nine coffins

Chapter 307 Anger!kill!

Chapter 307 Anger!kill!

"What?" Amu thought he had heard wrong.

"In a while, you go on stage and grab people directly!" Granny Qianhua repeated.

Amu didn't speak this time, but just stared blankly at Granny Qianhua, because she was speechless.

Even though Grandma Qianhua was unfathomable, even though Grandma Qianhua said that she had traveled across the sea, even though Grandma Qianhua had performed many miracles, but Amu never believed that, with the strength of the two of them, they dared to appear at the Fairy Ghost Sect Saintess Conference. , Dare to rob people in the Halloween Palace!

The Immortal Ghost Sect is one of the Seven Great Immortal Sects of the Sea Desolation, and there are countless soul cultivators in the entire All Saints Palace!At the gate of hell, there is still an unfathomable tribulation monk sitting!

"Amu, do you believe in Granny?" Granny Qianhua looked at Amu lovingly and said softly.

"Trust!" Amu didn't hesitate.

After hearing Granny Qianhua's answer and seeing Amu's expression, Granny Qianhua smiled, which seemed quite comforting.

"That's good!" Granny Qianhua looked at the void and said, "In the future, in the Wansheng Palace, the mother-in-law said that she would give you a chance! Let you obey her in everything! Originally, the mother-in-law brought you to snatch the saint of the fairy ghost sect Yes, hey!"

"Huh?" Amu remembered all the jokes her mother-in-law had made before, but now that she thought about it, it was not a joke. Sure enough, her mother-in-law really came to snatch the saint.Compared with this, grabbing Yun's family's Lingbi shop is really a trivial matter.

Grab the saint?There are at least tens of thousands of inheritances in the Immortal Ghost Sect, and probably there has never been such a situation.

"The Immortal Ghost Sect is not benevolent, how can we let it use the name of the saint again to burn charcoal into life? What is it to steal a saint? Wouldn't it be better if the girl was your sister? No, I will kill it!" Granny Qianhua said indifferently. road.

Granny Qianhua's calm tone seemed to have a magical power.Amu's heart suddenly turned cold, her mother-in-law was right.In a fairy sect like the Immortal Ghost Sect, everyone can be punished.

"I have a grudge against the Immortal Ghost Sect!" Amu suddenly said coldly, "The Immortal Ghost Sect killed my fellow sect, and the Fuhunzi slaughtered my entire village!"

"Very good!" Granny Qianhua's voice suddenly turned cold, and she could feel Amu's anger, "Amu, don't worry, the saintess of the Immortal Ghost Sect will take off her veil soon and accept the congratulations of all people, then you will Take action. With your heart, you can kill if you have to. Don't worry, the sky of Haihuang has collapsed, and my mother-in-law will support you!"

Amu didn't say anything, just nodded slightly.

"Yu'er? Yu'er!" At this moment, Amu stared at the red-clothed saint, only these two words were in his mind.

When Grandma Qianhua and Amu communicated with each other, everything on stage was going on.

The red saintess moved lightly with lotus steps, and landed on the stage, and then came the ceremony of the saintess enthroning.

Bless the sky, worship the earth!Pay homage to the ancestors and saintesses of the Immortal Ghost Sect!
In the end, the saint in red took over the scepter from the master of the fairy ghost sect, symbolizing the status and majesty of the saint of the fairy ghost sect.

It was a red scepter, made of unknown material, with a red glow shining brightly.The head of the staff is a crescent moon, with a red gemstone clamped on it, which catches people's eyes.

This staff has a very special meaning to the Immortal Ghost Sect.This staff can only be held by the saint in the saint's ceremony.Usually, they are enshrined in the Immortal and Ghost Hall under Cangwu Tower.

"The No. 20 Seventh Saintess of the Immortal Ghost Sect ascends the throne, and all the people pay homage to them to see their beauty!" The voice of the high-ranking Dzogchen monk of the Immortal Ghost Sect rang out.

This is the climax of the entire Holy Maiden Ceremony.

