nine coffins

Chapter 163 The Fall

Chapter 163 The Fall
The life-and-death massacre forbidden map of the bone and skull formation forced both Miaoyun and the Miaoyun family to come up with the ultimate method.

Miao Tianchang's four-color forbidden map technique was completely suppressed, and only the fairy treasure bestowed by the clan—the Chiyun fairy bead was sacrificed.

The Scarlet Cloud Immortal Bead is a middle-level fairy treasure, and it is also the famous magic weapon of an ancestor of the Miao family. It is said that it is refined from a piece of fire cloud. Once this treasure is released, it can melt the sea of ​​fire in ten directions, and it is extremely powerful. big.For this trip to the Wild Soul Secret Realm, the clan elders temporarily handed over to Miao Tianchang.

Originally, with Miao Tianchang's cultivation base and attainments in the forbidden map, the possibility of using this magic weapon in a place where cultivation base is suppressed like the Wild Soul Secret Realm is extremely low, but I didn't expect it to be really used now.

A high-ranking Dzogchen monk holding a fairy treasure, even if it is only a low-level fairy treasure, is enough to kill a monk at a low-level soul cultivation.So as soon as the red dragon celestial bead came out, a red glow of hundreds of feet was drawn out, and the sea of ​​fire in ten directions directly opened a bloody path for Miao Tianchang and Miss Miao Er.

Without the slightest hesitation, the two rushed forward desperately.The more speed, the more hope of life.

But in the blink of an eye, the two rushed out for more than ten miles.At this time, Miao Tianchang poured all the spiritual power into the Chiyun Xianzhu.The Scarlet Cloud Immortal Orb hangs high like a round of red sun, the dazzling red light can withstand the power of life and death.

However, this life-and-death massacre is unusual.Although the Scarlet Cloud Immortal Orb was powerful, it only traveled twenty miles, and its light gradually dimmed.

But at this time, Miao Tianchang and Miss Miao Er are still more than ten miles away from the life and death formation.Don't underestimate the tens of miles, even if they are only one step away, the two of them may be wiped out.

But now, the brilliance of the Scarlet Cloud Celestial Orb is dim, and most likely it cannot withstand the power of life and death.Miao Tianchang's face was incomparably pale, his skill had been brought to the extreme, but he still couldn't control the Chiyun Celestial Orb to resist this large formation.He knew that the two of them might not be able to pass through the battle of bones and skeletons.

"Second Uncle, look at me!" Second Miss Miao bit her lower lip, she had a secret treasure from the family, and no one else could use it except her.This is a very special treasure, but every time it is activated, it will cause great damage to her.

But Miao Tianchang stopped her, smiled wryly and said: "Forget it, don't use that forbidden weapon!"

"Huh?" Second Miss Miao was taken aback.

"Second Uncle sent you out! Then you do it yourself!" Miao Tianchang's expression was determined.Although the two of them were still under the shroud of the four-color forbidden map, and the remaining prestige of the Scarlet Cloud Immortal Orb was still there, the murderous aura of the life-and-death massacre left the two of them with little time to talk unnecessary words.Everything is just an instant.

As soon as Miao Tianchang finished speaking, the brilliance of the Scarlet Cloud Immortal Orb dimmed suddenly.

"Crack——" It's a pity that a mid-level fairy treasure, even in the Miao family of Qingyuan, is also the treasure of the clan, but under the forbidden map of life and death, it was directly shattered into two halves by the power of life and death.

Scatter!The Scarlet Cloud Immortal Orb that was shattered into two halves was even more embarrassing to be dragged by the power of life and death, and it directly turned into a red light and dissipated.In that black and white light, like countless blood-red shooting stars.

"Hmph!" A sad smile flashed across Miao Tianchang's face, and at this moment the seal formula in his hand was completed.It was within his expectation that the Chiyun Immortal Orb would be difficult to defeat the Forbidden Map of Life and Death.

At this time, he formed a very strange formula on his chest, and at this time Miao Tianchang's face was glowing with a faint purple light.

"Second Uncle, don't!" Second Miss Miao shouted.But it was too late, Miao Tianchang already had the will to die.He wanted to exchange his life for Miss Miao'er to rush through the formation of bones and skeletons.

