nine coffins

Chapter 338

Chapter 338
The ghost city is empty, and the purple sacred flag is shining brightly, like a round of purple sun in the night.

The shadow of the Ziyou flag can sweep across the sea and wasteland, dare not to follow!What's more, the person who came to Haihuang today is the real deity of Ziyou Shengqi.

For tens of thousands of years, probably only Qing Mozi, the number one monster in the sea, dared to say that the Ziyou Saint Banner is a broken flag.I don't know how many immortal lives will be lost by shaking this broken flag?

As the envoy of Ziyou City, how could Zhan Long and Jin Feng endure what Qing Mozi said?
At this time, the ghost city was empty, and almost half of the top monks from the Sea Desolate Divine State Realm gathered.If Zhan Long and Jin Feng swallowed this breath, what would be the face of Ziyou City?
Jin Feng raised his eyebrows, and a phoenix cry pierced the night sky again.Her natal magic weapon, the black wings of the phoenix, flew out directly.

In the void, under the purple awns of the Purple Serenity Sacred Banner, a huge black phoenix, with its head held high and its wings stretched out, stretched several tens of feet.Black Phoenix, that is the ultimate form of Black Wing, and also the Dharma of the Phoenix Clan.

Standing under the black phoenix, Jin Feng, the envoy of the Holy Spirit, is glamorous and glamorous. On the fragrant shoulders of her naked body, black ribbons are flying and fluttering, full of murderous aura.

The current holy envoy of the four clans of dragon, fly and phoenix dance, the only female cultivator is Jin Feng.

Back then, Jin Fenggang ascended the position of Holy Envoy.Taihuangmen challenged Ziyou City. Before the phantom flowers came out, it was the envoys of Jin Feng and Wu's clan who came to Haihuang. There are many powerful monks.

Although in that battle, I don't know what method Taihuangmen used to kill the seven robbers of Ziyou City, Jin Feng also almost died, and finally ended in the defeat of Ziyou City, but Taihuangmen also paid a lot. the price.Back then, Lucun Xingjun of the Taihuang Sect, whose cultivation was at the upper level of Huojie, died under her black wings.

Black Wing Jin Feng, cold and ruthless, has spread throughout the sea.It can be said that besides the celestial girl Huanhua, the most famous female cultivator in Ziyou City above the sea is Black Wing Jinfeng.

Now, Jin Feng has ascended to the realm of sub-celestial beings, which is naturally better than before.

at the same time.

The dragon sage envoy Zhanlong, his red robe fluttering, a huge blood-red dragon shadow, howling for nine days, directly coiled under the light of the Ziyou holy banner.

The dragon's eyes are like lamps, the dragon's horns are like swords, and the blood-red dragon scales are like thousands of red stars.The teeth and claws are lifelike.That majestic momentum is unrivaled.

This is exactly the Dharma appearance of the Dragon Sacred Envoy.

Goodbye, Zhanlong grasped the void with both hands, and a red light suddenly appeared.A blood-red long-handled war knife gradually solidified in his hand.The blood-colored long knife, with a bright red glow, was cold and murderous.

On the hilt of the knife, there is actually an oolong coiled up, which is exactly the same as the oolong on Zhanlong's red robe.

It was the first time for the holy envoy of the Dragon Clan to visit Haihuang. Except for special characters like Qing Mozi, almost no one had heard of his name on Haihuang.

However, Granny Qianhua knew very well that Zhan Long was definitely above Jin Feng in terms of combat power.That blood-red long knife, named Blood Dragon Drink, can break through the void barrier with one knife, and its power is invincible.Like Jin Feng's black wings, it is a well-known ancient Tianbao in Ziyou City.

Under Ziyousheng's banner, one left and one right, the dragon and the phoenix mirror each other, majestic and majestic.All monks in the sea are admired. With such power, perhaps without fighting, countless monks in the sea can bow down and submit.

"Their combat power is far superior to the ghost sage and suzerain of the Immortal Ghost Sect!" Granny Qianhua reminded Qing Mozi that no one knew the power of the Ziyou Holy Envoy better than her.

Saying that, the heaven and earth black and yellow basket in Granny Qianhua's hand was already in her hand.

This ancient heavenly treasure obtained from a celestial maiden is extremely mysterious.Even Granny Qianhua can't do her best.Thousands of purple flowers, shining in the void, actually have the potential to compete for prestige with the holy banner of He Ziyou.

In terms of mystery and power, Tiandi Xuanhuang Basket is obviously better than Phoenix Black Wing and Blood Dragon Drink.

Granny Qianhua, her red robe moved slightly, her white hair flew wildly, but the look in her eyes was somewhat complicated.She is absolutely unwilling to play against Ziyou City, especially against Zhanlong and Jinfeng.

However, she couldn't let Zhan Long and Jin Feng take Amu away.Because, there are some truths that only she knows, and only she knows.Zhan Long and Jin Feng don't know too much.

"Qianhua?" Both Zhan Long and Jin Feng frowned slightly.Unless it was absolutely necessary, they were unwilling to fight Qianhua.

