nine coffins

Chapter 331 The Mist of Shura

Chapter 331 The Mist of Shura
Qing Mozi, using the magic man's immortal art Xuan Qing Yin, almost swept away the fairy ghost sect, and the nether world trembled.

However, finally, a zither sound from the dark back mountain aroused the brilliance of black water patterns, blocking the green brilliance that dispersed everything.Otherwise, maybe the Nether Mountain will really collapse.

At the same time, a man's singing sounded, low and sad.

"On the way to Huangquan, the flowers on the other side bloom, and I will never see you again, and I will never forget it forever. But there is a bridge, on the Sansheng Stone, and the river of forgetfulness is flowing, how can it not stop?"

The singing contains the sadness of days and nights, the rotation of the stars, and the year-by-year, eternal yearning.

At this moment, the ups and downs of Nether Mountain were once again silent.

The entire Immortal Ghost Sect knew of Meng Hun's existence, but only a handful of people, the black and white priests, Yu'er, Ghost Sage, Immortal Ghost Sect master, let alone other monks from the Sea Desolation.

No one would have imagined that at this time, during the Great Tribulation Cultivation War, the Immortal Ghost Sect was in danger, and yet there was such a great power sitting behind the Nether Mountain as before.

Until the sound of the piano, the spell of the green devil was instantly broken.Everyone knows that on Nether Mountain, there is also a hidden and powerful man from the Immortal Ghost Sect.

The background of the three major tribulations, immortals and ghosts, surprised everyone.This kind of strength seems to be beyond the reach of the Eastern family.

After all, I haven't heard that the Dongfang family has three Jiexiu.However, such robbery repairs may only appear at the last critical moment.

"My friend, you've gone too far!" Meng Hun's voice came, the tone was almost as flat as Qing Mozi's, but it definitely contained murderous intent.

"The Nether Mountain fell, and the Blackwater River dried up? Don't say that the Nether Mountain collapsed, it just disturbed the peace of hell, and he should be killed!" Meng Hun's voice echoed up and down the Nether Mountain, but he did not show up.

"Oh?" Green Devil smiled, his technique was broken, but he didn't care.

"Flying Tribulation Realm Great Perfection! Can you kill me?" Qing Mozi looked in the direction of the Nether Back Mountain.

"My cultivation is not as good as yours! But that doesn't mean I can't kill you, or die together!" Meng Hun's tone was neither humble nor overbearing.

Qing Mozi was taken aback when he heard this, and then smiled. He really didn't think that there would be such a person in the Immortal Ghost Sect.

Green Devil didn't argue at all.Even though he possesses magic magic skills, he has absolute confidence to kill any monk on the sea wasteland.

But killing Meng Hun was not the purpose of Qing Mozi. He wanted the Nether Mountain to fall, just to deter him.Even, what he wants to shock is not the monks on the sea wasteland, but the special characters in the clouds.

"Senior, the person behind the Nether Mountain is my friend! He is not a disciple of the Immortal Ghost Sect! We will not move the Nether Mountain!" Amu took the opportunity to say hurriedly.

When two tigers fight each other, there is bound to be an injury, and once it really touches hell, Amu believes that Meng Hun will definitely die.The battle between Qing Mozi and Meng Hun was definitely not what Amu wanted.

"Oh?" After hearing what Amu said, Qing Mozi was taken aback, as if he hadn't expected it at all.

Amu's friend?Not a disciple of Immortal Ghost Sect?This is all a bit unbelievable.

However, the green devil didn't ask anything, but immediately nodded: "Yes! The green devil understands."

Qing Mozi, the number one evildoer in the sea wasteland, is probably also the number one devil servant in the sea wasteland.Amu's request is everything.Qing Mozi didn't even need an explanation, because Amu said he was a friend.Then no matter how high or low the realm is, the Green Devil will never attack Meng Hun again.

"Wang Han! Thank you!" Meng Hun didn't say anything, everything was kept silent.He knew that when he let Amu go that day, today was Amu's reward for him.It's just that he really didn't expect that Amu would come back from hell alive and make trouble in the Immortal Ghost Sect, and Yu'er was actually his sister.

"Meng Hun, help me!" At this moment, the suppressed Immortal Ghost Sect Master suddenly said.

At this time, the two major tribulation cultivators of the Immortal Ghost Sect were at a disadvantage against Qing Mozi and Qianhua Granny, but if Meng Hun made a move at this time, they could turn the tables in an instant.

Everyone was shocked when they heard that the head of the Immortal Ghost Sect invited him.Especially the word "Meng Hun" changed the countenance of many people.

There may not be many people who know about Moqin and Menghun, but they are basically above the clouds.

"It's him!" Green Devil was also slightly surprised.

"I'm not a disciple of the Immortal Ghost Sect, and I'm not in the book of life and death, why should I help you?" Meng Hun's voice could not be called cold, but it didn't seem to have much emotion either.

The head of the Immortal Ghost Sect seemed to be speechless for a while after hearing this.He should have known Meng Hun's character in the first place, but the request just now was really meaningless.