When the saint ascends the throne, removes her veil, and accepts the congratulations of thousands of people, she is the real saint of the Immortal Ghost Sect.Since then, the portrait of the saint will be spread across the sea, enjoying the incense of thousands of households day and night.

A floating chair that was almost the same as the floating chair of the Immortal Ghost Sect Master appeared in the void, except that instead of two skeletons on the armrests of the floating chair, there were two extremely delicate and strange blood-red flowers.At the same time, the six-color brilliance is now around the floating chair.The flowers in the void seemed to be summoned by some kind of call, and circled around the floating chair endlessly.

The woman in red looked forward with beautiful eyes, holding a scepter, quite majestic, stepping into the void with one step.

Then, she slowly sat up on the floating chair, and at the same time she tapped lightly with one hand, and the veil blessed by the spell gently fell off.

All the saints of the Immortal Ghost Sect were beauties. The moment the red-clothed woman brushed off her veil, all eyes were on her.

White teeth and vermilion lips, icy skin, a sweet smile, and a charming look!
That alluring face made the whole world eclipse.

Especially the quiet eyes, looking down, can make all living beings sink into life and death.

"Immortal sect is eternal, saints are boundless!" Tens of thousands of people shouted congratulations.

The endless power of faith burst out again.It was like rolling every day, and many monks were overshadowed.


At this moment, there was silence in Amu's ears, and nothing could enter his heart.

Amidst the congratulations of the tens of thousands of people, suddenly a dragon roar shook the sky, like a sharp sword soaring into the sky.

A cyan figure rose into the sky and turned into a puff of green smoke, leaving countless phantoms in the void.That was the ultimate state of Amu's body skills.

Grandma Qianhua watched Amu fly out, with relief and admiration in her eyes.

"Amu, you can only break through the realm and transform your soul after you die! Today is your chance. But don't worry, your life is more noble than the gods of the Three Realms in the eyes of the mother-in-law! At the critical moment, the mother-in-law will take action." !"

Originally, when Wanmin came to congratulate, Yu'er was holding a scepter, with a reserved smile on his face, and was about to bless all beings.However, at this moment, the roar of the dragon directly broke everything.

All the great powers on the stage changed their expressions.This was something that should never have happened. The cyan figure came straight to the saint on the stage.

At this moment, apart from the twenty girls in black and white dresses, the closest person to the saint is the high-ranking Holy Spirit Dzogchen presiding over the meeting.

The disciples of the Immortal Ghost Sect are naturally good, and the cultivation base of the high-level Lingsheng Dzogchen is not low.

Amu came straight to the stage, and the high-ranking Dzogchen monk, who was a spiritual saint, reacted quickly, and his half-kneeling figure bounced straight up.And with a shake of one hand, it is a brilliant light.

"Immortal Treasure?" Amuzhen didn't expect that the monk who presided over the meeting must be extraordinary in the Immortal Ghost Sect, otherwise it would be impossible to sacrifice the Immortal Treasure directly.

"Alright! I'll take you to sacrifice the flag!" Amu snorted coldly.

In fact, when Amu rushed to the high platform, he had already ignored life and death.

Although Amu knew that his level of cultivation was very common in the Immortal Ghost Sect, and it was almost impossible to rush up to the high platform to snatch Yu'er, but Amu couldn't just see Yu'er here, but he didn't do anything.

With Amu's personality, I am afraid that without the backing of Granny Qianhua, if he sees Yu'er take off her veil, he will rush to the high platform.

The big deal is to die, otherwise, this life will be difficult!In one's life, one should always do some impossible but crazy things.

Therefore, at this time, Amu's mind is clear and he has no scruples.It's time to settle the grievances between him and the Immortal Ghost Sect.

No mercy, no leeway, only killing thoughts in my heart!In Amudan Sea, there are gentle waves, filled with the power of demon spirits.

When the dragon whistle sounded, Canghai Town's dragon whip was already in hand.A black light rolled out, and Amu didn't even look at what kind of fairy treasure it was.

