nine coffins

Chapter 135

Chapter 135

The soul-breaking formation of spirit coins is called soul-breaking, and its power is naturally impressive.

The shadows of spirit coins in the void emitted silver lights, intertwined in chaos.In fact, each silver light is like the flying sword of a monk in the spiritual realm, enough to kill a monk of the same level.Thousands of monks in the spiritual realm fired their flying swords all at once, what kind of scene was that?Even a great mountain must be razed to the ground.

Moreover, this Spirit Breaking Soul Formation is by no means a one-hit stop, but a steady stream of silver lights, these silver lights like flying swords will not disappear until all the silver-level spirit coins are exhausted.But if the spirit energy of the 99 silver-level spirit coins is exhausted, one hundred Chen Yan might all die.

"Go!" Shen Yan first took out the blue umbrella, and the big blue umbrella released bursts of clear light to protect her.

The sound of "Chi Chi" continued, and those silver lights hit the Qingluo umbrella and turned into flying smoke.At the same time, the light of the Qingluo umbrella was gradually dimming.

"Hmph! It's this broken umbrella again! Can you protect your life with this quasi-soul treasure?" Qingyuan Yun's most spiritual mid-level Dzogchen monk sneered.

His soul-breaking array of spirit coins can be said to be endless, not to mention that the 99 silver-level spirit coins are enough to consume, even if they are gone, he can get another 99, so the green umbrella is not in his eyes at all. inside.What he is least afraid of is consumption.

But at this moment, Shen Yan looked up at the soul-destroying array of spirit coins looking up at the ghost mask, and Shen Yan could naturally see that her Qingluo umbrella couldn't withstand the soul-destroying array of spirit coins.

However, although the soul-breaking array of spirit coins is powerful, it is by no means that Shen Yan has no way to crack it.She is just waiting for an opportunity, she needs to simply observe this formation.

Everything in the soul-breaking formation of spirit coins is above the spirit coins, and the 99 spirit coins are the eyes of the formation.

There are only two ways to break this formation, one is to break the formation with force, and to directly blast the formation with powerful techniques.If you don't have the middle-level cultivation base of Lingsheng, don't even think about it, it won't work at all.

Another method is to destroy the 99 spirit coins, once the eyes of the formation are gone, the formation will be destroyed by itself.However, in the dense silver light like a net, it is almost a dream to break the 99 spirit coins.

Therefore, the Yun Family cultivator can be said to have nothing to fear.

Although Shen Yan is powerful, he is by no means a monk at the level of the Holy Spirit, let alone an intermediate level of the Holy Spirit.As for being able to destroy those 99 spirit coins at the same time, the monks of the Yun family didn't even think about it, it was simply impossible.

But things in the world are often so strange: what you think should be like this often does not happen, and what you think is absolutely impossible always appears.

The world is so strange, how can Shen Yan be an exception?

"Hmph!" At this moment, Shen Yan snorted coldly, "How dare a mere low-ranking small formation show its shame? It's really damaging the reputation of Qingyuan Yun's family!"

Naturally, Shen Yan's remark was to anger that Yun family monk on purpose. If the Yun family's Lingcoin Severing Soul Formation was not a small formation, then there might not be any large formations in the whole sea wasteland.

However, it is true that Shen Yan can break through this formation, goodbye to Shen Yan and pat the storage bag.A ball of black and white brilliance flew out of her storage bag, hanging directly above her head, and at the same time, the green umbrella retracted automatically.

"Huh? What's that?" The Yun Family cultivator who controlled the formation by pinching the seal formula couldn't help being taken aback.

It seemed to be a big square handkerchief, with black and white brilliance circulating on it, and there seemed to be some patterns, but they couldn't be seen clearly.The black and white brilliance is released at the same time, which is extremely strange.As soon as this thing came out, the silver lights that hit it no longer made a "chi chi" sound, but didn't respond like a cow falling into the sea.