"Meng Hun, are you going to die without saving him?" At this moment, the ghost saint suddenly said angrily.

"What right do you have to talk to me! You know I've always wanted to kill you!" Meng Hun's icy voice came, and the murderous intent in it was even stronger than just now.

"That friend, if you kill Ghost Saint, thank you very much!" Obviously, Meng Hun's words were meant for Qing Mozi, but Qing Mozi didn't know what to say for a while.

Demon Qin Menghun, the son of ghosts like smoke, but some secrets may only be known by the people of the Immortal Ghost Sect.

This time, everyone present was dumbfounded!I don't know what's going on.Only the black and white priests sighed helplessly.

But at this moment, Hong Yi Yu'er bit her lip, and suddenly wanted to cry, looking at the back mountain of Netherworld.

"Brother, if mother is alive, she won't agree with you!" Yu'er said suddenly.

Yu'er's voice was very soft, almost like talking to herself, but everyone around could hear it clearly.

The black and white priests looked at each other. This time, even they almost thought they heard it wrong!The saint called Meng Hun her elder brother, and the black and white priest instantly thought of a possibility, but it was too unimaginable.

"Brother?" At this moment, it was Amu who couldn't stand Yu'er's words the most.

From the moment he saw Yu'er, Amu wished so much that Yu'er could call him "brother".However, Yu'er didn't know him at all. At this time, Yu'er called Meng Hun his elder brother.

"Yu'er..." Amu called out, and then felt like a stick in his throat.

For the first time, Amu felt Yu'er's strangeness.Is that really Feather?
Even when Granny Qianhua told him that Yu'er was no longer human and her heart was no longer her heart, Amu didn't feel that way.Even when Yu'er wanted to put Amu to death, Amu didn't feel that way when he cast murderous gazes over and over again.

But now, Amu felt Yu'er's strangeness.In that body was not Yu'er's soul at all.

"Did you hear that? I have a brother, but it's not you! One day, I will kill you! To avenge the Immortal Ghost Sect!" Yu'er's eyes were ghostly, and she stared at Amu with endless hatred.The staff in his hand pointed directly at Amu, which was an incomprehensible hatred.


With Yu'er's words, Amu couldn't bear the pain of being a stranger anymore, and spat out a mouthful of blood again.Yu'er's appearance made people heartbroken.

Granny Qianhua looked at Amu lovingly, but hesitated to speak.Qing Mozi looked at Yu'er, and there was a ray of murderous intent in his eyes.

"Meng Hun, did you hear what she said?" The hoarse voice of the Immortal Ghost Sect master sounded again, it was an extremely piercing noise.

When the head of the Immortal Ghost Sect asked, there was silence behind Nether Mountain.

Half an hour!

Meng Hun's voice came slowly, but those words were addressed to Yu'er.

"Mother is alive, so of course she won't agree! But, mother... is dead, and you are also... dead..." Meng Hun seemed to have exhausted all his strength to finish the sentence.

"Wang Han! She is your sister, not... mine! Don't be sad!"

After finishing the last sentence, Meng Hun didn't have the strength to continue.After listening to Youming Mountain, suddenly, there was a loud roar!
The sound cracked and traveled through the clouds, reaching Jiuxiao, and the robbers in the clouds frowned.It was a vent after the extreme depression of Flying Tribulation Realm Dzogchen.


Behind Youming Mountain, a great power of robbery and cultivation came.

Goodbye, at the foot of Nether Mountain, the ground trembled and cracked.Countless black stone pillars, like ground thorns, surged out.Then it grew wildly, and it became towering in an instant.

"What a powerful technique!" Green Devil praised secretly, because it was a fairy technique.

Those black stone pillars almost towered into the sky in the end, without a roof, and surrounded the Nether Mountain even more, and black fog surged up, covering the sky and covering the earth.

In an instant, the entire Nether Mountain was shrouded in thick fog, and it was so dark that half of the mountain was no longer visible.

That feeling was exactly the same as the thick fog outside Zhenbei Peak in the north of Beihan.

"Mist of Shura!"

Although Qing Mozi's eyes were blank, he took a breath of cold air in his heart.Meng Hun can actually perform such an immortal technique, so maybe the words of the same death just now are not an exaggeration.

Behind the Nether Mountain, Meng Hun was still dressed in black, with his long hair loose, sitting peacefully on top of the black stone at the gate of hell.In his arms is still the ancient and colorful Changqin.

Moqin Menghun actually sealed the entire Nether Mountain with his own strength.At the same time, he also completely sealed himself in this world, and never cared about any right and wrong of the Immortal Ghost Sect.

Love it or hate it!
Meng Hun was not originally a member of the Immortal Ghost Sect, so he didn't want to see the matter of the Immortal Ghost Sect again!Preserving Nether Mountain is an explanation to mother!
The boundless past is blowing away with the wind, and he has nothing to do with the Immortal Ghost Sect.Neither the black-robed suzerain nor the red-clothed Yu'er could compare to his mother, who was as ghostly as smoke.

Meng Hun, the magic qin, played the qin and sang, a tear slid across his cheek, and slid through 9000 years.

(End of this chapter)

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