"Forbidden by fate!" Miao Tian often didn't hear Miss Miao's shout, and the look in her eyes was extremely firm, and she shouted.

The ban on life is the Qingyuan Miao family's unique art of forbidden pictures, and it can also be regarded as the forbidden art of the Miao family.This technique is the way of exchanging life for the sky, and the price of life is exchanged for the powerful power of the forbidden map. This is somewhat similar to the monk's self-destruction, but it is countless times better than the simple self-destruction.

I saw that Miao Tianchang's body was full of purple lights, but Miao Tianchang's body was gradually blurred.The purple light was consuming Miao Tianchang's life like a purple flame.

And this purple light instantly melted into the four-color forbidden map, and the forbidden map changed and shook.

The purple awns seemed to infuse wireless vitality into the forbidden picture, once again mobilizing the general trend of the world, the purple awns displayed in a big way, resisting the prohibition of life and death.At the same time, it turned Miss Miao Er into a streamer and rushed forward.

"Second Uncle—" Second Miss Miao hissed.Just now she was full of confidence in breaking through the big formation, she directly denied Miao Tianchang's proposal to give up the treasure and return to the clan, and she refused.

She thought that possessing the forbidden map and fairy treasure would be enough to pass through the skeleton formation, but she didn't expect that the forbidden map was hidden in the formation, and life and death would only happen in an instant.

The forbidden picture is invalid, and the middle-level fairy treasure is broken.In order to protect herself, Miao Tianchang actually used the forbidden technique in the family, and once again catalyzed the evolution of the forbidden map with the ban of life.

Miao Tianchang fell like this, his storage bag fell directly into Miss Miao Er's hands.At the same time, Miao Er took advantage of Miao Tianchang's last life ban to rush out of the formation in an instant.

"Boom—" at the moment Miss Miao Er rushed out of the formation.The four-color forbidden map catalyzed by the forbidden life suddenly dissipated.

If there is another distance, it is afraid that it will not be able to withstand the life and death crushing of the skeleton formation.

After being impacted by the aftermath of this force, Ms. Miao Er fell to the ground, "Wow—" a mouthful of blood spurted out.

However, the Second Miss Miao struggled. Although she had promised Miao Tianchang at the beginning, if Miao Tianchang fell, she would commit suicide.But at this time, Miss Miao Er thought in her mind that she could not turn back no matter what, otherwise Miao Tianchang would have lost her life in vain.

Only move forward, not back.

Outside the big formation, Amu and Shen Yan, who had been watching all the time, could not help shaking their heads after seeing everything.They wanted to rescue just now, but they were powerless.

Who knows if there is any change in this big formation, will there be no place to die if you enter it?

Amu's expression was complicated.One is that they didn't expect that the skeleton array was so powerful, and even the middle-level immortal treasures collapsed directly, and the other was that they didn't expect Miao Tianchang to use such a method to trigger the forbidden map again in the end.

Although Amu didn't know the name of the forbidden technique, it was the first time Amu had seen and heard about it, but at the cost of his life, he once again catalyzed the deduction of the forbidden map.

Due to the black and white murderous aura of the skeleton formation, Amu couldn't see whether the second Miss Miao passed the formation in the end, but Amu guessed that the second Miss Miao probably succeeded.

"The Yun family seems to have passed too!" Shen Yan said at this moment.

The situation of the Yun family is not much better than that of the Miao family. Although the Yun family does not have the art of banning pictures, they continue to sacrifice gold-level spirit coins to the outside, and nearly a hundred gold-level spirit coins are probably consumed in the formation.

This is almost unimaginable in the eyes of ordinary monks. With so many gold-level spirit coins, what other magic weapon is needed?
But even so, it was tens of miles away before the Yun family could break out of the formation.

However, the cloud treasure box was worthy of being a high-level fairy treasure that day, much stronger than Miaojia's Chiyun fairy pearl.Although there was no protection of the gold-level spirit coin in the end, the seven auspicious clouds on the cloud treasure box actually held the dead breath of the life-and-death massacre forbidden map that day.

Only when the last battle was approaching, the seven auspicious clouds were all scattered.

A white glow hit Tiantian's cloud treasure box, and it pierced through it.One of the Yun family's two high-level spiritual saints was directly hit by the white light and turned into blood mist.

And at this moment, the Tianyun Treasure Box rushed out of the formation.