No matter what it is, it is the treasure of the fairy ghost sect, and Amu has the confidence to fight it.Because the opponent is not a robbery, and this place is not hell.

Sure enough, everything was within Amu's expectations.


The splendor filled the sky, the fragments scattered, and the fairy treasure was directly pulverized by the black rattan.


The black rattan and Amu had the same mind. Although no dragon soul came out of the body at this time, the dragon's roar pierced through the eardrum.

Amu kept moving, and with the power of the black rattan, he pushed towards the high-level Dzogchen of the Holy Spirit.

The high-level Dzogchen of Lingsheng has also been cultivated for thousands of years, and any fairy gate placed outside the seven great fairy gates of Haihuang has become a master of a school.

However, this cultivator faced an enemy he shouldn't have faced.

He thought that Xianbao's attack would be enough to stop the approaching person, even if the opponent was a soul cultivator, he would definitely not be able to approach easily.As long as he stands in the way, the elders with their own souls behind him will make a move.

Or, in fact, the saint herself is by no means a vase, and the middle-level Dzogchen of Sanhun can almost kill the audience in seconds.It's just that this occasion doesn't seem suitable for the saint to make a move.

As long as you block the coming people, it is a great achievement.

However, he was wrong, Amu didn't give him a chance to receive credit.

The black awn rolled over, and the fairy treasure collapsed.The moment he was taken aback, Amu had already arrived.

A black awn fell from the sky, like a long knife splitting a mountain.

Hearing a shrill scream, the black rattan directly split his body in two.With a flash of white light, a spirit wanted to escape, but under the black cane, how could it escape, and directly imprisoned it to disperse it.

Lingsheng high-level Dzogchen, Dao disappears soul!Only between Amu's moves.

"Huh?" Many great powers on the stage were taken aback.Before too many people could react, a wave of soul power radiated from the Immortal Ghost Sect.

An old man of middle-level soul cultivation had already approached Amu. He raised one hand and wanted to go around the black rattan and go straight to the top of Amu's head to catch him.

As expected of a middle-level soul cultivator, his body skills are as fast as lightning, no less than that of Fuhunzi back then, but he still underestimated Amu's methods.

Originally, he thought that he was an intermediate soul cultivator. Although he couldn't see the opponent's cultivation level, he expected that he would never surpass him, but the black glow magic weapon was powerful.

So as long as he radiates the coercion of the soul realm, and then bypasses the black light, it will be fine.

However, Amu snorted coldly.

The coercion of the realm of soul cultivation is basically useless to Amu now.What's more, the other party was only a middle-level soul-cultivator. You must know that Fuhunzi, whose combat power was comparable to that of a high-level soul-cultivator Dzogchen, died in Amu's hands with several fairy treasures on his body.

Amu retreated slightly, and without waiting for the black rattan to turn around, a red glow shot out from the center of his eyebrows.

The fight was caught off guard, and Amu must calm down the audience, so he directly shot the flame of the ancient lamp of the soul of war.

Between the eyebrows, a red light flashed, and a red flame shot out like a blood-colored river.

The middle-level soul cultivator, no matter what, never thought that under the full force of his soul pressure, the green-clothed monk who seemed to be in the spiritual realm would not be affected in the slightest.

Seeing a ray of red light attacking, the middle-level soul cultivator is finally good, responding quickly.A blue light flew out of the storage bag, it was also a fairy treasure, the blue light was bright, like a fairy mirror.

As soon as the fairy mirror came out, it directly stood in front of the mid-level soul cultivator. It turned out that it was a defensive fairy treasure.This fairy treasure is enough to block the blow of the soul cultivator.

However, the light of the ancient lamp of the soul of war was so red that it blazed into the sky.

(Brothers and sisters who read books! In the new year, Shanhe wishes you all the best! I also hope that Shanhe’s novels will bring you a little joy. No matter what? The wind and rain have you! Thank you for your reading and company, and thank everyone who has read this book My friend. 2014 must be a beautiful year.)
(End of this chapter)

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