nine coffins

Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Tens of miles away from Qifeng Town, in the void, everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion walked with magic weapons or the wind.It seems that these people are still in a hurry.Just now, just let Li Mushuang play an outpost, and caused a lot of trouble.At this time, the speed increased even more.

Now far away from Qifeng Town, the middle-level old man in the spiritual realm who had just talked with Zhang Jiyun came to the side of the blue-clothed woman again, bowed and said, "Palace Master Dongfang, just now..."

The Eastern Palace Master?It turns out that this woman's surname is Dongfang, and she is actually the lord of the palace who is under one person and above ten thousand people in Jiangxue Pavilion.

The woman in blue glanced at the old man, and said slowly: "Elder Wu, you must not understand why I exchanged [-] silver-level spirit coins for Mu Shuang, and I was very courteous to Wang Han, right?"

"Exactly! This subordinate is so dull, I really don't understand it!" Elder Wu's question was actually asked by all Jiangxue Pavilion monks, but no one dared to ask it.

The woman in blue sneered, and said, "Elder Wu, with your middle-level spiritual cultivation, how do you think you are against Wang Han?"

"Oh?" Hearing the woman in blue ask, Elder Wu couldn't help but look at Zhang Jiyun, because just now Zhang Jiyun only took one move under Wang Han's hands and was injured.

Zhang Jiyun looked at Elder Wu, only frowned, but didn't express much, it seemed difficult to draw a conclusion.

"This subordinate is going to fight to the death, maybe we can fight!" Elder Wu said after weighing the strength of Shuangfang.He was a little higher than Zhang Jiyun, and he expected that he would have the strength to fight against Wang Han. The so-called desperate fight is nothing more than a little modesty.

"Fight to the death? Hehe!" The blue-clothed woman sneered again, and then glanced at the people around her, "In my opinion, we were the ones who went up together, and Wang Han started the killing ring. Except for me, I can escape safely with a magic weapon. None of these people will live!"

"What?" Elder Wu frowned, seemingly in disbelief, and the other Jiangxue Pavilion disciples couldn't help but gasped.

These people are all the elites of Jiangxue Pavilion. Above the Northern Wilderness, except for the Arctic Immortal Sea, the Northern Cold Sect, and the Tianhuang Gate, they are a pair of people who can say that Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, and demons block and kill demons.The Wang Han just now seemed a bit mysterious, but can he really pick everyone by himself?
"Elder Wu, it's not that I look down on you. If that Wang Han wants to kill you, you won't be able to make a move in front of him." The woman in blue said again.

"Then Wang Han is a spiritual monk?" Zhang Jiyun frowned.

"At least the first level of Lingsheng is complete!" The woman in blue said lightly, "No matter how high the realm is, I can't see through it! Unless the pavilion master comes in person, none of the people who entered the world in Jiangxue Pavilion will be their opponents!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion fell silent.

The owner of the Jiangxue Pavilion, who was promoted to the middle rank of Lingsheng 50 years ago, is now close to the state of perfection.Apart from the five unworldly elders in Jiangxue Pavilion, they are the No. 1 cultivation base in Jiangxue Pavilion.

That Wang Han, who seemed to have only revealed the initial level of Dingxiu, actually wanted the pavilion master to be close to him.This surprised everyone.

"Palace Master Dongfang, can't you fight him too?" Elder Wu looked at the woman in blue with hope in his eyes.Only the real high-level figures of Jiangxue Pavilion know what this woman in blue means to Jiangxue Pavilion.

"Elder Wu, don't think too highly of me!" The woman in blue sighed.

In fact, this woman in blue has always been proud of her cultivation.In her heart, apart from the five old immortals in Jiangxue Pavilion, there is absolutely no one who is her opponent.

Even the master of Jiangxue Pavilion, she is confident that she can fight. As for the masters of the other two palaces and other monks in the spiritual realm, she doesn't pay much attention to them at all.

But when she saw Wang Han today, for some reason, she was sensitively aware of the extreme danger of the person in front of her.The monk who called himself Wang Han had a murderous aura and unknown power emanating from his bones.

"Death, or a fight!" The woman in blue slowly repeated the words of letting go of Elder Wu, but the weight was different from Elder Wu's.

A word from the woman in blue is enough to explain everything.

In fact, the woman in blue is not afraid to fight, but inexplicably does not want to fight the mysterious Wang Han.

"What kind of monk is that?" The woman in blue was silent.

"Is he a disciple of the Arctic Xianhai?" Elder Wu frowned and guessed.

There are records in Jiangxue Pavilion of the monks above the spiritual realm of the three great immortal sects of the Northern Wilderness.There are only a few monks in each faction, but no one like Wang Han has ever been heard of.

Then, if Wang Han is really a spiritual saint, the only possibility is that he came from the snow field, the true master of the Northern Wilderness, the Arctic Fairy Sea.The mysterious and powerful Arctic Fairy Sea has always been low-key, but if the disciples of the Arctic Fairy Sea travel to the Northern Wilderness, then the so-called three great immortals should stay away.

"Nine times out of ten! Except for the Arctic Fairy Sea, there shouldn't be such a monk in the Northern Wilderness!" The woman in blue nodded, "This is why I would rather give up five thousand silver-level spirit coins than become enemies with him." reason."

Everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion nodded frequently. If the other party is really from the Arctic Fairy Sea, then although the five thousand spiritual coins are painful, they are still worth it.

The Seven Great Immortal Sects, sending any soul-level cultivator at will can almost sweep the North Wilderness.

You must know that not all sects have a soul-scattering old monster sitting there, and not all sects have a demon cultivator who can kill souls with many heaven-defying treasures.

