nine coffins

Chapter 341

Chapter 341

Yin Yang seal of life and death!The smoky black hair turned into flying white hair again, just like back then.At this moment, Shen Yan felt that she had returned to the secret realm of the wild soul, the beginning of time.

"Shen Yan, what are you doing?" Gui Sheng's expression changed suddenly, and he had an extremely ominous premonition.

"I'm willing to die for him!" Shen Yan's supreme ghost showed a ferocious smile on his face, and as he said that, Shen Yan teleported and stood directly behind Amu.

Granny Qianhua saw it, couldn't help sighing, and shook her head.Qing Mozi didn't stop him at all, and stood three feet behind Amu with heavy smoke and purple clothes.

"If you die, I will not be alone!" Shen Yan said behind Amu.

If you die, I will not be alone!These words were like oaths, resounding over the black water.


At this time, Leng Yu on the holy mountain of the Three Realms looked at the water mirror.Hearing this, he couldn't help showing a faint bitter smile.

At this moment, the successor of this ghost respect made a fairy like her feel ashamed.If Leng Yu had had such courage and determination back then, maybe she would not have stood alone on the holy mountain to block all the bitter winds and rains.

By the Black Water.Hu Qing and Yu Huo cuddle up to each other.This kind of oath resonates with the hearts of people who have lived together through life and death.

"Brother Qing, are they okay?" Yuhuo asked quietly, burying her head in Hu Qing's arms.

Hu Qing frowned, and looked up at the void.Unfortunately, this land was sealed by Amu's barrier.With Hu Qing's mortal body, he couldn't actually see anything.

Hu Qing shook his head and said: "Above the Three Realms, there must be a roulette of karma hanging high. But who can see through karma! Hundreds of generations and thousands of kalpas, fate arises and fate dies. I don't know what will happen to them!"

Yuhuo's eyes sparkled, and he didn't say anything.


above the ghost town.

"Oh!" Hearing Shen Yan's words, the voice of the man in the sedan chair was somewhat meaningful, and there was even a hint of approval, "The successor of the ghost is extraordinary! It's a pity that it's only the ninth level of the real immortal, but it has consumed 7000 years of life."

But at this moment, Amu, who had not spoken all this time, had magic flames rising all over his body, and black magic flames were reflected on his face.He could clearly hear the conversation between the mysterious man in the sedan chair and Qian Hua and Qing Mozi.

At this time, Shen Yan was standing behind him, and he could completely sense it.

"Why bother?" Amu didn't look back, but just said these words.

"I wish to win everyone's heart!" Shen Yan said with a miserable smile, "Ghost Venerable will also forgive me!"

"I wish to win a heart!" Amu's body shook slightly.

"Is the Immortal Ghost Sect going to make trouble?" At this time, Zhan Long took a drink of the blood dragon in his hand and glared at Shen Yan.

At this moment, Shen Yan dared to stand up and help A Mu, which he and Jin Feng never thought of.She is going to take the entire Immortal Ghost Sect as a funeral!

Shen Yan looked at Zhanlong Jinfeng, and said slowly: "Holy envoy Mingjian, today I will pass on the position of suzerain to the saint!" As she said, a black streamer appeared in Shen Yan's hand, probably it was a ghost The sect's suzerain token flew directly to Yu'er.

"Today, I, Chen Yan, kicked myself out of the house, and I am no longer a member of the Immortal Ghost Sect! Today, what I, Chen Yan, has nothing to do with the Immortal Ghost Sect! Everything is borne by me, Shen Yan. If Ziyou Sheng City, I will surely punish the Immortal Ghost Sect and the suffering Heishui people! I can only follow the teachings of the Ghost Venerable——I would rather beauties than Jiangshan!"

I would rather have a beauty than a country!What kind of friendship is that?
"Jie Jie Jie——" The face of the Supreme Ghost God suddenly showed its brilliance, and at that moment, Shen Yan once again possessed himself like a ghost.

That is an ominous ghost call!But in fact, in the Three Realms, how many people know that Ghost Venerable is the most unrestrained Venerable.

Liquor, singing, beauty, country!Tens of thousands of years ago, Gui Zun had seen through everything, and the only thing he could give up was Jiang Shan.

I would rather have a beauty than a country!
tears!It rolled down from the corner of Amu's eyes.Is this Shen Yan who she wants to cut off?

Amu no longer tried his best to suppress the magic coffin in Danhai.Today's situation, either you die or I live, let you be a catastrophe or a fairy!
Fight decisively!After I die, even if the flood is raging?

The magic coffin felt Amu's heart.

For the first time, Amu actually had the feeling of being in the three worlds with a magic coffin in his hand.

At this moment, the magic coffin bestowed on him everything, giving him the power to cross the Three Realms.

The coffin moved and the clouds rolled up, and above the ghost city, black clouds hanging from the sky condensed.One of the nine coffins can control the Three Realms.The broken magic coffin is also full of magic.

Almost, everything happens at the same moment.

The four plain sedan chairs turned into four beams of light, approaching the three of Amu at the same time.The endless mysterious power almost imprisoned the entire space.

The wind chimes rang randomly, and that kind of power that almost crushed the void made Grandma Qianhua and Qing Mozi change color suddenly.

