's expectation, but Amu would never ask more, just smiled.

"Miss Shen, we will definitely get what we need, and your wish will definitely come true!" Amu looked at Shen Yan.Almost the same purple clothes, but Amu knew that this was not the person he used to be.

"En!" Shen Yan nodded, and then took a deep breath, "Brother Wang, I'll show you the third secret realm! Then collect some other treasures."

"Okay!" Amu nodded.

The two flew directly into the distance, the space of this third secret realm is also huge, but the monks have encountered many, they are all in groups of two or three, most of them have encountered groups of five.

However, these monks do not disturb each other, only once, the two sides compete for treasures and hurt each other.But as soon as the two groups separated, they were swallowed by the other two groups.

"The monks in the triple secret realm are relatively peaceful, and there are not many cases of direct killing and robbery!" Shen Yan said.

"Oh!" Amu smiled, "I don't think it's because I don't want to kill people to grab treasures, but because I don't dare. Once my strength is weakened, it's easy to be swallowed up by others."

"That's right, that's exactly the reason! Therefore, most monks are hunting for treasures here, and want to find the light gate to enter the fourth secret realm."

"What other treasures can be found here? Is it easy to find the light gate of the fourth level secret realm?"

"There are also two kinds of treasures, the soul awakening grass and the weeping blood bamboo, in the triple secret realm? As for the light door leading to the quadruple secret realm, it is naturally not a problem for you and me!"

"Soul awakening grass and weeping blood bamboo?" Amu frowned slightly, "These two are both panacea! I don't know if there are any beast creatures in these three secret realms?"

"Beast?" Shen Yan seemed to think for a while, "There is another famous creature, but it can't be regarded as a beast?"

"What is it?" Amu asked.

"Blood shadow fish!" Shen Yan shook her head, "However, it is said that this kind of blood shadow fish is extremely difficult to find in the abyss to the south of the third secret realm, and I have never seen it before!"

"Is that also a creature that turns into fog after death, leaving only a part of it?" Amu asked.

"Hmm! Yes, I heard that the blood shadow fish left layers of scales, but it doesn't seem to be of much use in the sea. It is said that it is only worth hundreds of spirit stones. Because of this, almost no monks are willing to go Catch that blood shadow fish!"

"Oh? Hehe!" Amu smiled, "Then take me to see it!"

"Huh?" Shen Yan seemed to hesitate for a moment, "Brother Wang, the Great Abyss to the south is tens of thousands of miles away, you really want to see it!"

"Yeah!" Amu nodded, "The blood shadow fish may be of great use to me, I want to see it, and I want to catch a few! What's the matter? Is it inconvenient for Miss Shen?"

"That's right! As long as Brother Wang wants to go, my younger sister will naturally help me with all my strength. I'm just worried that it will take about half a month to come and go, and I'm afraid that Brother Wang is impatient!" Shen Yan said.

"It doesn't matter! There is time!" Amu must find that kind of fish, so that he can slowly verify his guess.

"Okay! Then I'll take Brother Wang to the Great Abyss in the south!" Shen Yan shook her hands as she spoke, and a black light appeared.

That black awn is actually a zhang long boat, with pointed ends and a slender middle, resembling a flying shuttle.The whole body is dark, and I don't know what it is made of, but it emits endless faint black light, which is a good magic weapon.

"A high-level flying magic weapon!" Amu said.

"Brother Wang has good eyesight! The journey is far away, with this black cloud shuttle, you and I can save a lot of energy and time." Shen Yan moved and directly boarded the shuttle.

Amu's Tianxuan flying saucer stayed in the Northern Cold School at the beginning, and there is really no flying magic weapon at present.With a movement of his body, Amu also boarded the Black Cloud Flying Shuttle.

There are nine notches on the black cloud flying shuttle. It seems that this flying shuttle needs nine spirit stones to provide power at the same time, which is much stronger than Amu's Tianxuan flying saucer.

In addition, above the nine notches, there is another notch, but a silver coin is embedded in this notch.

"Silver spirit coin!" Amu couldn't help being startled, it seems that even if Shen Yan is not a member of the Seven Great Immortals of the Sea Desolation, he must have a lot of background.

You must know that the Northern Cold Sect is known as the Three Great Immortal Sects of the Northern Cold, but Amu has never seen the Northern Cold Sect take out silver-level spiritual coins. Of course, if there are silver-level spiritual coins, it may be in the Northern Cold Sect Wanling Cave.But this is enough to show the preciousness of silver-level spirit coins, because the biggest difference between silver-level spirit coins and copper-level spirit coins is that the latter can only be exchanged, while the former can directly provide powerful spiritual power.

"Miss Shen, what a luxury! A silver-level spiritual coin, the power to be a flying magic weapon?" Amu joked.

"Hehe!" Shen Yan smiled, "What are you afraid of? Don't you have the blood eagle bat wings given by Brother Wang? That's more than 2 silver-level spirit coins!"

When Amu heard this, he shook his head and smiled wryly.With a thought in Shen Yan's mind, the black cloud flew straight to Nanyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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