nine coffins

Chapter 140 Breaking the Formation with Demons and Repairing Demons with Formation

Chapter 140 Breaking the Formation with Demons and Repairing Demons with Formation
After hearing Miao Tianzong's words, Amu couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Senior, we don't want to be your enemy, let alone the Miao family! We hope that senior will be accommodating!" Shen Yan said at this moment.His thinking was the same as that of Amu, the Yun family was already a mortal enemy, so it was best not to have any grudges with the Miao family.

If the Yun family and the Miao family form a deadly alliance, not to mention in this deserted soul secret realm, even in the entire sea wasteland, few would dare to face the enemy head-on.Both of these two have been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and now there are scattered soul-level bosses sitting in the town, and it is definitely not one and a half.

After hearing Shen Yan's words, Miao Tianzong shook his head, then smiled slightly.

"Although you have passed the Wonderful Heavenly Formation, if you want to pass my level, I am afraid you will not be able to! I think you two are also my wild wizards, with a bright future. If the two of you turn around and leave now, I will never make things difficult for you !"

To be honest, it was not easy for Miao Tianzong to say such a thing.That is to say, a person like Miao Tianzong who has a fairy body and a heart of Taoism, otherwise a high-ranking spiritual monk, one of the three masters of the Miao family, could kill two people by almost raising his hand, why bother to say These?

However, Amu and Shen Yan would naturally not turn around and leave, but judging from their words and deeds, this Miao Tianzong is probably a very principled person, and it may not be easy to let him go.

Amu pondered for a while, then cupped his fists at Miao Tianzong and said: "Senior, since we are here, we naturally don't want to turn around and leave like this, but we don't want to see life and death with senior either! Why don't you ask senior to guide the junior in a text?" How about fighting?"

Miao Tianzong sat cross-legged on the boulder all the time, because in his opinion, there was no need to get up to deal with Amu and Shen Yan by his means.

After hearing Amu's words, Miao Tianzong couldn't help but smiled, "Wen Dou? What kind of fighting method?"

"Qingyuan Miaojia's illusions, arrays, and seals are unparalleled in the world, and they can be called invincible! Senior, today I would like to ask you a few tricks in these areas, how about it?"

Amu said it politely, but it was obvious that he wanted to challenge Miaotianzong in these aspects.There are not a few people who dare to challenge the Miao family with illusion, formation, and seal.

"Oh?" Miao Tianzong almost thought that he heard it wrong, and looked at Amu with some strange eyes, "You want to compete with me in the way of illusion, formation, and seal?"

"Not bad!" Amu smiled slightly, but answered very simply.

In fact, this is Amu's cleverness. At first glance, he seems to be at a disadvantage. It seems that he uses his own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths.But in fact, this is the easiest aspect for Amu to win.Just imagine, a high-level fixed cultivation Dzogchen versus a high-level Lingsheng, which aspect is not a disadvantage?
If he hadn't tried his best, Amu's remnants of coffin, black rattan, and even such treasures as the ancient lamp of the soul of battle would come out, Amu would never be able to beat Miao Tianzong by a single bit.And if it consumes too much here in Miaotianzong, then how to face the many enemies behind?
Therefore, only with the combination of illusion, formation, and talisman, can Amu be sure to win easily, without hurting harmony, and laying the foundation for the goodness of the Miao family.

Nine kinds of seals, 81 kinds of changes, three kinds of forbidden pictures can be placed, and nine kinds of changes can be deduced.Amu is confident that with such a hole card, unless the old monster of the Miao family soul level comes, no one will be Amu's opponent in terms of formations and talismans.

As for illusion, Amu has the ancient desolate demon scriptures, unless he encounters an existence like the woman in white in the bluestone mirror in the secret of the fairyland, otherwise it will be invincible.And the existence of the woman in white is almost juxtaposed with the magic coffin, and Amu does not believe that he will meet again.

At this time, Miaotianzong looked at Amu carefully, and then said slowly: "Wang Han, being able to break the fantasy bird illusion and pass through my Wonderful Heaven Array is enough to show that you have a solid foundation in this way, and even It can be said to be excellent! But do you really think that even if you have mastered three or four sigils, you can compete with me again?"

Amu smiled and said: "Senior misunderstood! It's not that the junior is arrogant, but other than that, he doesn't even have the qualifications to fight with the senior. Not to mention other things, just the presence of the Holy Spirit's coercion, the junior has no choice but to catch him without a fight! Junior This move is just a fluke!"

"Oh? Hehe!" Miao Tianzong knew that Amu was deliberately showing weakness. Although he only released a little coercion just now, it was also the power of the Holy Spirit, and it had no effect on Amu.What else is it a joke to say that if you show your coercion, you will be arrested without a fight?

The young people in front of them are definitely not simple!But Miao Tianzong didn't point it out, just nodded slightly, "Okay, then it's up to you! If you can beat me by half a point in this way, I will remove this barrier and let the two of you enter the sixth secret realm. "

"Thank you, senior, for your success!" Amu clasped his fists again.

"You don't need to thank me! Let's see your ability!" Miao Tianzong said, pointing to the sand table in front of him that exudes endless green light, "This is one of the ancestral treasures of my Miao family, the fairy formation cloud sand table, but Lay out nine hundred formations! With the power to confuse immortals and kill gods, today I will use it to lay down three formations, if you can still crack or pass, you will win, if not, you will leave this place. How about it?"

"According to the elders!" Amu did not raise any objections.

"Wang Han!" At this moment, Shen Yan called out in a low voice.Although she has some understanding of Amu's talisman technique, and she has seen with her own eyes that Amu's invincible attack in the five-fold secret realm, and she also knows that all illusions are completely ineffective in Amu's eyes, but there are still some worry.