Granny Qianhua's heaven and earth black and yellow basket flew out and went straight to one of the small sedan chairs.But just after flying to the top of the small sedan chair, a burst of green energy directly locked onto the mysterious ancient Tianbao, letting it burst into thousands of purple glows, he couldn't escape that wisp of green energy in the end.

Of the seven clones of the Green Devil, except for the red-clothed deity, the other six cooperated in pairs and went straight to three of the small sedan chairs.Each of them displayed their spells, radiant with brilliance, and immortal power.

True immortal triple realm, that is a true immortal.If it wasn't for this mysterious man in a sedan chair who appeared today, there would definitely be no match for the Green Devil on the deserted sea.

However, in front of the plain sedan chair at this time, Qing Mozi was really helpless.The majestic celestial power is like a mud cow entering the sea.

The six Dharma Bodies, as soon as they got close to the small sedan chair, were immediately imprisoned by the green energy emitted by it.The four porters who were in trouble on the upper boundary didn't even blink their eyes.It seems that they have known for a long time that it is impossible for the green devil to break into the defense of the small sedan chair.

The gap in the realm is too big, and the first level of the fairyland is a difference of thousands of miles.What's more, the gap between the green devil and the man in the sedan chair is by no means as simple as one or two.

However, although there is a gap, these six Dharma Bodies temporarily restrain the forward sedan chair.

Only the last sedan chair came straight to the four of them.

There were bursts of green light, and in the void, a big blue hand suddenly appeared, covering the sky and covering the ground, grabbing the four of them directly.At the same time, a wave of immortal pressure strong enough to crush mountains spread out.

At this time, if it wasn't for the fact that the four of them had body protection with strange treasures and no other techniques were needed, just this kind of immortal pressure, even Shen Yan, who forcibly raised his cultivation level to the ninth level of true immortality, would not be able to bear it.

But that's the case, the celestial power brought by that big blue hand is unstoppable.

"Wow——" Granny Qianhua was already injured, but the first one couldn't take it anymore, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.The Great Consummation of the Flying Tribulation Realm is simply vulnerable in front of at least Xuanxian level powerhouses.

"Ah!" A slight sigh came from inside the sedan chair.

However, the big blue hand didn't stop.The third son of Ziyou City, since he made a move, he must do his best.

The red-clothed green devil is the deity. At this time, his hands are in seals, and a six-edged ice flower suddenly flies out from between his eyebrows.This is the first time that the Green Devil has used a magic weapon.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be an ice flower. As soon as the ice flower came out, the surrounding air suddenly became cold, and the endless ice spread out like a spider's web.Everything in the void is freezing.

That kind of coldness, which goes straight into the bone marrow of an immortal, is by no means something ordinary monks can understand and resist.All the monks, the monks who were just below the catastrophe, began to retreat quickly.

"Huh?" The man in the sedan was also taken aback, "Fairyland Remnant Ice Flower!"

Such an ice flower should not have appeared in the Sea Desolate Divine State Realm at all, even if the green devil had cultivated to the third level of true immortality, he should not have such a fairyland ice flower.

As soon as the ice flower came out, in an instant, the big green hand in the void was directly frozen in the void, but it still maintained the shape of the grasping hand.

Shen Yan had already made a move at this time.The white hair flew up, the purple shadow flashed, and the black spear in his hand stabbed out.

The cultivation base of the Ninefold True Immortal, the spear inherited by the Ghost Venerable.

"Hey——" The black sparks almost formed a line, piercing the void.

"Boom—" Gui Zun's spear hit the big hand that was frozen in the void by the green devil.

The black light circulated, and the green glow dispersed, and the green devil and Shen Yan joined forces to break the man's immortal technique in the sedan chair.

"Oh?" The man in the sedan chair seemed to be slightly startled, he didn't expect his one form of immortality to be broken.

The successor of Gui Zun, the servant of Mo Lang, is not an ordinary person after all.

However, compared with the man in the sedan chair, they have no chance of winning.To subdue or even kill Shen Yan and Qing Mozi, the man in the sedan chair has too many ways.

In just a split second, the string of wind chimes on the small sedan chair suddenly displayed its brilliance and flew straight up.

Jingle, jingle, jingle!
The white jade wind chime rang continuously, and a ball of white air spread out, billowing like clouds.

As soon as the bell rang, it was like a heavy hammer, constantly beating people's hearts.

"Wow—" At this time, apart from Amu, Granny Qianhua's cultivation was already the weakest.However, Amu's magic coffin was rising, but Granny Qianhua couldn't resist it, and sprayed two mouthfuls of blood.

However, as soon as Granny Qianhua gritted her teeth, she was about to make seals in her hands again!
"Qianhua, stop!" The man in the sedan chair shouted.

Seeing the curtain cage of the sedan chair move slightly, two streaks of green light radiate directly towards Granny Qianhua.Under the power of Xuanxian, Granny Qianhua's spells were instantly frozen, and she had no chance to make a move.

Granny Qianhua basically had no power to resist, and was directly locked by the green glow.

"Town!" The man in the sedan chair shouted again, Granny Qianhua was completely imprisoned.With a flick of Qingmang, she ran towards Zhan Long and Jin Feng.The two shook their heads and said nothing.

Zhanlong just raised his hand, and a red glow turned into a cage, trapping Granny Qianhua in it.

Granny Qianhua, the first to be captured!
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(End of this chapter)

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