nine coffins

Chapter 309 Meeting, but strangers!

Chapter 309 Meeting, but strangers!
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In fact, everything in the All Saints Palace is under the divine mind of the black and white priests, and they can clearly see everything just now.However, they remained unmoved until Amu showed his true face.

As long as it is not the high-level Dzogchen of scattered souls, then it doesn't matter who comes.They believed that these matters in the Immortal Ghost Sect did not require the two of them to come forward.

However, the moment Amu revealed his true face, they opened their eyes, and things went beyond their expectations.

"Amu!" The priest in black sneered.

Amu's appearance and name were no secrets to monks in the Scattered Soul Realm of the Immortal Ghost Sect.

Over the past 40 years, with the strength of the Immortal Ghost Sect, naturally they have known many secrets.Wugui, Ninth Elder, Fuhunzi, these people all died in Amu's hands indirectly or directly.

However, Amu was far away in the northern wilderness, and the floating souls were all dead. It seemed that no one could deal with Amu unless they sent scattered souls.But that can't, the Immortal Ghost Sect absolutely dare not violate the prohibition of Ziyou City.

And behind Amu is the Northern Cold Sect, and behind the Northern Cold Sect is the Arctic Fairy Sea, which is deeply scrupled by the Immortal Ghost Sect.

Therefore, the Immortal Ghost Sect has been unable to deal with Amu's affairs.

But no one thought that Amu dared to come to Heishui alone, what's more, he jumped directly onto the high platform, killed two monks of the Immortal Ghost Sect, and called for the saint!

"Yu'er? He knows the saint? Is that the saint's real name?" The priest in white frowned.

"Hmm! Something is a little strange!" The priest in black nodded, "The origin of the saint is suspicious!"

With the cultivation base and mentality of the two of them, it is natural to see that Amu definitely knows the saint at this time, and the saint does not seem to remember Amu in front of her.

Although they are the priests of the Immortal Ghost Sect, the ghost saints are the mountains above their heads.Many things, because they were concerned about their true identities and the secrets inside the Immortal Ghost Sect, the two of them did not dare to ask more questions.For example, regarding the matter of the saint, because of the ghosts like smoke, and because of the mysterious disappearance of the previous saint, the saint has always been a taboo in the Immortal Ghost Sect.

"It seems that the ghost coffin is really going to fall on this Amu's body!" A cold light shot out from the eyes of the priest in white.

"To live!" The black-clothed priest finally said softly.This voice has already directly passed into the ears of the elder of the Immortal Ghost Sect.

And as soon as these words came out, the Great Elder Sick Master also stood up straight, and a stream of light flew out of his hand, heading straight to the back mountain of Netherworld.

Both the sick man and the skull understand, because the inside of the Immortal Ghost Sect speculates based on various signs that they have always thought that the ghost coffin they dreamed of might be in Amu's body, and they must capture Amu alive.

But back then, with Fuhunzi's combat power, he couldn't kill Amu, but was killed by Amu instead.Amu's combat power is definitely far higher than her cultivation base, so it should not be underestimated.

Therefore, the sick master should be cautious and ask for help directly from Nether Mountain, just in case.The moment Amu showed his true face, the Immortal Ghost Sect's Wansheng Palace had already quietly laid down a net, and he even prepared to launch a defensive formation for the entire ghost city.

He is by no means the only scattered soul of the Immortal Ghost Sect, but the sick master is definitely an extremely cautious person.

But even though the sick man and the skeleton both stood up, Amu ignored them.

Amu just looked at Yu'er.

But something happened that shocked and disappointed Amu. Although Amu showed his true face, Yuer looked at Amu with blank eyes, which immediately turned into disdain and coldness, as well as the arrogance of the saintess of the Immortal Ghost Sect.

"Yu'er, don't you remember brother?" Amu instantly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, which was something Amu never thought of. Over the past 40 years, Amu has imagined the scene of reuniting with Yu'er many times, but it definitely does not include treating him as a stranger.

However, Yu'er's eyes at this time are as if they are strangers.

"Brother?" Yu'er sat high on the floating chair, couldn't help but sneered in her heart, she didn't even bother to answer Amu's question.

At this time, in her eyes, Amu was an abnormal monk, a strange monk with a phantom, who killed two monk enemies of the Immortal Ghost Sect, and even recognized himself as his sister.

who is she?She is the mid-level Dzogchen of scattered souls!She is the saint of the Immortal Ghost Sect with thousands of beliefs!How can there be any brother?
It's unbelievable and unreasonable.

"Throw yourself into the trap!" The sick man sneered, and at the same time, he and the skeleton were already standing in a triangle with Amu.

As soon as these four words came out, Amu understood that the Immortal Ghost Sect had already known him as a character.

However, at this time, Amu no longer cared.When he revealed his identity, he was ready.

"Excuse me, my lord saint, do you know this rude monk?" The sick master bowed to Yu'er.

"I grew up in Heishui since I was a child, and I almost never came out of the ghost town. How could I know such a vulgar thing?" Yu'er's voice was as sweet as before, but without the slightest emotion, it was a bit more majestic than a saint.

"The blasphemer of the saint! Die!" The sick master smiled coldly, and the soul-scattering energy in his body had already dissipated.

"The blasphemer of the saint! Die!" As soon as the sick master said this, countless people in the entire Immortal Ghost Sect responded instantly.Especially those mortals in the audience, they didn't see anything, but they didn't have right or wrong in their hearts, they only had the Saintess in their hearts.