"Qianhua dare not disobey the order of the heavenly girl?" Granny Qianhua sneered, "If you want to take away the successor of Mo Lang, please step on Qianhua's corpse! However, one day, when the heavenly girl returns, you will surely fall! Saint Ziyou The city will never be peaceful!"

In the last sentence, Granny Qianhua said it with a gloomy tone, and the threat was self-evident.

Zhan Long and Jin Feng, who are well aware of the nature of celestial maidens, can't help but change their expressions when they hear this.

Today, it's only them and Qianhua.If the celestial girl doesn't return, that's all. If the celestial girl returns, even if she travels through the Three Realms, she will definitely take the lives of the two of them.

However, as Ziyou's envoys, they have great responsibilities, and they carry too much on them.

"Die for Ziyou, no regrets!" Zhan Long and Jin Feng said almost at the same time, they had no other choice, nor would they have any other choice.

"Dying for a goddess, Qianhua has no complaints or regrets!" Grandma Qianhua smiled faintly, it was a kind of pride from the heart, and it was also a kind of determination without regrets.

Granny Qianhua knew that in today's battle, she would probably die.

In 9000 years, in fact, Granny Qianhua's belief in living is to wait for Amu's appearance, to wait for the purple light between his eyebrows.That is Qianhua's mission and belief.Now, Amu is safe and sound, and is protected by Mo Lang's lineage, so Granny Qianhua dies without regret.

"Second Miss, Qian Hua will eventually follow you!" Granny Qian Hua murmured in her heart.In this world, few people know that Huanhua is dead and will never come back.

A strong man is going to die, and the wind is rustling!
Grandma Qianhua's snowy white hair may recall her past youth.Qianhua's will to die spread out, but her combat power increased rapidly!
"Qianhua!" Zhanlong and Jin Feng could already feel Qianhua's death intention, and their hearts were cut like a knife, "Why is this?"

"No reason?" Granny Qianhua smiled faintly, but said nothing.

"Sacred Envoy Ziyou, what are you worrying about? Granny Qianhua, you don't need to show your will by death! Look at me, Qing Mozi, to break his Ziyou magic!" On Qing Mozi's face, the faint smile slightly restrained, but it was still calm light.

In fact, if it was just Zhan Long and Jin Feng, Qing Mozi could do it freely, but he could still sense that the most powerful person in Ziyou City had been hiding in the sky.

That person's realm, even the Green Devil, can't understand it.Moreover, although that person has not come out, he has imprisoned the entire void with powerful magic power, and now no one can leave.

With a sway of his body, the other two Dharma Bodies of the Green Devil have separated.One is wearing an ink-colored black robe, and the other is wearing a water cloud Taoist robe, standing on both sides of Qing Mozi in Tsing Yi.

Because, what was left just now was Qing Yi Qing Mo Zi.Now, no one can figure out who the true deity of this green devil is.

The Dao name is Qingmozi, the three Qingmozi, and perhaps the green-clothed dharma body is his real deity.However, those who have been appearing all the time, those who usually walk in the sea and deserts of Shenzhou, are all the blue demons in the water cloud Taoist robe.

Unfathomable and confusing!
The three green devils have exactly the same cultivation base, and in an instant, four equals two.

On the surface, Amu's side seems to be completely dominant, after all, there are only two envoys from Ziyou City.However, everyone understands that the power of Ziyou City behind the holy envoy may not be as powerful as the monks on the sea wasteland can imagine.

What's more, at this time, not counting the Immortal Ghost Sect, there are still seven Jiexiu in the void.As long as Zhanlong Jinfeng gives an order, those few people may directly transform into the combat power of Ziyou City.

At this time, all the monks were a little stupid.

Back then, would the chaos of Taihuang be repeated again?The situation in the void is imminent!
Ziyou Holy Envoy represents the holy city of Ziyou.It has been 9000 years, and he hasn't shown up or made a move on the sea wasteland.Today, with the prestige of Zhanlong and Jinfeng carrying the Ziyou holy banner, it is certain that they will win and take Qianhua and Amu away.

However, Granny Qianhua was born in Ziyou City, so she already intends to fight to the death.The Green Devil's cultivation has bottomed out, and it seems that he hasn't exhausted his full strength until now.The three dharma bodies of the same level are at least in the realm of sub-celestial beings.

In the six major tribulations, four equals two. In this kind of battle, it is still unknown who will win the battle?
It may be okay if Ziyou City wins, but if Grandma Qianhua and Qingmozi win, will the Lord of Ziyou City be furious, and will there be another figure like a fairy flower on the holy city, which will once again make the Sea Desolate Shenzhou Realm bloody.

But think again, if Ziyou City wins, Qianhua and Qing Mozi will die here.Then, as long as one of the goddesses and demons who disappeared for nearly ten thousand years returns, what should Ziyou City do?

There is a sky beyond the sky, and there is a devil in the devil!It is by no means empty words.Any one of those two can make the sun and the moon darken, and turn the world upside down.

This battle, no matter who wins or loses, seems to be an unmanageable mess.

After this battle, it may not be the end, but the beginning of everything.

(End of this chapter)

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