nine coffins

Chapter 346 Sea Burial!The end of the world is at this time!

Chapter 346 Sea Burial!The end of the world is at this time!

The pillar is dead!

In Mengjia Village, in the past seven years, No. 40 seven people died.

Hearing that Zhuzi died, Amu's heart twitched again.For seven years, whenever people in Mengjia Village died, Amu felt this way.

In Amu's memory, there was also a pillar in Liuzhen.That pillar saved Amu's life, and was Amu's brother and playmate when he was young.

In the past seven years, everyone who died in Mengjia Village seems to be more or less connected with the people in Liuzhen in Amu's memory.

Even if these connections are just a simple coincidence, for example, they have the same name, for example, they wear the same clothes, for example, they said the same sentence, have the same habits, and so on.

This once made Amu extremely confused. How could there be so many shadows of Liuzhen in Mengjia Village?However, after a long time, Amu was relieved, and everything might really be just a coincidence.Or, many of the coincidences were all he had figured out under psychological hints.

The deaths of those folks are also very normal deaths.Some died of old age, some died of illness, some went to the mountains and went to the sea to die, basically there were no special circumstances.

However, the number of seven a year is a bit surprising, after all, this is only a village with less than 300 people.More dead than born, the breath of death seems to have been lingering in this village.

Although on weekdays, people basically don't talk about it, but once someone dies, the feeling will become stronger.

When Meng Erge and Amu hurried to Zhuzi's house, most of the villagers also arrived.

Zhuzi is just 19 years old this year. He is the nephew of the third uncle. He lost his mother when he was young. His father was No.[-] who died five years ago.Unexpectedly, Zhuzi also went today.

Under the guidance of the third uncle, Zhu Zi just married his wife the year before last, and the son who was born last year is not yet a week old.

At this time, Zhuzi's daughter-in-law was crying to death, and the third uncle was also in tears.

The folks comforted him, and at the same time, some people helped to make arrangements for Zhuzi's funeral.Everything is still in order, no wonder, people in the village have died more frequently in recent years, everyone knows what to do.

Zhu Zi's death was somewhat unexpected!
Back from the sea yesterday, everyone was very happy, drinking at night, Zhu Zi went home early, and everything was normal when he got home, and he and his wife probably went to Haishi, but they didn't get up this morning.

When the daughter-in-law called, it was said that she had lost her breath.

Brother Meng and Amu squeezed into the courtyard, and Amu even got to Zhuzi's body and lifted the white cloth.Zhu Zi seemed to be asleep, but when Amu took his pulse, his body was stiff and cold, without a trace of pulse.

Amu checked briefly again, but found nothing weird.In fact, Amu had explanations in his heart, such as myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, and horse stroke, but these things were completely incomprehensible to the people of Mengjia Village.

I didn't see anything special, everyone was dead, and Amu just shook his head.

Although, Amu only has the appearance of eighteen or nineteen years old.However, everyone in Mengjia Village knows that Amu is not an ordinary person. Not to mention anything else, his face that has not changed for 17 years is the proof, so Amu has often become a backbone of the village.

Seeing Amu shaking his head, everyone knew that Zhuzi was hopeless.

Second Brother Meng said: "Old Third Uncle, tidy up and bury it! The past few years have been unfavorable. At the end of the year, we should pay more respects to Bodhisattva and Sea God."

"Oh!" The third uncle nodded, sighed, and wiped his tears, "You and Amu, let's talk!"

"Hey!" Brother Meng replied.

The funeral in Mengjia Village is relatively simple.

In the villages near the sea in Dongling, the vast majority of people not only believe in the Buddhist Brahma Temple, but also enshrine the sea god of the bitter sea. Almost every household has a statue of the sea god of the bitter sea.

This point is very similar to the picture of the holy maiden enshrined in black water.Heishui and Dongling are both places of faith.

Amu had seen the statue of the Sea God, it was a woman in green, she was beautiful, but she had three faces and six arms, with different expressions of happiness and anger, each of the six arms held a magic weapon, and a white jade gourd was tied around her waist.

When he saw the statue for the first time, Amu felt that the statue was a bit nondescript. It didn't look like a sea god, but it looked a bit like a sea monster.

However, Amu thought of the Buddhist sects in his previous life, all the Buddhas had thousands of dharma appearances, and even had the look of vajra's glaring eyes, so he was relieved.Moreover, after seeing the statue for a long time, Amu always felt that the real body of the statue might be a top sea desert monk.

Every time before going out to sea, the villagers hold a ceremony to worship the sea god for safety.

I don't know if it is true that the sea god is manifesting.People in Mengjia Village rarely encounter big storms, and very few people die in the sea.Amu only remembers going to sea once last year and two people died. It is said that it was the only time in 50 years.

Believe in the god of the sea, the funeral in Mengjia Village also chose sea burial.

The villagers were busy wrapping up Zhuzi's body.Boats and bamboo rafts were also prepared on the beach, and the men who had been friends with Zhuzi on weekdays all went to the beach.Women and children, except for Zhuzi's wife and children, are not allowed to come according to the customs of Mengjia Village.

It was almost sunset, and the remains of the pillar were placed on the bamboo raft.

"Son! Return your soul! Return to the embrace of the Sea God!" The third uncle pushed the bamboo raft, tears streaming down his face.Zhuzi's wife and children also burst into tears.

