nine coffins

Chapter 185

Chapter 185

(Dear friends, please recommend this book for collection! Thank you, Shanhe!)
The soul-cultivating agency Dzogchen's teleportation technique is almost beyond Amu's imagination.

The figure of Fuhunzi was in the void, like lightning, when the gray shadow arrived, it was almost at the same time, and it was impossible to distinguish the order, as if ten Fuhunzi shot at the same time.

"Not good!" Amu's heart tightened.These summoned ancient war spirits are all connected with Amu.

At this time, the endless soul pressure made Amu feel depressed.

"Woohoo——" The ten desolate ancient battle spirits shot at the same time, and the long Ge waved together, moving the mountains and rivers with aura.However, it couldn't stop the attack of Fuhunzi.

I don't see any magic weapon used by Fuhunzi.They just turned their hands into claws, and went straight to grab those ancient battle spirits.

However, if Amu can see the ten fingers of Fuhunzi clearly at this time, he will find something strange.Those ten fingers were already as black as ink, and the fingertips condensed endless ghost energy.

This is the supreme skill of the Immortal Ghost Sect - the Nether Soul Claw.Not to mention other things, just the Nether Qi needed to practice this skill, looking at the entire Sea Desolate Divine State, except for the Immortal Ghost Sect, other sects will definitely not be able to satisfy it.

Fuhunzi's skill is close to the top level, his fingers are all black, and he is afraid that he will consume the ghost energy of hundreds of thousands of ghosts.Except for the Western Black Narcissus Ghost Sect, there is no other sect that can gather so many ghosts.

This skill practiced to the highest level, can break through thousands of spells.A pair of palms is the supreme magic weapon.

Floating Soul Son has achieved great success in this technique, and is only a line away from the highest level.In other words, Fuhunzi himself can't remember clearly, when was the last time he needed to fight by himself.

Once the little soul comes out, it is almost invincible, so why use him as an old soul?

Today, the puppet technique was broken, and Fuhunzi did it himself, so he wanted to solve it quickly.

Although the ancient battle spirit is comparable to the soul state, it is very powerful, but it is not a real soul state monk.Under Fuhunzi's hands, he was still relatively weak.

The ten ancient battle spirits raised their shields almost simultaneously.

"Boom——" the soul power dissipated, and the black mist rose.In the void, ten dark flowers bloomed angrily, exploding layer by layer, and black waves surged into the sky.

At this moment, the sky and the earth changed color, and the gray mist over the entire Liu Town was almost dispersed, and the ten desolate ancient battle spirits directly turned into black smoke.

"What a powerful floating soul!" Amu's heart was startled. At this moment, he thought of the fierce battle in the wild soul secret realm.Fu Hunzi's combat power is actually a bit higher than that of Mr. Huntiwen in the wild soul secret realm.

At the beginning, the mysterious Mr. Huntiwen held an ancient chaotic banner and wiped out the four fighting spirits with one move, which was outstanding. Unexpectedly, this floating soul seems to be even better.

However, the only difference is that the ancient war spirit that was destroyed by the ancient chaotic banner cannot be regenerated.At this time, the battle spirits that were wiped out by the floating soul can gradually condense, although the speed is extremely slow.

It seems that apart from the Qi of Primal Chaos, it is impossible for other breaths to completely destroy these battle spirits from the ancient times.Although the ghostly aura of Floating Soul is a very special existence, it can only be suppressed for a short time.

However, this brief suppression is enough for a master like Fuhunzi.

Because, with a flash of gray shadow, he had suddenly appeared in front of Amu's eyes, and the scar that looked like a centipede was glaring.

Eyes full of fierceness, Fuhunzi still clawed with one hand, and with endless soul pressure, he went straight to Amu's heart.

From the moment when Fuhunzi breaks through the ten souls, to appearing in front of Amu's eyes, it won't take a breath.The power of the Dzogchen monks who are real soul-cultivating intermediaries is indeed terrifying.

It was so terrifying that it exceeded Amu's imagination.This is the first time that Amu has faced a fatal blow from a Dzogchen cultivator from a soul cultivation agency.

The pitch-black fingers are as cold as iron hooks, and the black flowers flow.Being able to shatter the ancient battle spirit with one claw, even Amu's own fairy bone demon body may not be able to resist it.

