nine coffins

Chapter 142 Out of phase!Array flag!Spirit?

Chapter 142 Out of phase!Array flag!Spirit?

Wind Seal!It was an extremely erratic silver-white talisman, and this was the fifth talisman drawn by Amu Ke.

The ultimate wind seal can control all yin and yang winds in the world and destroy everything.However, Amu has not reached such a state yet, but when Amu's wind talisman comes out, the essence of wind is also condensed on that talisman. It is a small vortex, which is the externalization of the power of heaven and earth.

"Scatter!" Amu shook his hand, and the wind sigil flew out directly, rushing towards the first cloud of smoke and dust in the blue area.Amu wants to use this talisman of wind to disperse all the smoke and dust in the colorful world, and see how amazing this colorful formation is!

Centered on the seal of the wind, the vortex of the essence of the wind continued to soar, and the strong wind blew up to nine days.

The wind blows out the smoke, just like the scene in the fifth level secret realm, the wind seal is also unstoppable.All the smoke and dust in the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple area was swept away by the wind sigil, and it was transformed into the shape of the green sand, and then condensed into seven sand balls, spinning on the wind sigil non-stop.

"Take it!" Amu beckoned, and the seven sand balls were directly collected by Amu in his palm.This is not ordinary sand, it is the sand of fairy treasures, which will be of great use in the future, and Amu directly put them into the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet.

The smoke and dust dissipated, Amu's magic consciousness became transparent, and the seven-color area was completely displayed in front of his eyes.Amu flew up, and everything reflected by the magic consciousness was not distorted this time.

At the same time, as soon as the smoke and dust dispersed, Amu's magic consciousness instantly discovered the seven or forty-nine command flags.They were divided into seven groups, and each of them was inserted in the area of ​​the same color as expected, but just now they were arranged under the smoke and dust, avoiding Amu's magic consciousness.

Those flags exude all kinds of brilliance, which are dazzling.

"If you accept these command flags, you will be able to break through!" Thinking of this, Amu went straight to the nearest blue command flag.

Pulling down these command flags seemed easy to Amu.However, he had just reached the Naling flag three feet away, and was about to reach out to grab it.I saw that the seven command flags suddenly showed their blue light, each emitting a stream of light, and then the seven streams of light converged in one place, shining brightly.

"Not good!" Amu's face changed, "Mie Ling Shenlei!"

Those seven streams of light condensed into a ball of light, and instantly gathered into a spirit-killing thunder!
This spirit-killing divine thunder can kill all monks in the spirit realm, no matter if you are a supreme spirit or a holy spirit, because this thunder contains a trace of soul power.

Now there is another one in Amu Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet, which was a gift from Bai Yifeng back then. Amu has never had a chance to use it. It is a silver spirit-killing thunder.

Amu didn't expect that these seven small command flags could produce the spirit-killing thunder in an instant, how could he not be surprised?Without the slightest hesitation, with a move of Amu's mind, the remnant wood of the coffin flew out, hung on top of Amu's head, and thousands of black lights fell down instantly.

Almost at the same time, the Spirit Extinguishing Divine Thunder arrived.

"Boom—" the blue glow spread out, and the Spirit Extinguishing God Thunder exploded directly.Blue light and black mist intertwined, and the tyrannical aura scattered, and at the same time a wave of soul pressure spread, and the entire colorful world was slightly shaken.

The power of the divine thunder that can destroy all monks in the spiritual realm, one can imagine how powerful it is.

If the remnants of the coffin came out half a minute late, Amu would probably have turned into fly ash by this time.And it is the remnant wood of the coffin, if it is replaced by the Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet, I am afraid it will not be able to withstand the power of the spirit-killing thunder.

Even so, the black glow of the remnant wood in the coffin dispelled almost all the power of the divine thunder.But the vibrating airflow still shook Amu tens of feet away!
After finally stopping his figure, Amu's face turned slightly pale. Although he was shocked a lot, Amu used the Ten Thousand Demon Transformation Immortal Art to transform the remaining strength, but fortunately he was not injured!
This means that Amu is already a high-level Dzogchen cultivation base. If he was at the initial level of fixed cultivation, he would have died just now, even with the protection of the remnants of the coffin.

"Can it produce spirit-killing lightning? This is too heaven-defying!" Amu frowned slightly, that is, he relied on the remnants of the coffin, otherwise, if he changed to a monk without a very strong magic weapon, he might die here up.

I didn't expect to collect those fairy sands. I thought that the magic consciousness would be unimpeded, but it made this formation even more dangerous.

With a move of his mind, Amu directly released a demon soul.The demon soul went straight to the green area next to the blue area, where seven green flags were planted.Amu wants to see if all the command flags are the same.

Goodbye, the demon soul just arrived within three feet of the command flag.The green light scattered violently, and a green spirit-killing thunder made a "boom", directly blasting the demon soul into thin air.

Amu didn't give up, another demon soul flew out, and still ran to the green flag, the result was exactly the same.

Amu couldn't help grinning, it seems that there is no need to try again.Seven-color command flags, each color command flag must be able to produce the spirit-killing thunder, and there is no need for a time interval for this generation, as long as something enters within three feet.That makes the flag automatically produce the god thunder bombardment.

After receiving the fairy sand, Amu was controlled in the blue area instead, unable to advance or retreat.This seven-colored sky-killing formation is also worthy of the name.

