nine coffins

Chapter 147

Chapter 147

The word "Maxiu" echoed in the void of the Black Demon Palace, and everyone's eyes were on Amu.

Soaring demon energy, bewitching eyes.With flying long hair and a black robe, no matter the black wood on the top of the head or the rattan in the hand, they all exude a daunting magic and murderous aura.

Is this the legendary sea desert demon cultivator?

Regarding Moxiu, there are only some ancient legends circulating in the Sea Desolate Divine Land.As soon as the demon cultivator came out, blood flowed like a river, and the lives of the people were burnt, stirring up the Three Realms.Those legends are all mysterious and mysterious, and they have lost their authenticity in the constant change of time.

Therefore, as long as it is not someone who has other purposes and is extremely radical, most monks will keep a respectful distance from demon cultivators and keep a certain distance.It will not be because of everything in those legends and fighting against it, the real interests are the most important, and no one is willing to hold high the banner of morality.

In the minds of monk Haihuang who said more, everyone just thinks that magic cultivation is a special state of cultivation.The legendary magic cultivator is a monk with incredible power, and most people are still unwilling to be enemies with him.

"Magic cultivator?" Hearing Amu's words, third son Yun's eyes flashed a look of surprise and complexity.

Surprised that the person in front of him who claimed to be Wang Han was a demon cultivator, but it was complicated because Miao Tianchang said just now that the Black Demon Palace can only be opened by being a demon treasure or a demon cultivator, or by engraving a forbidden map of the talisman. pass.

The Miao family's talisman forbidden map technique is unparalleled in the wild, but now it is only [-]% sure to pass the Black Demon Palace.If they can't get through the Black Demon Palace, all the efforts of the Yun family and the Miao family will be wasted.

But now a magic cultivator suddenly appeared, and the two magic weapons in his hands were probably the legendary magic treasures, which made him feel moved. Maybe this Wang Han could use them to pass through the Black Demon Palace.

At this time, Miao Lao seemed to have the same thought, and he couldn't help secretly sending a voice transmission to Third Young Master Yun to ask how to deal with it.

"Look at his cultivation, and then make plans!" Third Young Master Yun responded.Obviously, if Amu is vulnerable, then the third son Yun doesn't mind killing people to seize treasures.

Only strength is the real invincible weapon.Amu Neng and Miaotianzong will not see life and death. After all, isn't it because Amu has shown the power that makes Miaotianzong awe?
The third son of Yun had something to say, so Miao Lao would naturally take orders, and he was really interested in Amu's magic weapon, so he was a little bit greedy.

"Boy, let this old man try your magic cultivation!" Miao Laopi said with a smirk.

At this time, the second lady of the Miao family already knew through Miao Tianchang that Amu passed through the two great formations of Wan Miao Tian Qi and Lian Miao Tian Zong.

Miao Tianzong sent a message, warning them not to make enemies with Wang Han, because this person has many methods and is unfathomable.If it is possible to help each other secretly, making friends is the best, and it may become the help to enter the seventh level of the wild soul secret realm.

"Second Uncle, let's wait and see!" Miss Miao Er secretly said to Miao Tianchang.

"Well! At the critical moment, I will make a move! Anyone who can win your third uncle must be amazing." Miao Tianchang nodded with a smile.

Although there was a message from Miao Tianzong, both of them still wanted to see Amu's ability.At this time, no one could see through Amu's cultivation. If Miao Lao raised his hand, Amu would be wiped out, and it would be of little use.On the contrary, if Mr. Miao can't take down Amu, or is countered by Amu, then the Miao family will naturally have their own wishful thinking.

In the goodbye field, Miao Lao moved his hands as he spoke, and disappeared in the void with a movement of his body.When it reappeared, it was already above Amu's head.

In the eyes of ordinary monks, this is already an unpredictable method, but this kind of space teleportation is the most normal attack method for a spiritual high-level Dzogchen.

"Town!" Miao Lao let out a low voice.At the same time, press the right hand, this move has no technique, it is a direct and simple way to defeat the enemy.

An extremely powerful spiritual force fell straight down like Mount Tai, and everyone outside the venue could feel the surging spiritual power from a distance.

This is a blow from Lingsheng's high-level Dzogchen, and it must not be underestimated.The level gap between monks is often insurmountable. If there is no special protection, it is enough to kill any monk below the mid-level of the Holy Spirit.

Thinking about the skill of moving mountains and seas of Han Qianli, the master of the northern cold, the first level of Dzogchen Lingsheng, one can see that the power of this old Miao's blow seems random, but it is enough to crush a mountain.

"Huh!" Amu snorted coldly, he didn't dodge, but in fact, even if Amu used the fairy phantom, he would never be able to avoid Miao Lao's blow. It was a difference in level. Several kinds of secret methods, in fact, Amu is not qualified to stand in front of a holy monk, let alone a high-level Dzogchen.

Amu didn't have magic weapons such as shifting shape and disappearing instantly, so he could only push the remnant wood of the coffin as hard as he could to bear the blow head-on.

Fortunately, Amu was not the beginner of fixed cultivation back then, otherwise a blow like Master Yang of the Northern Cold Sect would have killed him even if there were stumps in the coffin.

Under the urging of Amu's demon cultivation power, the black flower of the remnant tree in the coffin unfolded, directly protecting the three feet of void on Amu Zhou's body.

The residual wood of the coffin is a supreme treasure.Although Amu can't show his power now, otherwise, it can be like the remnant wood of the coffin that was fully awakened by the magic coffin at the beginning, and the light of the forbidden map on it can be displayed.

