nine coffins

Chapter 353

Chapter 353 The Purple Clothes of the Ghost Festival
The first rooster crowed, and the little black bird spread its wings.

However, this time, the little black bird did not fly away directly, but circled three times in front of the stone house, but landed on Amu's shoulder again.

Wuniao's small head rubbed against Amu's neck, and then lightly pecked Amu's cheek with his small beak.

In the end, the little black bird turned into a ray of black light, which almost intersected with the rising red sun.

The abnormality of the little black bird gave Amu a very bad premonition.

Everything worked fine last night!It's just that the time feels shorter.The behavior of the little black bird was like a final farewell.Amu's mood was a little depressed, and his head was a little swollen.

July [-]th, at noon.

Suddenly, the sea was windy, with waves and occasional big waves.Clouds piled up in the sky, and it seemed that the sky was about to change. Many people in the village rushed to the beach to collect debris and fishing nets, and reinforce the docked boats.

Amu also ran to the beach to help the big guy reinforce the big ship, so that the storm would not come and take the ship away.

The weather at the seaside is changeable, and it has been sunny for several days. It is normal to have such weather occasionally.

In Mengjia Village, not many people cared.

Everyone was almost busy with their work, but Amu was the only one who stared blankly at the continuously gathering clouds in the eastern sky.

In Amu's eyes, there were streaks of death in the clouds.It was not an ordinary dark cloud, but a ghost cloud.It seems that there are countless souls struggling.

"Amu, the sea breeze is coming! Go back!" The third uncle looked at Amu and yelled.

"Yeah!" Amu looked away, nodded, didn't say much, and then turned back to the village.

My head is still swollen, and my head hurts during the day these days!Amu didn't go there, and went straight back to his stone house.

When the sea breeze is coming, people in Mengjia Village generally hide at home, which is safer.

Amu is not afraid of the sea breeze, but there is nothing to do.In the past two days, my mood has been relatively low, so I have to be alone in the room.

The sea breeze roared, and the sky and the earth changed color.

The day became really fast, and in just a moment, thick black clouds covered the entire void.In the afternoon, it was like night.

Sea of ​​bitterness, Dashan!
The small Mengjia Village is actually so tiny.

Lightning flashes, and rain pours.

This was a huge storm, and it was the first time in the seven years since Amu woke up.

Inside the stone house, Amu lit a lamp.Even if the doors and windows are closed, Amu can feel how violent the storm is outside.

The raging wind seemed to be venting something from the sky.The torrential rain is like countless sad tears.

Although the storm was severe, I didn't expect that with the storm, Amu's mood calmed down a little, and his headache also eased a lot.

It seemed that this storm was his inner catharsis.

It took more than an hour for the storm to pass.The sky is clear and clear, but there is still a strong salty smell of sea water in the air.

The terrain of Mengjia Village is relatively high, but there is no stagnant water.The rainwater flows along the path to the beach.

At this time, the children all ran out and laughed.After the storm, although some things were damaged, and even two small boats were overturned by the strong wind, it gave people a pleasure of release after depression.

Amu also left the room and took a deep breath.After the storm passed, his mood calmed down a little, and his headache didn't hurt so much anymore.

Today is the Ghost Festival. At this time, many people in Mengjia Village began to make arrangements for the requiem lamps to be released at night.

This is a custom in Mengjia Village. On July [-]th, requiem lamps are placed on the sea to comfort and pay homage to those who died.

Most of the requiem lamps in Mengjia Village are white paper boats with oil lamps on them.Put these small boats into the sea, let them go with the waves, and finally sink into the sea to comfort the souls buried at sea.

Amu also prepared some requiem lamps in the first two days, a total of 49 lamps.Amu didn't know why, he had to make this number of requiem lamps, but an inexplicable emotion drove him.

Perhaps, it's just because Qi Qi 49 is a reincarnation number.

At dusk, there are many people on the beach.

Amu personally put those requiem lamps into the sea one by one, and watched them go with the waves, ups and downs.

Seventy-seven and 49 lights reminded Amu of everyone who died in the seven years after he woke up in Mengjia Village.

Three months after Amu woke up, the first person died in Mengjia Village.

The old man of Uncle Meng’s family is a very kind old man who likes to smoke water pipes. Amu always feels that he is like the old man of Liu Zhenliu’s family. They are all 90 years old and died of old age.