"Hmph!" Shen Yan sneered after glancing at the Yun Family cultivator.At the same time, the seal formula in her hand changed, the left hand was printed on the top, and the right hand was printed on the bottom.

This is a rare one-style Yin-Yang Seal of Heaven and Earth.

"The sky and the earth are yin and yang; with my power, I will shatter the starlight!" Shen Yan shouted coquettishly, and the yin and yang seal of the world has been formed.

In an instant, the magic weapon above her head suddenly showed the appearance of an endless galaxy.

The stars are shining brightly, and all kinds of astrology have transformed into one after another.Like a green dragon like a white tiger, like a red bird like a basalt!The endless starry sky manifests within that square inch.But these star lights are extremely weird, because they all emit two star lights, one black and one white, as if they are star lights from two worlds.


Goodbye to the black and white starlight bursting out instantly, 99 of them went straight to the 99 silver-level spirit coins, swimming like fish among the intertwined silver lights, more like black and white lightning.


The 99 silver-level spiritual coins seemed to be crushed at the same time, and the tyrannical spiritual energy scattered and converged in the void, almost forming a huge mushroom cloud.

"Ah—" The Yun Family cultivator was so shocked that he was almost dumbfounded, "What kind of magic weapon is that?"

"The sky and the earth are yin and yang; with my power, I will shatter the starlight!" How did the Yun family monk feel that he had heard such a mantra before.

The four-square magic weapon can manifest a star map, exuding black and white yin and yang brilliance?

The Yun family monk suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and the five words "Yin Yang Galaxy Map" popped out of his mind.

The face of the Yun Family cultivator turned pale instantly. Is that the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map?The monks of the Yun family could hardly believe that it was true. One must know that there are not too many people and things that can make the faces of the Qingyuan Yun family of the Seven Great Immortals of the Sea Desolate Sect pale.

The cultivator of the Yun family pointed at Chen Yan, his eyes were full of horror, just like a mortal seeing a ghost during the day, he said in horror: " are a ghost..."

It's a pity that before he finished speaking, Shen Yan's magic weapon flew towards him directly.

Don't look at that monk from the Yun family as a Dzogchen middle-level monk, but he is nothing in front of Shen Yan's magic weapon.

"Ah—" There was a scream, black and white brilliance intersected, like giant scissors, directly strangling the Yun family monk to death.

This time, Shen Yan didn't even collect his soul, or in other words, once the magic weapon came out, it was like Amu's black cane, and it was impossible to collect his soul.

"Hmph!" Shen Yan snorted coldly, raised her hand, and took back the magic weapon. If it wasn't for the quick battle and breaking the soul-breaking formation of spirit coins today, Shen Yan would never use this magic weapon.

At the same time, after collecting the monk's storage bag that fell in the void, Shen Yan couldn't help sighing secretly: "The middle-level Dzogchen figures of Qing Yunyun's family must have a lot of spiritual coins, but because he was killed. His The spirit coin will naturally disappear, but as long as there are other things!" However, at this time, Shen Yan is not allowed to check it carefully, and put it away before talking.

Let's talk about Amu.

The moment Amu succeeded, another monk from Qingyuan Yun's family teleported over and shot Amu directly.But the flirtatious woman in green was half a beat slower. Although she seemed to be attacking with all her strength, Amu's magic sense keenly sensed that she didn't seem to have too much murderous intentions towards him, but had been paying attention to the movements of the two monks of the Yun family.

The mid-level cultivator of the Yun family who was killing Amu was not weak in spells, and the fairy sword in his hand was like a dragon like a dragon, which turned out to be a soul treasure.It seems that the background of Qingyuan Yun's family really cannot be ignored.

Amu held the black rattan, which basically made up for the gap in cultivation base, and at this time Amu practiced many secret methods of magic cultivation. Winning the opponent is only a matter of time.

However, Amu didn't go all out to deal with the Yun Family cultivator, because there was a coquettish woman in green beside him.