Boys, with the sound of a chant, Second Brother Meng and others supported the boat and slowly sent the bamboo raft to the depths of the sea.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, golden waves sparkle.

On the bamboo raft, the body of the pillar is covered with a white cloth.This is to cover the eyes of the deceased, preventing him from looking back at the world, feeling pain in his heart, and then reincarnating without any worries.

The boat and the bamboo raft drifted away, and finally Erge Meng tapped the side of the bamboo raft with a long pole, the bamboo raft tilted, and the remains of the pillar slid into the sea and sank.

The cries on the shore were heavier, but the lost life could not be replaced.Brother Meng and his brothers also wiped away their tears, poured a few jugs of wine on the sea, and scattered some paper money at the same time.

Back to the ship!

Amu stood on the bluestone on the shore, narrowing his eyes slightly. This kind of scene happened 47 times in seven years.

Dusk, sea, bamboo raft, sinking!The people buried each time are naturally different, and the people buried each time seem to be different.Last time, when the son of Uncle Meng's family died, the pillar was still a funeral attendant.

But every time, Amu's state of mind is very similar, but slightly different.

For a magic cultivator like Amu who has reached the soul level, it is completely different from the understanding of ordinary mortals.

When monks from the Sea Desolation have reached the realm of the Holy Spirit, as long as the spirit heart is immortal, they can be reincarnated and awakened for rebirth; in the realm of soul cultivation, as long as the soul heart is immortal, the person will not die; For mortals, ten thousand years is almost eternity.

As for the realm of calamity and immortality, even Amu dare not speculate on it.

Cultivators have a natural sense of superiority over ordinary people, because they have more longevity, more time, and even more ways to live.

Ordinary people are like ants, a hundred years of life and death, in the eyes of monks, is just a moment.

Just like the 17 years in Mengjia Village, many people grew up and many people got old, but Amu's appearance has not changed.

Sometimes, Amu and Mengjiacun feel a sense of isolation.He is more like a spectator, watching the life, old age, sickness and death in this small village, with joy, anger, sorrow and joy, and stays out of it.

Sometimes, Amu and Mengjiacun seem to be one again.Being in it, he experienced everything that he had never experienced in Liu Town.

Liu Zhen's more memories are happiness, rather than sorrow of life and death.Compared with Liuzhen's dreamlike memories, Mengjia Village seems more real, because life is like this—happy and painful.

When Brother Meng returned to the boat, he greeted Amu, but Amu didn't move, he wanted to sit down again.

This night, there will be no more excessive drinking last night.This night, there is only endless sorrow.

Life is really fragile!

Brother Meng didn't say much, they knew that every time a villager died, Amu would sit by the seaside.Amu came from the sea, and the villagers also thought that maybe Amu's hometown was on the sea.

Birth, old age, sickness and death naturally make people miss their homeland.

Only Amu himself understands that he is actually experiencing a state of mind, a state of mind that he has never experienced in decades of practice.

The sun is setting and the moon is gradually rising. Although the moon is still not full tonight, it is rounder.

Amu's eyes were clear, looking at the peaceful sea under the silver moonlight.The deep sea, silent waves, like an ancient song played by a cello.

The row of bamboo rafts carrying the pillars had drifted to nowhere.People in Mengjia Village believe that the farther the bamboo raft floats, the happier the deceased will be in the afterlife.

The bamboo raft was gone, but Amu knew that the pillar had been buried on the seabed.

pregnancy!die!In fact, it's just a moment!

Ordinary people live for a hundred years, and monks live for a thousand years. In fact, in front of the eternity of the universe, it is only an instant!No matter how much time, it is an instant.

Time is irreversible!

Even if Amu realized the forbidden map of light seal back then, he could only adapt to the power of time and rely on the power of time.

Time is an unbreakable barrier.Life and death are an inescapable prison.

Amu seemed to have realized something and had a breakthrough, but at the most critical moment, his mind suddenly became confused.

Before you know it, time flies.

The moon is near the climax, and Haishi has passed.The little black bird, drawing a beautiful arc, arrived as promised, and landed on Amu's shoulder.

"The pillar is dead! In the village, there are seven No.40s in the past seven years!" Amu said to himself, and he also said to the little black bird.

The little black bird seemed to be able to sense Amu's state of mind, and quietly lay on Amu's shoulder without any expression, and did not even rub his head against Amu's cheek.

People, many times, don't need comfort, they just need to listen, any comfort and persuasion is actually a kind of interruption.

Amu smiled wryly, he and the little black bird are always in such a tacit understanding.You don't need words to know your mind.

"There is a bright moon on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time!"

I don't know, who did Amu think of?The little black bird tilted its neck, seeming to understand the poem uttered by Amu.

Is it the purple dress that is sharing this moment with Amu Tianya?

In the moonlight, Amu stood on the bluestone with his hands behind his back, his back stretched very long, and a little black bird was parked on his shoulders!
Such an image did not seem to change for many, many years in the future, and it has been engraved in the minds of countless monks and monster races in Dongling.

That is Dongfang Chongling No.1, the eternal figure!
At this time, the sea is like a song, thoughts are like a tide, the moon is like a mirror, and life is like a friend!

(End of this chapter)

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