nine coffins

Chapter 320 The Great Perfection of Flying Heaven Tribulation Realm

Chapter 320 The Great Perfection of Flying Heaven Tribulation Realm

In the Halloween Palace, above the ghost town, it was snowing heavily!

The heavy snow on this day has become a spectacle in the legends of the people of the ghost town of Heishui in the future.Because they have never seen snow before.

Grandma Qianhua squinted her eyes at the goose feather snow, and sighed deeply in her heart, she knew it was the tears of the devil.

At this time, Amu closed his eyes, but tears flowed down his cheeks involuntarily.

"Idiot!" Grandma Qianhua shook her head and said nothing more.

But at this time, Wen Muran and Xiao Luo outside the arena looked at the heavy snow, but their expressions were a little dignified.

"The Devil's Tears!" Wen Muran also knew about the Devil's Tears, but he didn't understand why it was Amu's sorrow that turned into snow.

"Is Amu a real demon?" Wen Muran had a doubt in his heart.

"He's not a real devil!" Xiao Luo seemed to know that there must be doubts in Wen Muran's heart, and his tone was firm.A strange brilliance flashed across his pale face. At this moment, in fact, Xiao Luo was the one who could perceive Amu's sadness the most.

No matter whether Xiao Luo recognizes Amu's demon body or not, he can best perceive Amu's sorrow, the deep sorrow.

The magic is interlinked!
Amu's tears flew wantonly, turning into heavy snow all over the sky.

But at this time, on Amu's Tsing Yi, the magic flame rose again.

The thick black magic flame swayed strangely in the heavy snow.The devilish energy in the entire All Saints Palace began to rise continuously.

Amu closed his eyes, and in his mind, all the bits and pieces of Liu Zhen's twelve years passed by.

"Brother, drink some water!" The girl in red was standing behind Amu, holding a celadon teapot.

"Brother, I see that Dad is holding that black cane again, and his face is gloomy." Yu'er pouted and glanced at the direction of the backyard, then whispered.

"Brother, I also always persuaded my father not to beat you, but he never listened!" Yu'er was always indignant about Wang Jue's beating of A Mu back then.

"Brother, are you alright? I'd better rub some potion on you!" Every time Amu was beaten, Yu'er would pucker her mouth, wanting to cry.

Yu'er has always thought that she loves her brother the most and her father the worst.

Liu Zhen, Master, Yu'er, blue bricks, gray tiles, lights...

Time is irreversible, and everything cannot go back.

At the beginning, all the villagers in Liuzhen were killed, and Liuzhen turned into a ghost town. Amu thought that at least there were still Master and Yu'er.When the master may cross the boundary and disappear without a trace, Amu thinks there is still Yu'er to look forward to.

But today I finally saw Yu'er, and Yu'er regarded herself as a stranger.

Forget the past events of three lives and three generations, and cut off the love of this life and the next life.Human beings are no longer human beings, and hearts are no longer minds!

Amu's last expectation turned into disappointment.

On this day, Amu felt that his 12 years in Liuzhen, the most beautiful time, passed away with the wind and would never come back.

Perhaps the most unbearable thing in life is to be ignored by your loved ones.

At this time, fond memories and endless sorrow completely occupied Amu.At the same time, a door suddenly appeared in Amu's mind.

The door gradually became clear.The gate of the soul realm!
However, at this moment of heavy snow, the door of the soul realm opened wide.

Suddenly, a black shadow poured down from the top of the Nether Mountain behind the Wansheng Palace.

At this time, the night has fallen, and the snow is flying.But that black shadow flew across the sky like an ink rainbow, leaving behind countless afterimages.

At the same time, the powerful coercion spread out, causing the heavy snow in the void to stagnate.At this moment, everything stands still.

It was an extremely majestic and strange power, exactly the same as the power when Granny Qianhua appeared just now.

That's the power of a cultivator in the Tribulation Realm!
In the void, suddenly appeared a big hand covering the sky.Five fingers like a mountain, covering the dome, went straight to Amu to press down.The endless tribulation force caused the heavy snow in the entire void to suddenly spread outwards, forming snow waves several feet high.

However, at this time, Amu has forgotten both things and me, and just wanders outside the gate of the soul realm.

"Heishui Jiexiu?" Granny Qianhua was standing beside Amu, how could she let him succeed.

Goodbye to Granny Qianhua, the red robe was billowing, and the same mighty aura spread out.

Soaring into the sky, Granny Qianhua raised one hand, and her skinny palm, with strength like the sea, directly met the big hand in the void.


Two hands, not fully touching.The air currents driven by them have already collided.

This is a tough palm.The air waves all over the sky, like the sea and the tide, advance and spread out layer by layer.

That is the aftermath of the power of calamity!Many monks outside the field were directly blown away by that force.That is a power that monks below the soul level cannot resist.

The residual light is gone!

Granny Qianhua stood peacefully in the void, her red robe billowing.Goodbye to the figure pouring down from the top of Nether Mountain, it flew back several tens of feet and stood in the void.

It was a monk wrapped in black robes and wearing a black hat.There was an extremely powerful gloomy aura emanating from the monk.

As soon as the man in black robe appeared, the whole square was stunned.

Just now, everyone has seen how powerful Granny Qianhua is.And this black-robed man who appeared suddenly was able to slap Granny Qianhua.

Although, judging from the scene, Granny Qianhua had the upper hand, but this black-robed man was no longer simple.

You know, Granny Qianhua is a master who can kill high-level scattered souls or even Dzogchen with just a raise of her hand.

As soon as the black-robed man appeared, the black and white priests looked at each other, and there was a flash of surprise in each of their eyes, but it was fleeting.Wen Muran outside the arena had a sneer on his face.

