nine coffins

Chapter 154

Chapter 154

Amu healed his wounds, but Shen Yan didn't dare to be careless at all. Although there were nine elders' demon souls released by Amu, none of the Yun family and Miao family were waiting for nothing.In case of a surprise attack, the consequences would be disastrous.

Qing Ruyi put Zhan Zhan Qinghui, clasped the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map in her hand, and Shen Yan was fully alert.

However, this time it seemed that Shen Yan was thinking too much.I don't know if it was deterred by Amu's sentence "If you take a wrong step, you will never recover", or other reasons.Miaoyun's two families are extremely stable, even the old Miao is also meditating on the spot at this time, waiting for Amu quietly.

Half a day, for monks practicing meditation, can be said to be just a moment, and I don't know if it was because Amu broke the ancient beast formation, everyone felt that the atmosphere in the Black Demon Palace was slightly different from before.

Although they couldn't see the black and white gate like Amu, the ancient battle song never sounded again.

Although the Black Demon Palace was as empty as before, it made people gradually calm down, without the almost unbearable sense of oppression just now.

Finally, Amu opened his eyes and regained his original expression.It should be said that this encounter with the ancient formation of alien beasts controlled by the spiritual power of demons was a rare test for Amu.

At this time, Amudan's sea is full of demon energy and his cultivation power is endless.Moreover, Amu once again felt that the Realm of the Most Spiritual Realm was within reach, as if he had reached a critical point, and could break through the Realm of the Most Spiritual Realm at any time.If it is really that uncontrollable, then Amu can only let nature take its course.

If it is really possible to break through the spirit realm in the secret realm of the wild soul, and everything goes well, then Amu doesn't mind staying here for a longer time.

Because there is a place in the secret realm of the wild soul, which may be very suitable for Amu's practice, and that is the root of the black devil at the light gate of the triple secret realm.

The towering ancient tree is extremely miraculous, and there is a strong demonic energy near it, which is suitable for Amu to consolidate his cultivation.Although there used to be a high-level spiritual holy Dzogchen that was wiped out in ashes, but Amu is proud of his body of demon cultivation, so it is estimated that there will be no problem.

Of course, all this is just Amu's temporary thoughts.Specifically, it depends on whether Amu's next affairs can go well.

Seeing Amu opened and stood up, Shen Yan let out a long breath.At this time, Amu turned around and walked towards Shen Yan and the others.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time!" Amu glanced at the crowd with calm eyes.

"It's not too long to wait! Brother Wang Han, as long as you are fine!" Miao Tianchang smiled.

Amu nodded slightly.

"Are you okay? What's going on?" Shen Yan whispered, her tone full of concern.

"Don't worry! It's okay, it's all over! Let's go!" Amu didn't say anything in detail, and he felt more at ease in his heart after entering the protection of the residual wood in the coffin.

"Brother Wang, how do we go? But we found the exit of this demon palace!" Third Young Master Yun seemed to be more polite at this time.

"Ninety percent sure!" Amu led the way.

Others couldn't see the black and white gate, but Amu could see it clearly.At this time, Amucai wanted to understand that everything just now was a formation to prevent the magic cultivator, because ordinary monks couldn't see all that, so naturally they wouldn't go up the stairs and touch the formation.

For ordinary monks, this Black Demon Palace is a labyrinth that they can never get out of.That reincarnation door is enough to trap most of the monks, one must know that even with Miao Tianchang's cultivation base and the secret treasure on Miss Miao'er's body, the flaws of those two doors cannot be seen.

To be honest, even at this moment, Amu didn't understand the mystery of the Black Demon Palace.However, Amu felt that the organ of the Black Demon Palace was definitely not just a reincarnation door, but he and others did not touch it.

Another point is that the man in black robe who appeared twice on the black chair is probably the incarnation of Demon Lord.

Two sighs and two greetings, Amu still has lingering fears when he thinks about it.That black-robed figure is definitely a special existence, he is definitely not part of that formation.There are thousands of mysteries inside the Black Demon Palace, but at this time, Amu Wuxin has penetrated it.

Walking towards the black and white gate step by step, the others followed closely.Amu's steps were very strange, and everyone dared not take a wrong step.

"Wang Han, where is the way here?" Shen Yan expressed everyone's doubts.In their view, Amu was leading them to crash into a wall as bright as a mirror.

"There is a way!" It was not Amu who spoke, but the second young lady of Miao's family. She pointed with one hand at the door of black and white.

"Oh, hehe! The second lady of the Miao family is really amazing! Why don't you take us away!" I hated this second lady's interruption, and Shen Yan's words were a bit weird.

"Three zhang away, it should be the real back door of this hall, right?" Miss Miao Er ignored Shen Yan, but said to A Mu.

"Oh?" Amu looked at Second Miss Miao in surprise, "Second Miss, can you see that door?"

Ms. Miao Er smiled wryly and shook her head: "In my opinion, it's just a sight of a mirror-smooth black wall. I just have an instinctive feeling, and I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to feel it if I hadn't been here!"

In fact, Miss Miao Er was able to tell where the door of black and white was because of the secret treasure on her body.

