nine coffins

Chapter 174 Battle of the Supreme

Chapter 174 Battle of the Supreme
(Thank you for your encouragement! Thank you! Thank you! Let’s collect it! Hehe!)
"What kind of technique is this!" With one technique, Amu's temperament changed fundamentally, which made Xiao Luo's expression change suddenly.

"Young Master, be careful, this Wang Han Moxiu is weird!" Mr. Wen in the distance yelled as he dealt with the desolate ancient battle spirit, and when he raised his hand, a battle spirit was killed by him, and it turned into black smoke and dissipated.

At this time, Amu's body was full of radiance, and all the devilish energy was temporarily covered.Amu's whole body exudes a very strange temperament, that is the god of demons!

The ancient lamp of the soul of war hangs high, and the blood-red flame reflects the entire enchantment.Wherever the red light went, it was full of fluctuations of divine power.The battle spirit that Mr. Wen raised his hand to kill just now reappeared in an instant.

If the ancient lamp of the spirit of war is not extinguished, the spirit of war in the ancient times will never die.Illuminated by the light of the gods, it will be revived naturally.

"Huh?" Mr. Wen, who cultivated the middle-level soul cultivator, raised his brows. With his identity, if he deals with a monk in the spiritual realm, even if the other party has a fairy treasure, he can kill it himself.But today, I met two such heaven-defying characters.

Shen Yan possessed the inheritance of Ghost Venerable, which they never thought of, but they can still completely control the situation.

At the same time, although Amu is a demon cultivator, he is a high-level Dzogchen fixed cultivator. In the eyes of Xiao Luo, who is also a demon cultivator but has reached the spiritual realm, there is almost no threat.Because they all have their own magic treasures, and Xiao Luo knows that he is a middle-level magic cultivator of the Holy Spirit, and with this alone, he can sweep away all monks below the soul level in the Sea Desolate Divine State.

But the development of the matter greatly exceeded Xiao Luo and Mr. Wen's imagination.

Xiao Luo's face was pale at this moment, and the skull on top of his head hummed, and at the same time, the specter behind Xiao Luo gradually manifested.

Things are developing like this, and it must be resolved quickly.Both he and Mr. Wen knew at this time that the wild soul secret realm outside the enchantment might already be the end of the world at this time.

Once the enchantment is broken, they will leave immediately.

But for half a moment, this enchantment can't resist the impact of the power from the ancient times, and it will collapse in an instant, and everything will cease to exist.

To get everything about Amu and Shen Yan, there is only this short moment, but for a monk, everything is enough.

At the same time, Amu's heart was also unusually sober, except for the magic coffin, Amu did everything he could, without any reservations.It's not that the magic coffin doesn't want to use it, but that Amu doesn't know how to use it!Amu has taken out all available means, and keeping it at such a moment is suicide.

The seal formula in Amu's hand changed again, and the majestic, seven-color aura with faint divine aura was withdrawn from Amu's body.

"Kanagi!" In an instant, Amu yelled violently, and his tongue burst into spring thunder.

This Ten Thousand Gods Killing Technique is divided into three realms and nine levels.The three realms are: Divine Break, Divine Silence, and Divine Destruction.Each realm has three levels: upper, middle and lower.

The Myriad Gods Massacre Technique is a secret method of the God of War clan, and its power is boundless.The king of Dacheng can use this technique to kill immortals and gods.

Now the only thing that Amu can use is the lower level of God's Breaking Realm, but the power is already terrifying, it definitely has the power to kill monks in the Spirit Realm.

At the same time, at the moment when Amu withdrew the seven-fold colorful light, the gold-level spirit coin hanging above his head also fell into Amu's pill sea at the same time!


This is not the sound of the outside world, but the monstrous waves and thunder rolling in the Amdan Sea.Demonic energy, red light, and the bright yellow glow of gold coins raged in Amu's alchemy.