But even so, at this time, as long as it is not an attack from the ancient era that is full of the dead energy of the ancient era like the ancient war spirit, it can almost dispel and resist the attacks below the soul state.

Miao Lao's attack wasn't weak, but it wasn't at full strength. Most of the elements were probing under one blow.In Miao Lao's opinion, to be able to enter the sixth level of the Wild Soul Secret Realm, Amu's cultivation base should be at least the Dzogchen of the first stage of the Supreme Spirit. There are advantages.

I really don't know how he would feel if he knew that Amu was still a regular cultivator.

"Huh?" Pressing down with a palm, what Miao Lao didn't expect was that his attack had just touched the brilliance of the black wood, and it was only a slight shock, and then a cloud of black mist surged, and all his spiritual power suddenly disappeared. disappear.

"This?" Old Miao couldn't help but frowned, first it was coercion, this time it was his own spiritual power, how could this black wood be so heaven-defying?His two attacks are invalid.This is the only time since he has completed his practice.His own attack can be blocked and deciphered, but this is the first time that he has disappeared without a sound.

At the same time, he saw the black rattan in Amu's hand tremble, and came straight towards him like an ink dragon.The black rattan felt as dangerous to him as the piece of black wood, it was a pressure that directly penetrated the soul.That kind of power is by no means the coercion of a monk, but a power he has never experienced before.

The black light is like a dragon, piercing through the void, and endless murderous aura rushes towards his face.

"Hmph!" Miao Lao also snorted coldly, feeling a little angry in his heart.But in the face of such a sharp weapon as the black rattan, he didn't dare to shake it head-on.Miao Lao's hands formed seals in an instant, laying down a magical defense, and at the same time, his body flashed, and he disappeared.

In fact, if everyone knows Amu's cultivation, they will understand that this is a completely unequal battle.It is basically impossible for Amu to trap Miao Lao with the remnants of the coffin and black rattan, so he can only protect himself.

"Broken—" Amu snorted lightly.

Miao Lao's defense was a shield of spiritual power, which turned into a shield that was ten feet tall and stood in the void.This belongs to the defense of the holy level. If it is a monk of the most spiritual, it is impossible to break it unless it holds a soul treasure.

And although Amu is only a high-level Dzogchen in fixed practice, but the black rattan can even draw away soul treasures, how does this spiritual power shield work.

"Boom—" the aura scattered and raged in the void, and Amu took the opportunity to perform the Wanmohuaxianjue, absorbing a lot of aura.

At this time, Miao Lao was standing a hundred feet away, looking at Amu with narrowed eyes.Just one round is enough to prove that Amu is far superior to ordinary spiritual-level monks. Possessing such two magic weapons at least makes him qualified to fight the junior Lingsheng.

However, just the combat power of a low-level Lingsheng absolutely cannot let the Yun family's high-level Lingsheng Dzogchen stop.

"That's right! Young man, it's not accidental that you can enter the sixth level of the secret realm!" Everyone in the field could hear that Miao Lao's tone was slightly different from that of just now. "Take the old man's two tricks!"

Saying that, Miao Lao stood in the void with his hands forming seals, and the golden light spread out.This time he was about to cast a spell, and suddenly a golden spirit coin rose from Miao Lao's hands.

The golden spirit coins spurted out, radiant and shining, making the entire lower part of the Black Demon Palace brighten up!
"Gold-level spirit coin!" At this moment, Amu, Shen Yan, and Miao's family members were the monks of the Yun family, except for the third son Yun, who were also shocked.

Gold-level spirit coins must be rare in Qingyuan Yun's family, and not everyone can have them.The monetary value of a single gold-level spirit coin is a million spirit stones, not to mention that a gold-level spirit coin can not only provide endless spiritual energy, but also can be transformed into a magic weapon with infinite mysteries.

The celestial treasures of some scattered soul-level masters in the Sea Desolate Shenzhou Realm are refined from gold-level spirit coins as mother wombs.It can be said that the value and function of gold-level spirit coins are by no means imaginable to those who have never owned them.But no matter who it is, it is an indisputable fact that everyone wants to own a gold-level spirit coin.Because of this, the millions of transactions in Haihuangshangdong are usually barters, or transactions with silver-level spirit coins, and gold-level spirit coins are rarely seen.

The gold-level spiritual coin was shining in Miao Lao's hands, like a golden sun.The wave-like spiritual power almost distorted the void. If these gold-level spiritual coins were exchanged for spiritual stones, they would pile up like a mountain.

All the people present kept retreating, and all the monks of the most spiritual level even sacrificed their own magic weapons for protection.Even Shen Yan covered herself with the blue and wishful light.

At this time, Amu's eyes flashed brightly. Qingyuan Yun's family really deserves to be a sea desolate fairy merchant. Although a high-level spiritual high-level Dzogchen is also an absolute master, it is far from being the core strength of the Yun family. .Such characters all have gold-level spirit coins, and now it seems that it is definitely not a problem to only have one. The background of the Yun family can be seen in general.One must know that even the Northern Cold Sect, known as the Three Great Great Immortal Sects of the Northern Cold, does not have a single gold-level spirit coin.

"Hey!" Amu sneered in his heart, it seems that someone gave him a gold-level spirit coin today, if he didn't want it, he would be disrespectful.

After seeing Mr. Miao sacrifice the gold-level spirit coin, the seal in his hand has been completed.

All spells that use spirit coins are unique to the Yun family. Miao Lao's spells are as mysterious as the Yun family's Spiritual Coin Severing Soul Formation of the most spiritual middle-level Dzogchen back then.

The golden awn glowed, turning into a halo of nearly a hundred feet, covering Amu directly.

(End of this chapter)

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