Although Amu could force his way out by relying on the remnants of the coffin, the price seemed too high.Amu's purpose is to collect these order flags, so that he can break the formation.Otherwise, wouldn't Amu become the target of these divine thunders?I don't know how many gods thundered after forcibly collecting those order flags.

Standing in the blue area, Amu frowned and thought deeply.

Faced with these seven types of divine thunder, it's not that Amu has no way, but he wants to use which way is the most suitable.

Amu can also use the sigil, he can use the sigil of thunder to imprison those divine thunders, or counterattack with the sigil of thunder, and even Amu can send out a few more sigils, which can form a forbidden map with the sigil of thunder, Blowing out those command flags directly will definitely break through this large formation.

However, after much deliberation, Amu still did not do so.

Now Amu has used five kinds of talismans, sky, wind, water, mountain, and lake, not to mention the power of magic cultivation.But Miaotianzong at least knew that Amu could carve the four kinds of seals of wind, water, mountain and lake, because these were used when breaking the formation.

It would be unwise for Amu to continue exposing his sigil strength.In that case, maybe in the last round, Miao Tianzong used the immortal treasure to set up some kind of heaven-defying formation to block Amu.It is also very likely that Miao Tianzong coveted Amu's talisman method, forcing Amu to fight him to the death.

Either result is not what Amu hoped for.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Amu moved his mind, and the black rattan was in his hand.Originally, Amu still wanted to collect the 49 command flags, but now it seems that he probably can't.Amu knew that he didn't have the ability to collect things from the constant bombardment of the Mie Ling Shenlei.

It seems that the only way to break the formation with force is to scatter those order flags with black canes.

Amu stroked the black rattan, he believed that the spirit-killing thunders under the black rattan would have no effect at all.

"Old man, it's up to you!" Amu poured the power of the magic cultivator, and with a shake of his hand, the black rattan leaped up like a dragon and turned into a black awn of tens of feet.

This black rattan is extremely mysterious, and even the painstaking son of Beifeng in Beihan Town does not know its origin. It has been connected with Amu for so many years.

With a black glow like a dragon, he went straight to the seven command flags in the blue area.

Similarly, as soon as they entered the three-zhang area, the seven command flags displayed their blue lights, and instantly released divine thunder.

It's a pity that this black rattan is not Amu, and those divine thunders bombarded it, but it had no effect at all.The black rattan is like an oolong flying in the wind, thunder and lightning, allowing it to soar, unstoppable.

"Boom—" The first order flag was directly shattered by the black cane, the blue light froze, and the light on the divine thunder also dimmed.

"Boom——" Immediately afterwards, the second and third order flags were also scattered by the black rattan.Goodbye, the remaining four command flags can no longer produce divine thunder.

Amu raised his eyebrows, and urged the black rattan to disperse the remaining four order flags.

"Hmph!" Amu sneered, and then flew up. He wanted to destroy the remaining six-color order flags in one go.

The black rattan is like a broken bamboo in front, and the remnant wood of the coffin on Amu's head is closely behind.

The sound of "rumbling" continued, and the entire colorful world was shaken. Within half an hour, the 49 flags were all scattered by the black rattan.

At this time, the seven-color rays of light were scattered, and the seven-color areas were no longer as orderly and distinct as before, but gradually merged into one, and the seven-color lights were constantly circulating.

"Hmm! No!" Amu was hanging in the void at this time, and the black rattan was already in his hand.

Seventy-seven and 49 command flags were all gone, but the clouds and moons that Amu expected did not appear.The seven colors of light are constantly flowing and merging, and the fragments of the 49 order flags seem to be merging with each other.

"Not good! Could it be—"

Amu thought of a possibility, and couldn't help but gasped.Is this a large formation that can be broken and then erected?

All of Amu's methods of breaking the formation just now are actually constantly triggering the mechanism and promoting the growth of this colorful formation.

The seven colors blend together, and the different phases have been born. Is this the strongest seven-color trap in the sky?

At this time, the seven-color light of Goodbye has been completely fused, and the fragments of the Naling Flag have also been fused.

A seven-color rainbow spans the void, a seven-color banner is radiant, and there is a hundred-foot-long dragon with seven-color scales, eyes like copper bells, dragon beard fluttering, teeth and claws, whirling and roaring.

"Different phases! Array flags! Array spirits?" Amu raised his brows.The first two kinds of Amu are not surprising, but for the appearance of the seven-color dragon, Amu did not expect it.

The so-called formation spirits are the spirits produced in some extremely ingenious formations. These spirits have different shapes and are not the same.Some are dead things, some are living things, but these formation spirits are all born from the formation. Although they are lifelike, they are not completely real, but in the world of formations, they are extremely powerful.

These seven-color dragons are clearly the spirits of the seven-color Heavenly Slaying Formation.It is unimaginable that the power of this formation can be bred unexpectedly, this formation is even a line higher than Miaotianzong's own cultivation base.

Looking at the seven-color dragon, Amu's face gradually turned cold.

"At this point, it seems that the only way to break through the formation is with strength!" The black rattan in Amu's hand froze, and endless magic power was poured into it.Amuzhou's body gradually rose up and down, and his devilish energy was released.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the seven-colored dragon seemed to sense amu's hostility, turned around and pounced directly at amu.

One piece of the giant dragon is a seven-color spirit destroying thunder!
"Naughty animal!" Amu didn't use the coffin remnants to protect him this time, but sacrificed it directly to meet the divine thunder.

At the same time, the big banner in the void also swirled violently, and headed straight for Amu with a murderous look.

(End of this chapter)

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