nine coffins

Chapter 165

Chapter 165
Amu and Shen Yan landed at the foot of the Black Phantom Mountain, and followed the prestige.

Halfway up the Black Magic Mountain, a white-clothed monk stood with his back facing Amu and the others, looking up at the top of the Black Magic Mountain, thoughtfully.

"Huh?" The moment he saw this white-clothed monk, the fleeting white shadow in Amu's mind under the third layer of secret land Nanyuan overlapped with this person.It was this person who got rid of Amu's magic consciousness in an instant, and now he felt the same as before. Although this person was right in front of him, Amu's magic consciousness couldn't feel it at all.This is a magic trick!
"It's him!" Amu whispered.

"Who? Do you know him?" Shen Yan said.

"No!" Amu shook his head, "However, this person has been to Nanyuan in the triple secret realm!"

During the conversation between the two, the monk in white had turned around.

It was a peerless face that made women ashamed, perhaps no man in the world could be so beautiful and seductive.Although his face was as pale as paper, this beauty was enough to shock people.

Both Amu and Shen Yan frowned, and Miss Miao Er and the others were also taken aback.

After Miao Er and Young Master Yun met, they hurriedly entered the secret realm of chaos.They arrived at Amu Chenyan half an hour earlier, but at the foot of the mountain, they suddenly saw this monk in white standing on the mountainside.

But before he had a chance to speak, his body and mana were locked by an unknown secret method, preventing him from moving forward.

While panicking and hesitating, Shen Yan and Amu had already arrived.

"It's been a long time!" The monk in white curled his mouth at Amu.Although she was smiling, that smile was indescribably cold and strange.

"Hmm!" The moment he turned around, Shen Yan suddenly felt that his body and mana were imprisoned by something.

"Cultivation of demon spirits? We met under Nanyuan." Amu secretly used the ancient wild magic scriptures to protect himself. Although he felt a familiar force rushing towards him, nothing unusual happened.

"That's right!" The white-clothed cultivator smiled, and black flames suddenly rose from his white robe, "You and I are both demon cultivators!"

The white clothes and the black flames are in stark contrast, making them even more strange.That black flame is extremely pure demon power, several times stronger than Amu's.

"The power of the demon spirit!" Although Amu's face was calm, there was already a huge wave in his heart. The beautiful male cultivator in front of him was really a demon monk. You set up the illusion of the magic consciousness?"

"Ahem!" The monk in white suddenly coughed twice, "That's right!"

When Amu heard this, his brows furrowed. The white-clothed monk in front of him was extremely strange. He seemed to be suffering from a serious illness, but he was his strongest opponent since he entered the wild soul secret realm.

The two spoke a few words, but they shocked Shen Yan and others.

Another magician?Shen Yan and the others were shocked and speechless.Isn't it said that the body of the magic cultivator is rare in tens of thousands of years?There are only three or five people in this small secret realm, but there are actually two demon cultivators?It's unimaginable.

At this time, the monk in white glanced at Miss Miao Er, Young Master Yun and others.

"Miao family! Yun family! It's rare for a little monk from the second-rate sect of the Sea Desolate Divine State to get here even after passing through the seventh-level secret realm! But, I'm here, I'm afraid I won't be able to go back!"

"A second-rate sect in the Sea Desolate Divine State?" This is probably the only monk in white who dares to say this.

The Qingyuan Miao family and the Yun family are among the three great families on Qingyuan, and the seven great immortal sects of the Sea Desolate Shenzhou. Although no soul-level monks entered this time due to the restrictions of the Desolate Soul Secret Realm, the few immortal treasures brought in are enough to illustrate their Strong background.

If they can only be called the second-rate sects of Haihuang Shenzhou, then they really don't know where the so-called first-rate sects are!Even Amu felt a little arrogant after hearing his words.

Although the second Miss Miao and the third son Yun were restrained, their natural demeanor made them not have the slightest fear, but sneered endlessly.

"Speak wild words!" Miss Miao Er replied.

It's a pity that after hearing her words, the monk in white didn't even look at her, as if her words were not worth refuting, but his eyes fell on Shen Yan.

Similarly, don't look at this white-clothed monk as a cultivator of demon spirits. His demon consciousness is several times stronger than that of Amu, but he can't see through Shen Yan's ghost mask.

"This ghost mask is a treasure!" The monk in white frowned slightly, "Which sect are you from?"

"Loose cultivator!" Shen Yan's tone was cold and calm.

"Oh?" The monk in white smiled faintly, "An extraordinary casual cultivator!"

But while speaking, the white-clothed cultivator suddenly changed his expression, flicked his hand, and went straight to Shen Yan with a force.He actually wanted to take off Shen Yan's mask.

This shot was so sudden that it made people overwhelmed.Amu raised his brows, and the remnant wood of the coffin flew out to protect Shen Yan.

Originally, he thought that the remnant wood in the coffin would be enough to withstand the monk in white, but what Amu didn't expect was that a white light shot out from between the monk's eyebrows.

With a sound of "Boom--", the white glow actually shook the remnants of the coffin away.

"Not good!" Amu's heart was shaken, the combat power of this white-clothed monk far exceeded his imagination.But it was too late to rescue Shen Yan at this moment.Moreover, Amu's magic consciousness and magic intention, which can attack mentally, are completely ineffective for the magic monk.

The demonic spiritual power of the monk in white went straight to Shen Yan.

The monk in white knew very well that except for Amu, the other monks should be trapped by the formation he had set up, and they had no magic power at this time.

So as long as he removes the obstacle of Amu, no one else has the power to resist.

The spiritual power of the demon went straight to Shen Yan's mask, seeing that Shen Yan's mask might be taken off.

