nine coffins

Chapter 328 Heavenly Goddess Technique, Reproduce the Desolation!

Chapter 328 Heavenly Goddess Technique, Reproduce the Desolation!
The Nether Mountain collapsed, and the Black Water River dried up!

The resolute voice of the head of the Immortal Ghost Sect instantly detonated the entire Immortal Ghost Sect, the ghost town, the sanctuary and even the entire Black Water.Such a statement wiped away the slump of the Immortal Ghost Sect just now, and even some resentment towards the suzerain just now.

Especially at this time, the aura emanating from the head of the Immortal Ghost Sect was extremely shocking.That seems to have surpassed the cultivation level that monks in the upper realm of Yin-Yang Tribulation should have.

No one knows what kind of power that is!
The ghostly screams of "Jie Jie" rose one after another, soaring into the sky.

Hearing this ghostly cry, Amu's brows suddenly frowned, and Wen Muran's brows also raised.The ghost scream seemed too shrill.

At this time, although the majesty of the Immortal Ghost Sect was astounding, the Qianhua Granny and Qingmozi who stood on the left and right sides of Amu all showed murderous intent in their eyes.

"How about the thousand flowers? How about the green demon? Even if the celestial girl comes to this world, and the magic man reappears, our Immortal Ghost Sect will not be afraid!" The words of the Immortal Ghost Sect master violated the biggest taboo of the two.

The corner of Qing Mozi's mouth curled up, and the faint smile did not disappear at all.But there was a trace of waves flashing in those calm and bottomless eyes.

"Thousands of years later, has anyone forgotten the power of Mo Lang? Such a brash speech!" Qing Mozi looked up at the void, with infinite compassion in his eyes.

"Even the venerable, you have to surrender to Mo Lang!" Qing Mozi looked at the Sect Master of the Immortal Ghost Sect again, with a green light in his eyes, "Because there are demons in demons!"

As he said that, he saw Qing Mozi gently swipe his hands in the void, turning them into circles, that posture was extremely beautiful.Following his gesture, an unknown amount of power was stirred up by the green demon between heaven and earth.

The sky above the entire ghost city was covered with endless black mist and blood-colored runes, but on the body of Qingmozi, a blue vortex gradually appeared, just like a horn, soaring upwards.

That is also a different kind of power.

Suddenly, above the dark ghost town, snow fell all over the sky again.

It's just that this time it's not the tears of the devil, but the vision caused by the magic of the blue devil.

In the cyan vortex, countless heavy snow rolled up.The snow was not as soft as goose feathers, but bitter and chilling.

Widely open and close, the power of the green devil's technique spreads out across the sky.It wasn't pure tribulation power, the green light intertwined with the heavy snow.

The night of the entire ghost town has become extremely strange.

Darkness, blood talisman, snow color, green glow, there is a kind of murderous and deathly blur in the night.

Amu looked at the cyan glow emanating from the green devil's body, which was somewhat similar to the technique of the Northern Cold Sect Master Qianzang back then.

The ghost saint looked at the magic technique of the green devil, but was secretly surprised in his heart, because the magic technique of the green devil was very similar to the fairy magic in the legend.However, Ghost Sage can only look at the ocean and sigh, as he knows too little about fairy art.

At this time, the green devil rose into the sky, and the green glow on the Shuiyun Taoist robe was shining brightly.A seal method was formed in the hands of the green devil.

"Devil's Snow Silence!" Qing Mozi shouted softly.

Goodbye, high above the sky, the green lights gather like a sea, and the sky is full of snowflakes, rushing down like a river pouring down, towards the master of the fairy ghost sect!

Qingmozi chooses the master of the fairy and ghost sect, so Granny Qianhua will naturally fight against the ghost saint again.

Only this time, Granny Qianhua didn't directly sacrifice the heaven and earth black and yellow basket, but hung it above her head.The seven-color brilliance completely covered Grandma Qianhua in it.

"Underestimate the Heavenly Maiden!" Granny Qianhua sneered, "Immortal Ghost Sect, have you forgotten the lessons learned from the Taihuang Sect? In this case, I will let you all experience the divine arts of the Heavenly Maiden!"

After all, Granny Qianhua's complexion turned cold suddenly, and her hands suddenly formed a seal quickly. It was a very strange seal formula.Following Granny Qianhua's technique, streaks of purple light began to condense in Granny Qianhua's hands.

Wen Muran, who had been observing the battle in the distance and waiting for an opportunity to escape, saw Qianhua's attack, and his face changed suddenly: "Goddess technique?"

In the entire Sea Desolate China, no one knows the magic and horror of the Celestial Girl Huanhua better than the people of Taihuang Sect.All the techniques of the Celestial Maiden Huanhua did not come from the Sea Desolate Divine State Realm.

Even now, no one knows where Huanhua learned those spells.It's just that those techniques are full of strange murderous aura.

Grandma Qianhua completed her seal formation, her right hand made a move towards the air, and she spit out Jieli.

A purple flower bud glowing with brilliance is now in the hands of Granny Qianhua.

"Bloom!" Granny Qianhua shouted.

Goodbye to that purple flower, which is in full bloom layer by layer, and the purple brilliance is on display.

In the night of the ghost town, amidst the heavy snow, the purple flowers look even more ghostly and bewitching.

The charm of phantom flowers!

At this time, several exclamations came from the foot of Nether Mountain.All the soul-dispersing powerhouses recognized or guessed this spell, and they were speechless at this moment.