However, at this time, Amu can do too little.Because Fuhunzi didn't give Amu a chance to move his mind, this is the absolute level gap.

A soul-level cultivator, standing at the peak of the Sea Desolate China.The general Dzogchen intermediary is not worth mentioning in front of soul cultivation.

But Amu is not an ordinary holy spirit. Although Amu has no chance to make a move for a moment, it does not mean that Amu will die.

The moment Fuhunzi's claws were close to Amu, Amu could feel the taste of death.But at this moment, the flame between Amu's eyebrows jumped suddenly.

"Huh—" The blood-red flames covering the sky directly covered Amu in it, like a divine fire armor.

The red light like the sea, the bold fighting spirit, soared into the sky.


The two forces intersected, like big mountains colliding, the earth shakes and the mountains shake, and the gray shadow and the white clothes fly out at the same time with a streamer.

This is definitely a soul-level collision, the power spreads like a wave, and everything in the surrounding tens of miles has been razed to the ground.The brilliance of smoke rises and overflows.

"Oh!" Fu Hunzi snorted!
"Wow—" Immediately, a mouthful of blood spewed out, his face was a little pale, and his left hand was already shattered.

And Amu is even more serious. If it weren't for the demon cultivator of the fairy bone demon body, even if there was a mutual exchange of strange treasures, he would have died already.

In the void, retreating seven or eight steps in a row, Amucai stood still, the clothes on the front of his chest were shattered, and there were five fingerprints on the front of his chest, black like thick ink.

"Wow - wow - wow -" three mouthfuls of blood were sprayed, and the front of the white clothes was covered with blood.Amu's face was instantly pale as paper, and his figure was slightly unstable. He felt that the bones in his heart seemed to be broken.

The black cane rushed out suddenly, and swam around Amu's body in a flash of brilliance.

"Hmph!" Amu sneered, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and quickly adjusted his breath.Unexpectedly, he had already been promoted to the Dzogchen intermediary of the Holy Spirit, and the first battle outside the realm of the devil's coffin was so miserable.

And Fu Hunzi on the other side hated secretly at this time, that he had suffered a lot from the hands of a cultivator below the soul level.

Although, the heart of the soul is immortal, and the soul of cultivation is immortal.Not to mention a severed hand, even if the head is beheaded, as long as the soul heart is not destroyed, the floating soul can be reborn.

At this time, Fuhunzi secretly channeled his soul power, and his right hand was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.However, Fuhunzi hadn't suffered such an injury for thousands of years.

What level of magic weapon is that?

At this time, the ancient lamp of the soul of war floated in the void, with a simple and simple style, and the flame of the lamp was like a bean.

But the atmosphere of simplicity and vicissitudes, the blood-filled killing intent of the Three Realms permeated the whole world.This is an ancient treasure comparable to a magic coffin.Back then, the God King of War used this to disdain the Three Realms.

Although Fu Hunzi has a lot of knowledge, if he wants to find out the origin of the War Soul Ancient Lamp, he has to wait!
Amu has inherited the memory of the God of War King, and his control over the ancient lamp of the War Soul is far better than the magic coffin.Although due to the limitation of the realm, the power of the War Soul Ancient Lamp is less than one level, but this power of less than one level may also move Haihuang.

Although they all suffered serious injuries, but Amu secretly used the Wanmohuaxianjue, the speed of breath adjustment was actually faster.

"Floating Soul, I will make you die tonight!"

As he said that, Amu held the black rattan in his hand, catalyzed by the power of the demon spirit, the black rattan instantly soared, like a long sword leaning on the sky.

Blood-red flames covered his whole body, and Amu rushed directly to Fuhunzi like an ancient god of war.

This is the first time since the battle, Amu has taken the initiative to attack with all his strength.Because, Amu knew that he was far from Fuhunzi's opponent in terms of realm.Only by relying on a powerful magic weapon can there be a slight chance of winning at the moment when Fuhunzi adjusts his breath.

Otherwise, once the Fuhunzi is adjusted, there may be some thunderous means.

It's a pity that Amu still underestimated the powerful strength of Fu Hunzi, the third elder of the Immortal Ghost Sect.