But at the moment when the power was about to touch Shen Yan, the brilliance of Shen Yangui's mask suddenly showed.The ferocious grimace burst into dazzling brilliance in an instant.

It was an indescribably dazzling light, it didn't belong to any color, and it was even hard to describe, maybe it couldn't be regarded as a kind of light, but an inexplicable manifestation of power.

At the same time, an extremely stern ghost howling sound went straight to the nine heavens.

"Looking for death!" Shen Yan shouted tenderly, her body suddenly soared up.The moment the ghost mask burst into brilliance, all the confinement was meaningless to her.

In the void, Shen Yan raised one hand, and the Yin-Yang Galaxy Diagram has been shot, and the black and white brilliance flows endlessly, like a pattern, like a rune.

The Yin and Yang prints of the heavens and the earth are filled with smoke, and the Yin and Yang galaxy map is activated, with a murderous aura.

Taking off the mask is a taboo for Shen Yan!At this moment, no matter who the person in front of her was, Shen Yan was already determined to kill, otherwise she wouldn't have sacrificed the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map right away.

"The blue sky is deep, the heavens and the earth are yin and yang; with my power, I will shatter the starlight!" Shen Yan recited the mantra.

Star bright.All kinds of astrology like blue dragon like white tiger, like red bird like basaltic weapon appeared one after another.The endless starry sky is manifested between the chaotic secret realms.

These star lights are extremely weird, they all emit two star lights, one black and one white, as if they come from the two worlds of yin and yang.

"Yin-Yang Galaxy Map!" The white-clothed cultivator's expression changed, but he recovered instantly, and at the same time, two cold lights came out from his eyes.Originally, he thought that Amu would be the only enemy, but he didn't expect that the purple-clothed woman who came with Amu would hold such a treasure.

Everything represented by the Yin-Yang Galaxy Diagram makes the entire desert tremble.This friar in white has a special background, that is, the Yun family and the Miao family of the seven great immortal sects in Qingyuan are not in his eyes.But he didn't dare to neglect everything represented by the Yin-Yang Galaxy Diagram.

Goodbye, the monk in white frowned, coughed twice at the same time, and then waved his hand.Two beams of brilliance flew out, which were exactly the two black and white mirrors he sacrificed when he entered the secret realm of chaos.

Yin-Yang Galaxy Diagram vs. Black-and-White Mirror, this is a very special duel.

Because these two magic weapons have the same black and white brilliance.The black and white mirror of the monk in white looks like the sun and the moon, like yang and yin.Shenyang's Yin-Yang Galaxy Map is like a sky full of stars, but it is the light of life and death.

Black and white are intertwined. At this time, the entire Primal Chaos Secret Realm is almost covered by these two magic weapons except for the Black Illusory Demon Mountain.

There is no roar of collision, and no surging waves of power, silently.

These two magic tools are actually standing still, facing each other in the void, forming a special balance.

"The map of the Yin-Yang galaxy really lives up to its reputation!" Although the monk in white was shocked, his attitude was calm, he looked at Shen Yan and clasped his fists and said, "It turns out that he is the successor of the ghost saint, I am disrespectful!"

"Hmph!" Shen Yan snorted coldly, noncommittal.The last time Miao Tianchang was prevented from revealing his identity, but now it seems that the monk in white still gave it away.

When Miss Miao and Third Young Master Yun first entered the Seventh Layer of Secret Realm, they knew her identity as soon as the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map came out. Seeing that the monk in white was not as arrogant as before, they couldn't help but sneer.They don't believe that someone dares to pass on the ghost saint's successor!
Heir of the ghost saint?Amu couldn't help shaking when he heard these four words, and his face changed.

In fact, Amu doesn't know much about the history of cultivating immortals in the realm of Haihuang Shenzhou. Due to the limited status of the Northern Cold Sect, the so-called secrets of the sea are mostly the past of the Beihuang.And Kuxinzi seldom mentioned the sea wasteland to Amu, but he mentioned to Amu about the ghost saint.

Haihuang monks are generally divided into three realms of cultivation, spirit, and soul, and can be divided into six levels: initial cultivation, fixed cultivation, supreme spirit, holy spirit, cultivation of soul, and scattered soul.But there is no limit to the sea of ​​immortality, where is the end of practice?It is said that monks who can enter the high-level Dzogchen of scattered souls can live nearly 9000 years. After 9000 years, there are naturally still higher realms waiting to practice.

Amu also asked Kuxinzi what state is above Sanhun, but Kuxinzi smiled and did not answer.In the end, I only said that one day when Amu practiced, it would naturally come to fruition, otherwise knowing it would only increase the demons.

Not many people in the Sea Desolate Divine State can clearly explain what is above the realm of scattered souls.But those who take the name of saint are generally recognized as they have surpassed the realm of scattered souls.

Ghost Saint is one of them.

Regarding ghost saints, it is more like a legend in China.Because no one knows whether the ghost saint is male or female, let alone where the ghost saint is!The ghost saint has been famous in China for thousands of years, and the story of him fighting seven scattered soul monks alone has been circulating in China, and none of them survived.

It is said that one of the seven scattered soul monks was an ancestor of Qingyuan Yun's family.

As soon as the ghost sage comes out, the scattered soul surrenders!This is a sentence that has been widely circulated in the sea wasteland.

The Yin-Yang Galaxy Map is the magic weapon for ghost saints to become famous.It can change celestial phases and connect yin and yang.The Yin-Yang Galaxy Map in Guisheng's hands is definitely not just what it looks like in Shen Yan's hands, it is a killing weapon that makes even scattered soul monks tremble.

But now Shen Yan stood in the void, silently confronting the white-clothed monk.

(End of this chapter)

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