Even a cultivator like Ghost Saint was shocked beyond measure.

Goddess magic, reappearing the deserted sea!
Except for Wen Muran, everyone was thinking, what is the origin of this Qianhua mother-in-law?How can the Goddess spell?
1 years ago, the charm of phantom flowers spread across the five regions of sea and desert.Goddess magic, I don't know how many undead in China are buried.

The children of the Sea Desolation dare not cry at night when they hear the name of the Heavenly Maiden.The Divine Cultivator suddenly changed his face when he heard the name of the phantom flower.

The celestial maiden fantasy flower has suppressed the sea for nearly 3000 years!There are countless killings, it can be said that the sky is angry and the people are complaining, and the sea is looking sideways, but until the appearance of Mo Lang, no one can compete with him.

The Charm of Magical Flowers, one of the magic arts of the Goddess, is powerful in the sea.

It is said that the charm of the magic flower is a strange species in the three realms, but it is not a thing of the sea and the desert, but a flower of the demon world, the number one illusion spirit flower in the three realms.It is divided into seven colors: white, black, blue, red, blue, purple, and yellow, with white magic being the most powerful.

As long as you have a flaw in your mind, you will definitely fall into this illusion!Even if it is a fairy Buddha, there is no way to escape.

At this time, although Granny Qianhua only cast purple petals, she was expected to be invincible above the deserted sea.

Immortals and Buddhas are all cultivated by humans, and devils are all humanized.

As long as you have a heart, who can have no regrets?Who can escape their own questioning of the soul?

But the most important thing is not the power of the Charm of Huanhua, but the meaning it represents.

Even the ghost saint almost lost the courage to resist at this time, let alone other things.

The charm of the magic flower, that is the symbol of the goddess!Don't listen to the enraged head of the Immortal Ghost Sect just now, who said, "Even if the heavenly girl comes to this world and the magic man reappears, our Immortal Ghost Sect will not be afraid."

If, at this time, the celestial maiden Huan Hua really came, and Mo Lang really came from the sky, it is estimated that there will be no bloodshed directly, and the sea will surrender!Not to mention the mere Black Narcissus Ghost Sect?

At this time, the charm of the phantom flower blooms leisurely.

Granny Qianhua shook her hand.That purple flower flew into the void.In an instant, one turns into ten, ten turns into one hundred, one hundred turns into one thousand, one thousand turns into billions!

The purple flowers are all over the sky, and the strange fragrance is wafting!
The whole ghost town is like a dream!
This night in Heishui Ghost City is destined to be recorded in the history of Haihuang Shenzhou!That night, the sea was shaken, and many great powers came in person.In the meeting of wind and cloud, this night is definitely no longer ordinary!

At this moment, heavy sighs came from the sky above the ghost town.The auras of robbery and cultivation that had just arisen from the deserted sea just now were already hidden in the clouds above the black water.

However, those mighty figures don't want to be involved in this battle.Especially the appearance of Qing Mozi, the number one evildoer in the sea wasteland, and that Qianhua mother-in-law even displayed the Goddess spell.

This kind of battle, even if it is a great power in the robbery realm, it will be daunting.They only hope to get a little insight, and now some people regret it.

Goddess of God, come to the sea again!When they arrived just now, although they had made up their minds, they still had a little bit of luck.

But at this time, the battle has reached this point.The Ziyou Holy City will definitely not sit idly by.The Ziyou ban, above scattered souls, cannot cross domains.As Qing Mozi said, they are afraid of the thunderous wrath of Ziyou City.

However, these powerful figures were immediately attracted by the fighting off the court.After all, the battle of robbery is rare in ten thousand years.If you get a little insight, it will be the fury of thunder from Ziyou City, as long as you don't die, you will gain a lot.

The green devil's technique does not change his expression, but he is as immortal as a demon.However, the head of the Immortal Ghost Sect was full of fighting spirit when he saw it.


Black cloak, hunting and curling.

The master of the Immortal Ghost Sect formed a spell in his hands, and the faint death energy gradually dispersed.The whole ghost town seems to be offering him great power.

Using the ghost city as a battle is the greatest advantage of the lord of the Immortal Ghost Sect, and it can also make up for his lack of realm, because this ghost city has the blessing of the ancient ghost master.

A thick black mist surged under the feet of the Sect Master of the Immortal Ghost Sect. The Sect Master of the Immortal Ghost Sect stepped on the black cloud, and the spells in his hands kept condensing.

Suddenly, Void grabbed it, and a black spear was already in his hand.

The spear is one zhang and three chi long, the whole body is black, and its brilliance flows, it is unknown what made it.Drinking blood from the spearhead, a little red star is like piercing people's hearts.On the spear body, countless patterns and fine lines are engraved, which resemble animal shapes, such as runes, and are colorful in antiquity.

As soon as the spear was released, the aura it emitted was extremely distant, simple and vicissitudes.

It is another ancient heavenly treasure, but this treasure seems to be extremely special, even better than the Book of Life and Death of the Immortal Ghost Sect and Grandma Qianhua's Tiandi Xuanhuang Basket.

That distant atmosphere of vicissitudes is somewhat similar to Amu's ancient lamp of war spirit.It's just a ghost and a god, belonging to two realms.

With the spear in hand, the master of the Immortal Ghost Sect was majestic and murderous.At this time, the magic technique of the green devil was descending from the sky.

Qingmang heavy snow, like a giant dragon, like the Milky Way!Such power is almost unstoppable.

(End of this chapter)

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