"Boom——" the Tianyun treasure box landed directly on the periphery of the gray mist.Although this high-level fairy treasure has not been completely destroyed, it seems that it needs to be sacrificed again.

"It's really eight immortals crossing the sea and showing their magical powers!" Amu shook his head and sighed.

I thought it would be relatively easy for the Miao family to pass the formation because they knew the method of forbidden maps, but now it seems that the spirit coins and magic weapons of the Yun family are more powerful.

It's no wonder that the technique of the forbidden map is against the technique of the forbidden map, the life and death killing ban suppresses the four-color forbidden map, and the advantages of the Miao family can be said to be gone.

"Let's charge too!" Shen Yan said.

"Yeah!" Amu nodded.Although Yun Miao and his family paid a heavy price, they both succeeded in entering the battle, which gave them some confidence.

"However, wait!" At this moment, Amu sketched again in the void with one hand.A new sigil appeared in the void, and the time it took to create this sigil was far longer than the five sigils just now.It was a sigil that was constantly flowing in the void, and it seemed to have no specific form.

"The Seal of Escape!" After the drawing was finished, Amu breathed out a foul breath.This is the only sigil that Amu can draw and use besides the gossip sigil.

The Seal of Escape is quite a wonderful talisman.Once this seal is released, the door of the void can be opened, and the five elements can be used to walk.However, the power of this talisman has a great relationship with the cultivation base of the person who portrayed it. For example, with Amu's current cultivation base, this seal of escape can only be used as an aid to the technique of forbidden images, or it can be used to cross small areas and distances .

If you want to rely on it alone, open the door in the void, and directly pass through the existence of the white bones and skeletons or the Black Demon Palace, Amu dare not even think about it.

The talisman of escape was [-]% and flew directly into Amu's forbidden map, and immediately the forbidden map regenerated and changed.

Amu's constant deduction is only because of this sigil of escape.The power of this group of forbidden maps has been raised to another level, and the forbidden map composed of six sigils is almost reaching the limit of Amu's forbidden map technique.Although Amu can portray nine kinds of forbidden pictures, he still can't integrate them all.

"You can try it!" Amu smiled from Shen Yan.

If it is to break the big bone formation or the ban on life and death, Amu definitely has no such ability, but he rushed over.Amu is confident that he should be able to rely on his own six-seal forbidden map.

After all, Miaotianchang's four-color forbidden map can rush into the center of the formation, and Amu's forbidden map is many times stronger than the four-color forbidden map, and its protective power is by no means inferior to that of high-level immortal treasures.

And under this forbidden map, the remnants of Amu's coffin have been protecting the two of them.

"Let's go!" Amu and Shen Yan flew together and rushed directly into the white bone formation.

The feeling of being outside the formation is completely different from that of being inside the formation.The power of this large formation seems to be many times stronger than before!
But at this time, I don't know if it was because of the Miaoyun family's entry into the formation just now, which angered the formation.As soon as Amu and Shen Yan entered the battle, thousands of skeletons flew towards Amu and Shen Yan, holding spears and shields.

"Hmph!" These changes were actually expected by Amu. Amu shook one hand, and black vines came out like a dragon.

The nearly hundred feet of black light shuttled directly between the large formation of white bones and skeletons.

The mid-level celestial treasure Chiyun celestial bead and the high-level celestial treasure Tianyun treasure box just now could not last long under the power of the life-and-death forbidden map of the bone and skeleton formation.

But Amu's black vines did not hinder him at all in this big formation, like a dragon entering the sea.

"Pa--pa--" continuous pumping, the hundred-foot-foot black light rolled like a dragon, and those white bone skeletons were directly snapped off.

Amu looked at everything in front of him, but couldn't help but gasped.You know, in the past, once the black rattan came out, no matter the monk or the magic weapon, as long as Amu wanted to, it would basically melt into the mist and dissipate directly.

But now these white bone skeletons were not scattered, but most of them were cut into two pieces and fell into the void.Moreover, once these skeletons fall into the formation, they will recover instantly, immortal.

"What a powerful magic formation!" The ancient war song was still echoing in my ears.

"Fight for the devil!" The four words came and went.

Although protected by the forbidden map and the remnants of the coffin, Amu and Shen Yan still felt that there were endless skeletons in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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