With the momentum of wind and thunder, Amu just swept the black rattan in his hand towards Fuhunzi.There was a flash of green light in Fuhunzi's eyes, which disappeared instantly.When the gray shadow reappeared, it was already hundreds of meters away.

Fuhunzi shook one hand, only to see a gray cloth bag in his hand.The gray cloth bag is covered with strange tadpole-like characters, but they are definitely not the runes and sigils that Amu knows well.

With the gray cloth bag in his hand, Fuhunzi's green eyes flickered as he silently recited the mantra.

"Take it!" With a shake of one hand, the gray cloth bag rose against the wind, like a black hole opened in the void.

Endless suction, the whale sucks the dragon's drink, and the ten ancient war spirits that are gradually recovering are directly collected by the gray cloth bag.

"Huh?" Amu was slightly startled.The Immortal Ghost Sect has a solid background, and the elder actually has such a heaven-defying magic weapon in his hands.

But Amu immediately sneered slightly, and then said in a low voice: "Scatter!"

Those ancient battle spirits were born from the ancient lamps of war spirits, so whether they exist or not is at the discretion of Amu.

As soon as the word "scattered" came out, the ten desolate ancient battle spirits turned into black smoke and dissipated without a trace.

Fu Hunzi's heart was shocked, he didn't expect that these ancient battle spirits were all under the control of Amu, and they had reached the point of manifesting at will and dispersing at will.

Of course he didn't know that it was because of the ancient lamp of the soul of war, but he couldn't care too much at this time.

"Take it!" There was another shout, and the gray cloth bag went straight to the ancient lampshade of Zhanhun.A dark mist escaped from the pocket.

Amu didn't know these black mist, but felt that these black mist looked a bit like the chaotic black mist emitted by the magic coffin.In fact, these black mist are the unique burial spirit of the Immortal Ghost Sect.

This aura can turn thousands of living beings into undead directly, and it is an extremely domineering aura originating from ancient times.Originally, this ancient ghost-eating fairy bag was given to Fuhunzi by the Immortal Ghost Sect clan to collect ghost coffins just in case.

But as soon as the ancient lamp of the fighting spirit came out, with the eyesight of a monk at the level of Fuhunzi, he knew that only this ancient ghost eating fairy bag could fight.

Sure enough, as soon as the ancient burial spirit in the ancient ghost's immortal pouch came out, it scattered in all directions, like soil flooding with water.

The blood glow of the Ancient War Soul Lamp dimmed slightly, and at the same time, it involuntarily floated towards the ancient ghost's fairy-eating bag.

Amu narrowed his eyes slightly, but he didn't see any movement, Fuhunzi really surprised him.

Seeing that the ancient war spirit lamp was shrouded in black mist, its flame fluttered, and it seemed that it would be extinguished at any time, and it was only ten feet away from the ashes bag, and it seemed that it would be collected at any time.

Fu Hunzi's face was slightly relaxed, and at the same time, he stepped up to activate the ancient ghost's immortal bag.If he could collect that ancient lamp, he was confident that this battle would be over.

However, seeing that the ancient lamp was about to be collected, Fuhunzi's expression changed suddenly.

Because suddenly, Amu's eyes flashed brightly, and he put his hands in front of his chest, and quickly formed seals, changing seven or eight seals in a row.

However, in the eyes of Fuhunzi, these seals are indeed extremely weird, he has never seen them before.

Because these seal formulas are no longer sea desert seal formulas, these types of seal formulas are authentic ancient god king formulas.

"The ancient lamp burns to the sky, and the three realms burn to death!" The god king uttered the formula, and Amu yelled violently.

Goodbye, the flames of the ancient Zhanhun ancient lamp suddenly exploded, and the red flames surged for tens of feet, just like a red pillar soaring into the sky.


The red column exploded, and the meteor flew into the sky.In an instant, a hundred miles around in the void was already a sea of ​​flames.

"Huh—" The fire of the battle soul can burn the three realms.The ancient Soul Devouring Immortal Bag was actually burned directly by the raging flames.

It was night, and there will be historical records of the Murong Dynasty in the future——

In the 980th year of the Murong calendar, in a border town in the northwest county, candle dragons appeared at night, burning the sky in anger.In the next hundred years, the area is hundreds of miles away, and there is no tree growing, and it has become a desert.

(End of this chapter)

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