"Master Guisheng!" Granny Qianhua looked at the man in black and sneered.The Ghost Sage of the Immortal Ghost Sect is the only Black Water Tribulation Cultivator in her memory.

However, Granny Qianhua didn't pay much attention to the cultivation of ghost saints.Don't look at Gui Sheng's slap with her just now, it's because Grandma Qian Hua has no intention of killing him yet.Otherwise, under one palm, the ghost saint is definitely not an opponent.

Master Ghost Saint?

Grandma Qianhua didn't feel anything about Ghost Saint, but this sound was enough to stir up waves.

Ghost saint?It was a legendary existence in the Sea Desolate Divine State.

In Sea Desolate China, almost no one knows whether the ghost saint is a man or a woman, let alone where the ghost saint is!The ghost saint has been famous in China for thousands of years, and the story of him fighting seven scattered soul monks alone has been circulating in China, and none of them survived.

Fighting against seven scattered souls alone, what kind of concept is that?
The Ghost Sage is really in the Immortal Ghost Sect, and he actually showed up today, which opened the eyes of countless monks.It's a pity that the Ghost Sage was still dressed in a black robe and a bamboo hat, completely concealing his true face.

"Where is the demon? Fabricate stories, confuse people with demonic words, and humiliate the two generations of saintesses of my Immortal Ghost Sect!" The ghost saint's voice is very special, hoarse and unpleasant, as if it didn't come from his mouth.

"Fabulous or not, you know it in your heart! Don't ask my mother-in-law where I come from. Today, I will definitely take this girl away!" Granny Qianhua looked at the black water ghost saint.

"Haha!" The bamboo hat on Gui Sheng's head trembled slightly, "Idiots are talking about dreams! Do you think that my Immortal Ghost Sect comes and leaves whenever you want? Take my sect's saint, have you asked the old man?"

"I didn't intend to ask!" Grandma Qianhua said disdainfully, "A Jiexiu who is in the upper realm of Fengjie is not in the eyes of Grandma!"

The robbery of the upper realm of the wind robbery?
The cultivators above soul cultivation were all shocked.The sixth level of the three realms of cultivation, spirit, and soul is the lifelong pursuit of ordinary monks in the sea.The soul-scattering man is the peak and fairy-like existence in the eyes of ordinary monks.

Many monks have never known that there is a realm of catastrophe all their lives, thinking that the realm of scattered souls has come to an end.Indeed, the soul disperser really stood on the top of the sea.However, it is undeniable that there is a robbery above the deserted sea.

Although they are rare, they are an iconic existence.

The high-level Dzogchen of scattered souls has to experience the three disasters of water, fire, and wind, and then enter the sea of ​​yin and yang, suffer the fire of reincarnation, escape from death for a lifetime, and finally fly into the sky and transform into an immortal.Therefore, monks in the Tribulation Realm are divided into Water Tribulation Realm, Fire Tribulation Realm, Wind Tribulation Realm, Yin Yang Realm, and Flying Sky Realm.

The five realms of robbery and repair are divided into upper and lower realms.

Even among the cultivators in the Tribulation Realm, the robber cultivators in the upper realm of Fengjie are not uncommon, not to mention that in the sea desert Shenzhou Realm, the scattered soul is the pinnacle?
However, this kind of cultivation was said by Granny Qianhua as not in her eyes.

How tall is Grandma Qianhua?
Everyone was amazed at Granny Qianhua's words, but Ghost Sage didn't argue at all.

"Your realm is high!" Gui Sheng's voice did not fluctuate too much, but calmly said in a strange voice, "But, don't forget, this is the sea and desert Shenzhou realm, above the seven immortal gates, there are The holy city of Ziyou, the arbiter of the sea wasteland! After the Taihuang and Huanhua chaos, the monks who scattered souls had to guard their own lands and were not allowed to cross domains. The monks in the robbery realm must be content with their cultivation! And you, a big Consummated, you can be called a sub-immortal, but you actually walk in the wilderness, maintain your own cultivation, and be lawless. Aren't you afraid that the holy city Ziyou will send down the wrath of thunder?"

Flying Tribulation Realm Great Perfection?Yaxian?Most of the people present didn't know what Yaxian was.

Xiao Luo couldn't help looking at Wen Muran.

Wen Mu ran a wry smile, and said: "It is said that above the Tribulation Realm is the Immortal Realm, and Yaxian is the Great Perfection of the Flying Heaven Tribulation Realm, with a half-step immortal cultivation! Unexpectedly, on the sea wasteland, apart from Ziyou, There is such a great power?"

What is the origin of this Qianhua mother-in-law?Wen Muran has been pondering in his heart.

"Hahaha——" After hearing the ghost saint's words, Granny Qianhua suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, the laughter was even a little crazy.

Grandma Qianhua's laughter echoed throughout the ghost town.

"Black Water Ghost Saint! Mother-in-law, I originally thought that you have already completed kalpa cultivation, practice is not easy, and I want to save your life! But you are so arrogant here! What are you talking about, the Arbiter of the Sea Desolation, Ziyou City? What is the wrath of thunder? Tell you, In your eyes, Ziyou City is a holy city! In the eyes of your mother-in-law, it’s not even bullshit! Using Ziyou City to suppress people, you violated the taboo of your mother-in-law. Today, your mother-in-law will kill you, let’s see what Ziyou City can do? "

Granny Qianhua's tone was quite sharp, and the red robe was already swaying like the wind.

The monks present, whether they belonged to the Seven Great Immortal Sects of the Sea Desolation or casual cultivators, were already shocked after hearing Granny Qianhua's words, even Wen Muran from the Taihuang Sect was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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