"Not good!" Amu secretly said.This is a sign of madness. The fall of the gold-level spirit coin into the sea of ​​pills gave Amu the ability to break through the spirit realm in an instant, but all of this seemed extremely unstable under such circumstances.

But at this time, Amu couldn't be more scruples.

The Ten Thousand Gods Killing Technique has been released.Dazzling blood-red light burst out from Amu's body, and the surging divine power centered on Amu swept like a tsunami.

"Kill!" Amu's face was flushed, and the black and red light between his eyes kept changing.

Amu's black robe is like a petrel fighting in a storm, like a black lightning flashing in the void.With black hair flying around, dazzling divine light and devilish energy, Amudan couldn't stop rolling in the sea at this moment.There are big waves and a vast ocean, but this is a vast ocean where various forces gather.

Even the Ancient Desolate Demon Sutra seemed unable to bear such a tyrannical atmosphere.

"Boom—" The ancient desolate demon scriptures were shattered, Amu's headache was splitting, and his mind went blank.

Where is the devil?Where is God?I don't even know what night it is today, tens of thousands of years have passed!
Relying on the blood-red ancient lamp, Amu performed such a magical and powerful technique that shocked both Mr. Wen and Xiao Luo.

This is beyond the practice theory of monks, and a demon cultivator who is a high-level Dzogchen in fixed cultivation, no matter what, cannot burst out such power.

It was a miracle, or a miracle of miracles.

"The power of the demon spirit!" Xiao Luo exclaimed in surprise the moment Amu exploded, and he keenly felt a trace of the spiritual power of the demon on Amu's body.

At this moment, is Amu going to break through the spiritual realm?That's the risk of going mad and losing one's soul.

"No!" Suddenly, Xiao Luo's face changed again, and his voice suddenly became dry!
"Could it be you! It's not the magician—"

Xiao Luo yelled violently, after shouting this sentence.The white skull on top of his head rose suddenly, and that pale light burst out again.

"The eyes of the devil, reset!"

At this time, the black and white mirror suddenly flew out, the black and white brilliance, and then directly embedded in the eye socket of the white skull.


It is no less powerful than Amu's massacre of gods catalyzed by the ancient lamp of the soul of war. It is the head of a demon from ancient times.

"Roar——" That is the devilish energy that has been raging for thousands of years!

"Sealed for ten thousand years, my soul returns! Sealed for ten thousand years, my soul... returns—"

It was an indistinct and indeterminate voice, the voice revealed the vicissitudes of the ages, and seemed to come through millions of years of time. Although the whisper was like a raving, it was full of strange power.

"This—" For a moment, Amu regained consciousness, but was immediately overwhelmed by the surging waves.

That voice was the same as the voice from the magic coffin that Amu heard in the Beihanzong Tianzihao cave.However, at this time, he did not come from the coffin of the devil, but from the head of the devil that seemed to have been revived.

The white light gradually dissipated, the black air rose to the sky, the eyes of the devil reset, and the black and white worlds also trembled.The ghost behind Xiao Luo also flew directly into the skull.

Black air soared into the sky, it was the appearance of a demon with a ferocious face and fangs.


Under the power of the demon's head, the two ancient battle spirits that Amu used to restrain Xiao Luo instantly turned into black smoke and never recovered.

The power of that demon's head is beyond imagination.Is that really the demon's head?
"Cough cough cough—cough cough cough—" But at this moment, Xiao Luo suddenly coughed violently, which was worse than ever before, as if he couldn't control himself.

At the same time, the enchantment laid down by Mr. Wen began to crack.

"Kaka——" cracks spread out like spider webs.

"Not good!" Mr. Wen raised his brows, and then he flipped his palm, and a gray ancient flag was in his hand.That ancient flag is antique and fragrant, exuding an endless aura of desolation, lingering in a hazy gray atmosphere.

"The ancient chaotic banner can determine the universe! The power of the wild, listen to my orders! Suppress it!" Mr. Wen gave an order, and the ancient chaotic banner directly released three strands of chaotic energy, which were pure chaotic energy.A single strand can crush a great mountain.