However, Amu didn't think too much about her words, it's normal for the second lady of the Miao family of Qingyuan family to have some special skills, so she politely said: "Second lady is really extraordinary, that's probably the exit of the Black Demon Palace! "

"Yeah!" Miss Miao Er nodded, then looked at Amu and said slowly, "However, Brother Wang! I also feel that there seems to be a very strong murderous aura behind this door, you should be more careful!"

"Oh?" Amu couldn't help being taken aback, he really didn't feel the murderous look behind the door.However, hearing Ms. Miao Er's words, she couldn't help but become more vigilant.

"Miss Miao Er, she is very talented. Her perception is probably good, brother Wang should be careful!" At this time, Third Young Master Yun also said.

"Oh!" Hearing what Young Master Yun said, a strange color flashed in Amu's eyes for some reason, then turned around, the corners of his mouth could not help but sneer.

Although Shen Yan didn't like the second Miss Miao and the third son Yun, after hearing what the two said, she couldn't help taking another step closer to Amu.

With a distance of three feet, Amu didn't walk fast, and at the same time, he was fully alert.He was afraid that there would be another formation, so he took every step very carefully, and in some places of the road in his eyes, black and white flickered, and some places were bloody, so Amu stepped forward on the black and white flickering places, approaching step by step door.

On the black and white gate, the portrait was vivid, but the figure in black robe never appeared again.

On the platform of bones, the black chairs were empty, as if there were vacancies waiting for them.The wild soul beast looked up to the sky and hissed, as if calling for someone to return.

"The Black Demon Palace, open for me!" Standing behind the door, Amu muttered silently, and at the same time the spirit of the demon cultivator dispersed.This demonic breath is the talisman that touches all the gates of the Black Demon Palace.

"Huh—" At this moment, a gust of wind suddenly blew up in the entire hall, and the nine magic lamps went out at the same time, and the entire hall was completely dark.

Everyone was shocked, Xia Guang said.In the mysterious territory of the wild soul, almost all the spiritual consciousness of ordinary monks has been deprived.In an instant, everyone hurriedly sacrificed their magic weapons to protect themselves, and at the same time, they saw things with the light of the magic weapons.

However, nothing attacked the crowd.

But at this moment, nine white light beads the size of pigeon eggs suddenly flew in the void, the brilliance was as bright as night pearls.Amu's magic consciousness is still there, and he knows that the nine white light beads come from the nine magic lamps.

"Those who can pass through the Black Demon Palace are predestined people. This bead is given to you. If you are the successor of my Demon Venerable, you will know in the future!" An ancient voice came, which was clearly the same as the voice of the man in black. It was sent by one person, but it didn't have the lamentation and embarrassment of that sigh.

The nine white light beads suddenly showed their brilliance, and then they were connected into a chain, directly hidden on Amu's neck.This shocked Amu's heart. He was protected by the remnants of the coffin, but now the nine white light beads were not blocked at all.If those nine white light beads were throat-locking devices, how could he be alive at this moment?

Is that voice the Demon Lord?If he wanted his own life, it would be easy.

However, the nine light beads were linked together into a chain and hidden on Amu's neck, which did not cause much discomfort, but rather a very pleasant feeling.

Then there were no other sounds or changes, and at the same time, the black and white light gate suddenly flashed.

There was no sound, and a passage was directly displayed. The end of the passage was covered by a white light curtain, which was clearly the light gate of the seventh secret realm.But this section of passage about a hundred feet long has black and white brilliance constantly flowing, and endless lightning is inside this passage. It seems that although they have passed the Black Demon Palace, the distance of one hundred feet is not easy.

At the same time, the sixteen large characters, which are faint and floating, gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

"Black and white are boundless, soul town! One step into the ancient world, the gods and immortals die!" The sixteen large characters floated in the passage of black and white brilliance, the black was oppressive, and the white was dazzling.

"Black and white are boundless, the soul town! One step into the ancient world, the gods will die!" Everyone including Amu silently recited these four sentences in their hearts, and were deeply shocked.

The gods and immortals are dead!What kind of courage is this?Amu even thought of the eight words on the wall of the Demon Palace——Once the Demon Lord comes out, the ages will become empty.

It seems that the demon king must be a figure who ruled the world before the ages.Looking down on the world, I am the only one!

"Go!" Amu frowned, although these four sentences seemed to be warning everyone who wanted to enter the seventh level of the wild soul secret realm, not to step into this passage easily, let alone step into the seventh level of the secret realm.Because even the gods will perish, and the immortals will perish, let alone monks of any realm?

But Amu and the others have come to this point, they have no choice, knowing that there are many murderous opportunities ahead, they can only go forward.

Everyone also understood in their hearts that Amu was still at the front, and the others followed suit.

"Boom—" The moment everyone stepped out of the Black Demon Palace, the black and white door closed with a bang.

There is no retreat, only forward!

Black and white lightning intertwined, but they were all absorbed by the black light of the remnant wood of the coffin, or blocked out.

Everyone was safe and sound, and felt a little relieved.

"Ah—" Halfway through, the light gate of the seventh secret realm seemed to be within reach, and at this moment, the two middle-level spiritual saints of Miao family Yun's family, who were walking at the end, suddenly screamed at the same time.

Goodbye, the two majestic monks who were regarded as masters in the entire Sea Desolate China were instantly wiped out, and everything in the storage bag was directly reduced to black and white.

(End of this chapter)

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