Amu knew what Shen Yan was thinking, and turned to comfort her, "Don't move where you are! I'll break the formation alone in a while! Don't worry, even if I can't break the formation, senior won't take my life!"

"En!" Shen Yan nodded, and then saluted Miao Tianzong, "Thank you for not killing me, senior!"

"Oh!" Miao Tianzong couldn't help laughing.This man and a woman are really unpredictable, and the two of them squeezed themselves out with a few words.They have one senior per mouthful, and one can't kill each other. If I really kill the two of them, I will lose my identity instead.

"No need to say more!" Miao Tianzong smiled bitterly, "Wang Han, you enter the battle!"

As he spoke, Miao Tianzong nodded at Amu, then waved his hand.The mist in the barrier suddenly thickened, and white mist appeared out of thin air.

"The first round: Yunwu Fairy and Illusion!" Miao Tianzong's voice came, and then there was no more sound.

Endless clouds and mist enveloped Amu. At this time, there was no Yuntianzong and Shenyan in Amu's world, and there was only white mist in the world.

"Illusion!" Amu couldn't help but smile slightly, because what Amu is most afraid of is illusion.The characteristic of illusion is that illusions are created by the heart. All illusions basically invade people's consciousness, and then use the flaws in people's consciousness to create illusions by themselves.Therefore, many people who have been subjected to the same illusion see different illusions.Just because people's hearts are different, illusions are different.

But if the caster is determined, self-conscious, and invulnerable, then no illusion will be effective.

This is simple to say, but it is as good as heaven in practice.Just think about life, how can there be no worries, no hatred in my heart.Even those who practice Buddhism pay attention to the emptiness of the four elements, but sometimes it is difficult to escape the three poisons of greed, hatred and ignorance, let alone sentient beings?
In Amu's past and present lives, he had a deep relationship with evil, and it was difficult to resist the illusion.But he is protected by the ancient desolate demon scriptures, as long as he is not an illusion of the same level, he will not be able to break through those ancient desolate demon characters. It is foolish to want to invade Amu's consciousness.

At the same time, Amu's eyes are strange, and when he is not a magic cultivator, he can see through the soul of Kuxinzi.Now countless magic consciousness gathered in the bottom of his eyes, and the black and red magic consciousness swept over, and everything became clear.

At this time, Miaotianzong's illusion unfolded, and the white mist was confused.Although this cloud and mist fairy illusion is not the ultimate illusion of the sea, it is much higher than the instinctive illusion of the dream bird.

The illusion of the dream bird is more about creating illusions, confusing people, and making people get lost in the five-level secret realm, but this cloud and mist fairy illusion is not only about getting lost, it will make people exhaust all their strength.

Amu stood in the clouds, and the ancient desolate demon scriptures had already been whirling and dancing in his mind.The endless magic made Amu's heart extremely clear.That ancient magic sound echoed like a mantra!

"The devil, the unyielding man of the heaven and the earth! The devil's will, the eternal unwillingness! The devil's way, the road to the sky with [-] avenues..."

Amu's right eye was as clear as water, and his left eye glistened with blood.This is what Amu deliberately did. He wants to see how powerful Miaojia's illusion is.

Eyes as clear as water, I saw countless monsters killing them in the clouds and mists, with loud noises and killing intent.That was actually all the soul beasts that Amu killed in this wild soul secret realm and the several monks that he killed along the way.Those soul beasts and monks are not illusions in those clear water eyes, they are completely real existence.

Even if Amu's consciousness is clear at this time, knowing that those are absolute illusions, he can't help but feel a throbbing in his heart.Such shouts and scenes were too real, even when the arm of the soul bear slapped towards him and the blood eagle bat bit his neck, Amu could feel the pain from the depths of his heart.

"What a powerful illusion!" If it weren't for Amu's ability to see through everything and have a clear heart, he would definitely be caught in an endless fight at this time.It would be a meaningless fight, because the opponent is endless, and those illusions are impeccable, everything is too real.

Amu's left eye burst with blood.In this eye, what Amu sees is completely different. In fact, there is almost no change in the enchantment. The only thing that is real is the white mist, which is indeed transformed by Miaotianzong. ,

At this time, Miao Tianzong sat cross-legged on the boulder without moving a muscle, his hands pinched the seal knot, and his eyes were slightly closed.It seems to be single-mindedly urging the illusion, but also seems to be careless, sitting in meditation.The fairy array cloud sand table in front of him was still the same as before, without any change. Amu felt that the Miaotianzong didn't actually borrow the power of this fairy treasure in the first burst.

And Shen Yan stood not far away, although the ghost mask covered her expression, she could also see her nervousness from Shen Yan's slightly clenched hands.Obviously, as soon as Miao Tianzong's illusion appeared, Shen Yan lost the trace of Amu in his eyes.Although the distance between them is only thirty feet.

Everything was clear, but Amu didn't break out immediately.

First of all, Amu didn't want Miao Tianzong to see that he was completely immune to illusions.With the subsequent formation like that, Miaotianzong will definitely devote all its resources to stop Amu.

Furthermore, Amu wanted to take this opportunity to hone himself.Be firm in your mind, let those soul beasts and monks continue to charge and kill, the pain spread all over your body, but Amu just stood still.

Simply, Amu closed his left eye, walked cross-legged, and silently recited the ancient Desolation Demon Sutra in his heart.He wanted to use unyielding magic to counter the endless phantom, instead of flying directly out of the ancient desolate demon scriptures.

He wants to break the formation with magic and repair the magic with formation.

(End of this chapter)

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