The second person who died was a teenager.The boy's face was always pale, and he looked unhealthy.Amu died half a year after he woke up.That young man looks like the nephew of Brother Liu Qi of Liu Town.

The third person who died was a young woman.Those who died of dystocia died in the same way as the proprietress of the grocery store in Liuzhen.

Fourth, fifth, sixth, ...

The 49 requiem lamps disappeared on the sea one after another.Amu recalled everyone who died in Mengjia Village!

Requiem!Amu thought silently in his heart.Whether it is the people in Liuzhen or the people in Mengjia Village, Amu hopes that their souls will be happy and safe.

pregnancy!die!Perhaps it is two different forms of human existence.

When the No.40 eight requiem lamps also disappeared into the sea.Amu finally stopped remembering, because there are no No.40 nine people.

On the seashore, there are still many people, all watching the requiem lamp that they released, thinking about the dead, and crying softly.The nearest ones are Zhuzi's and Meng Erge's. The two families not only put out requiem lamps, but also scattered a lot of paper money.

The peace of the living is a consolation to the dead; and the rest of the dead is not the happiness of the living!
Amu thought about life and death, but at this moment, his head suddenly hurt again.

Immediately, under the moonlit night, in the lights of Requiem, three figures suddenly flew from the void east of the sea of ​​bitterness.

"Cultivator?" Amu was taken aback, and the three came against the wind at an extremely fast speed.

"People from Xixuan Palace?" Amu thought of this immediately, and after two days of stability, people from Xixuan Palace finally came.Except for people from Xixuan Palace, no one else has ever visited Mengjia Village.

In an instant, the three of them reached the sky above Mengjia Village.

People in Mengjia Village were a little silly when they saw such a battle.However, at this time, they already have the concept of monks, knowing that those who come are not good, and those who are good will not come.

These three monks must have come to avenge the two Taoist priests two days ago.

The three figures fell into the void and stood by the sea.

Looking at the appearance of the three of them, everyone in Mengjia Village was shocked, and Amu even raised his eyebrows.

"how is this possible?"

Three monks, two men and one woman.

The two male cultivators were both dressed as Taoist priests, but they were none other than the two Taoist priests who came here two days ago. One was fat and the other was thin.

Isn't that fat Taoist dead?Why are you here again?
Didn't the skinny Taoist have a broken arm?How are you doing well?
The people of Mengjia Village were amazed.Such a thing, they can't explain it at all.

Could it be that they are really the incarnation of sea water, immortal.

Amu was also frowning at this time. Among the spells he knew, he had never heard of any spell with such powerful power that it could bring the dead back to life.

Having said that, if you can cast such a great technique, how can you be a beginner at the ninth level?On that day, how could he be in such a mess?

Amu couldn't explain all of this.However, these are not what Amu focuses on.

At this time, Amu's eyes were fixed on the female cultivator among the three of them.

That female cultivator was tall and slender, and she was dressed in purple, with curly hair.But she wore an extremely blurry mask on her face, so she couldn't see her true face clearly.

I don't know why, when Amu saw the woman in purple, he suddenly felt as if countless steel needles were piercing his mind.

"Hmm!" Amu covered his head and almost fell down. The pain caused cold sweat on Amu's forehead.

The second brother Meng next to him supported him.

"Amu, what's wrong?"

Amu took a deep breath. Fortunately, the pain was fleeting.Amu slowly stood up straight, but the moment just now left Amu with lingering fear.That kind of feeling is very similar to the spiritual attack of a high-level monk.

"Hey! Brat, be afraid! I was careless about your Dao that day, but I am immortal, and today the Daoist is looking for a place! Sensible, kneel down and kowtow to me three times, Please don't die!" It was the fat Taoist who spoke, with the same face as that day.

His appearance, in Amu's eyes, is still a bit vague, and his cultivation is actually only the ninth level of beginners.Amu just didn't understand, how did this fat Taoist priest survive after being killed by his own dagger?
"That's right! Daoists are here today during the Ghost Festival. If it doesn't work, I'll give you a ride." The skinny Taoist also shouted.

"Who are you?" Amu calmed down at this moment, ignored the two Taoist priests, but looked at the purple-clothed ghost-faced girl.Amu seemed to know this woman in purple, but he couldn't remember who she was or where he had seen her.

Just looking at the purple-clothed ghost-faced girl, Amu's mind seemed to burst open.

"Me?" The purple-clothed ghost-faced woman sneered, "I am the messenger of hell, and I will reap your lives!"

(End of this chapter)

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