Therefore, sects like the Arctic Xianhai must not be provoked.

"In this trip, our focus is to defeat the Northern Cold Sect. Naturally, we don't need to make any extra troubles. If we offend a holy spirit, and it may be someone from the Arctic Fairy Sea, then it will be a catastrophe!"

The woman in blue added another sentence, and everyone in Jiangxue Pavilion deeply agreed.

"I don't know if the Pavilion Master, Palace Master Yang and others have already arrived at the Northern Cold Sect, we still have to hurry." The woman in blue said again.

This time, Jiangxue Pavilion mobilized people to come to the Northern Wilderness and Northern Territory, naturally it was for the great competition of the three great immortal sects of the Northern Wilderness.And now it seems that during this trip of the Northern Cold Sect, Jiangxue Pavilion is definitely not a group of people.

The pedestrian, the woman in blue, also speeded up and headed straight for Beihan Xianshan.The magic weapon is vertical and horizontal, and it disappears in an instant.

Almost at this time, Amu also left Qifeng Town and returned to the Northern Cold Sect.

Many masters from Jiangxue Pavilion appeared in the Northern Cold and Northern Territory, how could Amu have no idea.Although Amu has not returned to the Northern Cold Sect in the past 40 years, Amu knows that the Northern Cold Sect's vitality was seriously injured in a great battle 40 years ago.

In the past 40 years, how many monks from the Northern Cold Sect have been promoted?
Not to mention anything else, but just talking about the Jiangxuege team of monks, five masters in the spiritual realm, two of which are at the middle level of the spirit, are enough to compete with the Beihanzong.

However, Amu was not very worried.Because, after all, the Northern Frost Sect still has Qianzang Daoist and two ancestors sitting in charge.

The most important thing is that Amu knows that there is a real Patriarch of Beihan sitting on the North Peak of Beihan Zongzhen, who is the first-level Dzogchen of dispersing souls.Although his main body can't move arbitrarily, but the avatar of middle-level soul cultivation is enough to solve everything.


Qifeng Town is only three or four days away from Beihan Fairy Mountain.

Three days later, Amu was thousands of miles away from the Northern Cold Sect.Here, in the void, you can see the mountains of the North Cold Peak and the Tianzi Peak in the distance.

The sky is purple, and the color moves the north cold!These are the classic words of Feng Tian, ​​a disciple of the Beihan Sect's Sunset Peak.

The eight Beihan veins and the Tianzi vein are indeed the most beloved of the Beihan Sect.

Now Amu is a mid-level Dzogchen monk of the Holy Spirit, and the past 40 years ago is vaguely like a dream.Looking at the purple peaks in the northern cold sky, Amu couldn't help but sigh.

The first ice fairy in Tianzi Peak was indifferent to Amu back then, but she didn't discriminate against Amu when he was not able to raise his roots.Although she wanted to forcibly separate Lishui and Li Ruo, but at the most critical moment, Bing Fairy died to save Amu.

Tianfeng double purple, purple rhyme and purple jade, Yanguan Beihan, all are practice wizards, 20 years into the initial stage of Dzogchen.Back then, Ziyu had a deep affection for Amu and was willing to die for Amu.

Back then, during the Beihan War, Ziyu really blocked Mei Lingfeng's fatal blow for Amu, and died in Amu's arms.

Thinking of Ziyu, Amu looked sad.The Sri Lankan has gone, and it is difficult for Amu to repay this kindness and affection in this life.

Han Bing was also from the Tianzi lineage back then.Amu later learned that since the painstaking son left behind the words "in the future, people who are not in the soul state, I am afraid it will be difficult to get close to him", and with Han Bingyi's temperament, he must not be able to retreat for 40 years.

Not entering the soul state, never entering the world, that is Han Bingyi.

Counting all the peaks in the Northern Cold, Amu owed the most to Tianzi's lineage.This time when he returns to the Northern Cold Sect, Amu will repay Tianzi's lineage generously.

Thinking in his heart, there happened to be a village in front of him, so Amu descended into the void, just because this was the village where Li Ruo lived.

Originally a small village, there were no more than a few dozen households, scattered and irregular.Now, there are more than one hundred households, most of the houses have been refurbished, and the sounds of cattle and sheep come from every household, which is quite rich.

In 40 years, the mortal world is half a lifetime, and there are too many things that can be changed.

Amu did not enter the village, but landed four or five miles outside the village.There is a solitary grave there, and it is Li Ruo's grandfather who is buried there. This place is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and Li Shui personally chose it back then.

Back then, shortly after Li Ruo went up the mountain, Tian Zifeng saw it as an eighth-rank fairy root.It's just that I don't know how her cultivation is today, her grandfather is buried here, no matter from which angle, Amu should come to pay respects.

It's just that this place is different from 40 years ago.

The grave is still the same grave, but it seems that someone repairs and cleans it from time to time.The tombs are surrounded by bluestone fences, which are quite tidy.

The stone tablet in front of the tomb also seemed to have been replaced not long ago, its brilliance was shining, and it was full of aura.Just because it is not an ordinary stone, but a huge spirit stone.

Ten feet away, someone actually built two thatched huts.Reflecting the slight cooking smoke in the distance, Yiyi is picturesque.

Is there someone guarding the tomb here?This was beyond Amu's expectations.

Just at this time, the door of the thatched cottage opened, and a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old walked out.The young man was dressed in a shabby white robe, and he was a bit sloppy, but he still had pretty features.

At this time, the sun was high, but the young man seemed to have just woken up, stretched a big lazy, very uncomfortable.However, the boy's eyes were clear without any trace of color.

"Northern Cold White Robe? Root Cultivation Technique?" Amu couldn't help but smile.

(End of this chapter)

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