According to Shen Yan, the coquettish woman in green clothes may come from Nanmo, because she can control the sand with one hand, and her combat power is close to the high level of the spirit, so Amu dare not be careless.Although Amu felt that the woman in green was very strange and had no intention of killing him, he had to guard against it. Maybe this was the other party's fake gesture.

Just like that, Amu relied on his magic knowledge and the black rattan in his hand to keep wandering between the monks of the Yun family and the woman in green.

The monk of the Yun family wanted to kill Amu wholeheartedly, but no matter what he did, he couldn't hurt Amu in the slightest. It was often because Amu had disappeared before his spell arrived.His supreme spirit coercion had no effect on Amu, so he concluded that Amu was also a mid-level monk of the supreme spirit, and he must have used secret methods to hide his cultivation, otherwise he would be like a mortal.

But the flirtatious woman in green can really control the sand, and the thousands of blood sands in this blood desert can be moved by her at will.

With a dance of green sleeves, the sky is full of blood and sand, which is truly spectacular, often attacking Amu.However, these blood sands basically go away as soon as they touch it, and they didn't hurt Amu at all, but the momentum was terrifying.

Amu knew very well that the woman in green was just putting on a show.But even if the green-clothed woman wasn't acting like she was, Amu wasn't afraid at all, not to mention the remnants of the coffin, even the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet hanging above her head, those bloody sands seemed to be hard to hurt Amu in the slightest.

Amu didn't kill that Yun family monk, because he wanted to see what the green-clothed woman was up to.He also knew that as long as he entangled these two people, especially the Yun family monk, it shouldn't be a problem for Shen Yan to deal with a middle-level Supreme Spirit Dzogchen alone.

Sure enough, it took only a quarter of an hour, although it seemed earth-shattering just now, especially when the spirit coin severing soul array came out, there was a sensation on the entire blood desert, and the silver light was all over the sky, which is really amazing.But as soon as Shen Yan's magic weapon came out, the silver glow instantly dimmed, and the Yun family monk who was a mid-level Dzogchen monk was wiped out.

"Fifth brother!" The Yun Family cultivator who was fighting against Amu couldn't help shouting and crying when he saw him disappear, his eyes full of grief and indignation.

It's a pity that this anger can never be vented.

As soon as Amu saw that Shen Yan had won, there was no need to delay, and the black light on the black vines was shining brightly.The opponent is just a soul treasure-level fairy sword, as long as he dares to resist it, he can just pull it off.Amu made up his mind and wanted to sacrifice the black cane.

But at this moment.Suddenly, I heard the green-clothed woman's crisp smile like a silver bell: "You don't need to do this little brother! I will do it for you!"

Seeing the green-clothed woman wave her hand again, suddenly two streams of blood sand penetrated from the bottom of the Yun family monk's feet, like two blood snakes, and sprayed out directly from the front of the heart.

"Bitch, you will perish if you break your promise—" The Yun Family cultivator never expected that the woman in green would make a sudden move at a critical moment.

Although the blood sand broke the body of the cultivator of the Yun family, a white light flew out of his body, and the soul of the cultivator of the Yun family wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

"Leave it!" The green-clothed woman tapped with one hand, and a green glow shot out.Hearing a scream in the void, this Yun Family cultivator also lost his wits.

Seeing everything in front of them, Amu and Shen Yan were not too surprised, but stood in one place, watching from the sidelines.

The green-clothed woman beheaded the middle-level spirit with her hand raised. Although she had the advantage that the opponent hadn't guarded against her at all, it was enough to show how powerful she was.

The green-clothed woman put away her spells. She was dressed in a green dress, covered with a light veil, and she was alluring and coquettish. She was spotless in this blood desert, and there seemed to be a touch of blood sand surrounding her.

"How?" The woman in green looked at Amu and Shen Yan with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Amu asked first.

"Hehe! Vote for the name certificate!" The woman in green smiled sweetly, and Bai Mei suddenly came to life.

(End of this chapter)

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