One directly killed the four ancient battle spirits, one went straight to Xiao Luo, and the other went straight to Amu.

"Jie Jie! Jie Jie!" At this time, Shen Yan, who seemed to have not moved for a long time, suddenly let out a piercing laughter again, it was a ghostly laugh from the underworld.

"The top is poor and the blue is falling, and the bottom is from the underworld! Only I, the ghost, can cross the nine heavens!" That was not Shen Yan's voice at all. At this moment, the face of the supreme ghost and god was suddenly full of smiles.

But there seemed to be endless murderous intent hidden in that smile, which made people afraid to face it.

"Cackling! Jie Jie Jie!" Shen Yan's purple clothes are graceful, but at this time her long sleeves are disheveled, accompanied by countless dead souls, Chen Yan stands in the void like a ghost.

No one knows what kind of treasure the face of the supreme ghost is. At this moment, Shen Yan is as if possessed by a ghost.

Endless ghostly energy spread out, heavy with death.

At this moment, all kinds of power are raging in the entire enchantment, and all kinds of light are scattered. At this moment, it is impossible to tell what level of battle it is!Perhaps this should be regarded as an indirect battle between the ancient supreme beings.

Both Amu and Xiao Luo seem to have a tendency to go berserk. Amu's consciousness is already blurred at this time, and Xiao Luo's hidden illness seems to be violent.

Soul of War Ancient Lamp!The head of the devil!Chaos Ancient Banner!The Supreme Ghost Face!

If any of the magic weapons here spread to the deserted seas, it might cause a catastrophe.The gathering of the four treasures can be described as an unprecedented victory.These are the treasures of the ancient venerables and seniors, and one of them can be used for a lifetime.


Four forces collide.

The power of the god of war, the power of the devil, the power of chaos, the power of the ghost.

At this time, the combination of various factors made it difficult to distinguish between them.

Endless mushroom clouds rose up, filling the entire enchantment.


Although the enchantment laid down by Mr. Wen, who is a middle-level soul cultivator, is powerful, it cannot resist such four forces.The white curtain shattered one after another, like snow falling, and some places even turned into white smoke.



The enchantment was shattered, and the doomsday aspect of the Wild Soul Secret Realm reappeared.

The black wind was howling, the waves were raging, and endless thunderbolts and lightning were swimming in the air like a dragon.

At this time, the Black Magic Mountain has completely collapsed, and all kinds of souls are constantly fighting. In such an apocalyptic moment, no creature can survive alone.

The mist is heavy, these are all kinds of souls after death.However, they have no chance to be revived again, because the spirit of the wild soul has been collected by Amu.Die in mist, this is the destination of these souls.

At the same time, under the mushroom cloud, the barrier was shattered, and countless souls died due to the surging power.

Goodbye to Amu and the others at this time, except for Mr. Wen who seemed to be fine, the other three were all injured.

Amu's face was already pale, the corners of his mouth were stained with blood, and the expressions in his eyes were changing, and he was confused.His current cultivation base is also extremely weird, one will be the high-level Dzogchen of fixed cultivation, the other will be the realm of imaginary spirits, and the other will be the elementary level of the ultimate spirit.The blood-red and pitch-black light flickered on Amu's body.

Such a situation is extremely dangerous, and it is difficult to survive in a lifetime.

The ancient war spirit lamp emitted a blood-red aura and tightly protected him. At this moment, all six ancient war spirits were scattered.

At this time, Xiao Luo was much better. His eyes were black and bright, and he was extremely sober, but the snow-white robe was full of blood.However, he no longer coughed, and Mr. Fang Caiwen's chaotic air suppressed his injury.

The head of the demon is as stable as Mount Tai on top of his head.

There is a tangible black flame on the white robe, hunting and curling.

"Wang Han?——" At this time, Shen Yan's call to Amu came!
(End of this chapter)

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