nine coffins

Chapter 348 The Inexplicable Cultivator

Chapter 348 The Inexplicable Cultivator

(Changed, new cover! How do you feel? Thank you to the girl who made the cover, ha ha! Thanks to lyy198298, and the tip of the cold paw!)

Mengjia Village, backed by mountains and facing the sea.A small fishing village that stands aloof from the rest of the world.

This is almost a completely closed village. In the seven years since Amu woke up, no outsider has been in the village.

However, at this time, Amu was in the stone house, and the quarrel he vaguely heard was obviously not from the village.Amu could clearly distinguish the voices of everyone in the village, and they were by no means the voices of the villagers.

Amu stood up and was about to go out to have a look.The door of the stone house was pushed open.

"Brother Amu, something has happened! Two outsiders have come to the village, and they are about to fight!" A 20-year-old boy said anxiously.People in Mengjia Village at this age can basically be regarded as Amu watching them grow up.Although Amu's face is not old, they all call Amu Brother Amu.

"What's going on? I'll go and see!" Amu frowned.After seven years of peace, if someone really bullied the simple and simple people of Mengjia Village, Amu would never let him go.

Even if he loses all his mana, but with the magic body of the fairy bone, ordinary people are definitely not Amu's opponent.

However, Mengjia Village is isolated from the outside world and has never had any grudges with others.There are hundreds of miles around, and I haven't heard of any villages and islands. Why did someone suddenly come to the door?
Then there is only one possibility, the monks or the monsters came, and they were the only ones who could suddenly come to this remote village.Thinking that it might be a monk, Amu suddenly became eager.

Amu thought in his heart, put the dagger on, and went out with the young man.

"It seems to be related to the big fish brought back from the sea two days ago!" The young man said as he walked, but it seemed that he was not very sure.

"The three big fish?" Amu frowned, thinking of the three big fish, he seemed to have died strangely.Could it be that these three big fish touched whose interests?But there are only three fish, so what?
While speaking, they had arrived at the place where the incident happened, which was in the open space in the village.

The third uncle, the second brother Meng, and a dozen fellow villagers were arguing with two figures dressed as Taoists.

At this time, the two sides talked quite unpleasantly.The people in Mengjia Village were excited, and even a few young men were eager to try it.

"How come the fish we catch from the sea are the ones you raised? What you say is yours is yours, so don't all the fish in the bitter sea belong to you?" Second Brother Meng was quite angry.

"This is indeed a sea fish raised in my Xixuan Palace. I accidentally escaped and was caught by you. Why do you refuse to admit it? Apart from these three, have you ever caught such a big fish in the sea of ​​bitterness? This You mortals have never seen such a big fish in your life." The Taoist priest who spoke was thin and had a goatee.

"Senior brother, what are you talking about with them! The poor mountains and rivers are all troublemakers, we don't want the fish, just grab the two girls and go back to be the cauldron! The palace master must be happy too." Another Taoist priest, who is fatter, Vice vicious appearance.

People in Mengjia Village didn't understand what a cauldron was, but when they heard that they were going to arrest the girl directly, they knew it was not a good thing.

"Whoever touches every plant and tree in the village, don't even think about leaving! If you touch a girl, we will fight him!" Second Brother Meng raised his eyebrows, and directly pulled out the sailor knife from his waist.

"Yes! Fight it!" The dozen or so strong young men behind them also picked up the guy.There are spunlaces and hunting forks.

Mengjia Village is almost isolated from the outside world, and the hearts of the villagers are very united because of this. Whoever is bullied must not do it.

"Hey!" The two Taoist priests couldn't help but sneer in unison. It is estimated that these remote and ignorant villagers don't know what a monk is.There are [-] villagers like this, and they are no match for the two of them.

"Slow!" At this moment, Amu arrived, separated from the crowd, and stabilized the mood of the villagers.


"Brother Amu!" Seeing Amu coming, almost everyone felt at ease.

Amu smiled, extremely calm and composed, there were only two monks, there was nothing serious about it.

"Two fellow Taoists, please!" Amu cupped his fists at the Taoist priest with a half-smile.

"Oh?" The two Taoist priests were stunned for a moment, thinking that finally someone who could speak came out, saying that fellow Taoists should understand something.But these two people were very disappointed when their consciousness was swept away.

mortal!The young man in Tsing Yi in front of him looks good and is tall, but he has no cultivation power at all, he is a complete mortal.

These two Taoist priests seem to have not thought that what looks like a mortal may also be a monk who is much higher than them.

