nine coffins

Chapter 343 Visitors from the Sea!Meng Village!

Chapter 343 Visitors from the Sea!Meng Village!

Sunshine, rocks, sea!The breeze is blowing, and the waves are beating the rocky shore.

By the sea, on a gray-white boulder, sat cross-legged a young man in Tsing Yi.The young man has sharp edges and corners, but his complexion is not as dark as the people who often stay by the sea.

At this time, the young man in Tsing Yi closed his eyes slightly and put his hands together in the sea of ​​pills, looking very much like a monk meditating.

It looked like he was cultivating, but in fact, only the young man in Tsing Yi knew that he was just sitting here blowing the sea breeze.Such a sitting posture is purely instinct and habit of decades.At this time, he couldn't practice if he wanted to practice.

The sea breeze was cool and pleasant, and the unique fishy smell of the salty sea made the young man in Tsing Yi feel refreshed.

Therefore, he closed his eyes slightly, and although there was a little melancholy between his brows, he still smiled and felt the sunshine, the sea breeze, and the natural atmosphere.

Perhaps, this is really a kind of practice.A flash of light flashed in the mind of the young man in Tsing Yi.

"Brother Amu! Brother Amu—" the child's voice interrupted the boy in Tsing Yi's thoughts.

"The village has caught another big fish, and everyone is struggling, so I ask you to help!"

Not far away, two dark-faced boys in their teens, with their upper body naked and homespun shorts on their lower body, with most of their calves exposed and barefoot, called out to the boy in Tsing Yi loudly.

"Okay! Got it, go right away!" Hearing the call, the young man in Tsing Yi stood up with a smile, looked at the misty sea again, shook his head with a wry smile.

He is exactly Amu, still eighteen or nineteen years old, almost unchanged from back then.

Sometimes, if not all the people in Mengjia Village said that one morning, he floated from the sea, and it was a black bird that awakened the villagers to save him, and then fell into a coma for a whole ten years, Amu really couldn't believe it.

That day, during the battle in Heishui Ghost City, Amu's last memory is the high sky, the sky is wide open, shaped like a roulette wheel, flying daggers and a heart-piercing cry—Wang Han.

Then there are endless water patterns, which are like six lights of samsara.Then, when Amu woke up, he was already in this small fishing village by the sea——Mengjia Village.

At that moment, Amu was in a trance of traveling again and being a human again.

Strange people, strange villages, fortunately, Amu has no strange identity, Amu is still Amu.He is just an uninvited visitor to this quiet seaside village, or an extraterrestrial visitor.

Amu should be glad that he is still himself, has not changed, and has no time-traveling possession of a vulgar soul.

However, Amu soon discovered something strange, and many things seemed to have changed.The most important difference is that Amu's power of demonic cultivation at the elementary level of soul cultivation is gone.

Amu has almost changed from a soul-level power to an ordinary person.Amu's pill sea is empty.

The power of the magic cultivator, the residual wood in the coffin, and the blood of the God of War King all disappeared, and the magic coffin could not sense it at all.Amu even wondered if he was reborn again because of that drop of God of War blood.

But Amu thought carefully that it should not be the case. If it is the resurrection of the God of War, then everything should be there.Just like in the wild soul secret realm.

In addition to Dan Hainei, the black rattan - Canghai Town Dragon Whip - Amu's talisman, also disappeared without a trace.

The Qiankun Ruyi bracelet turned into a purple mark on the left arm, like a birthmark.On the neck, the nine magic beads are no longer there.The many treasures between the eyebrows, the ancient lamp of the war spirit, the essence of the wild soul, etc. can't be felt at all.

When he just woke up, Amu wondered if he was dreaming, or if his things were taken away by someone like Qianhua's mother-in-law.However, Amu knew that it was absolutely impossible, all his treasures were spiritual and could not be stolen by others.

The only thing left by Amu's side was the string of ancient wooden rosary beads on his right wrist, but it was worn on the wrist like ordinary rosary beads, instead of being hidden under the arm, and there was no strangeness of the Buddhist treasure at all.

Another thing, the thing beside Amu is an extremely delicate dagger.This dagger, Amu knew that it was a sharp weapon used to kill people in his previous life.

This dagger seems to have been in love with him for countless lifetimes, and has been with him from generation to generation.

Others, Amuna's magic weapon that can sweep the Three Realms, and his cultivation level that is absolutely not low, are all gone.Amu is like a person who has been ransacked, all his wealth has been taken away, and only an empty house remains.

In addition, Amu also had a feeling that there seemed to be some problems with his memory.Some memories are jumpy, it seems that some people and some things can't be remembered at all.Some memories are not very coherent, but Amu doesn't know what those memories are.

Although Amu remembered the ancient desolate demon scriptures in his mind, the god-killing technique sealed in his mind by the God of War and the mysterious star map, they all no longer existed.