If the elders of Shengzong killed him, then kill him!This is right and proper, there is no doubt about it.Shengzong did not need any reason to kill people.

Amu frowned and looked at Yu'er, but at this moment Yu'er didn't seem to want to look at him at all, her eyes were lowered, her slender eyelashes directly covered her eyes.

At this moment, in Yu'er's view, that cultivator can be dismissed with a wave of his hand.However, she disdain to do such a thing.Because she is the Saintess of the Immortal Ghost Sect, someone will naturally do those chores.

"What's going on?" Amu looked at Yu'er, suddenly his heart was cut like a knife!
However, he set his sights on the red mark between Yu'er's eyebrows, which looked like a tear stain.At this time, the imprint suddenly glowed with water, like a person's tears.

Yu'er closed her eyes slightly, and suddenly frowned, as if she felt a little uncomfortable, something touched her.

"Spell seal?" Amu's heart tightened.

That red imprint must be a magic seal, someone used magic to erase or seal Yu'er's memory.Therefore, at this moment, Yu'er didn't know herself at all.

But how did she say that freedom grew up in the black water and never left the ghost town?If the memory is erased and sealed, she cannot have the memory of the past.

"What did your Immortal Ghost Sect do to her?" At this moment, Amu focused his gaze on the sick wife and Skeleton for the first time, and the red and black brilliance in his eyes had already dissipated.

"The Holy Maiden is admired by everyone in my Immortal Ghost Sect! What nonsense are you talking about, you rude monk?" The sick master shouted loudly, and at the same time the breath of soul scattered from his body, he was about to strike.

But at this moment, the third young master Yun who had been watching suddenly spoke.

"Elder, please slow down!"

"Huh?" The sick master was taken aback for a moment, wondering what the third young master Yun meant by speaking at this time.Could it be that he wants to stand up for this demon cultivator, or he has seen the origin of this demon cultivator.

Xianguizong suspected that the ghost coffin was in Amu's body, and they didn't want anyone on Haihuang to know.

"Elder, don't get me wrong!" Young Master Yun smiled, "How can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer! Today is the Ghost Sect Saintess Grand Ceremony, and I don't want to be disturbed by this brat! Gift!"

"Huh?" Hearing this, the sick man's heart skipped a beat, and he exchanged a glance with Skull.

At this moment, wading through the muddy water seemed not the style of the shrewd Yun family.

"This Wang Han and I have some friendship in the secret realm of the desolate soul!" The third son of Yun knew what the sick master was thinking, so he sneered, and at the same time put the word "friendship" very seriously.

"I also invite the Great Elder to send the next one a wish!"

"Oh?" The sick wife immediately understood.

Young Master Yun's character is extremely vicious, and he will take revenge.If this Amu offended him in the original wild soul secret realm, if he didn't take revenge, he would have trouble sleeping and eating.

The fact that Fuhunzi died at the hands of Amu, only the people in the Xiangui Sect Sanhun knew.What exactly is Amu's combat power, the sick master and others have no idea.

In fact, judging from Amu's cultivation base, it would be easy for them to capture Amu, but they knew that they must not look at the realm of such a demon.What's more, just now Amu killed two monks in the flash, and one of them was an intermediate level of soul cultivation, although it was just an ordinary intermediate level of soul cultivation.

At this time, if someone is willing to come forward and test Amu's real cultivation and combat strength, the sick man and the skeleton will naturally wish for it.

It has always been the rule of the two elders of the Immortal Ghost Sect not to do things that they are not sure of. Otherwise, with their cultivation bases, how could they prepare to fight Amu together.

"Third Master Yun, since you said that! Then I will thank you, the humble sect!" The sick master did not refuse.

Young Master Yun thanked the sick wife, then smiled at Wang Hanpi and said: "Brother Wang, you have been away for more than forty years, and you will be fine?"

Amu also sneered, he was extremely disgusted with Mr. Yun.

"Young Master Yun, I'm so excited! You still have time to mind your own business? I don't know if the Black Cloud Flying Shuttle bought with [-] silver-level spirit coins at the Underworld Immortal Fair is useful?" Amu looked at Third Young Master Yun coldly.

"Huh?" Young Master Yun looked at Amu and suddenly understood, "When will it be you?"

"Huh! That's right! Congratulations to Mr. Yun San for being with his wife and breaking the army!" As he spoke, Amu shook his hand, and the black cloud flying shuttle was already in the void.

"Why are you here?" Third Young Master Yun's complexion changed, and his consciousness swept across the magic weapon of storage, but there was no shadow of the black cloud flying shuttle.

In fact, as A Muliao thought, the third son of Yun regretted buying the Heiyun Feishuo and spent [-] spirit coins. In order not to feel sad, he never looked at it again, so he didn’t know that the Heiyun Feishuo had been stolen. Granny Qianhua who bumped into him has long been forgotten.Otherwise, that day, he would never have faced the words of the waiter at the Zuixianlou shop and ignored them.

At this time, he still didn't know that the Spirit Coin Store in Ghost City had spent [-] silver-level spirit coins for no reason.

"That day, you gave it to me!" Amu mocked.

Young Master Yun, he was already furious at this moment, so he didn't think about it any more.

"Elder Feng, kill him!" He gave an order, and the high-level soul cultivator Dzogchen who was sitting next to him, wearing a fourth-grade white cloud robe, came to the field in an instant
(End of this chapter)

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