Perhaps, in their eyes, only mortals talk about it, and they don't think about high realms at all.I just thought, such a mortal dares to call him a fellow Taoist, what a shameless boast!

"Who are you? Are you not afraid of losing your life if you talk about Taoism with a great cultivator like us?" The fat and fierce Taoist looked at Amu coldly.

"Broken life? Hmph!" Amu sneered, "You two little cultivators who have just started cultivating at the ninth level are not even regular cultivators, and your foundation of cultivating immortals is not stable. Aren't you afraid that you will make people laugh at you for calling yourself a major cultivator?"

Amu's cultivation is gone, but his eyesight is still there for some reason.He could tell at a glance that these were two monks who had just started cultivating the ninth rank.

It's just that these two people seem to have some special skills. In Amu's eyes, the appearance of these two Taoist priests always seems to be a little fuzzy, and there is a taste of soul and body.

Dongling's technique is really different.These are two monks who inexplicably broke in.

When he first saw these two monks, Amu still wanted to use the strength of the two of them, and he might gain something.But seeing that the two of them spoke so rudely and were absolutely superficial and evil people, Amu changed his mind.

Amu really didn't pay attention to the two first-level ninth-level practitioners.Now, as long as these two people don't walk away with the wind and sword, Amu has absolute confidence and ability to kill them.

But at this time, the two monks couldn't help being shocked when they heard Amu's words.

Amu revealed their cultivation in one word, so they had to re-examine Amu.Because since they can see through their cultivation, the young man in Tsing Yi in front of him will definitely not be an ordinary mortal.

"Oh?" The skinny Taoist also sneered at this time, "I didn't expect you to have such eyesight! The two of us, brothers and sisters, are under the sect of Xixuan Palace in Dongling. May I ask who you are?"

"Mengjiacun, Amu! A mortal." Amu said indifferently, "Dongling Xixuan Palace, I have never heard of any sect!"

These words, it's not that Amu deliberately angered them, Amu really has never heard of a sect like Xixuan Palace.

Dongfang Chongling, except for the Fantian Temple of the Seven Great Immortal Gates of Haihuang, Amu has heard of several larger sects such as Dongyang Palace, Wanhuan Sect, and Ziyun Sect. Amu doesn't know about the rest.

Moreover, most sects in the entire Dongling practice Buddhism, and these two monks and priests are mostly dressed as extremely unpopular small sects, not the orthodox Dongling lineage.

"Hmph! It doesn't matter whether you've heard it or not!" The fat Taoist ignored Amu's words, "The key is how to solve the current situation?"

"It's just three broken fish! Since you two are monks, why do you make things difficult for us mortals?" Amu looked at the two Taoist priests coldly, feeling extremely displeased.

Those three fish are indeed extraordinary things to mortals, but they are absolutely nothing to monks.

No matter if it is Xixuan Palace or Dongxuan Palace, no matter how small the cultivation sect is, it is not bad for those three big fish.These two monks, who did not know how to find Mengjia Village, used fish to talk about things, purely to find fault.

"That fish was originally my Xixuan Palace. I raised 99 Hualong fish in captivity on the shore of the Bitter Sea. The meat is delicious! I just waited for the day of my palace lord's birthday banquet to make Hualong soup for guests. I didn't expect to be accidentally caught. He escaped, and was slaughtered by you! Now that the loss is huge, the palace master blames it, is it a trivial matter?" This time it was the skinny Taoist priest who spoke.

"You said yours is yours. What evidence do you have?" A few boys behind Amu shouted.

"Master Dao, I am the proof!" The fat and vicious Taoist said fiercely.

"Huh!" Amu waved his hand to calm the villagers behind him, then looked at the fat Taoist priest and said, "We don't care if it turns into a dragon fish or not, and the birthday banquet of your sect master has nothing to do with us. The fish are caught by us in the sea of ​​bitterness." Yes, it is absolutely impossible to return you. You draw the road, and we will continue!"

Amu's words clearly did not pay attention to these two Taoist priests.

"Hey!" The two Taoist priests laughed angrily, "Idiots in the village, what qualifications do you have to follow our way?"

The fat Taoist said with a playful face, "Draw out the way? Either a hundred spirit stones, or three beautiful girls. Two ways, you choose!"

Lingshi?No one in Mengjia Village had heard of what it was, and they all looked at Amu.

Lingshi?One hundred spirit stones!

If it was the former Amu, he would probably not even want to look at these two monks, so he threw a bronze spirit coin and sent them away like beggars.

Because, killing them all dirty their hands.

(End of this chapter)

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