From the overhaul of the soul realm to almost becoming a mortal, Amu couldn't accept it at first, and was even more puzzled, why did this happen?

However, gradually Amu became relieved.Master Wang definitely doesn't know where in the world, Yu'er seems to have been cut off from the love of three lives and three lives by some magic, and the human is no longer human.

For all the original things, Amu doesn't have many things to miss.That day, the moment he let Qing Mozi and Qianhua Granny leave the Immortal Ghost Sect, he felt at a loss.

The sky is high and the earth is far away, Amu doesn't know where the way is?At this time, Amu lost part of his memory, and seemed even more disheartened.

This small fishing village by the sea is not bad, it is good for self-cultivation and self-cultivation.Not counting ten years of being in a coma, Amu has been in this small town for seven years.

The villagers in Mengjia Village are extremely kind. They actually regard Amu as a gift from the sea god and think that Amu will bring them good luck.

In fact, it is true.Amu's cultivation base is gone, but his incomparably powerful physical body is still there. The immortal bone demon body is indeed a god in the eyes of ordinary people.

Mengjia Village is backed by mountains and the sea. The life of the villagers is very peaceful and simple.

When you can go to sea, go to sea!When you can't go to sea, go up the mountain.

However, whether it is going up the mountain or going down the sea, there are always some prey that ordinary villagers can't handle, or it takes a lot of effort.In such a situation, since Amu came into existence, everything is not a problem.

Amu only goes up the mountain, not out to sea!
Go up the mountain!

No matter what kind of ferocious birds and beasts, there is nothing that Amu can't deal with.Eagles, falcons, and bears can all be Amu's prey.There is only nothing in the mountains, and there is nothing that cannot be caught.People in Mengjia Village regard Amu as a role model.Under Amu's dagger, I don't know how many tigers, leopards and wolves died.

Not to sea!
It was because of a shameful situation in Amu's eyes that Amu became dizzy as soon as he entered the sea.Looking at the scattered water patterns under the boat, Amu always felt like the lights of six paths gradually dispersed, and he couldn't restrain himself from the headache.

Seeing Amu like this, the people in Mengjia Village thought that Amu was seasick, and they didn't force him.When the villagers went out to sea to catch big sea fish, they asked Amu to help.

Only, Amu himself knew that he must have been sealed, or had been hit by some strange spell.

A day without going to sea or going up the mountain.Amu is leisurely, blowing the sea breeze and thinking about the incomplete past.

In fact, with the passage of time, after the third year, Amu's thoughts changed and he was no longer depressed.

For monks, three years is just a blink of an eye.Amu still recovered his true colors. He wanted to restore everything about himself, but it was too difficult in such a small village.

I want to practice, but the Danhai is empty.

Amu remembered thousands of spells in his mind, but none of them could be used.Amu also thought about practicing the Root Cultivation Jue again, but as long as he practiced the Root Cultivation Jue of the Northern Cold School, it would be like ten thousand ants devouring his heart, and he couldn't practice at all.

The people in Mengjia Village are all born and bred. No one has ever walked out of the mountains, let alone the sea.

For three or four years, Amu was rumored in this extremely closed village, and he knew exactly where it was.

That piece of sea turned out to be the most expansive sea in the Sea Desolate China—the Sea of ​​Bitterness.And that massive mountain with no end in sight is the Hundred Thousand Mountains in Dongfang Chongling.

Regarding the five regions of the sea and wasteland, Amu remembers clearly that the most eastern part is Chongling, which is thousands of miles away.

In fact, Amu also thought about it before. There are mountains and seas here, and it may be Dongling.However, I went directly from the black water in the west to the sea of ​​bitterness in the east, but came from the sea, which is a bit too unbelievable, so I need to confirm it.

East Chongling, the vast sea of ​​bitterness.

If Amu wanted to restore his cultivation, he had to leave this small village.However, Amu walked three times, but he still didn't get out of the endless mountain.

Now, Amukong has a fairy bone demon body, without a trace of mana, and cannot control the sword and the wind.

He wants to walk out of the mountain with his legs, and his power is as high as the sky.Moreover, the most important thing is that Amu gets lost every time.No matter what method he thinks of, Amu will eventually walk back to this village.

Therefore, Amu can only wait, waiting for those monks flying into the sky in his memory to rescue him, Granny Qianhua or Qing Mozi.

Amu believed that they could all avoid Ziyou City safely.

But for seven years, there was no news of anything.Amu knew that Dongling was too closed, and the sea was too deserted. Even for people like Granny Qianhua and Qing Mozi, looking for him would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

What's more, at this time, I don't have a trace of magic energy, just a mortal.

well!With a sigh, there is no other way for the time being, just wait for the opportunity!
Amu looked around, saw the sea and the mountains, descended the boulder, and went straight to the other side of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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